BrIHne‐Jet‐Spreading: A new model to simulate the near field region of brine jet discharges International Conference on Desalination, Environment And Marine Outfall Systems 13-16 April 2014 Pilar Palomar ( In the Mediterranean Sea… Posidonia oceanica Endemic ecosytem Extremely high ecological value. Protected by the European Legislation (Directiva 92/43/CEE) In the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean… Cymodocea nodosa Posidonia ocanica 4 5 Mollusks Coral reefs Scientific evidence of impacts of brine on some marine ecosystems Equinoderms Fish (larvae, juveniles) Seagrasses Brine discharge systems Overflow spillway in a cliff discharge Discharge on a slab beach ▪Higher dilutions than other systems ▪ The most used in current desalination plants discharge on a channel flowing to seawaters Single port jet outfall discharge Multiport jets outfall discharge Dilution required to fulfill environmental conditions Average salinity in Mediterranean Sea; CA ≈ 37.5 psu Conversion rate (RO); R = 45 % Brine saline concentration; Co ≈ 68 psu Critical salinity limit established to protect the Posidonia oceanica seagrass: Clim = 38.5 psu It is required a Dilution rate ≈ 30 in the area of segrasses to protect Very high dilutions are needed to accomplish with water quality standards. Discharges through jets are required Brine jet discharge behavior Brine has negative buoyancy in the sea Spreading layer Hypersaline plume FAR FIELD REGION Jet (intermediate field) NEAR FIELD REGION Spreading layer Jet Brine jet discharge behavior near field region Numerical modeling FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN OF BRINE DISCHARGES, NUMERICAL MODELING IS AN ESSENTIAL PREDICTION TOOL TO ASSESS THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS ESTABLISHED ON THE RECEIVING WATER BODY Receiving water quality criteria Marine climate conditions . ∂u ∂v ∂w =0 + + ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂u i ∂u i 1 ∂p µ ∂ 2ui + Fvi + =− +uj ρ ∂x j ρ ∂x j ∂x j ∂t ∂x j Brine properties and discharge conditions Numerical modeling Commercial models: CORMIX, CORJET, UM3 (Visual Plumes), JetLag (VISJET) Dimensional analysis NUMERICAL APPROACHES FOR BRINE DISCHARGES Simple models Integration of differential equations CFDs, (Hydrodynamics..) Advanced complex models (in development Time consumig) Commercial model limitations CORJET, UM3 and JetLag Integral models As they assume unlimited environment, they can only simulate the JET PATH As these models can only simulate the jet behavior, environmental authorities sometimes impose environmental conditions (such as, critical salinity limits) at the impact with bottom point. This is a rather conservative approach since dilution achived along the spreading layer is significant Commercial model Validation Validated with data published by various authors (not with other num. Models) Zt: TERMINAL RISE HEIGHT 2.7 2.5 2.3 Commercial models underestimate jet path dimensions 2.1 Zt/LM 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Initial discharge angle, θ CORJET UM3 JETLAG Cipollina Kikkert_LA Roberts Shao Papakonstantis Roberts, P. J. W., Ferrier, A., Daviero, G. (1997). “Mixing in inclined dense jets”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 123, No 8, pp. 693 - 699. Shao, D., Law, A. W. K. (2010, a). “Mixing and boundary interactions of 30º and 45º inclined dense jets”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, vol. 10, nº 5, Papakonstantis, I. G., Christodoulou, G. C., Papanicolau, P. N. (2011, b). “Inclined negatively buoyant jets 1: Geometrical characteristics”. Journal of Hydraulic Research, vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 13 - 22. Kikkert, G. A., Davidson, M. J., Nokes, R. I. (2007). “Inclined negatively buoyant discharges”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 133, pp. 545 – 554. Cipollina, A., Brucato, A., Grisafi, F., Nicosia, S.(2005). “Bench-Scale investigation of inclined dense jets”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 131, no 11, Commercial model Validation Si: CENTERLINE DILUTION AT THE RETURN IMPACT POINT 2.0 …and overall underestimate dilution rates 1.8 1.5 Si/ Frd 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Initial discharge angle, θ CORJET UM3 JETLAG Kikkert_LA Roberts Shao Papakonstantis Commercial model Validation Accuracy degree of commercial models for brine jets discharged into stagnant and dynamic ambients It must be considered in brine discharge designs, couplig model studies, etc.!! Analysis and validation of commercial models for brine discharges FACED WITH THE UNCERTAINTY IN THE USE OF COMMERCIAL MODELS UNKNOWLEDGE REGARDING THE HYDRODYNAMIC AND MIXING PROCESS INVOLVED IN BRINE DISCHARGES EXPERIMENAL STUDY OF BRINE JET DISCHARGES (to better understand the flow, to generate a data base for calibration and validation) Experimental study of brine discharges IH CANTABRIA LABORATORY Experimental study of brine discharges IH CANTABRIA LABORATORY Experimental study of brine discharges ADVANCED LASER OPTICAL TECHNIQUES (PIV and PLIF) HAVE BEEN APPLIED TO EXPERIMENTALLY STUDY BRINE JET DISCHARGES Laser Brine flow discharged into the test tank Instantaneous velocity flow fields Instantaneous concentration flow fields PIV and PLIF cameras Images storage, data postprocessing Data post-processing Experimental study of brine discharges Various: Densimetric Froude Number (15<Frd<40) Initial discharge angle (15º<θ<75º) Bottom slope (0<m<4%) Experimental study of brine discharges JET FLOW FIELDS: Velocity modulus Snapshots concentration image Averaged dilution Turbulent concentration Vertical and horizontal velocity components Vorticity Experimental study of brine discharges BRINE JET TRANSVERSE PROFILES Hypotheses assumed: ▪ Self-similarity? ▪ Gaussian profile? Velocity profiles Concentration profiles Experimental study of brine discharges SPREADING LAYER FLOW FIELDS Average dilution Horizontal and vertical average velocity Horizontal and vertical turbulent velocity Experimental study of brine discharges SPREADING LAYER TRANSVERSE PROFILES Concentration profiles Velocity profiles FACED WITH THE COMMERCIAL MODEL LIMITATIONS CONSIDERING THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE EXPERIMENTAL GENERATED DEVELOPING OF NEW TOOLS (“BRIHNE”) TO SIMULATE BRINE DISCHARGES (intermediate step) New “BRIHNE” tools Numerical approaches obtained from scientific publications. DEVELOPED BY THE IH CANTABRIA, supported by the Ministry of Environment in Spain “BRIHNE” TOOLS Programmed in MATLAB Calibrated with PIV-PLIF experimental data ONLINE RUN: New “BRIHNE” tools Turbulent jet (near field region) Hypersaline Plume (Far field region) Spreading layer (transition flow) BrIHne-Jet BrIHne-Plume2D BrIHne-Plume3D BrIHne-Jet-Plume BrIHne-Jet-Spreading BrIHne-MJets “BRIHNE” tools input data interface Load input data Recommended input data values Technical specifications document Warning” file Save input data Run the model (instantaneous run) “BRIHNE” tools results interface Excel file with the numerical values of the evolution of the flow behavior “Pdf” results report BRIHNE-JET-SPREADING Simulation of the near field region of a brine jet discharge Jet path BrIHne-Jet-Spreading modeling scheme Spreading layer Input data: Brine effluent properties // Marine environment conditions // discharge design parameters BrIHne-Jet-Spreading numerical approach DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS FORMULAS (buoyant jets) For an specific discharge angle (θ), the brine flow characteristics (trajectory, dilution) mainly depends on the port diameter (do) and the Densimetric Froude Number (Fo). Calibration of dimensional analysis formulas to characterize the full near field region BrIHne-Jet-Spreading calibration Full near field region (from the nozzle to the end of the spreading layer) Kij : dimensional analysis coefficients experimentaly obtained for each variable at each point of the flow trajectory and for all discharge angles considered BrIHne-Jet-Spreading capabilities Capabilities Simulation of the whole near field region of a brine jet discharge, jet and spreading layer up to the begining of the far field region Applicable to jets with various discharge angles in the range of realistic designs: 15º, 30º, 45º, 60º and 75º. It considers the particular features of inclined negatively buoyant jets relative to classical neutral jets (non-symmetric transverse profiles). BrIHne-Jet-Spreading capabilities Capabilities As results, it provides the spreading layer velocity and concentration profiles (thickness and shape), which can be used as “coupling” conditions for a far field region hydrodynamic model A good agreement with experimental data ensures feasibility of Brihne-JetSpreading in the simulation of actual desalination plant discharges Limitations Stagnant environment, steady model Bi-dimensional (Three-dimensional case in development) Example of graphical results of BrIHne-Jet-Spreading Validation of BrIHne-Jet-Spreading Numerical results of BrIHne-Jet-Spreading have been compared with experimental data published by various authors, for variables at singular points of the flow. JET PATH Upper edge, terminal rise height (Zt); centerline dilution at the return point (Sr) Sr: CENTERLINE DILUTION AT THE RETURN POINT Zt: TERMINAL RISE HEIGHT 2.3 3.2 2.0 2.8 1.8 2.4 1.5 Sr/ Fo Zt /LM 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 20 30 Kikkert_LIF Roberts Shao Papakonstantis 50 60 70 80 Initial discharge angle, θo Initial discharge angle, θ Cipollina 40 80 Present study Kikkert_LIF Roberts Shao Papakonstantis BrIHne-Jet-Spreading Validation of BrIHne-Jet-Spreading SPREADING LAYER Layer thickness (Zs) and centerline dilution at the end of the spreading layer (Ss) Ss: SPREADING LAYER CENTERLINE DILUCIÓN AT THE END OF THE NEAR FIELD REGION Zs: SPREADING LAYER THICKNESS AT THE END OF THE NEAR FIELD REGION 3.0 1.5 2.8 2.5 1.3 2.3 2.0 Ss /Fo Zs/ doFo 1.0 0.8 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 Initial discharge angle, θo Roberts BrIHne-Jet-Spreading 50 60 70 80 Initial discharge angle, θo Roberts BrIHne-Jet-Spreading Conclusions ▪ “brIHne” tools are models focused on brine discharges, calibrated with PIV and LIF experimental data to achieve more feasible numerical simulations in actual desalination plants projects ▪ BrIHne-Jet-Spreading simulates the full near field region, considering special features on inclined dense jets and the flow behavior along the spreading layer (intermediate field). Coupling conditions (2D) for a far field region model are provided. ▪ BrIHne models can be online run from . (training course: ) ▪ BrIHne models will be improved and updated as new experimental data are developed (multiport jets with merging, direct surface discharge, far field regions, etc.). CFD models are being implemented (but they must be calibrated and validated with high quality experimental data) BRIHNE-JET-SPREADING Thank you very much for your attention