March 2007 – Medical Illustration. Inhouse poster design and printing service We require 1 2 3 4 An electronic version of your files (on floppy disc, cd, memory stick or by email with prior arrangement) Paper copies of text and images The size and orientation of the poster as specified in your instructions A contact number Poster text Please supply the main text (including tables and figure captions) for your poster in a continuous Word document. Graphs, images and charts etc should not be included. Figures and images Charts and diagrams are usually redrawn by us and should be supplied in a Powerpoint or Excel file format (preferably editable). Photographic images should be supplied as tiff, jpeg or Photoshop files or as hard copy to scan. Do not supply images embedded in a Powerpoint or Word file as reproduction is usually impossible. We must have correct consent for usage of images (ie patient consent or copyright). Medical illustration can supply consent forms for patient photography. Images downloaded from the Internet are not suitable for use on posters as the resolution of the files is too low and copyright may be breached. Timescale Please check with the department. Whilst we operate a 10 working days guaranteed service, posters can often be produced with a shorter deadline, depending on our work load. Payment You may pay by IDT (UCL), Non-stock requisition form (NHS), cash or cheque. Non-stock requisition forms, cash and cheque payments are subject to VAT – see table below for pricing. A0 poster, designed, printed and laminated A1 poster designed, printed and laminated For further information please contact the Graphics on Ext 33602 We do more than posters visit our website to see what else we do £99 £79