A. D. Beynon Department of Oral Biology, The Dental School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BW, U.K. E-mail: a.d.beynon@newcastle.ac.uk M. C. Dean* Evolutionary Anatomy Unit, Department of Anatomy & Developmental Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, U.K. E-mail: ucgacrd@ucl.ac.uk M. G. Leakey Department of Palaeontology, Kenya National Museums, P.O. Box 40658, Nairobi, Kenya. E-mail: palaeo@swiftkenya.com D. J. Reid Department of Oral Biology, The Dental School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BW, U.K. E-mail: d.j.reid@newcastle.ac.uk A. Walker Department of Anthropology, 409 Carpenter Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802-3404, U.S.A. E-mail: axw8@psu.edu Received 10 July 1997 Revision received 1 March 1998 Accepted 12 March 1998 Comparative dental development and microstructure of Proconsul teeth from Rusinga Island, Kenya Eighteen histological sections were prepared from eleven teeth attributed to Proconsul heseloni and two molar teeth attributed to Proconsul nyanzae. Measurements of spacings and counts of daily incremental markings in both enamel and dentine were possible in the majority of these tooth sections. Measurements of the spacings and angles to the enamel dentine junction (EDJ) of regular striae of Retzius and of equivalent markings in dentine were also made. In addition to these measurements, counts of perikymata were made on replicas of all other Proconsul teeth housed in the National Museum of Kenya, Nairobi, that preserved good perikymata on any aspect of their tooth surface. The sequence of crown formation in Proconsul and the crown formation times of the enamel and dentine were estimated from these data. In addition, the rates of root extension were estimated using the formula derived for this purpose by Shellis (Archs. oral Biol. 29, 697–705, 1984) and estimates of the total period of root formation subsequently made for premolar and molar teeth based on measurements of root length. A composite chart of dental development for P. heseloni is presented which suggests M3 root completion was between six and seven years of age. In general Proconsul molar teeth have high stria angles to the EDJ, a high ratio of enamel formed with respect to dentine formed at the same time, median values of rates of enamel formation close to the EDJ in excess of 4 ìm per day and the occasional presence of ‘‘S-shaped’’ striae in the lateral enamel. There is no evidence to suggest that Proconsul from Rusinga Island, Kenya, had relatively thin enamel on molar or premolar teeth. When all of these data are considered in a comparative context, Proconsul emerges overall as hominoid-like in its enamel and dentine microstructure and as most similar to Pongo but with some features shared with Pan and Homo. Similar data for other Miocene primates will have considerable bearing on how these data are interpreted. These new data on dental microanatomy and on dental development in Proconsul make a further contribution to our understanding of the total morphological picture of this early Miocene primate. 1998 Academic Press Keywords: Proconsul, Miocene hominoids, enamel thickness, Striae of Retzius, enamel, dentine. Journal of Human Evolution (1998) 35, 163–209 Article No. hu980230 Introduction Proconsul is the best represented Early Miocene fossil primate, and is widely regarded as the earliest known hominoid. *To whom all correspondence should be addressed. 0047–2484/98/070163+47$30.00/0 Evidence from the postcrania, however, points to a complex mosaic of morphological characters, some of which have been interpreted as hominoid-like, and others of which have been interpreted as basal catarrhine characters (Aiello, 1981; 1998 Academic Press 164 . . Beard et al., 1986; Begun et al., 1993; Fleagle, 1983; Harrison, 1987, 1993; Lewis, 1971; Napier & Davis, 1959; Rose, 1997; Ward et al., 1991, 1993). Overall, these postcranial characters suggest Proconsul was an arboreal quadruped with a varied positional repertoire that indulged in relatively slow climbing but which showed few signs of forelimb suspensory behaviour (Walker, 1997). Evidence from the skull and dentition includes characters that link Proconsul with later hominoids. The estimated degree of encephalization of P. heseloni, although based on one specimen (KNM-RU 7290), suggests that Proconsul had a bigger brain than modern cercopithecoids of a comparable body mass (Walker et al., 1983). Other craniodental features such as the presence of a frontal air sinus (Walker & Teaford, 1989), a wide frontal bone at bregma, the development of a maxillary jugum, a low crowned P3 and reduced cusp heteromorphy of the upper premolars are also each considered by some to be hominoid synapomorphies (Andrews, 1985). For a recent review see Walker (1997). Four species of Proconsul are now described (Walker et al., 1993; Teaford et al., 1993; Andrews, 1996). Proconsul africanus and Proconsul major are known from the type sites of Koru and Songhor in western Kenya and P. major also from Meswa Bridge in Kenya and Napak in Uganda. P. heseloni and P. nyanzae are the two species that are represented at Rusinga and Mfangano Islands in Kenya (Walker et al., 1993). Ruff et al. (1989) used crosssectional measurements of the femoral diaphysis and articular dimensions to estimate the body weight of Proconsul specimens from Rusinga and Mfangano. Rafferty et al. (1995) subsequently made estimates from ankle joint surface areas. Both estimates are around 9–12 kg for the smaller P. heseloni specimens (about the same as a siamang, or twice that of smaller Hylobates species). Body weight estimates for P. nyanzae are ET AL. closer to those of female chimpanzees of the smallest subspecies averaging 35·6 kg (Rafferty et al., 1995). Reviewing the paleoecology and the hominoid paleoenvironments, Andrews (1996) presented evidence that Songhor and Koru (dated at 19–20 Ma) have fossil faunas which suggest environments closest to tropical African, non-seasonal, wet, evergreen forest faunas today, whereas the slightly younger (17·5–17·9 Ma) Rusinga and Mfangano Island sites were most similar to dry seasonal forests and also had more open conditions. This evidence may turn out to be important in considering information about whether the diets of these different species of Proconsul were similar and in interpreting the effects of seasonality on developing tooth tissues among different species of Proconsul (Macho et al., 1996). The paleosols also provide useful environmental information. Retallack et al. (1995) have associated Proconsul from Rusinga Island with soils interpreted as having supported riparian woodland early in the ecological succession of streamsides. These workers found no evidence of soils that would indicate extensive dry grasslands or wet rain forest. Substantial paleobotanical remains are found on Rusinga and Mfangano. The type of P. heseloni was deposited by a predator in a large hollow tree (Walker & Teaford, 1988). Fossilized fruits have been found in the same paleosol as the partial skeletons, some teeth of which form the biggest sample for this study, at the Kaswanga Primate Site (Walker et al., 1985) and again these paleobotanical finds point to potential differences in seasonality and diet in Proconsul from Rusinga Island. On the basis of histological sections of nine molar teeth attributed to P. africanus, P. major and P. nyanzae, Gantt (1983, 1986), has previously reported that linear measurements of enamel indicate thick enamel, relative to body size estimates. Gantt estimated enamel thickness in these species of Proconsul as equivalent to that in Sivapithecus. However, Andrews & Martin (1991) defined enamel thickness in a different way, using the dentine cap area to correct for body size, and found specimens of both P. africanus and P. major from Songhor and Koru to have thin enamel. These results are consistent with a predominantly frugivorous diet with limited degrees of folivory, similar to extant forest-living, arboreal cercopithecine monkeys. Nothing further has been published about enamel thickness or about enamel and dentine microstructure in P. heseloni or P. nyanzae which might contribute to our understanding of the variation in enamel thickness between these species or indeed on the underlying processes of enamel growth in these early Miocene hominoids. Kelley (1992, 1993, 1997) has proposed that one way of distinguishing between Old World monkeys and apes would be to define their life history profiles more precisely and that it would be important to learn more about life history profiles in early Miocene hominoids. Smith (1989, 1991, 1994) and Smith et al. (1995) have demonstrated that many life history traits correlate with age of first permanent molar emergence or brain weight, for example. Kelley (1997) has drawn on the apparently tight relationship between brain weight and M1 emergence (but see Smith et al., 1995) and used cranial capacity estimates available for P. heseloni to suggest that an approximate age of emergence for M1 in this taxon would have been 20·6 months. Kelley has cautiously argued that this result may point to a more prolonged set of life history traits in P. heseloni than would be expected for an early Miocene catarrhine of the same body size. A key aim of the present study is to reconstruct the sequence and timing of dental development in P. heseloni using a variety of techniques. It is clear that there is much to learn about growth and devel- 165 PROCONSUL opment and about life history in Proconsul. Thus, the present study attempts to establish a preliminary chronological schedule for dental development in Proconsul heseloni. There are now several juvenile partial skeletons associated with developing tooth germs from Rusinga Island. Some idea about a schedule of dental development in this one species of Proconsul would make it easier to associate these germs securely as different individuals. A time scale for dental development would also provide a better comparative framework to describe juvenile postcranial material. A second aim of this study is to report further on enamel thickness in P. heseloni and P. nyanzae and on the processes through which enamel grows thicker or thinner. Thirdly, we aim to describe microanatomical features in the enamel and dentine of Proconsul that can be compared to other species of both extant and Miocene monkeys and hominoids. Describing growth processes that underlie morphological characters in both enamel and dentine between different species of primate is a sound way to establish developmental homologies which are useful for phylogenetic analyses. Materials This study combines information from ground sections of Proconsul teeth with data from perikymata counts made from surface replicas of other teeth. Four developing mandibular permanent tooth germs (I1, I2, M1 and M2) and two deciduous mandibular teeth (dm1 and dm2), attributed to P. heseloni (Figure 1) were prepared for histological examination (Individual IV from the Kaswanga primate site on Rusinga Island). These teeth had well-preserved, unworn incisal or occlusal enamel, although in some of the germs the lateral enamel was incomplete or abraded post-mortem at the developing cervix. It should be noted that at least ten partial Proconsul skeletons were 166 . . ET AL. Figure 1. P. heseloni teeth belonging to the juvenile specimen prior to sectioning. (All to the same scale with a mm scale bar at the foot of the plate.) Top row left to right: dm1 buccal view, dm2 lingual view, M1 occlusal view. Middle row left to right: dm1 occlusal view, dm2 occlusal view, M1, fractured base of crown. Bottom row left to right: I2 germ, I1 germ, M2 germ occlusal view. comingled at the Kaswanga Primate Site. In nearly all cases, the maxillary and mandibular bone had been broken up so that isolated teeth were collected from the deflation surface. Teeth were matched to individuals by size, degree of wear and interstitial facets, but this is a difficult undertaking and there may have been mistaken allocations. Five mandibular permanent teeth attributed to a single adult specimen of P. heseloni PROCONSUL 167 Figure 2. P. heseloni teeth belonging to the adult specimen prior to sectioning. (All to the same scale with a mm scale bar at the foot of the plate.) Top row left to right: canine, M1 occlusal view, M1 mesiobuccal view. Middle row: base and incomplete lingual aspect of canine. Bottom row: occlusal views of P3, M2 and M3. (Individual III from the Kaswanga Primate Site on Rusinga Island) were also prepared for histological examination (Figure 2). These were a canine, P4, M1, M2 and M3 from the lower right mandibular quadrant. Although worn occlusally, each of these teeth preserves the lateral enamel on one or more aspects of the crown. In addition, two complete adult tooth crowns without roots preserved (KNM-RU 1721 and KNM-RU 1695, both surface finds) attributed to P. nyanzae were also prepared for histological examination (Figure 3). These are an M1 and a right M2 respectively. All of these teeth are housed in The Kenya National Museum, Nairobi. In addition all teeth attributed to Proconsul and housed in The Kenya National Museum, Nairobi were examined and many included as part of this study. Other ground sections of primate teeth including Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus, Hylobates moloch, Hylobates (Symphalangus) syndactylus, Theropithecus 168 . . ET AL. Figure 3. P. nyanzae M1 (RU 1721) and M2 (RU 1695) crowns prior to sectioning. (All to the same scale with a mm scale bar at the foot of the plate.) The three views on the left hand side are of RU 1695 and the three views on the right hand side are of RU 1721. gelada, and Cebus apella were also used for reference in this study. These sections form part of a large reference collection housed in the Department of Oral Biology, The Dental School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Many are from zoo animals (the great apes) but others are of unknown provenance. Methods Perikymata All teeth housed in the National Museum of Kenya, Nairobi, that are attributed to Proconsul were first examined using a Wild M8 binocular microscope. Those that preserve surface incremental markings (perikymata) over some or all of their buccal or lingual enamel were cleaned with alcohol and cotton wool and impressions taken of the buccal and or lingual surfaces using the Coltene President putty Light Body wash system (Beynon, 1987). The moulds were then cast in Spurr Resin following the methods described by Beynon (1987). The resin replicas were sputter coated with gold to maximize surface reflectance. Counts of perikymata were then made with the replica illuminated in polarized incident light using a Wild M8 binocular microscope at appropriate magnifications for each tooth. These magnifications ranged between 20 and 80 times. All counts were made with the tooth surface mounted perpendicular to the optical axis of the microscope and with the tooth continually tilted on a microscope stage to maintain this relationship. Counts were recorded as numbers of perikymata present per millimetre of the total tooth height along the buccal or lingual surfaces. Approximately 45 counts of perikymata on various aspects of 25 teeth were made. The counts were tabulated from the most occlusal or incisive part of the tooth to the cervix. Rarely was it possible to make complete counts of perikymata on a tooth. Where areas of tooth were abraded or worn, estimates of the numbers of missing perikymata within any one millimetre of the tooth surface under study were made (i) on the basis of true counts made adjacent to these regions, or alternatively (ii) on the basis of actual counts made in contralateral teeth from the same specimen. In practice, the trends in packing patterns were obvious and facilitated reconstruction of sequential counts estimated as above. In this way a general profile of perikymata counts and of their packing patterns was recorded for most tooth types of Proconsul. Any portion of any count that was estimated appears in brackets in Appendix 1. PROCONSUL 169 Histological methods Each of the teeth to be sectioned was first cleaned under a dissecting microscope using dental instruments, alcohol, and cotton wool. The teeth were then photographed (Figures 1, 2, 3) and replicated using the Coltene President putty and Coltene Light Body wash silicone addition curing impression system (Beynon, 1987). Teeth were then dehydrated in alcohol and acetone and included in Clear Cast Resin. In the case of the dm1, dm2, I1, I2, M1 and M2 of the juvenile specimen, just one section was cut buccolingually through the tooth using an annular diamond saw. Each of these sections was made either centrally through the incisal edge of incisors or, in the case of the other teeth, mesially through the tallest buccal cusp and lingual cusp. In the case of the permanent molar teeth of the adult specimens, one section was cut buccolingually through the mesial cusps and another through the distal cusps with the aim of preserving the points of both dentine horns in each section. All sections were then lapped plane parallel with a PM2 Logitech lapping jig to a thickness of approximately 100 ìm (range 99 to 155 ìm for all the sections cut) such that the point of the dentine horn was preserved within the section as truly axial as possible to the plane of section through the cusps. Figure 4 illustrates in outline one section from each of the teeth used in this study. The remaining cut block faces of each tooth were then removed from the Clear Cast resin and replaced in the Coltene moulds in their correct positions. Composite resin light-curing restorative filling materials, previously colour matched to each tooth, were then placed into the moulds between the cut block faces to restore the teeth to their original dimensions and appearance. Light curing was done sequentially in layers of appropriate colour in the manner prescribed to restore their original appearance. In this way, a total of 18 ground sections were 170 . . ET AL. Figure 4. Crown outlines, drawn from ground sections, of the teeth used in the histological part of this study. One section only from each tooth is represented even though several posterior teeth were sectioned more than once (see text). From top left to right through rows 1 and 2: dm1, dm2, I1, I2, M1, M2 (juvenile P. heseloni) and M1. Row 3: canine P4, M3 (adult Proconsul heseloni). Bottom row: M1 and M2 (P. nyanzae). Four tooth sections were reconstructed over the cusps in order to estimate enamel cap area and EDJ length used for the calculations of relative enamel thickness. (None of the linear enamel thickness measurements that appear in Table 1 were made on reconstructed outlines.) Representations of the high power reconstructions are shown with dashed lines as appropriate. prepared from 13 teeth. Ground sections were first examined in polarized transmitted light, then in reflectance mode with a Leica laser confocal microscope at key locations. Measurements in this study were made both from high power photomontages of the tooth sections and also directly using a Zeiss Filar micrometer eyepiece. Enamel thickness For several unworn anterior and posterior teeth, of both P. heseloni and P. nyanzae, it was possible to make linear measurements of enamel thickness. For some other teeth, as in previous studies on enamel thickness, minor reconstructions on tracings of crown outlines were possible, either at the cervix or at the cusp tips to correct for damage or wear. It was then possible to make additional estimates of the area of the enamel cap, the dentine cap and the length of the EDJ in four slightly worn or damaged teeth. Measurements of enamel thickness were made in several ways that reflect previous studies on enamel thickness and which therefore allow comparison with the results of these studies. Linear measurements of enamel thickness were made on teeth where there was no occlusal wear, in the way detailed by Beynon & Wood (1986) and in Figure 1 of Macho & Berner (1994), but were made here on both mandibular and one maxillary tooth. Measurements 1 and 8 were omitted as they are not directly comparable in upper and lower teeth. Andrews & Martin (1991) present data for enamel thickness in P. africanus and P. major. Two measurements of enamel thickness as defined by Martin (1983) were therefore included to facilitate comparisons that are derived from measurements of the enamel and dentine cap area and from the length of the enamel dentine junction. These were: average enamel thickness (the area of the enamel cap ‘‘c’’ divided by the length of the enamel–dentine junction ‘‘e’’ as measured from longitudinal sections of teeth) and PROCONSUL 171 relative enamel thickness (the average enamel thickness value, c/e, corrected as a dimensionless index relative to ‘‘b’’, the area of the dentine cap). Enamel cross striations and striae of Retzius Evidence supporting the fact that enamel cross striations represent circadian increments of growth has been reviewed previously (Bromage, 1991; Dean, 1987, 1989, 1995a). Counts of cross striations can be used to estimate the time of cuspal enamel formation. Measurements of the distance (spacing) between cross striations provide an estimate of the daily rate of enamel secretion. It is also well established that counts of regular striae of Retzius in enamel or of surface perikymata can be used to calculate the time of lateral enamel formation when the number of cross striations, or days, between them is known (Bromage & Dean, 1985; Dean, 1987; Beynon & Dean 1998). In many places in the sections of the permanent teeth of P. heseloni and P. nyanzae it was possible to see enamel cross striations and regular striae of Retzius. However, these were less clear in the ground sections of the deciduous teeth. In the cuspal enamel of the P. nyanzae M2, enamel cross striations were exceptionally well preserved and could be tracked continuously from the dentine horn to the outer surface of the enamel along paths of groups of prism. This tooth was therefore chosen to make a more careful comparative study of cross striations in cuspal enamel in Proconsul and other primates. Figures 5(a) and 5(b) are confocal reflected light images of cross striations at the EDJ and at the surface of the cuspal enamel in the M2 of P. nyanzae. Cuspal cross striations Measurements of cross striations were made in zones, or bands, of enamel spaced approximately 30 days apart (e.g., at roughly monthly intervals) through the cuspal enamel of the mesiobuccal cusp of second molars of P. nyanzae, H. sapiens, Pan troglodytes, G. gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus, H. moloch and T. gelada. Data for a modern human dm2 are also included. These data are presented as graphs for each taxon. Each box plot in each graph is equivalent to a monthly zone and represents between 50 and 100 measurements of the distance between cross striations within that zone, depending on how many could be reliably measured. The median values of the measurements of cross striations for each monthly zone in KNM-RU 1695 were used to calculate median values for inner, middle and cuspal enamel. The enamel prism track used in the mesiobuccal cuspal enamel was divided into three equal linear portions between the dentine horn and the cusp tip. Zones one to four were contained in the inner portion, zones five to eight in the middle and zones nine to 11 in the outer portion. Other measurements of cuspal cross striations in the Proconsul sample were compared with these and found to match well. Therefore, an overall average cuspal enamel secretion rate was calculated in order to estimate the time taken to form known thicknesses of enamel in other unworn Proconsul teeth. The times for cuspal enamel estimated in this way for several teeth were subsequently used in one of the methods for calculating crown formation times in unworn teeth (see below). Form and periodicity of striae of Retzius Measurements of the spacings between adjacent striae in inner, middle and outer enamel and of the angle of the striae of Retzius to the enamel dentine junction were made in as many of the Proconsul ground sections as possible. These data were collected in the same way as in previous studies of great ape enamel (Beynon & Reid, PROCONSUL 173 1995). Total counts of the striae of Retzius were made in as many of the Proconsul ground sections as possible. Counts were made between the estimated position of the first striae that appeared at the surface of the enamel (as a perikyma) to the last stria formed at the enamel cervix. This portion of the enamel is referred to as the lateral enamel in this study (but is equivalent to that defined as the imbricational enamel of some previous studies). The number of days between adjacent striae of Retzius was determined in one of two ways. Direct counts of cross striations between Retzius lines were possible in some sections on photomontages. In other places two authors independently measured the average distance between cross striations and striae of Retzius in the same field of view. The average number of days between striae was estimated in this way. The total number of striae in the lateral enamel of a tooth multiplied by the number of days between two adjacent striae is equivalent to the total lateral enamel formation time. Incremental markings in dentine While cross striations in enamel are better described in primates than daily (von Ebner’s) lines are in dentine, the experimental evidence for these lines being daily in primates and in other animals is probably better than that for enamel cross striations (see Dean et al., 1993a; Dean, 1995a; Ohtsuka & Shinoda, 1995; and Erickson, 1996 for reviews). Long-period incremental markings (Andresen lines) that match the periodicity of striae of Retzius in enamel, also exist in dentine (Dean, 1995a). Both long-period and daily lines are preserved in many of the sections of Proconsul and the spacings of both were measured. Measurements of the spacing between these lines Figure 5. (a) Confocal reflected (backscattered) light image of enamel cross striations at the EDJ in P. nyanzae. (b) Confocal reflected (backscattered) light image of enamel cross striations at the outer enamel surface in P. nyanzae. (Fieldwidth 220 ìm in both micrographs.) 174 . . were made in the cuspal regions of teeth and close to the enamel–dentine junction. The following eight criteria were carefully considered when identifying daily lines in extant primate material and in Proconsul dentine: (i) markings in dentine should show a calcospheritic pattern (Boyde & Jones, 1983) close to the granular layer of Tomes in the root and gradually become more laminar in their contour, (ii) they should appear as a continuous series of evenly spaced lines, (iii) they should follow the contours of the growing tooth crown and root, (iv) they should be maximally spaced in the axial plane of the tallest cusp, (v) the spacing between daily lines in dentine close to the enamel–dentine junction should match that predicted from the geometry of the enamel forming at the same time, (vi) the number of short-period daily increments in enamel and dentine growing at the same time (between accentuated markings that occur in both enamel and dentine) should be equal in number, (vii) when visible, the number of daily lines between long-period markings in dentine should be the same as that for cross striations counted between adjacent striae of Retzius in the same individual (Dean, 1995a), (viii) the spacing of dentine increments in a given part of the tooth crown or root should be equal to or close to values for the rate of dentine formation determined in experimental studies of humans and nonhuman primates. Figure 6 illustrates daily lines in Proconsul dentine. The mean value for the spacings of incremental lines in dentine was used to calculate the average daily rate of dentine formation in the Proconsul teeth as follows. A line equivalent to the last formed stria of Retzius, and therefore formed at the same time as enamel completion, was traced into the dentine from the enamel cervix up to the axial plane of the tallest cusp with the longest enamel formation time on each ground section. The distance between the dentine horn and the point at which this line crossed the ET AL. axial plane of the cusp was measured. The total length of the line (in microns) measured along the path of dentine tubules was divided by the mean value of the incremental lines (in microns). This method of calculating crown formation using dentine is described in more detail in Dean (1998). The spacing between daily lines in dentine were also measured close to the enamel– dentine junction and used to calculate the ratio of dentine to enamel formation in Proconsul. In addition, daily lines in the dentine of H. moloch, H. (Symphalangus) syndactylus, were measured for comparison with the results obtained for Proconsul. Estimates of crown formation times Estimating the total time to form enamel from histological sections is complicated. Different molar and premolar cusps differ in cuspal enamel thickness and striae counts on the lingual and buccal aspects of molar tooth sections also often differ. There is some relationship between the two variables since thicker cuspal enamel is associated with fewer striae in lateral enamel and conversely, thinner cuspal enamel with a greater number in the same tooth when enamel formation begins and ends in both cusps together (Ramirez Rozzi, 1993, 1995). If cusps were to begin to mineralize together, and if the buccal and lingual cervix were coincident, such that enamel formation ends at the same time on all aspects of the tooth, the sum of cuspal enamel formation times and lateral enamel formation times would be equal on both lingual and buccal aspects of the same tooth. However, if as there is, disparity between the initial times of cusp mineralization and/or a cervical enamel margin that continues to form for longer on the buccal or lingual aspect, then estimates of total enamel formation times will differ when made on different aspects of the same tooth. In incisors, canines and premolars, estimating the total crown formation period PROCONSUL 175 Figure 6. Daily lines in dentine in (a) the midline axial plane of the cusp of a juvenile M1 of P. heseloni and (b) daily lines in the cervical dentine of the adult permanent M1. (Transmitted light. Original magnification 500. Fieldwidth 120 ìm in both micrographs.) using cuspal enamel formation times and the total buccal stria or perikymata counts was straightforward in both species of Proconsul. One method of estimating total enamel formation times in molars of P. heseloni in unworn tooth sections was by summing the estimate for mesiobuccal cusp formation time with that for lateral enamel formation time estimated from the same mesiobuccal aspect. In order to be objective and consistent on all occasions the mesiobuccal cusp of P. heseloni molars, which contains the first formed enamel, was used and the number of additional striae in the lateral enamel of that same cusp to the end of enamel formation was counted. A second method of estimating crown formation times was by using incremental markings in dentine when possible as described above. A third method of estimating crown formation times in P. heseloni was to combine the histological estimates for the cuspal enamel formation times 176 . . (mesiobuccal cuspal times in molars) with average perikymata counts made on the buccal (incisors, canines and premolars) or mesiobuccal (molars) cusps. In this way estimates for canines and P3s, for example, could be included, and a more realistic estimate of the average lateral enamel formation time for several teeth of each tooth type used in the composite reconstruction. In the two more complete sections of P. nyanzae it was possible to estimate enamel formation times in more than one cusp. It was also possible to use daily lines in dentine to estimate crown formation times for each tooth. These data are presented in full together with those for P. heseloni. Root extension rates Three things must be measured in order to estimate the rate at which the crowns and roots of teeth grow in length. (i) The daily rate at which cells produce matrix. (ii) The direction of cell movement and (iii) the number of mature secretory cells active at any one time (their rate of differentiation). Shellis (1984) has expressed the ‘‘extension rate’’ of teeth at the enamel–dentine junction in the crown or at the cement–dentine junction (CEJ) in the root mathematically. In the equation c=d{sin I/tan D)cos I}, ‘‘c’’ is the extension rate, ‘‘d’’ the daily rate of dentine secretion, Angle ‘‘I’’ is the angle the dentine tubules make with the root surface and Angle ‘‘D’’ is the angle between an incremental or accentuated line and the root surface. These variables are illustrated with respect to the root dentine of the P. heseloni P4 in Figure 7. The equation defines how each of these variables can be used to estimate the rate of tooth root extension. In order to calculate the rate of extension of tooth roots in Proconsul, three things need to be measured from photomontages made using high power reflected or transmitted light images of tooth roots. These are: (i) The amount of tissue secreted in a day which is equivalent to the spacing between ET AL. daily lines in dentine, (ii) the direction of travel of the odontoblast relative to the EDJ or CEJ (which can be inferred from the alignment of a dentine tubule) and (iii) the angle that the active cell sheet subtends to the EDJ (which is a reflection of the number of active secretory cells). It was possible to measure each of these variables in the dm2 of the juvenile specimen and in the M1, M2 and P4 of the adult Proconsul specimen. Estimates of the rate at which roots extended (the extension rate) were therefore possible in these teeth, in more than one position in some teeth. Sequence of dental development In order to reconstruct a chronology of dental development in P. heseloni, the positions of homologous accentuated lines in each individual (that represent a single event) were identified in ground sections of both the adult and juvenile specimens. This allowed the parts of teeth forming at the same time in each individual to be crossmatched. To provide additional evidence for a sequence of dental development in P. heseloni, linear hypoplastic markings, visible on the resin replicas of all of the permanent upper and lower teeth of the exquisitelypreserved specimen KNM-RU 7290 were studied across all teeth. On the basis of the combined evidence from accentuated lines in the ground sections and from the distribution of linear hypoplasia in KNM-RU 7290, a sequence of tooth development was proposed. Details of the histological procedure for doing this in the ground sections are detailed here. Examination of the dm2, M1, I1 and I2 germs of the juvenile specimen revealed neonatal lines in the dm2 and M1 that allowed their dental development to be registered to birth. An additional accentuated marking, with a constant number of cross striations between it and the neonatal line in the M1, I1 and I2 also allowed these teeth to be securely registered with each other. Since PROCONSUL 177 Figure 7. Incremental markings in the cervical dentine of the P. heseloni P4 (polarized light). Over these, the tubule direction (Angle I) is indicated, the angulation of the incremental lines to the EDJ (Angle D) and the distance c–c’ over which the extension rate is calculated using the formula ‘‘c=d[(sin I/tan D)–cos I]’’ (Shellis, 1984) described in the text. the last dentine formation occurred at death, estimates of the length of time for dentine to form in these tooth germs subsequent to the occurrence of the accentuated line made it possible to check that all germs were compatible as belonging to one individual. Within the enamel of the M1, P4 and M2 of the adult specimen there were also several irregular accentuated markings. The time between each of these accentuated markings was estimated in these teeth using cross striations and striae of Retzius such that a matching chronological sequence of lines could be identified across the developing dentition. In this way a precise sequence of tooth mineralization was established for these tooth types. Estimates of the average cuspal enamel formation times, the lateral enamel formation times for each tooth type and where possible, estimates of the times of root . . 178 growth (derived from the formula to estimate extension rates as defined by Shellis, 1984) were then used to construct a composite chart of dental development in P. heseloni. This summary of dental development is derived from different teeth belonging to different individuals and does not therefore, represent a single individual. Results and analysis Enamel thickness Sections of the incisor tooth germs attributed to P. heseloni (Individual IV) preserve all of the cuspal enamel. Unlike exant Old World monkey teeth where the lingual enamel is either very thin (17–21% of the buccal enamel thickness) or completely absent (Shellis & Hiiemae, 1986), the lingual enamel in Proconsul is thicker (63% in I1 and 52% in I2 of the buccal enamel thickness, see Figure 4) and resembles that of New World monkeys and hominoids in its thickness relative to the buccal enamel. Gillings & Buonocore (1961) and Shillingburg & Grace (1973) have presented data for enamel thickness in human anterior teeth, and report that like great apes, the lingual incisor enamel is about two thirds that of the buccal enamel thickness. In this respect Proconsul resembles the majority of extant New World monkeys and nonhuman hominoids more closely than extant Old World monkeys. Table 1 contains the data on enamel thickness collected for eight teeth attributed to Proconsul in this study. Compared to data available for great apes and for P. africanus and P. major (Andrews & Martin, 1991) the two species from Rusinga Island reported here have thicker enamel. Only the deciduous second molar falls into the thin category as defined by the index of relative enamel thickness. All of the permanent molars of P. heseloni fall into the intermediate thick or thick categories as defined by Martin (1985) and Andrews & Martin (1991). Judged in ET AL. this way, the molar teeth of P. nyanzae described here are certainly thicker and one of them, the first permanent molar, even approaches the ‘‘thick-hyperthick’’ category as defined by Grine & Martin (1988). Cuspal cross striations The data derived from the section of M2 (KNM-RU 1695) are presented in Figure 9. The mean cross striation repeat intervals for each equal third of enamel thickness was calculated as 4·4 ìm, 4·8 ìm and 5·4 ìm respectively and an overall average value (4·9 ìm) of these three means used as the cuspal mean. Cuspal enamel thickness was measured as 1600 ìm in this cusp, along the prism direction, which when divided by 4·9 ìm equals 326 days of enamel formation. This is close to the same time as estimated for this tooth cusp by counting cross striations directly on the photomontage (two tracks from two different montages in the same cusp were counted as 310 and 325 days). Measurements of occlusal enamel thickness along the prisms in the cusps were then made in as many of the sections of unworn Proconsul teeth as possible. These measurements and the cuspal enamel formation times calculated from them appear in Table 2. (Note that these non-linear measurements along prism paths are slightly different from the direct linear measurements of cuspal enamel thickness that appear in Table 1 as defined by Macho & Berner, 1993.) Measurements of the cross striations are presented in Figures 8, 9 and 10. The mechanisms by which cuspal enamel grows thick or thin appears to vary among the primates surveyed here (albeit so far for one tooth type only). Figure 8 shows that in H. moloch, Gorilla, Theropithecus and the human dm2 there is a gradient from slower inner rates to faster rates nearer the enamel surface. The box plot for enamel at the surface in H. moloch stands out as being the only individual where enamel formation in 14·4 17·0 21·2 0·62 0·81 0·99 1·44 1·19 1·25 RM1 RM1 RM2 RM2 27·6 22·4 22·3 13·4 0·65 LR P4 LR M1 LR M1 LR M2 LR M2 LR M3 LR M3 10·5 16·4 19·1–24·4 0·36 0·68 0·98 LR dm2 LR M1 LR M2 Tooth type Average enamel thickness (c/e) 1·58 1·76 1·57 1·5 1·34 1·11 Linear enamel thickness measurement No. 3 (mm) 1·65 1·61 1·17 0·89 0·82 0·88 1·18 Linear enamel Relative thickness enamel measurement thickness No. 2 {(c/e)/sb}100 (mm) 1·56 1·52 1·76 0·88 0·87 1·3 Linear enamel thickness measurement No. 4 (mm) 1·44 1·74 0·93 0·88 0·84 0·9 1·3 Linear enamel thickness measurement No. 5 (mm) 1·17 1·61 0·64 1·04 Linear enamel thickness measurement No. 6 (mm) 1·32 1·60 0·87 0·64 0·94 Linear enamel thickness measurement No. 7 (mm) The index number of each ground section appears in column 1 split by taxon and by juvenile and adult specimens. Enamel thickness data are presented for posterior teeth of P. heseloni and P. nyanzae. Average enamel thickness and relative enamel thickness measurements are as defined by Martin (1983) and described in the text. Linear enamel thickness measurements 2 and 7 are as defined by Macho & Berner (1993) but were made on both upper and lower teeth here. (Measurements 1 and 8 were not made since the presence of cingula complicates these lateral linear measurements of enamel thickness when data for upper and lower teeth are compared.) Juvenile P. heseloni HT3/91E HT3/91F m HT3/92G m Adult P. heseloni HT2/91B HT2/91C m HT2/91C d HT2/91D m HT2/91D d HT2/91E m HT2/91E d Adult P. nyanzae RU 1721 m RU 1721 d RU 1695 m RU 1695 d Index number of each section (m=mesial; d=distal) Table 1 PROCONSUL 179 286 286 1400 1400 1570 1600 1600 1717 URM1 URM1 LRM2 LRM2 320 327 327 350 153 153 163 163 (184) 159 184 780 900 750 750 800 800 (900) 82 122 400 600 Cuspal formation time (=occl. enam. thick/4·9 ìm) (days) LR C LR P4 LR M1 LR M1 LR M2 LR M2 LR M3 LR M3 LR I1 LR I2 LR dm1 LR dm2 LR M1 LR M2 Tooth type Occlusal enamel thickness along prisms (microns) 63 80 87 66+ 70+ 77 65+ 82 24+ Total striae counts (Lingual) 69 56 72 96 61+ 142+ 109 54+ 51+ 66+ 22+ 40+ 35+ Total striae counts (Buccal) 414 336 432 378–576 710 400–545 435–270 255–330 330–350 385 305–325 410 120 200 175 Range of lateral enamel form. time estimates (days) 734 663 759 728–926 591–611 696 863 553–698 433–598 418–493 514–534 304 282 297 Range of total crown formation estimates (days) 2·0 (mb) 1·8 (db) 2·1 (mb) 2·0 (dl)–2·5 (db) 1·6 (mb) 1·2 (mb) 1·4 (mb) 2·4+ (b) 1·9 (b) 0·8+ (mb) 0·77+ (b) 0·81+ (b) Crown formation time (cusp+lat.). The lateral aspect or cusp used is shown in parentheses (years) . . The index number of each ground section of each Proconsul tooth appears in column 1. Sections through the mesial or distal cusps of molars are indicated (m or d). Cuspal formation times were calculated by dividing occlusal enamel thickness by the mean cuspal daily rate, 4·9 ìm. Stria counts made on buccal (b) and lingual (l) aspects of mesial and distal sections are shown and a range indicated when possible. Ranges of total crown formation times are indicated in column 8 but in the last column (9) molar crown formation times in P. heseloni are calculated using the mesiobuccal cusp only (mesiobuccal cuspal enamel formation+mesiobuccal lateral enamel formation) since this cusp forms first in molar teeth. In one worn M2 section (HT2/91D dist.) no cuspal enamel formation time could be estimated and values for M2 were used for the unworn M2 section HT3/91G and are bracketed in columns 3 and 4. Molar crown formation times in P. nyanzae are calculated using all measures of cuspal enamel thickness possible in all cusps as well as all corresponding stria counts on all aspects of the sections available. Juvenile P. heseloni HT3/91A HT3/91B HT3/91D HT3/91E m HT3/91F m HT3/91G m Adult P. heseloni HT2/91A HT2/91B HT2/91C m HT2/91C d HT2/91D m HT2/91D d HT2/91E m HT2/91E d Adult P. nyanzae RU 1721 m RU 1721 d RU 1695 m RU 1695 d Index No. of tooth section m=mesial; d=distal Table 2 180 ET AL. PROCONSUL 181 Figure 8. Plots of measurement of cuspal enamel cross striation spacings (ìm) in Hylobates moloch, Gorilla, Theropithecus and a human dm2. The x axis is in monthly zones from the EDJ to the outer cuspal enamel. In all cases measurements were of the cuspal enamel of M2 (or human dm2). Each box plot represents between 50 and 100 measurements of cross striations. The median value is the horizontal line through the box, the 25%ile and 75%ile respectively are represented by the upper and lower boundaries of the box and the whiskers extend to the 10%ile and 90%ile. Outliers are plotted as open symbols. Cross striation repeat intervals in each of these four plots rise from values around 3 or 4 ìm per day to higher values of between 5 or 6 ìm per day. Only in Hylobates moloch is there a slowing of the outer enamel layer. 182 . . Figure 9. ET AL. PROCONSUL 183 Figure 9. Plots of enamel cross striation spacings in (a) Proconsul nyanzae, (b) Pan troglodytes and (c) Homo sapiens. Early values remain near constant for several months in all of these plots. Those for Proconsul are however, all at a higher rate than those in Homo and Pan. All axes are as in Figure 8. the last surface zone slows down with respect to the rest of the outer enamel. Figure 9 shows that rates of enamel formation in Pan, Homo and Proconsul remain at close to the same value for some months into cuspal enamel formation. This pattern of formation appears to be different from that described in the thinner fast forming cusps (Figure 8). The swift rise towards the surface in the last few months of cuspal enamel formation in Proconsul also appears more similar to the pattern for modern human or chimpanzee M2 cuspal enamel. Figure 10 shows box plots for rates of enamel formation in two molar tooth cusps of Pongo (one mesiobuccal cusp of an M2 and one mesiobuccal cusp of an M3 from a different individual). Rates of enamel formation are similar in both tooth cusps but different again to the previous patterns of cuspal enamel formation described in Figures 8 and 9. In Pongo, rates of enamel formation rise quite quickly but then level off to values that are below those for other primates shown in Figures 8 and 9. In this respect Pongo and Proconsul are different. The total number of approximate monthly zones for each plot in Figures 8, 9 and 10 gives a good idea of how long the cuspal enamel takes to form in these teeth. Prisms weave around within the section and can be followed easily in two dimensions in the plane of the section. However, they also more than likely weave in and out of the plane of section to some degree in some places. The degree to which they do this is unknown, but it is likely that true cuspal enamel formation times are close to the values calculated here, as four different methods of calculation give results to within 184 . . ET AL. 5–10% of the mean values for four methods used (Dean, 1998). Thus in humans, M2 cuspal enamel in the second permanent molar takes about 16 months to form (Figure 9). By way of contrast, human M3 cuspal enamel can take in excess of two years to form. In H. moloch (Figure 8) cuspal enamel formation takes about five months and in P. nyanzae about 11 months to form. With respect to the absolute time it takes to form cuspal enamel in these M2s, the time it took for P. nyanzae (Figure 9) falls among the values for living great apes and happens to be the most similar to the Pan M2 used in this study. Both species of Proconsul appear to be unique among those primate species represented here in that median values for the spacing between inner enamel cross striations are in excess of 4 ìm at the enamel–dentine junction (EDJ) and approach 7 ìm at the enamel surface. The median values for all the other primates studied (see Figures 8, 9 and 10) are less than this in equivalent zones within the M2 cusps. While the best yet, this data on cross striation spacings is still limited and while there is additional data for extant hominoids (Beynon et al., 1991) we do not yet know in detail what patterns of enamel formation rates occur other cusps and in other tooth types. The pattern of a high daily rate of enamel formation at the EDJ and of an increase in cross striation spacing in the outer monthly zones is present in the cuspal regions of all other tooth sections of P. nyanzae and P. heseloni. A mean cuspal range of 4–6 ìm per day was typical for Proconsul in this study. Daily rates of enamel formation close to the EDJ are similar along the whole length of the EDJ in the crowns of all primates studied PROCONSUL 185 so far (in this respect work in preparation extends data presented in Beynon et al., 1991). In lateral enamel and in enamel close to the cervix in Proconsul, mean values for measurements of cross striations at or close to the EDJ fit with this finding and are about 4 ìm in all of the tooth sections where it was possible to make measurements. Values towards the enamel surface in lateral and cervical enamel however, are lower than the maximal values recorded in cuspal enamel. This is reflected in the data presented below for long-period striae spacings close to the surface. Stria morphology and periodicity The comparative data for stria spacings and angulation to the EDJ made on large numbers of M1s appear in Table 3. There is a general trend to reduce the width between adjacent long-period striae towards the cervix in the outer enamel of the crown. The angulation of the striae of Retzius to the EDJ is an important variable which has considerable influence on how the geometry of tooth growth can be described. For a given daily rate of enamel formation, small angles indicate a fast extension rate and large angles a slow extension rate (Shellis, 1984). Measurements of stria angles to the EDJ in the occlusal third, the lateral third and the cervical third of the lateral enamel in a large comparative sample of hominoid teeth and in Proconsul are presented in Table 4. In the cervical region particularly, stria angles are high in Proconsul. Besides the angle of striae to the EDJ, there is a strong ‘‘S-shaped’’ form to the buccal cervical striae in some Proconsul teeth. Figure 11 illustrates this stria morphology in P. heseloni and P. nyanzae enamel. Figure 10. Plots for cross striation spacings in an M2 and an M3 of Pongo pygmaeus. In these two plots cross striation spacings rise swiftly from 2 ìm or 3 ìm per day to values around 5 ìm per day. However, for seven or eight months thereafter these rates remain more or less constant. All axes are as in Figures 9 and 10. . . 186 ET AL. Table 3 Comparative data for stria angles and stria widths in M1 only Taxon Homo sapiens Pan troglodytes Pongo pygmaeus Gorilla gorilla Proconsul heseloni Proconsul nyanzae Homo sapiens Pan troglodytes Pongo pygmaeus Gorilla gorilla Proconsul heseloni Proconsul nyanzae n Occlusal striae angles at EDJ Mean1 S.D. Lateral striae angles at EDL Mean1 S.D. Cervical striae angles at EDJ Mean1 S.D. 20 23 10 28 1/2 1 13·01·5 9·01·8** 9·03·7* 7·03·1** 12–28 16 27·02·6 26·06·0 30·07·1 23·06·8* 18–21 21–30 32·0 1·8 31·0 4·3 41·0 5·6** 31·010·7 28–45 65–70 Occlusal striae widths at surface Mean1 S.D. Lateral striae widths at surface Mean1 S.D. Cervical striae widths at surface Mean1 S.D. 37·02·8 28·01·6** 54·03·2** 42·05·0** 46 28·03·2 27·02·1 47·07·7** 33·05·3** 32–41 28 21·0 3·5 20·0 2·7 30·0 4·7** 27·0 4·6** 26 25 20 21 10 28 1/2 1 Significance with respect to Homo; *P<0·01, **P<0·001. Comparative data for striae angles and striae spacings in first permanent molar teeth only for extant hominoids (from Beynon & Reid, 1995) together with data for Proconsul M1 teeth only. (P values calculated using Student’s t-test.) In a few places it was possible to make average measurements of both cross striations and regular striae of Retzius in the same field of view. In the low lateral enamel in RU 1695 average striae spacings were 30·8 ìm apart and average cross striation spacings 5·25 ìm apart. Since 30·8/ 5·25=5·9 this suggests a cross striation repeat interval in this tooth, attributed to P. nyanzae, of six days. Figure 12 is a confocal micrograph of this region where it was possible to count directly six cross striations between regular long-period striae in this region. In the lateral enamel of the central incisor germ, attributed to P. heseloni, the mean spacing between striae was 31·8 ìm apart and mean cross striation spacings in the same field of view 6·6 ìm apart. Since 31·8/6·6=4·8 this suggests a cross striation repeat interval of five days. Independent counts made directly and on photomontages in five different fields of view consistently confirmed a five day repeat interval in three P. heseloni teeth and a six day repeat interval in the two P. nyanzae teeth. Teeth from the same individual consistently have the same cross striation repeat interval between regular striae of Retzius (Dean & Beynon, 1991; Dean, 1995a). Since the P. heseloni teeth used to measure and count the cross striation repeat intervals belong to no more than two individuals, and since both individuals are represented in these counts, it follows that all of the P. heseloni teeth used in this study have a five day repeat interval between regular striae of Retzius. Rates of dentine formation In the dentine of six out of the 11 histological sections of the P. heseloni teeth used in this study, long-period lines were visible and were measurable in the axial plane beneath cusps (Table 4). In the developing I1 germ PROCONSUL 187 Figure 11. ‘‘S-shaped’’ striae in the cervical enamel of the P. nyanzae M2 (left) and the P. heseloni M1 (right). (Individual IV) they measured 25 ìm apart maximally. In the high cusped M1 germ (Individual IV) 16·7 ìm apart maximally, and in other lower crowned premolars and molars (Individual III) they measured on average 12·5 ìm apart. Given that there is a five day periodicity between enamel striae in this individual, this implies daily rates of dentine formation were close to 5 ìm per day in the I1, 3·3 ìm per day in the high cusped M1 and 2·5 ìm per day in the other posterior teeth. Both in these teeth and others, daily lines with this expected periodicity in this position were measured (Table 4). This enabled mean daily rates of dentine formation in the cusps of several teeth to be estimated specifically for each tooth. Two deciduous teeth, the dm1 and the dm2 (Individual IV) had measurable daily lines in the coronal dentine of around 3·5 ìm. Measurements made through the whole thickness of the cuspal dentine in two P. heseloni teeth (M2 and M3), demonstrated that there was a constant rate of dentine formation in the axis of cusps, as has been demonstrated in apes and humans (Dean & Scandrett, 1995). The mean value (n=23) for spacings of daily lines made on the photomontage of the M2 was 2·4 ìm (S.D.=0·21, range=1·95–2·66). For the M3 (n=14) the mean value was 2·09 ìm 188 . . ET AL. Figure 12. Confocal light image of striae of Retzius and enamel cross striations in the cervical region of the P. nyanzae M2. There are six cross striations between adjacent striae. (Fieldwidth 360 ìm.) (S.D.=0·31, range=1·66–2·83). No trend in values from large to small, or vice versa, existed through the cuspal dentine of these teeth. Measurements of spacings of daily lines in the more lateral regions of the crowns of both P. heseloni and P. nyanzae were much smaller than those made in the axis of the cuspal dentine (Table 4). At the EDJ they were typically 1·5 ìm or less. Values around 2 ìm were more typical at the EDJ in occlusal areas between cusps and further in towards the pulp chamber. The ratio of the amount of dentine formed to the amount of enamel formed between the EDJ and accentuated lines common to both tissues appear in Table 4. This varied between 1:1·6 and 1:2·8 in P. heseloni. The most extreme values occur in the cervical region of the two molars attributed to P. nyanzae where ratios of 1:3 and greater can be observed. By way of contrast, in the dm2 (Individual IV) and the M1 (Individual III) attributed to P. heseloni, that have clear neonatal lines which mark both the enamel and dentine occlusally, the ratio of dentine to enamel formation is 1:1 either side of the dentine horn. This occurs here partly because the high rate of dentine formation (3·5 ìm per day) closely matches the rate of enamel formation (4·0 ìm per day) in this position. However, some decussation in the enamel prisms here (but in none of the dentine tubules) equalizes the distance over which each tissue forms in this time. Crown completion times The perikymata counts made from the replicas of all Proconsul tooth surfaces are presented in detail in Appendix 1 by tooth type and by each aspect of each tooth RM1 RM1 RM2 RM2 LR C LR P4 LR M1 LR M1 LR M2 LR M2 LR M3 LR M3 LR I1 LR I2 LR dm1 LR dm2 LR M1 LR M2 Tooth type 21 30 25 20 36 34 23 20 30 12 16 16 15 47 35 20 18 70 65 70 64 48 48 42 25 28 45 1:2·68 1:2·84 1:2 1:2·62 1:2 occ 1:1 occ 1:1 occ 1:1·59 22 21 35 12 14 24 19 28 1:1·98 1:1·84 45 Cv 30 35 Lat. Dentine to enamel ratios at the EDJ or occlusally (occ.) if indicated 15 Occ. Enamel stria EDJ angles (degrees) 10·3 12·2 12·5 16·7 15·0 25 Mean axial long-period dentine lines (microns) 2·75 2·75 2·1 2·5 2·5 3·0 2·5 5·0 5·0 3·5 3·5 3·3 2·4 Axial 1·8 1·5 1·7 2·0 1·8 1·3 2·5 Lat. Mean daily dentine lines (microns) 1924 2146 2027 2259 1259 1174 1096 1531 1185 1706 1643 320 595 Lengths from dentine horn to cr. completion (microns) 1·9 2·1 2·0 2·25 1·7 1·6 1·2 1·7 1·35 0·94 0·90 0·25 0·46 Crown form. times estimated using dentine (years) 2·0 1·8 2·1 2·0–2·5 1·6 1·2 1·4 2·4+ 1·9 0·8+ 0·77+ 0·81+ Crown form. times using enamel from Table 2 (years) PROCONSUL In column 1 the index number of each ground section (mesial=m and distal=d) and tooth type appear for all Proconsul tooth sections. Stria angles are given for occlusal, lateral and cervical thirds of the lateral enamel. Dentine to enamel ratios are also given. The mean values only for measurements of the spacing of long-period and daily lines in dentine appear for the tallest cusp in each section. (For HT2/91/E mesial section n=14, mean=2·1, S.D.=0·31; for HT3/91G distal section n=23, mean=2·4, S.D.=0·21.) The distance between the dentine horn in the tallest cusp of the section and a line corresponding to the end of enamel formation in the dentine is given in microns (ìm). Crown formation times (in years) were calculated by dividing the length of this line by the mean daily rate for the same cusp. The last column is reproduced from Table 2 to facilitate comparison of crown formation times using dentine and enamel. Juvenile P. heseloni HT3/91A HT3/91B HT3/91D HT3/91E HT3/91F m HT3/91G m Adult P. heseloni HT2/91A HT2/91B HT2/91C m HT2/91C d HT2/91D m HT2/91D d HT2/91E m HT2/91E d Adult P. nyanzae RU 1721 m RU 1721 d RU 1695 m RU 1695 d Index No. of tooth section m=mesial; d=distal Table 4 189 190 . . ET AL. Figure 13. The combined totals of cuspal enamel formation times estimated from the histological part of the study and lateral enamel formation times estimated from perikymata counts from replicas (see in Appendix 2). The inner vertical lines denote the cuspal enamel formation times. In this chart all perikymata counts for each tooth type (both upper and lower) have been combined and the error bars (1 S.D.) indicate the overall variation for lateral enamel formation only for each tooth type of P. heseloni. surface. The total number of perikymata on any tooth surface appears in the last but one column. In general the perikymata counts for P. nyanzae are slightly higher than those for similar tooth types in P. heseloni. The total perikymata counts for anterior teeth presented here give a clearer idea of the completed lateral enamel formation times in a large number of Proconsul teeth and so complement the striae counts made from the histological sections on the buccal aspect. Table 2 contains data for total striae counts on all aspects of all the tooth sections prepared in the histological part of the study. When data for upper and lower teeth of the same tooth type are combined the likely true extent of the contribution of the cuspal and lateral enamel formation times to total crown formation times of P. heseloni can be appreciated (Figure 13). Cuspal enamel formation times deduced from the histological sections were used to calculate crown formation times in three ways (i) by summing cuspal and lateral enamel formation times in the teeth where complete crowns are represented in the histological sections (Table 2) and (ii) by summing cuspal formation times with data for buccal or mesiobuccal perikymata counts. The average crown formation times, derived for this purpose from the perikymata data for each tooth type, appear in the last column of Appendix 2. A five day cross striation repeat interval between perikymata and striae of Retzius in lateral enamel has been assumed for all P. heseloni specimens and a six day interval for all the larger P. nyanzae, and P. major specimens represented in this study. (iii) In five of the juvenile and four of the adult specimens of P. heseloni and in both molar teeth attributed to P. nyanzae, it was possible to estimate crown formation times using dentine. All these estimates for crown formation times appear in Table 4. Root extension rates and the timing of root formation In four sections, the dm2 of the infant, the M1, the P4 and the M2 of the adult specimen, it was possible to make each of Table 5 191 PROCONSUL Proconsul root extension rate data Tooth dm2 M1 (apical 1/3) M1 (apex) P4 (cervix) M2 (cervix) M2 (apex) Angle I (degrees) Angle D (degrees) Daily rate (d) (ìm/day) Extension rate (ìm/day) 112 107 105 98 105 100 115 126 108 112 91 101 115 4·5 16 8 7 10 5·5 20 16 15 15 14 15 7 2·9 3·5 2·0 2·0 3·2 1·9 2·1 1·8 1·7 1·8 1·6 1·6 3·3 34·8 12·7 14·3 16·4 18·1 20·4 6·1 6·1 6·5 6·8 6·4 6·2 25·7 Data used to calculate root extension rates using the formula from Shellis (1984) described in the text. All angular measurements and spacings between daily lines were measured on montages constructed at 500 original magnification. The daily rates that appear here are the mean values for as many measurements as possible in each field of view under consideration and do not correspond to those given for different regions in Table 4. the measurements required to estimate extension rates in the same fields of view. Importantly, in the M2 and P4 it was possible to make these measurements in two widely spaced positions in the root. Close to the enamel cervix and also low in the apical third of the root. The measurements and the calculated extension rates appear in Table 5. Extension rates in the cervical third of the M2 and P4 were on average 6·5 ìm per day. In the apical third of the root they were on average 14·5 ìm per day and close to the apex 21·5 ìm per day. The completed root lengths for these teeth are not all known but are approximately 7 mm in the P4 and 8 mm in the M1 and M2. Given the state of preservation of these teeth and the fact that there is cementum deposition apically, these root lengths are only likely to approximate the true lengths at apical closure. However, they do allow some broad estimates of the time taken to form roots. Root extension rate in the dm2 is estimated at 35 ìm per day. This is equivalent to 200 days for a tooth root of just under 6 mm long. Deciduous teeth contain incre- mental lines with a constant angulation to the root surface from cervix to apex implying a constant extension rate. However, permanent teeth in Proconsul begin to form roots slowly and then speed up towards apical closure. The times for root formation can therefore be derived in different ways. If half the root formed at the slower rate and half at the faster rate, root formation would have taken around 2·4 years in the premolar and molar teeth. If the middle third of the root is assumed to have formed at an intermediate rate of 10·5 ìm per day then the sum of the time for each third of root formation is equal to 2·3 years. Sequence of dental development Figure 14 is a diagrammatic summary of histological evidence for the sequence of tooth development in P. heseloni. Table 6 is a summary of all the crown formation times and root formation times calculated using the different approaches adopted in this study. In addition to these there are three other lines of evidence that provide information on the sequence of dental . . Figure 14. The upper part of the Figure relates to the juvenile P. heseloni specimen. The line ‘‘Birth’’ runs through the neonatal lines in the M1 and dm2. The lower line ‘‘Death’’ runs through the last dentine formed beneath the tallest cusp in I1, I2 and M2 (d). Accentuated lines in the I1 and I2 germs and M1 germ allowed these teeth to be tied together developmentally. The times between birth and death in each of these teeth allow a timescale to be placed on this sequence. The time of M2 crown formation exceeds that of the other germs and therefore cannot belong to the same specimen. The lower part of the Figure relates to the adult P. heseloni individual. Crown completion in M1 is indicated by a dashed line. An accentuated line just above crown completion and close to the cervix of the adult M1 corresponds with a line in the cusp of the M2 and is shown just above the dashed line in M2. The same line can be seen in P4 just above the dotted line that indicated crown completion in M1. Another accentuated line in the cervix of the M2 (shown just below the dashed line in M2) matches a line in the P4 cervix. The dashed line which represents adult M1 crown completion time was located in both the M2 and P4 by counting the number of striae beyond the first accentuated line in each tooth. M3 cannot be sequenced with these teeth. 192 ET AL. 193 PROCONSUL Table 6 Summary of crown completion times Using perikymata Using enamel Using dentine Tooth type P. nyanzae P. heseloni P. nyanzae P. heseloni P. nyanzae P. heseloni dm1 dm2 I1 I2 C P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 Maximum value of means P. nyanzae 0·25 0·46 2·5 2·5 3·0–4·7 1·8 2·0 2·4 2·4 2·5 1·8 1·5 1·0 1·3 1·7 2·5 2·5 3·0–4·7 2·4 1·9 2·2 1·7 1·2 1·4 2·0 2·3 1·7 1·2 1·6 1·7 2·0 2·3 P. heseloni 0·25 0·46 2·4 2·4 2·5 1·8 1·7 1·2 1·4 1·7 Summary of data for crown formation times derived in three different ways in this study presented by tooth type. (i) Perikymata counts combined with cuspal enamel formation times derived from the histological sections of each tooth have been averaged for upper and lower teeth of the same tooth type. (ii) Estimates made from histological sections only when tooth crowns were complete. (iii) Estimates made from counts and measurements of incremental markings in dentine. In the last column the greatest values for crown formation times in both species of Proconsul are summarized. The estimates that appear here for P. heseloni were used in the bar chart of dental development (Figure 19). development in Proconsul. The first is the presence of both a strong and a fainter accentuated line that recur in the enamel of the P4 and second M2 of the adult P. heseloni specimen and the same strong line in the cervical enamel of the M1. These lines tie these teeth together developmentally. The second line of evidence comes from the accentuated lines in the incisor tooth germs and in the M1 germ belonging to the infant P. heseloni individual. The third line of evidence comes from the distribution of linear hypoplastic bands on the buccal enamel surface of KNM-RU 7290. One strong band with two fainter bands either side of it, can be cross-matched across all the anterior teeth, across the premolars and across the M2s. The positions of these accentuated lines within the enamel and of the hypoplastic bands combined with the perikymata counts on the surface of the teeth of KNM-RU 7290 allow us to reconstruct a preliminary sequence of tooth development for P. heseloni from this specimen. The timing of the initial mineralization of the third molar is conjectural but we have simply presumed here that it follows the pattern and sequence known from histological studies on dental development for certain other primates where initial mineralization overlaps with M2 crown formation (Beynon et al., 1991; Chandrasekera et al., 1993; Reid & Dirks, 1997; Reid et al., 1998; Swindler & Beynon, 1992) but this of course may turn out not to be so in Proconsul. Summary of the results The following ten key points summarize the results of this study. (i) Enamel thickness on the lingual aspect of the permanent lower incisor crowns in P. heseloni most resembles that in extant New World monkeys and hominoids and differs from that in extant cercopithecoids in that it is not absent or exceptionally thin. (ii) There is no evidence, from this study that P. heseloni or P. nyanzae had relatively thin molar enamel. The measure of ‘‘relative enamel thickness’’ for posterior teeth in P. heseloni and P. nyanzae falls above and beyond the range previously recorded for P. major and P. africanus, . . 194 which are defined by Andrews & Martin (1991) as having thin enamel. (iii) The daily rates of cuspal enamel formation at the EDJ in Proconsul were fast and in excess of 4 ìm per day. (iv) The pattern of a prolonged period of enamel formation in M2s at a near constant rate in the inner cuspal enamel, but then swiftly rising in enamel close to the tooth surface, resembles modern human and chimpanzee enamel formation. (v) Daily cross striation repeat intervals between regular striae of Retzius, in P. heseloni, fall into the range known for modern small bodied monkeys and above the range known so far for small gibbons and below the range known so far for siamangs, baboons, great apes and modern humans. The same repeat interval in P. nyanzae falls between the ranges documented so far for these primates. (vi) Both regular stria spacings, stria angles to the EDJ and also occasionally, stria morphology in the posterior teeth of Proconsul bear a close similarity to the condition in Pongo. (vii) Daily cuspal and lateral rates of dentine formation in Proconsul were slower than those known for great apes and modern humans but are close to those known so far for small gibbons (H. moloch). (viii) The ratio of dentine to enamel formed in lateral and cervical regions of the crowns in Proconsul falls between 1:1·6 and 1:3 in posterior teeth and is greatest in P. nyanzae. Values approaching those in P. nyanzae have not so far been documented in any other primate teeth. (ix) The total period of dental development in P. heseloni appears to be between 6 and 7 years. (x) Crown formation time estimates in M1 and M2 of P. nyanzae were between 1·8 and 2·5 years. Discussion Enamel thickness Enamel thickness has been an important issue in studies of early Miocene hominoids but studies of enamel thickness are fraught by problems of how to measure it and how ET AL. to define it. Gantt (1983, 1986) made linear measurements of cuspal enamel thickness in a large number of primate teeth and plotted these data against body weight for primates. It emerged from this analysis that Proconsul had thick enamel equivalent to that in Sivapithecus from the late Miocene of South Asia. However, at that time there were no reliable body weight estimates for the various species of Proconsul and, in fact, Gantt was only able to plot data for one out of nine sections of the Proconsul teeth for this reason (Gantt, 1983). Martin (1983, 1985) overcame this problem in part by devising an index of ‘‘average enamel thickness’’ that described the area of the enamel cap divided by the length of the EDJ. This ratio (c/e) takes into account shape differences in the crowns of teeth. Martin (1983, 1985) then corrected this index for body mass by using the area of the dentine cap as a measure of body size. The resulting index of ‘‘relative enamel thickness’’ can thus be used independently of body size to provide a measure of enamel thickness for various Miocene and extant hominoids. Andrews & Martin (1991) reported on the basis of this approach that P. major and P. africanus had thin enamel. Shellis et al. (1998) have explored both ‘‘relative’’ and ‘‘average’’ enamel thickness as defined by Martin (1983, 1985) further. When the area of the dentine cap (‘‘b’’) is compared across many primates of known body weight it does scale isometrically and can therefore justifiably be used to correct for body weight, although individuals with teeth that have relatively megadont or microdont dentine caps with respect to body size can not be identified when ‘‘b’’ is used in place of body weight. When average enamel thickness (c/e) is plotted against body weight across all primates there are clear outliers which can be judged to have either thick or thin enamel. Those with thick enamel include Daubentonia, Cebus apella and certain australopithecines. Those with PROCONSUL 195 Figure 15. The relation between average enamel thickness (c/e) to dentine cap area (b) for 45 living and fossil primate species. Average values for all molars available in each species are used here. Hominoids are indicated as follows: Hy=Hylobates, R=Rangwapithecus, Pa=Proconsul africanus, Ph=Proconsul heseloni, Pn=Proconsul nyanzae, Pt=Pan troglodytes, S=Sivapithecus, Pm=Proconsul major, Hs=Homo sapiens, Po=Pongo, Gg=Gorilla, Aa=Australopithecus africanus, Pr=Paranthropus robustus, Pc=Paranthropus crassidens, Pb=Paranthropus boisei. Data for Rangwapithecus are from unpublished measurements. Others are from Martin (1983), Grine & Martin (1988), Andrews & Martin (1991). Ph and Pn, Proconsul heseloni and Proconsul nyanzae which are the subject of this study are shown in bold. Data for living primates are presented here in this way with kind permission of Dr Peter Shellis. A fuller analysis of molar enamel thickness in living primates is given in Shellis et al. (1998). obviously thin enamel include Varecia variegata and Gorilla. When data for ‘‘average enamel thickness’’ (c/e) in molar teeth and body weight estimates for Proconsul species are plotted in this way in relation to other primates, none emerges as an outlier from the reduced major axis. All species of Proconsul for which there are data available on ‘‘average enamel thickness’’ and body weight (from this and other studies) fall close to the positions expected for their body weight estimates. When ‘‘c/e’’ is plotted against ‘‘b’’, none of the species of Proconsul emerges as an outlier (Figure 15). From this standpoint Proconsul cannot be considered to have either thick or thin enamel in the sense that other outliers do. Proconsul does, however, have enamel equivalent in its ‘‘average enamel thickness’’, with respect to log b, to modern Homo, Sivapithecus and even certain robust australopithecines reported as by Grine & Martin (1988). It has enamel that can be judged marginally thicker than that in Pongo and Pan but none of these species is an outlier in the way that Gorilla and Paranthropus boisei are. Ward & Pilbeam (1983) have previously argued that it is misleading to regard primates as having thick or thin enamel. It may be best they argued, to regard the majority of primates as having intermediate enamel thickness but with some having notably thinner or thicker enamel. Linear measures of enamel thickness probably resolve more about functional adaptations within and between teeth from the same individual in a way that overall measures of enamel thickness on the crowns of teeth cannot (Macho, 1994; Macho & Berner, 1993, 1994; Gantt, 1997; Schwartz, 1997). It may well be that more information will emerge that can place the teeth and degree of enamel thickness in Proconsul into a better functional and developmental perspective, but at present it must be said there is no 196 . . ET AL. Figure 16. Striae of Retzius in the cervical region of P. nyanzae and C. apella. In Proconsul the striae approach 80–90 degrees to the EDJ. In Cebus they are reminiscent of P. boisei and are aligned at a much reduced inclination to the EDJ. Neither tooth size, body size or enamel thickness therefore, account for these contrasting stria angles. good evidence to regard Proconsul as having thin enamel with respect to other primates of similar body mass or similar dentine cap area. Regardless of what exactly is defined as ‘‘thin’’ or ‘‘thick’’, the enamel in Proconsul from Rusinga Island appears to be thicker than that reported for Proconsul from other early Miocene sites. This may not be surprising in retrospect given the evidence that Rusinga and Mfangano Island sites were most similar to dry seasonal forest environments and also had more open conditions than the tropical, non-seasonal, wet evergreen forest faunas reported for Songhor and Koru (Andrews, 1996). Although this is not direct evidence for any differences in diet between the different species of Procon- sul the cumulative evidence available so far suggests there might well have been. Enamel and dentine morphology Striae in Proconsul enamel form high angles to the EDJ especially in the cervical portion of the lateral enamel. Figure 16 demonstrates the contrast in striae angles at the cervix of a thick enamelled M2 of C. apella with those in the M2 of P. nyanzae (RU 1695). The striae in Cebus resemble those reported in robust australopithecines (Beynon & Wood, 1986; Grine & Martin, 1988). This comparison suggests that tooth size, enamel thickness and body size are not likely to be factors that influence cervical stria angulation in primate teeth. In general, the highest mean values for cervical striae angles among living hominoids are found in Pongo but while there is considerable variation among hominoids both between different aspects of the same tooth and between different tooth types, none approach those reported here for P. nyanzae. Some striae in Proconsul are strongly ‘‘S-shaped’’ and resemble those in Pongo and H. (Symphalangus) syndactylus. Dean & Shellis (1998) have considered the geometry of ‘‘S-shaped’’ striae and have proposed a developmental model to account for their formation. ‘‘S-shaped’’ striae are formed when three things occur together. (i) When daily rates of enamel formation increase steadily from the EDJ and reach maximal rates close to the enamel surface. (ii) When enamel prisms in the same plane as striae either remain the same width or decrease in width as they run towards the surface and (iii) when enamel prisms turn cervically in their course towards the enamel surface. At present all that can be said is that the underlying developmental processes are the same in the few specimens of Proconsul, H. (Symphalangus) syndactylus and Pongo that have been studied. In the future it will be interesting to report on ‘‘S-shaped’’ striae in other extant primates and fossils such as Lufengpithecus and Sivapithecus. While the pattern of increase in cuspal enamel formation rates appears to resemble that documented here for M2s in Pan and Homo, the fast rates of enamel formation in outer lateral enamel resembles in Pongo. Cross striation repeat intervals between regular striae of Retzius in humans and great apes and in Papio and Theropithecus (and in one siamang available to us) are usually in the range of 7–9 days with outliers recorded at six and 11 days or more (Swindler & Beynon, 1992; Dean, 1995b; FitzGerald, 1995; Reid & Dirks, 1997). Intervals in macaques are reported to be four or five days (Bowman, 1991) and they are four days based on a limited sample of gibbons (Dirks et al., 1995). It appears that the PROCONSUL 197 repeat intervals in these specimens of P. heseloni are closer to those known for small species of gibbons and small monkeys. Those in P. nyanzae are hard to interpret in the absence of more data. Larger samples of teeth from different individuals may extend the range of these counts in both species and data for larger samples of great apes in particular are needed. Of the primates studied so far, the greatest rate of dentine formation occurs in the tallest cusps of teeth (Dean, 1995b; Dean & Scandrett, 1995, 1996; Liversidge et al., 1993). Low squat tooth crowns are likely to have slower rates of dentine formation than tall crowns with high cusps. Their spacing reveals slow daily rates of cuspal dentine formation in premolar and molar teeth. They are below the range known for humans and modern great apes. They are also below the range of daily cuspal rates of dentine formation determined experimentally in macaques (Bowman, 1991; Dean, 1993; Molnar et al., 1981). In all these primates cuspal rates of dentine formation are closer to 4 or 6 ìm per day. However, the measurements in both species of Proconsul match measurements made in the same way and in the same tooth types of H. moloch. In the gibbon M2, for example, the mean value for the spacing of daily lines was 2·6 ìm (S.D.=0·23, range=2·3–3·2). The combined effect of large fast rates of enamel formation at the EDJ and slow rates of dentine formation at the EDJ in both P. heseloni and P. nyanzae give these teeth a unique histological appearance at the cervical EDJ. Interestingly, Andrews & Martin (1991) illustrate sections of other Miocene hominoids and some (e.g., Heliopithecus) appear, at least superficially, similar to Proconsul in this respect. A constant extension rate in both enamel and dentine at the EDJ is maintained by combining a very low angle of inclination of the mineralizing front in the dentine with a very high angle of inclination of the mineralizing front in 198 . . ET AL. Figure 17. Accentuated lines in the enamel and dentine of the P. heseloni adult M1 (a) and a human M1 (b). Each of these pairs of lines were formed at the same time in enamel and dentine. They demonstrate the ratio of dentine formed to enamel over the same time period. enamel. The small angle of inclination of the mineralizing dentine front (Angle D as defined by Shellis, 1984) is directly related to the slow rate of dentine formation. Figure 17 illustrates the difference in the ratio of dentine formed to enamel in Homo and in P. heseloni in the lateral cuspal region of identical tooth types (M1) in each. These findings all confirm that some daily increments in Proconsul dentine were nearly three times smaller than the equivalent daily increments in enamel growing at the same time in cervical regions. Both molar teeth attributed to P. nyanzae have what appear to be regular accentuated markings in the coronal dentine (Figure 18). This is also true for several of the teeth attributed to P. heseloni but in particular for PROCONSUL 199 Figure 18. Regular accentuated lines in the dentine of the M2 of P. nyanzae. In this tooth these longer period lines are spaced approximately 90 days apart and are of unknown aetiology. the M2 germ. Measurements between these lines made in the midline axial plane of the dentine and divided by the daily rate of dentine formation measured in this position in these teeth gives some idea of the timespan between them. In the larger P. nyanzae teeth there are about nine or ten lines which are spaced between 90 and 100 days apart. In the smaller P. heseloni teeth there are six or so lines which are between 50 and 55 days apart. Other teeth from this sample also show accentuated markings, but none that can be measured over such a long period as in these three teeth. It seems possible that a complex pattern of quite widely spaced markings may recur through several teeth, of the kind identified by Macho et al. (1996) in Theropithecus and tentatively linked with seasonal changes about 2 m.y.a. at Koobi Fora in northern Kenya. Perikymata on the tooth surfaces of P. heseloni and P. nyanzae teeth also show evidence of regular linear markings. At present however, it is idle to speculate about the likelihood of either a possible physiological cause (perhaps related to body size) or a possible cause related to seasonality. There is nevertheless great potential to bring together information about the palaeoecology of Miocene primate localities, about microwear patterns on the teeth of different species of Miocene hominoids and about patterns of seasonality and stress from other causes that might be determined from accentuated markings in fossil enamel and dentine (Andrews, 1996; Walker et al., 1994; Macho et al., 1996). The juvenile tooth germs The results of this study confirm that all but one of the tooth germs that are described as belonging to the juvenile P. heseloni Individual IV are compatible with each other and might have belonged to an infant about one year old at death. The M2 germ however, had been forming for 1·35 years (using the data derived from dentine), but according to the dental development sequence proposed in this study M2 might not be expected to have begun to mineralize until 10 months of age or so. This suggests the M2 germ may have belonged to another infant that was just over two years old at death. It is also notable that the M1 crown of this infant has no root preserved, but dentine is completely formed to the level of the enamel 200 . . ET AL. Figure 19. Composite summary chart of dental development in P. heseloni based on the maximum values of crown formation times presented in Table 6, the calculated rates of root extension summarized in Table 5, and the information about the sequence of dental development summarized in Figure 17. Solid lines are crown formation times and dashed lines are root formation times. The following additional key points were used in constructing this chart: (i) the neonatal line in M1 indicates formation began 30 days before birth, (ii) the neonatal line in dm2 indicates formation began 60 days before birth, (iii) root extension rates suggest the dm2 root took 200 days to form, (iv) dentine formation times indicate I2 formation began 12 days after I1, (v) the absence of a neonatal line in dm1 enamel suggests crown completion occurred before birth in this tooth, (vi) root extension rates suggest premolars and molars take between 2·3 years and 3 years to complete root formation, (vii) root lengths in Proconsul suggest M1 roots take longer to form than M2 roots and that M3 roots take the longest time to form, (viii) in this study we estimate 2·3 years for M1, 2·7 years for M2 and 3·0 years for M3 root formation for P. heseloni. The overlap of M3 with M2 crown formation is an estimate. cervix (see Figure 1). This implies that there was actually some root formation, although there is no occlusal wear to suggest this tooth was in functional occlusion. No direct estimates of crown formation time were possible for this tooth but based on this evidence and other crown formation time estimates for the first permanent molar, combined crown and root formation times might have been greater than one year. This M1 crown is also a little different in morphology to the other M1 crown of the adult individual (see Figure 4). It is tall and narrow and not so broad and squat. The angles of the striae to the EDJ are higher than for other Proconsul molar teeth sectioned here, especially in the cervical region, and judged from the long-period striae in the cuspal dentine it had dentine formation rates that exceed those observed in other posterior teeth (but which are compatible with the taller cusps). The period of dental development in Proconsul Figure 19 is a composite reconstruction of dental development in P. heseloni and summarizes the developmental sequences, the crown formation periods and the root formation periods estimated histologically and from perikymata counts. In this chart we have used the greatest of the mean values calculated as they appear in Table 6. (Additional key points used to construct this chart are given in the legend to Figure 19.) It seems reasonable on this basis to assume that dental development in P. heseloni took between six and seven years. It is important to stress that this estimate is to the end of M3 root completion and that this differs from estimates for the period of dental development quoted for other primates which are based on gingival emergence of M3 (Smith, 1989). No fundamental differences in dental development between the three great apes have yet been identified. This suggests that differences in body size or tooth size appear to have little obvious effect on the period of dental development. It is also not clear how body weight or tooth size influence the period of dental development in extant Old World monkeys, although some differences exist in the dental development period between small macaques and larger baboons (Bowen & Koch, 1970; Reid & Dirks, 1997; Smith 1989; Smith, 1994; Smith et al., 1994; Swindler, 1985). Furthermore, we know very little about dental development in siamangs and gibbons Dirks (1998). These differ in both body weight (Ruff et al., 1989; Raemakers, 1984) and tooth size. All this makes it difficult to place the estimate for the total period of dental development in P. heseloni into perspective except to say 6–7 years is well below the known period of time it takes great ape dentitions to complete. Body weight estimates for P. nyanzae are broadly equivalent to those of female chimpanzees of the smaller sub-species. The molar crown formation times estimated here for M1 and M2 fall short of the times estimated for all great apes using histological techniques identical to those used here (Beynon et al., 1991; Chandrasekera et al., 1993; Reid et al., 1998). On this basis, the period of dental development to the end of M3 root formation was unlikely to have exceeded eight years in P. nyanzae. While the data for P. nyanzae are scant, if the crown formation times estimated for the M1 and M2 reported here are close to the average for P. nyanzae then these times fall short of average values for six individuals of P. troglodytes by between 30% and 40% and exceed those for four individuals of Papio anubis (body weight 11 kg) by 15%–20% (Reid & Dirks, 1997; Reid et al., 1998). PROCONSUL 201 While this might be suggestive of a shorter period of dental development in P. nyanzae than in Pan, data on root extension rates are needed to place estimates of M1 emergence into a secure comparative context. The first permanent molar is a good overall indicator of several life history parameters on, e.g., regresion plots that include large numbers of primate species, but Smith et al. (1995) and Smith & Tompkins (1995) note that interspecific regressions are poor predictors of individual specific differences. We know already, for example, that robust australopithecines were more than likely weaned before they erupted M1 from the tooth wear present on deciduous molars at M1 crown completion only (Aiello et al., 1991). We know also that first reproduction in macaques may occur while they are still growing their M3 roots as Bowman (1991) has observed parturition lines of known history in macaques, but that gibbons do not reproduce until well after third molar root development is complete. Many significant observations about life history cannot be tightly predicted from dental development and even skeletal development and epiphyseal fusion do not follow a common sequence with dental development across primates (Watts, 1985; Winkler, 1996). Nonetheless, a knowledge of dental development provides the most important maturational profile available for fossil primates. Kelley (1997) has concluded, on the basis of perikymata counts on a developing central incisor, that the age of M1 emergence in Sivapithecus parvada was within the ranges of the extant great apes. It follows that S. parvada would have had a maturational profile that approached those of modern great apes. Kelley (1997) also noted that the large brain size and especially body sizes of the proconsulids compared with earlier catarrhines and contemporaneous nonhominoids are perhaps indicative of the beginning of a prolonged life history. Further evidence for this was suggested 202 . . from the estimated mean age of M1 emergence based on data for brain size and M1 emergence in 23 species of primates (Kelley, 1997). In P. heseloni, M1 emergence was estimated at 20·6 months with an approximate range for the mean (based on the confidence interval for brain size rather than the error of the estimate) of between 19·6 and 21·6 months. Kelley (1997) concluded that this age for M1 emergence falls at the upper end of the range of means for all extant nonhominoid catarrhines, many of which are considerably larger on average than P. heseloni. On this evidence Kelley (1997) has cautiously suggested these results indicate a more prolonged life history for P. heseloni. But a considerable grade shift may occur between Old World monkeys and hominoids in many life history traits and in dental development and predictions based only on hominoid brain sizes, for example, might result in estimates of M1 emergence in P. heseloni in excess of those cited here. Estimates for M1 crown formation time in P. heseloni in this study are around 14 months after birth (approximately 30 days of M1 formation occurred before birth). If root extension occurred at the same rate as in M2 and P4 at an average 6·4 ìm per day (and poor data from one M1 section suggests this is likely) then M1 would have just less than 1·25 mm of root formed at 20·6 months but close to 1·5 mm formed at 21·6 months. These predictions are speculative but not incompatible with the predictions of Kelley (1997) based on 23 species of primates. Future studies on dental development in P. nyanzae and P. major might result in good estimates for the age of emergence of M1 in these larger bodied proconsulids and so provide a better idea about the affects of body size and tooth size on dental development within Proconsul. This would make it easier to judge whether there is evidence that dental development and the overall maturational profile was prolonged in Proconsul. Histological studies on other Miocene pri- ET AL. mates such as Victoriapithecus, Sivapithecus and Lufengpithecus will also place the results of this study into a better phylogenetic perspective. It remains likely, however, that postcranial, masticatory and life history traits evolved in a mosaic fashion (Rae, 1997). Of these traits, those that probably resulted from reduced adult mortality rates (which include a prolonged developmental period and a bigger brain) are likely to have been the last to appear. Conclusions This is the first histological study of Proconsul teeth from Rusinga Island, Kenya. A chronology of the sequence of tooth development in P. heseloni indicates M3 root formation was complete between 6 and 7 years in this siamang-sized Miocene primate. Crown formation times in an M1 and M2 attributed to the larger female chimpanzee-sized P. nyanzae were between 30% and 40% less than the average values for seven common chimpanzees studied in the same way. The results reported here suggest that both species of Proconsul from Rusinga Island had thicker enamel than previously described for P. africanus and P. major from other older sites in western Kenya and Uganda. Reports on the palaeoecology of Miocene sites on Rusinga together with future research on the evidence for seasonality from accentuated markings in teeth and from tooth microwear studies may allow us to place studies of enamel thickness in Proconsul into a more secure dietary and functional context. Certain microstructural features in enamel and dentine appear, so far, to be unique to Proconsul. P. nyanzae appears more derived with respect to P. heseloni in the degree to which these unique features are expressed. Rates of enamel formation close to the EDJ are higher than in other primates studied so far. The ratio of dentine to enamel formed close to the EDJ in the lateral aspects of the crown are greater than 1:2 and as much as 1:3 in some P. nyanzae teeth. The pattern of increase in enamel formation rates during molar cusp formation in Proconsul most resembles Pan and Homo. In several other features Proconsul most resembles Pongo. These include high stria angles to the EDJ, fast rates of enamel formation in lateral enamel (and therefore relatively widely spaced striae of Retzius) and the occasional presence of ‘‘S-shaped’’ striae in lateral enamel. Rates of dentine formation are slow in Proconsul compared with the majority of other extant primates studied so far and may be related to the low squat cusp and crown morphology. Cuspal rates of dentine formation do however, closely resemble those in Hylobates species reported here. Overall, the microanatomical features of Proconsul enamel and dentine resemble those in extant hominoids with a few features unique to Proconsul and appear only to resemble some extant New and Old World monkeys in the cross striation repeat interval of 5 or 6 days between regular striae of Retzius. Ongoing studies of extant great apes, gibbons and monkeys and of other Miocene primates will provide interesting answers to many questions that have arisen from this study. Acknowledgements We thank the Government of Kenya and the Governors of the Kenya National Museums for granting us permission to use valuable fossil material in their care. Once again, Emma Mbua and the Department of Palaeontology, Kenya National Museum, helped greatly with this project. We are grateful to Alex Bedborough, Ian Bell, Louise Humphrey, Jane Pendjiky, Chris Sym, and James Weir for technical and photographic assistance. We thank the following for their help and support with aspects of this project and for helpful discussions on topics related to it. Leslie Aiello, Peter Andrews, Wendy Dirks, Susan Evans, PROCONSUL 203 David Gantt, Jay Kelley, Gabriele Macho, Terry Harrison, Paul O’Higgins, Todd Rae, Kathy Rafferty, Fernando Ramirez Rozzi, Gary Schwartz, Peter Shellis, Holly Smith, Fred Spoor and Daris Swindler. We are especially grateful to the associate editor and the referees for their many thoughtful and constructive comments on the manuscript. This study was supported by The Royal Society, The Leverhulme Trust and the National Science Foundation. References Aiello, L. C. (1981). Locomotion in the Miocene Hominoidea. In (C. B. 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P. heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni nyanzae nyanzae heseloni heseloni nyanzae heseloni heseloni nyanzae heseloni heseloni nyanzae major heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni Accession number Species Appendix 1 LLI1 LLI1 ULI1 URI1 ULI1 ULI1 LLI2 LRI2 LLI2 ULI2 URI2 URI2 LLC LLC LLC LRC ULC URC LLP3 LLP3 LLP4 LLP4 ULP4 ULP4 LLM1 Tooth type B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B MB Tooth aspect (12) (12) (13) (13) 6 3 8 (11) 2 (9) (9) 2 3 9 8 (12) (10) (12) 10 10 6 6 10 10 6 Cusp 15 (12) (14) (13) 6 7 11 (13) 8 (12) (12) 12 9 9 8 (12) 13 (15) 10 15 10 10 11 8 10 15 (12) (17) (14) 7 9 13 (14) 8 17 17 14 16 13 10 (12) 15 15 15 12 14 14 13 16 13 16 16 17 (17) 8 9 14 (17) 10 17 14 14 16 15 12 (12) 16 17 16 15 15 15 21 12 16 (17) 17 (17) 17 10 11 17 17 13 17 12 18 16 15 12 (13) 17 17 16 16 14 16 27 16 (17) (17) (19) 17 11 12 18 17 15 16 (20) 21 20 16 12 13 17 18 16 15 18 18 23 15 14 (19) (19) (20) (19) 12 16 19 19 17 (20) (20) 21 24 20 15 15 17 16 20 20 (20) (20) (20) (20) 11 16 (20) (20) 17 26 20 18 18 (19) (19) (20) (20) (20) (20) 13 14 20 (20) 17 (18) 26 20 16 15 17 (19) 16 12 20 (20) 20 20 18 15 (19) (20) (20) (20) 13 16 14 (20) (20) 14 Perikymata per mm of tooth crown height 14 12 12 10 12 (12) (12) Cervix (151) (145) (157) (170) (104) (150) (140) (168) (167) (108) (104) (120) 156 157 161 (261) (160) (148) 103 103 77 79 105 91 45 Sum of stria 2·07 1·99 2·15 2·33 1·71 2·46 1·92 2·30 2·75 1·48 1·71 1·97 2·14 2·15 2·65 4·29 2·19 2·03 1·41 1·41 1·05 1·08 1·44 1·25 0·62 Years RU 2087 RU 2087 SO 396 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 2087 RU 2087 RU 2087 RU 2087 RU 1820 RU 1931 RU 7290 RU 1820 RU 1931 RU 1820 RU 1931 RU 1820 RU 1931 SO 396 P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. LLM1 LLM1 LLM1 LLM2 LLM2 LLM2 LLM2 LLM2 LLM2 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 LLM3 Tooth type DB DL MB DL DB MB ML DB DL MB MB MB ML ML DB DB DL DL MB Tooth aspect 6 6 6 2 2 6 6 (8) 6 14 (20) 2 16 14 6 (20) 20 2 6 Cusp 11 10 11 8 6 6 16 (13) 6 24 24 6 24 20 (14) (20) 22 7 6 13 14 11 12 12 16 17 20 10 31 (24) 13 24 24 20 20 (24) 15 13 24 17 16 21 (24) 24 20 26 22 16 16 16 16 20 28 24 (23) 14 13 24 16 20 27 Perikymata per mm of tooth crown height Cervix 46 46 57 62 56 56 63 (64) 85 69 (68) 66 (108) 58 (66) (60) (66) 48 78 Sum of stria 0·75 0·75 0·94 0·85 0·77 0·92 1·03 1·05 1·40 0·95 0·93 0·90 1·48 0·79 0·90 0·82 0·90 0·66 1·28 Years Perikymata counts for P. heseloni and P. nyanzae made per millimetre of tooth length on all aspects of tooth surfaces that preserve them. Figures in parentheses indicate that a millimetre of tooth surface did not preserve some or any perikymata. The total perikymata number representing the complete lateral enamel formation time (in years) appears in the last but one column. Values for P. heseloni were calculated using a cross striation repeat interval of 5 days (recorded for all specimens in this study). A value of 6 days was used for the larger P. nyanzae and P. major specimens included. nyanzae nyanzae major heseloni heseloni nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni major Accession number Continued Species Appendix 1 209 PROCONSUL Appendix 2 Species Accession number Tooth type Tooth aspect Total perikymata Lat. ena. form. (yrs) Cuspal form. (yrs) Crown form. (yrs) P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 FT 3637 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 1733 RU 1733 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 7290 RU 1820 RU 1931 RU 1820 RU 1931 RU 1820 RU 1931 RU 1820 RU 1931 RU 7290 RU 1716 FT 49 RU 1685 RU 1716 RU 2031 RU 2087 RU 2087 RU 1721 RU 2087 RU 2087 RU 2087 RU 2087 SO 396 SO 396 SO 396 LL I1 LR I1 UL I1 UR I1 LL I2 LR I2 UL I2 UR I2 LL C LR C UL C UR C LL P3 LL P3 UL P4 UL P4 LL P4 LL P4 LL M1 LL M2 LL M2 LL M3 LL M3 LL M3 LL M3 LL M3 LL M3 LL M3 LL M3 LL M3 LL C UL I1 UL I1 LL I2 UR I2 LL M1 LL M1 U M1 LL M2 LL M2 LL M2 LL M2 LR C LL M1 LL M3 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B MB DL DB DB DB DL DL MB MB ML ML MB B B B B B DB DL B DB DL MB ML B MB MB 151 145 157 170 140 168 108 104 156 157 160 148 103 103 105 91 77 79 45 62 56 66 60 66 48 69 68 108 58 61 161 104 150 167 120 46 46 65 64 85 56 63 261 57 78 2·07 1·99 2·15 2·33 1·92 2·30 1·48 1·42 2·14 2·15 2·19 2·03 1·41 1·41 1·44 1·25 1·05 1·08 0·62 0·85 0·77 0·90 0·82 0·90 0·66 0·95 0·93 1·48 0·79 0·84 2·65 1·71 2·47 2·75 1·97 0·76 0·76 1·07 1·05 1·40 0·92 1·03 4·29 0·94 1·28 0·22 0·22 0·33 0·33 0·33 0·33 0·33 0·33 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·42 0·44 0·50 0·50 0·78 0·78 0·78 0·78 0·78 0·78 0·78 0·78 0·78 0·43 0·33 0·33 0·33 0·33 0·9 0·9 0·9 0·93 0·93 0·93 0·93 0·42 0·9 0·93 2·29 2·21 2·48 2·66 2·25 2·63 1·81 1·75 2·56 2·57 2·61 2·45 1·83 1·83 1·86 1·67 1·47 1·50 1·06 1·35 1·27 1·68 1·60 1·68 1·44 1·73 1·71 2·26 1·57 1·62 3·06 2·04 2·8 3·08 2·3 1·66 1·66 1·97 1·98 2·33 1·85 1·96 4·71 1·84 2·2 heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni heseloni nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae nyanzae major major major Mean cr. form (yrs) 2·25 2·57 2·44 1·78 2·57 2·53 1·83 1·77 1·28 1·06 1·31 1·68 3·06 2·42 2·69 1·76 2·03 4·71 1·84 2·2 Kenya National Museum accession numbers are given for all the P. heseloni, P. nyanzae and P. major specimens where it was possible to count perikymata. The total perikymata counts from the last but one column of Appendix 1 are given for the tooth aspect indicated buccal (B) for anterior teeth, mesiobuccal (MB), mesiolingual (ML), distobuccal (DB) or distolingual (DL). These times (in years) for lateral enamel formation times were derived by multiplying the number of perikymata by five for P. heseloni or by six for P. nyanzae and P. major. Cuspal enamel formation times are derived from the histological sections and the data presented in Table 2. Individual crown formation times for each tooth have been estimated as the sum of cuspal enamel formation time (specific for each tooth type) and lateral enamel formation times as calculated here in column 6. The mean crown formation time in the last column for P. heseloni is either (i) for incisors, canines and premolar teeth, the mean of all teeth belonging to one specimen or more of a tooth type, or (ii) for molar teeth of P. heseloni the mean of all crown formation times calculated using only the mesiobuccal cuspal formation times and mesiobuccal perikymata counts. Mean crown formation times for P. nyanzae are an average for all cusps where enamel formation times could be calculated for M1 and M2 separately using cuspal data from Table 2. The cuspal data for P. nyanzae were also used for the few P. major teeth included in this Appendix.