The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Black The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment June 2007 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd The Arup Campus, Blythe Gate, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull, West Midlands. B90 8AE Tel +44 (0)121 213 3000 Fax +44 (0)121 213 3001 This report takes into account the particular instructions and requirements of our client. It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by any third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party Job number 115438 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Document Verification Page 1 of 1 Development Masterplan Job title Job number 115438 Document title Flood Risk Assessment Document ref FRA 07/01 File reference Revision Date Filename 0002 University of Warwick FRA Draft 15-06-07.doc Draft 1 15/06/07 Description First draft Name Prepared by Checked by Approved by Andy Williams/Nick Linnell David Schofield Andy Lloyd Signature Issue 18/06/07 Filename 0003 University of Warwick FRA Issue 18-06-07.doc Description First Issue Name Prepared by Checked by Approved by Andy Williams/Nick Linnell David Schofield Andy Lloyd Prepared by Checked by Approved by Prepared by Checked by Approved by Signature Filename Description Name Signature Filename Description Name Signature Issue Document Verification with Document The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Contents Page 1 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 2 2.1 Previous Flood Risk Assessments 2 2.2 The Development Proposals 2 2.3 Flood Risk Planning Context 2 2.4 The Sequential and Exception Tests 5 3 Description of the Site 6 3.1 Surrounding Area 6 3.2 Description of the Catchment 6 3.3 Westwood Brook Subcatchment 7 3.4 Whitefield Coppice Subcatchment 8 3.5 Existing Surface Water Infrastructure 9 3.6 Gibbet Hill Subcatchment 10 4 Description of the Proposed Development 11 5 Operating Authorities 12 5.1 Environment Agency 12 5.2 Coventry City Council 12 5.3 Warwickshire County Council 13 5.4 Warwick District Council 13 5.5 Severn Trent Water 13 5.6 Key Infrastructure Requirements 13 6 7 Description of Flooding Mechanisms & Mitigation 15 6.1 Table 1: Potential Flood Risk Summary 15 6.2 Table 2: Flood Risk Identification 16 6.3 Fluvial Flood Risk 16 6.4 Groundwater Flood Risk 17 6.5 Overland Flow Flood Risk 17 6.6 Artificial Drainage System Flood Risk 18 6.7 Infrastructure Failure Flood Risk 18 6.8 Climate Change Flood Risk 18 6.9 Historical Flooding Data 19 6.10 Emergency Access Requirements 19 6.11 Maintenance Requirements 19 Preliminary Surface Water Analysis & Design 20 7.1 Surface Water Management Strategy 20 7.2 Preliminary Surface Water Storage Calculations 21 7.3 Westwood Brook Fluvial Modelling (Refer to Appendix C) 21 The University of Warwick 8 9 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Conclusions and Recommendations 23 8.1 The Sequential and Exception Tests 23 8.2 Approving Authority Consultation 23 8.3 Fluvial Flood Risk Conclusions 23 8.4 Groundwater Flood Risk Conclusions 24 8.5 Overland Flow Flood Risk Conclusions 24 8.6 Artificial Drainage System Flood Risk Conclusions 24 8.7 Infrastructure Failure Flood Risk Conclusions 25 8.8 Climate Change Flood Risk Conclusions 25 8.9 Maintenance and Access Flood Risk Conclusions 25 8.10 Recommendations 26 References Appendices Appendix A Site Photographs Appendix B Figures Appendix C Westwood Brook Hydraulic Analysis Appendix D Record of Consultation Appendix E Topographic Survey 27 The University of Warwick 1 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Executive Summary Arup have been commissioned by the University of Warwick to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), to identify the potential flood risk issues associated with the proposed new development plan for the University. The FRA will form part of an outline planning submission for the proposed development and be submitted to the local planning authorities, Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council. The University of Warwick catchment is located on the south westerly outskirts of Coventry, close to the A45 trunk road and on the edge of the urbanised conurbation. The overall catchment area incorporates three developed elements; Westwood Campus, the Central Campus and Gibbet Hill Campus. Split by Gibbet Hill Road, the eastern side of the university site lies within the planning jurisdiction of Coventry City Council while the western side lies within the control of Warwickshire County Council. The University catchment covers an estimated total area of some 200 hectares, of which approximately 50% of the catchment is developed and impermeable. The developed area consists of large and small buildings, which are used for educational, research, administration or residential purposes. There are also a number of water features. The long term development masterplanning for the University of Warwick will encompass areas of new development, areas of redevelopment and extensive areas of hard and soft landscaping to enhance the amenity value and ecological potential of the Campus. For the purpose of this FRA and surface water masterplanning, the University catchment has been split into two main subcatchments; the Westwood Brook Subcatchment and the Whitefield Coppice Subcatchment. Both subcatchments ultimately drain to the south of the University and into the Canley Brook, which itself flows in a south westerly direction before discharging further downstream into the Finham Brook. Both of these watercourses are designated main rivers by the Environment Agency. A number of operating authorities have been consulted, including the Environment Agency, who required that a hydraulic analysis of the Westwood Brook be undertaken. Tables 1 and 2 (adapted from CIRIA document C624: Development and Flood Risk, Guidance for the 3 Construction Industry ) indicates that the potential sources of flood risk to the development site or adjacent areas to be considered by this development FRA are as follows: • Fluvial; • Groundwater; • Overland flow of surface water; • Capacity exceedance of artificial drainage systems; • Infrastructure failure. Flood Risk Conclusions (FRC) for the proposed development were determined and how they can be removed or reduced to acceptable levels using appropriate Flood Mitigation Measures (FMM). From consultation with the approving authorities leading up to the production of this flood risk assessment, the key infrastructure requirements pertaining to the University development masterplan were also determined. It is recommended that this Flood Risk Assessment be accepted and that the issues raised herein are addressed in the future and detailed design stages of the proposed development, paying careful consideration to the mitigation measures outlined . For specific development proposals, further bespoke and more detailed flood risk assessments may be required. It is recommended that the University of Warwick flood risk assessment should be considered suitable for the proposed main Campus Masterplan, in terms of managing flood risk in a sustainable manner. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 1 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 2 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Introduction Arup have been commissioned by the University of Warwick to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), to identify the potential flood risk issues associated with the proposed new development plan for the University. The FRA will form part of an outline planning submission for the proposed development and be submitted to the local planning authorities, Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council. 1 A University Development Plan Drainage Scoping Study incorporating foul and surface water sewerage, was undertaken by Arup in September 2004. The Study identified key drainage strategy issues pertaining to the proposed new development plans and outlined general concerns related to flood risk. This FRA has been prepared using the precautionary principle to identify and highlight the issues associated with flood risk at the site and represents an enhanced quantitative assessment. This report has been prepared with reference to Planning Policy Statement 25 2 (PPS25): Development and Flood Risk , and follows the Flood Risk Assessment methodology prescribed in CIRIA document C624: Development and Flood Risk, Guidance 3 for the Construction Industry . 2.1 Previous Flood Risk Assessments A flood risk assessment was prepared for the site in August 2006 for a preceding master plan, in accordance with the now superseded Planning Policy Guidance Note 25: 4 Development and Flood Risk (PPG 25) . While this FRA was never formally issued, it was sent to the Environment Agency for comment. The EA’s comments from this review were subsequently incorporated ready for future issue. This FRA is an update of the 2006 FRA to incorporate the changes introduced by PPS 25² and the small changes made to the university master plan. 2.2 The Development Proposals Development of the University began some 40 years ago and is now one of the leading teaching and research establishments in the UK. Over this period the University expansion has been guided by successive development plans, the last one approved in 1994. This report covers the proposed expansion of the University over the next 10 years. The long term development masterplan for the University of Warwick will encompass areas of new development, areas of redevelopment and extensive areas of hard and soft landscaping to enhance the amenity value and ecological potential of the Campus. The works will include improvements to academic, residential and administration facilities. 2.3 Flood Risk Planning Context Planning policy guidance exists to ensure that flood risk issues are considered when planning and designing new development. A detailed flood risk assessment is required for most developments at the time of a planning submission. 2.3.1 Planning Policy Guidance Note 25 Now superseded, Planning Policy Guidance Note 25: Development and Flood Risk 4 (PPG25) was published by the Department of Transport Local Government and the Regions (DTLR) in July 2001. PPG 25 explained how flooding should be taken into account when planning for development in England. PPG 25 defined three principal flood risk zones for fluvial and coastal flooding. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 2 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Table 1 from PPG 25 (Flood Zones and degree of flood risk): Flood Risk • Flood Zone 1 Little or no risk (Less than 0.1%) 2 Low to medium risk River: 0.1-1% Tidal & Coastal: 0.1-0.5% River: 1% or greater 3 High risk Tidal & Coastal: 0.5% or greater Flood Zone 3 was divided into three sections, depending upon the extent of existing development in an area: 3a (developed areas), 3b (undeveloped & sparsely developed areas) and 3c (floodplains). Within PPG 25 “floodplain” was defined as “unobstructed or active areas where water regularly flows in time of flood”. 2.3.2 Planning Policy Statement 25 This FRA has been prepared with reference to Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS 25): 2 Development and Flood Risk , and follows the methodology prescribed in CIRIA document 3 C624: Development and Flood Risk, Guidance for the Construction Industry . CIRIA document C624 provides current best practice guidance on the assessment and management of flood risk in relation the built environment. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) intend that PPS 25, together with the accompanying practice guide, replaces PPG 25. The final version of PPS 25 was formally launched on 7 December 2006. Planning Policy Statement 25 outlines contemporary government policy on planning to reduce flood risk and the contribution of best practice drainage techniques to a more sustainable development. The aim of PPS 25 is to ensure that flood risk is taken into account at all stages in the planning process and to avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding, and to direct development away from areas at highest risk. It does this by formulating a sequential risk-based approach towards flooding to be adopted at all levels of planning. Ultimately, those proposing developments are responsible for: • Demonstrating that the proposals are consistent with the policies within PPS 25. • Providing a FRA to show: 1. The proposed development is unlikely to be affected by flooding and whether the development will increase flood risk elsewhere. 2. The development is safe and where possible reduces flood risk. 3. Management and funding arrangements to ensure the site can be developed and occupied safely throughout its proposed lifetime. • Implementing designs which both reduce flood risk for the development and its surrounding area. • Identifying opportunities to reduce flood risk, enhance biodiversity, protect the historic environment and seek collective solutions to managing flood risk. • Flood probability is defined by the annual probability of exceedance of a flood event. A 0.1% annual probability event will be equalled or exceeded once every thousand years on average (a return period of 1 in 1000 years). A 0.5% annual probability event has an average return period of 1 in 200 years. A 1% annual probability event has an average return period of 1 in 100 years. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 3 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment A key difference between PPG 25 and PPS 25 are changes to the definition of flood zones, the flood risk vulnerability of different land use types has been more clearly defined and the “Sequential Test” now includes an “Exception Test”. PPS 25 proposes that where the Sequential Test has been carried out and it is found that certain types of development may be permitted within a given flood risk zone the Exception Test may be applied to see whether it is possible to manage flood risk while allowing necessary development to occur. PPS 25 does not change the definition of Flood Zones 1 and 2, but does change the definition of the sub-zones within Flood Zone 3. PPS25 retains the “floodplain” as a subzone within Zone 3, with an amended definition. These Flood Zones are shown overleaf in Table D.1 from PPS25. Table D.2 of PPS25 (not shown) determines Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification as; Essential Infrastructure, Highly Vulnerable, More Vulnerable, Less Vulnerable and Water Compatible Development. These two key table are then referenced together to show Flood Risk Vulnerability and Flood Zone Compatibility in Table D.3, shown overleaf. Table D.1: Flood Zones (as defined by Annex D in PPS 25): Flood Zone Definition Zone 1 Low Probability This zone comprises land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1000 annual probability of river or sea flooding in any year (<0.1%). Zone 2 Medium Probability This zone comprises land assessed as having between a 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 annual probability of river flooding (1% - 0.1%) or between a 1 in 200 and 1 in 1000 annual probability of sea flooding (0.5% 0.1%) in any year. Zone 3a High Probability This zone comprises land assessed as having a 1 in 100 or greater annual probability of river flooding (>1%) or a 1 in 200 or greater annual probability of flooding from the sea (>0.5%) in any year. Zone 3b Floodplain This zone comprises land where water has to flow or be stored in times of flood. Strategic flood risk assessments (SFRAs) should identify this flood zone as land which would flood with an annual probability of 1 in 20 (5%) or greater in any year or is designed to flood in an extreme (0.1%) flood, or at another probability to be agreed between the LPA and the Environment Agency, including water conveyance routes. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 4 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Table D.3 •: Flood Risk Vulnerability and Flood Zone Compatibility (as defined by Annex D in PPS25): Essential Infrastructure Water Compatible Highly Vulnerable More Vulnerable Less Vulnerable Flood Zone 1 Flood Zone 2 Exception Test Flood Zone 3a Exception Test Exception Test Flood Zone 3b “Floodplain” Exception Test Development is appropriate. Development should not be permitted. 2.4 The Sequential and Exception Tests A sequential risk based approach to determining the suitability of land for development in flood risk areas is essential at all levels of the planning process. The Sequential Test aims to ensure preference is given to land within flood zone 1 prior to land in zones 2 and 3 being considered for the same development. It also ensures that the flood vulnerability of the proposals is taken into account when locating developments within flood zones 2 and 3. Should the sequential approach show it is not possible for the development to be located in zones of lower flood risk due to other wider sustainability objectives, it may be possible to show using the Exception Test that the development is still feasible by the management of flood risk. 2.4.1 Sequential Test The sequential test aims to steer development to the areas of lowest flood risk i.e. flood zone 1. In this instance, the majority of the University Campus lies outside of any fluvial floodplain, with the exception of the areas which lie directly adjacent to the Westwood and Canley Brook. The type of development being proposed can be classed as ‘less vulnerable’, but also in instances as ‘more vulnerable’ where development will consist predominantly of student halls of residents and educational blocks. The intention has been to steer development clear of any flood zone 3. The majority of development is suitable for the parts of the university campus which lie outside of the fluvial floodplain i.e. flood zones 1 and 2 (except the unlikely ‘highly vulnerable’ development in a flood zone 2). However, if future specific proposals are proposed for flood zones 3a and 3b, a future Exception Test may required with the development specific FRA. 2.4.2 Exception Test Following a review of the floodplain of the Canley Brook and recent Arup modelling of the Westwood Brook (refer to Appendix C), it can be confirmed that no part of the current masterplan lies within flood zones 2 or 3 and therefore an exception test is not required for the University masterplanning proposals. • This table does not show the application of the Sequential Test (which guides development to Flood Zone 1 first, then Flood Zone 2 and then Flood Zone 3), FRA requirements, or the policy aims for each Flood Zone. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 5 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 3 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Description of the Site Refer to site photographs in Appendix A and figures within Appendix B. 3.1 Surrounding Area The University of Warwick catchment is located on the south westerly outskirts of Coventry, close to the A45 trunk road and on the edge of the urbanised conurbation. The overall catchment area incorporates three developed elements; Westwood Campus, the Central Campus and Gibbet Hill Campus. The Westwood Campus is the northernmost part of the University and is located off Kirby Corner Road. The Central Campus and Gibbet Hill Campus to the south are located off Gibbet Hill Road. Split by Gibbet Hill Road, the eastern side of the university site lies within the planning jurisdiction of Coventry City Council while the western side lies within the control of Warwickshire County Council. For any planning application relating to the overall development masterplan, a detailed flood risk assessment (FRA) must be submitted to each planning authority. 3.2 Description of the Catchment The University catchment covers an estimated total area of some 200 hectares, of which approximately 50% of the catchment is developed and impermeable. The developed area consists of large and small buildings, which are used for educational, research, administration or residential purposes. There are also a number of water features, large manicured areas with a permeable natural appearance, complimented by numerous hedgerows and tree lines that provide valuable natural habitat to flora and fauna. The remainder of the site lies within the surrounding greenbelt, which is predominately used for arable farming The University has a small subcatchment located on Gibbet Hill, with the site being located close to a residential area. It is connected to the main campus by Gibbet Hill Road and a separate pedestrian and cycleway that passes through a natural area of significant fluvial and ecological importance. However, for the purpose of this FRA and surface water masterplanning, the University catchment has been split into two main subcatchments; the Westwood Brook Subcatchment and the Whitefield Coppice Subcatchment. Both subcatchments ultimately drain to the south of the University and into the Canley Brook, which itself flows in a south westerly direction before discharging further downstream into the Finham Brook. Both of these watercourses are designated main rivers by the Environment Agency. 3.2.1 Canley Brook Floodplain Part of the University catchment lies within the 100 year indicative floodplain of the Canley Brook (shaded blue below). However, no University above ground infrastructure lies within this floodplain and this constraint must be adhered to for any future development. Two large ponds located adjacent to the Tocil Wood are within the indicative 100 year fluvial floodplain of the Canley Brook. This water body is not believed to be a fluvial attenuation structure and is not suitable for such a function due to its location within the indicative floodplain. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 6 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment 100 Year (1%) Fluvial Floodplain (image courtesy of Environment Agency website) Coventry City University Campus Westwood Brook Canley Brook Floodplain Confluence with Finham Brook 3.3 Westwood Brook Subcatchment The Westwood Brook flows from the north through the subcatchment either in open channel or through a series of culverts. A number of outfalls discharge directly into the Westwood Brook, which flows through the campus either in open channel or culverted. The pipes, channels and Westwood Brook all outfall into the Canley Brook, which flows between the Central Campus and Gibbet Hill site. The majority of the University’s built environment is located in this subcatchment and it was important to understand the potential flood risk from the Westwood Brook. Consequently, a detailed hydraulic analysis was carried out as part of this FRA, in order that the 1 in 100 year floodplain for the Westwood Brook could be determined (refer to section 3.3.2 & Appendix C). It should be noted that with the current surface water infrastructure, surface water draining into the Lakeside water bodies (refer to section 3.4 below), transfers across to the Westwood Brook subcatchment and discharges into the Westwood Brook via a surface water pumping station. A potential reduction in this volume from a catchment modification will be appraised in section 3.4.2. This subcatchment lies within the planning jurisdiction of Coventry City Council. 3.3.1 Existing Hydraulic Features There is a water body located adjacent to the Tocil flats (located to the east of the main campus), although it is not used for the attenuation of surface water runoff. As mentioned J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 7 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment above, the watercourse flows through a number of culvert and bridge structures on its route through the subcatchment. Surface water runoff from the Heronbank and Lakeside ponds is also pumped into the Westwood Brook via a large pumping station, located in front of the Engineering Block on University Road. The exact details of this pumping station are currently unknown. A foul water pumping station, located adjacent to the Tocil Flats collects foul flows from the whole of the main university campus and discharges them via a rising main which passes under the Canley Brook into a Severn Trent Sewer located within the housing development to the East of the site. 3.3.2 Westwood Brook Hydraulic Analysis The floodplain of this watercourse was unknown, as no previous hydraulic model existed. The Environment Agency required a detailed hydraulic analysis be carried out as part of this FRA, in order that the 1 in 100 year floodplain for the Westwood Brook could be determined and any flood risk understood (the results of this analysis can be found in Appendix C). The extent of the floodplain will ultimately influence where future buildings in the subcatchment can be located and drive final engineering solutions. Any encroachment into the floodplain will require compensation storage on a level-for-level and volume-for-volume basis. 3.4 Whitefield Coppice Subcatchment This subcatchment is mostly drained by a small watercourse (name unknown) to the east of Whitefield Coppice, which joins the Canley Brook near Cryfield Grange. The Environment Agency does not require a fluvial hydraulic modelling exercise to be carried out for this watercourse due to its minimal flood risk and there are no concerns about floodplain encroachment, as the subcatchment is elevated above any such constraint. The subcatchment lies within the planning jurisdiction of Warwickshire County Council. 3.4.1 Existing Hydraulic Features Within the centre of the Lakeside Residences and Heronbank development there are a series of three water feature lakes. This significant water body is only partly used for the attenuation of surface water runoff from some of the Lakeside Residences. The remainder of the Lakeside Residences and those at Heronbank drain attenuated surface water flows from below ground surface water infrastructure to the lakes, some of which are pumped outfalls. All flows from the feature lakes eventually drain to the surface water pumping station, located in front of the Engineering Block on University Road, before discharging into Westfield Brook. Behind the Heronbank buildings on the Hill Top site is a small pond, which is not used for attenuating surface water runoff. The location of the pond suggests there is a potential flood risk for the Heronbank buildings during extreme storm events, as there is evidence of overland flow problems in this area, resulting from surface water shedding from the elevated Hill Top site. 3.4.2 Modification of Lakeside Water Features The Lakeside and Heronbank Residences that drain directly to the three lakes or via below ground proprietary detention tanks, currently discharge to the Westwood Brook via a large pumping station in front of the Engineering Block on University Road. Initial feasibility design work has confirmed that it would be possible to reverse the direction of flow of the upper two lakes and drain them in the direction of Whitefield Coppice, which would both reduce a potential flood risk from infrastructure failure and reduce the operational costs associated with the pumping station. There would be a number of sustainability and flood risk advantages from this engineering exercise. Firstly it will result in a reduction of flows directed towards the surface water pumping station on University Road and there will be an operational cost saving for every J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 8 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment cubic metre of surface water runoff diverted and subsequently drained by gravity. Initial calculations have indicated there is an estimated 1.75 hectares of impermeable area connected to the lakes that could be re-directed and provided with a gravity outfall. The assumed saving (which requires detailed clarification); working on the basis of 700mm 3 average annual rainfall, this translates to an average 12,250m of surface water runoff per annum that would no longer require pumping into the Westwood Brook. Secondly, mitigating a flood risk by providing a gravity outfall option rather than the reliance upon a pumping station discharge would reduce a potential flood risk at both Lakeside and Engineering Road as a result of infrastructure failure of loss of power for any length of time or during extreme storm events. There are also two timber construction (possibly with submerged concrete support structures; no as-built drawings are available) dams separating the three lakes by providing partitions. In the unlikely event that one of these dams fail, the sudden loss of water would create a surge of water that could pose a flood risk downstream. Thirdly, initial feasibility design work has confirmed that the upper two lakes can be modified to be used as attenuation balancing ponds, saving in infrastructure costs for the proposed development in this area, although further design work is required to demonstrate that there will be no increased flood risk to the buildings during extreme storm events. This modification would require the direction of flow through these ponds to be reversed and the upper lake permanently drained down to maintain a normal water level identical to the middle lake (83.37m AOD). Existing control structures will require modification and a new outfall with flow control designed. As the depth of the lake is not known, this modification would require additional excavation to maintain a wet feature, or the area could be modified into a combined shallow wetland and flow balancing feature, with a strong landscape, ecology and natural habitat bias. Additional detailed design work is required to confirm the initial feasibility work and also confirm to the Environment Agency that there will be no detrimental effect to the base flows in the Westwood Brook once the diversion is made. 3.5 Existing Surface Water Infrastructure Surface water runoff within the overall catchment is currently collected from both external paved areas including roads (via gullies and channel drainage) and roof areas (via rainwater down pipes). These gullies and down pipes are connected locally through numerous piped systems, some of which discharge into the network of open drainage channels which cross the University site and some discharge directly to open water features. Within the Lakeside Residences and Heronbank surface water infrastructure are three below ground detention 3 tanks of 360, 150 and 90m and their respective discharge rates (two of which are pumped) are 10.6l/s, 8.4l/s and 5.0l/s. These proprietary detention tanks control and attenuate the surface water flows before discharging into the water feature lakes in that area. A significant percentage of the site’s surface water runoff is pumped into the Westwood Brook via a large pumping station, located in front of the Engineering Block on University Road. This pumping station contains two lift pumps which discharge surface water runoff into an adjacent breakhead chamber. This is not a storm ancillary and is in operation for all surface water flows generated during precipitation in that part of the Campus catchment. Two of the surface water detention tanks serving the Lakeside Residences are thought to have pumping station ancillaries to lift the attenuated flows into breakhead chambers, for controlled gravity discharges into the adjacent lakes. There are no reported flooding problems associated with any of the catchment’s existing surface water infrastructure. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 9 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 3.6 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Gibbet Hill Subcatchment This small subcatchment is located on Gibbet Hill and is connected to the main campus by Gibbet Hill Road and a separate pedestrian and cycleway that passes through a natural area of significant fluvial and ecological importance. It is located well outside of any fluvial floodplain. The surface water system of pipes and open structures all outfall directly into the Canley Brook and its key flood risk is to sustainably manage future surface water runoff. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 10 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 4 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Description of the Proposed Development Development of the University began some 40 years ago and is now one of the leading teaching and research establishments in the UK. Over this period the University expansion has been guided by successive development plans, the last one approved in 1994. This report covers the proposed expansion of the University over the next 10 years. The long term development masterplan for the University of Warwick will encompass areas of new development, areas of redevelopment and extensive areas of hard and soft landscaping to enhance the amenity value and ecological potential of the Campus. The works will include improvements to academic, residential and administration facilities; refer to figures 1, 2 and 3 in Appendix B. The approximate areas of new development are detailed below: Approximate Gross External Floor Areas (m²) Academic Other Admin Residential Totals Area 1 5,000 0 4,600 0 9,600 Area 2 36,300 14,900 10,400 12,400 74,000 Area 3 0 0 0 3,500 3,500 Area 4 0 0 2,700 26,650 29,350 Area 5 8,600 8,100 6,950 6,650 30,300 Area 6 7,600 0 650 7,800 16,050 Area 7 3,300 0 -1,300 0 2,000 Area 8 4,200 0 2,000 0 6,200 Totals 65,000 23,000 26,000 57,000 171,000 J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 11 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 5 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Operating Authorities Throughout the design development, consultation and input has been sought from the following key stakeholders and this will continue through the planning process: 5.1 Environment Agency The Environment Agency (EA) has wide-ranging responsibilities including the management of water resources, control of pollution in inland waters, and flood defence including water level management. A principle duty of the Agency is to ‘contribute towards the achievement of sustainable development.’ It is therefore, essential that the Environment Agency is consulted throughout the design development of the site. 5.1.1 Consultation and Requirements Meetings with the EA have been held in 2004 and 2005 (refer to the minutes of meetings in Appendix D) to clarify their requirements relating to flood risk and surface water management with respect to the development plan. There was also consultation in 2006 when the original draft PPG 25 FRA for this development was submitted for comment only and the Agency responded in writing; those comments have been addressed by this PPS 25 FRA and a copy of that letter can be found in Appendix D. The key EA requirements are summarised as follows: • The EA will require the submission of a detailed flood risk assessment for any planning submission. The FRA content will have to be undertaken to a level of detail that a preliminary design and outline masterplan can be submitted to the two planning authorities. This will include sewerage and fluvial modelling where applicable to determine flood risk and acceptable mitigation measures. An assessment of climate change should be included. • The master plan FRA must include a detailed hydraulic analysis of the Westwood Brook, in terms of flood risk and 100 year floodplain definition (refer to Appendix C). Hydraulic modelling of the Canley Brook will not be required. • There should be no above ground building in any fluvial floodplain; any impingement will require volume-for-volume and level-for-level compensation. • All surface water attenuation structures shall be designed with a 100 year return period, plus 20% to 30% for climate change (dependent upon design life). All surface water runoff from the proposed development draining to the watercourse shall be managed in a sustainable manner. This will include the equivalent rate of greenfield runoff discharge constraint for all new build (typically 5 litres per second per hectare). • The EA will not approve any culverting of watercourses and would support de-culverting where feasible. • The Whitefield Coppice subcatchment will be required to include an analysis of surface water management in accordance with the parameters detailed above. This infrastructure will drain to an unnamed watercourse running through Whitefield Coppice, although the EA will not require a hydraulic analysis of this watercourse. • Surface water quality issues will be to standard requirements. This shall include proprietary separators for significant car parking areas and to maximise the water quality improvement potential from natural sustainable drainage techniques. 5.2 Coventry City Council Coventry City Council is the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for the Westfield Brook subcatchment and is responsible for the preparation and development of local plans and the controlling of development within the area. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 12 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Coventry City Council as an LPA will be consulted throughout the future design process to ensure the proposals do not conflict with any existing or proposed developments in terms of flooding and drainage. After scoping study consultation, it was determined that the Council do not want any further increases in runoff entering watercourses, and therefore would like to see the use of sustainable drainage and attenuation devices within any new developments. The Council have also been liaising with the EA. 5.3 Warwickshire County Council Warwickshire County Council is the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for the Whitefield Coppice subcatchment and is responsible for the preparation and development of local plans and the controlling of development within the area. Warwickshire County Council as an LPA will be consulted throughout the future design process to ensure the proposals do not conflict with any existing or proposed developments in terms of flooding and drainage. At the scoping study consultation, the Council did not have any key issues. 5.4 Warwick District Council Warwick District Council were contacted during the scoping study, and will be consulted throughout the future design process, to determine if they had any drainage issues or concerns within this area. No such issues were raised. 5.5 Severn Trent Water Severn Trent Water is the local sewerage undertaker, responsible for all the public foul and surface water infrastructure in this area. Severn Trent Water should be consulted throughout the future design process regarding existing capacities and likely flooding of public sewers and any proposed connections to them. Any proposed connection to a public sewer should be subject to an early submission of a Severn Trent “Developer Enquiry”, to determine the correct location and permissible discharge rate of the connection. Where there is an existing connection being reused, the discharge rate should be no greater than existing and reduced if feasible. Where there is a requirement for a new connection, Severn Trent Water will determine the discharge rate. Severn Trent has no knowledge of any surface water discharge consents for the University drainage, but provided details for two foul water effluent discharge consents. 5.6 Key Infrastructure Requirements From consultation with the approving authorities leading up to the production of this flood risk assessment, the key infrastructure requirements pertaining to the University development plan are as follows: • There should be no above ground building in any fluvial floodplain; any impingement will require volume-for-volume and level-for-level compensation and extensive flood risk mitigation measures implemented to the structure. • All buildings should be designed and constructed with full regard for flood risk issues and mitigation measures implemented where required. This shall include consideration of overland flow paths. • Flood risk elsewhere (downstream) as a result of the development plan should be considered and not increased. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 13 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment • All surface water attenuation structures shall be designed with a 100 year return period, plus 20% or 30% allowance for climate change, level of protection. All surface water runoff from the proposed development draining to watercourses shall be managed in a sustainable manner. This will include the equivalent rate of greenfield runoff discharge constraint for all new build (typically 5 litres per second per hectare). • The design of sewerage infrastructure shall be in accordance with the current edition of 5 Sewers For Adoption . • Where connections to public sewerage are to be made (foul and surface water sewers), they should be subject to an early submission of a Severn Trent Water “Developer Enquiry”, to determine the correct location and permissible discharge rate of the connection. For existing sewer connections to be reused, flow rates should be agreed with Severn Trent Water; this will likely be maintained to existing levels and reduced if possible. • Surface water quality issues, although not directly related to flood risk, will be to standard requirements. This shall include proprietary separators for significant car parking areas and to maximise the water quality improvement potential from natural sustainable drainage techniques. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 14 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Description of Flooding Mechanisms & Mitigation Table 1: Potential Flood Risk Summary Is the development site protected by a flood control structure (eg flap valve, sluice gate, tidal barrier etc)? Is the development site located upstream of a culvert which may be prone to blockage? Are water levels in a watercourse/body located in or next to a development site controlled by a pumping station? Is the development site downstream/downslope of a reservoir or other significant water body? Infrastructure Failure Is the development site next to any watercourse shown on Ordnance Survey maps? Is the development site, or part of the development site, identified as being at risk of flooding within available documentation? If a strategic flood risk assessment is available, is the development site, or part of the development site, identified as being at risk of flooding? If a flood zone map is available, is the development site, or part of the development site, within a Flood Risk Zone? If there is an existing property on, or next to the site at the same level, is the property within a flood warning area? Are the LPA/FDA aware of any existing, historical or potential flooding problems that may affect the site? Do the physical characteristics of the site suggest that it may be prone to flooding? If a flood zone map is not available, is the development site, or part of the development site below 10m AOD AND does the FDA consider the development to be at risk from tidal flooding? Is the development located within a natural or artificial hollow, or at the base of a valley or at the bottom of a hill slope? Does examination of historical maps indicate any likelihood of flood risk at the site? Do the names of surrounding roads, areas or houses suggest the possibility of seasonal or historical flooding? Is the site likely to involve excavation / construction below existing ground levels (excluding foundations)? Is the land use upslope of the site such that the generation of overland flow may be encouraged, and can water from this area flow onto the site? Are there any artificial drainage systems on or next to the site, at the same level, or upslope of, the site? Is the development site protected by an existing flood defence? Overland flow Fluvial Key: = Yes, = No, ? = Unconfirmed but possible. Artificial Drainage Systems Flood Hazard Sea Question ? Groundwater 6.1 Estuaries 6 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment No SFRA currently available ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The outputs from Table 1 have been optimised and specific flood hazards identified in the following Table 2. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 15 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 6.2 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Table 2: Flood Risk Identification Potential Flood Hazard Fluvial flooding Flooding from the sea Flooding from estuaries/watercourses affected by tide locking Groundwater flooding Overland flow flooding Flooding from artificial drainage systems Flooding due to infrastructure failure Flood risk to the development? Increased upstream flood risk? Increased downstream * flood risk? Tables 1 and 2 (adapted from CIRIA document C624: Development and Flood Risk, 3 Guidance for the Construction Industry ) indicates that the potential sources of flood risk to the development site or adjacent areas to be considered by this development FRA are as follows: • Fluvial; • Groundwater; • Overland flow of surface water; • Capacity exceedance of artificial drainage systems; • Infrastructure failure. The tabulated approach has indicated that there may be a potential for increased flood risk from fluvial, groundwater, overland flow, artificial drainage systems and infrastructure failure. 6.3 Fluvial Flood Risk Flooding from rivers, streams and other natural inland watercourses is usually caused by prolonged or intense rainfall generating high rates of surface water runoff throughout the catchment, which overwhelms the capacity of the fluvial system as a flood flow and as a result, spills into available floodplain storage areas. Part of the University catchment lies within the 100 year floodplain of the Canley Brook (refer to section 3.2.1). However, no University above ground infrastructure lies within this floodplain and this constraint must be adhered to for any future development. During consultation with the Environment Agency it was agreed that no fluvial hydraulic modelling would be required for the Canley Brook, as a previous study had adequately mapped the floodplain The Environment Agency did require fluvial modelling of the Westwood Brook as part of this FRA, along its reach where it might influence development on the University Campus. Refer to section 7.3 and Appendix C for details of the fluvial modelling exercise. The results of this modelling show that parts of the existing University campus lies immediately adjacent the modelled 1 in 100 year floodplain (with and without climate change). Any future buildings should be located outside the direct influence or flood risk (i.e. overland flow paths) of the Westwood Brook floodplain. No actual finished floor levels have yet been set in the Westwood Brook sub-catchment, but they should be a minimum of the 100 year fluvial flood level with a 20% allowance for climate change, plus a freeboard level which is to be agreed with the EA. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 16 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Provision for emergency access during extreme flood events should be considered and expressly maintained where close to a fluvial floodplain extents. 6.4 Groundwater Flood Risk Flooding can occur in locations where groundwater naturally occurs at shallow depths. Prolonged periods of rainfall can result in elevated groundwater levels that can lead to the groundwater level reaching the surface. This can pose a flood risk to developments particularly basements and cellars but also the emergence of groundwater will prevent infiltration occurring and so will promote the occurrence of overland flow. In addition, groundwater may leak into existing surface water drainage systems of poor integrity, reducing their ability to accommodate surface water run off. (8-13) Previous site investigations undertaken on the Central Main Campus area have failed to find significant evidence of water in near surface materials. Below the surface, superficial materials tend to be dominated by sandy silty clay, presumably formed from weathered mudstone and alluvial deposits, extending between 2 and 6m below ground level to the Tile Hill mudstones and sandstones. Owing to the predominance of clay and silt and to its grading distribution, flow in these superficial materials is expected to be poor and not waterbearing. Given the dominance of the Tile Hill Mudstone formation across the site, together with its mix of relatively impermeable mudstone and sandstone bands, groundwater flow is expected to be dominated by horizontal flow within the more permeable sandstone bands and to follow the local surface topography. The Tile Hill Mudstone formation is reported to comprise a high proportion of silt and, though classified by the Environment Agency as a Minor Aquifer, is not expected to support significant groundwater flows given the composition in terms of silt and fine sand. Although ultimately underlain by sandstones of the Coventry Formation and the Keele Formation, which are considered capable of supporting significant groundwater flows, the thickness of the Tile Hill Formation is described as varying between 250m and 300m, and vertical migration to these sandstone layers is not expected. It is therefore expected that at the northern Westwood campus there would be a local flow of groundwater to the southeast. Similarly the outcrop of Kenilworth Sandstone, located to the Central Campus West is expected to result in localised flow again to the southeast while groundwater from Gibbet Hill is expected to flow to the northeast. The design and construction of any substructures will have to consider high groundwater and implement mitigation measures (waterproofing) where required, as there are historical problems recorded within the catchment. Building services should be located above underlying groundwater levels where possible and where not feasible, they should be designed to prevent the ingress of water and resist any water inflicted damage. Existing groundwater flowpaths must be understood and any substructure proposed should consider the effects and residual risk of flooding problems elsewhere. 6.5 Overland Flow Flood Risk Overland flow is a description for water flowing over the surface, which has yet to enter a natural drainage channel, an artificial drainage system or the natural substrate. It is often a result of very intense short lived rainfall events but can also be produced during mild rainfall events when drainage systems are at capacity or the ground is already saturated. This can result in the inundation of low-lying areas. It is also related to sewer flooding, excessive groundwater and infrastructure failure. Wherever proposed University buildings are to be located at the base of a significant slope or along the route of a potential flood path, consideration and mitigation from overland flow flood risk should be undertaken. Finished floor levels and building thresholds should be set J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 17 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment with due regard for potential overland flow paths. This may also require provision of physical drainage structures such as swales, berms or cut-off trenches. Behind the Heronbank buildings on the Hill Top site is a small pond, which is not used for attenuating surface water runoff. The location of the pond suggests there is potential flood risk from overland flow for the Heronbank buildings during extreme storm events. There is already evidence of overland flow problems in this area from the presence of cut-off filter drains and a swale at the toe of the slope, as a result of surface water shedding from the elevated Hill Top site. The flood risk mitigation these structures provide should be replicated by the development proposals, as they are shown to be beneath a main area for development. 6.6 Artificial Drainage System Flood Risk Artificial drainage systems designed to manage surface water run off can pose a flood risk if the system is overwhelmed. This may occur if the amount of surface water run off exceeds the systems capacity or if the system becomes blocked or surcharged by the receiving watercourse. Artificial drainage systems designed to manage foul water (and combined effluent) can pose a flood risk and public health risk if the system is overwhelmed. This may occur if the amount of foul water allowed to discharge, exceeds the systems capacity. Wherever proposed buildings are to be located downstream of a significant sewer line or along the route of a potential overland flow from sewer flooding (foul or surface water), consideration and mitigation from flow flood risk should be undertaken. Finished floor levels and building thresholds should be set with due regard for potential overland flow paths. 6.7 Infrastructure Failure Flood Risk Where significant infrastructure exists that retains, transmits or controls the flow of water, flooding may result if there is a structural, hydraulic, geotechnical, mechanical or operational failure. This may not be infrastructure that has been specifically designed and implemented as a water controlling structure, such as a mater main or a dam. It may also be a structure such a road or rail embankment that acts an informal flood defence during severe storm events. Wherever proposed buildings are to be located downstream of a significant water main or along the route of a potential overland flow path resulting from water main failure flooding, consideration and mitigation from flood risk should be undertaken. Finished floor levels and building thresholds should be set with due regard for potential overland flow paths. There are also two timber dams separating the three Lakeside/Heronbank lakes by providing partitions to facilitate differing water levels between the water features. In the event of an abrupt dam failure, the sudden loss of water would create a flood wave that would pose a significant flood risk to the downstream built environment. 6.7.1 Surface Water Pumping By providing a gravity outfall options rather than the reliance upon a pumping station discharge would reduce a potential flood risk at both Lakeside/Heronbank and Engineering Road, as a result of infrastructure failure, of loss of power for any length of time or during extreme storm events. 6.8 Climate Change Flood Risk Increasing global temperatures and changing weather patterns indicate that climate change is a reality. Therefore, an allowance of the impact of climate change is a critical part of any assessment of flood risk and assessment of design mitigation measures. In accordance with PPS 25, the following climate change allowances have been included in the infrastructure design for this FRA: J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 18 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment • Surface Water Drainage: Peak rainfall intensity added 20% or 30% (Table B.2). • Fluvial Modelling: Peak river flow added 20% (Table B.2). 6.9 Historical Flooding Data In order to ascertain the precise extent of any flood risk, Arup undertook a number of site visits and verbal or written requests to validate any historical flooding data. Of the approving authority sources questioned, none identified any known major flooding or flood risks in the vicinity of the development site. 6.10 Emergency Access Requirements In terms of emergency access and egress, all of the local external main highway and pedestrian routes serving the site are elevated well above any fluvial floodplain. The routing of the main access route into and out of the development site is also located outside of any fluvial floodplain and hence, any restriction of access from flood risk is deemed negligible and no specific mitigation measures are required. Furthermore, it is mandatory that emergency access to and from the buildings on the application site is maintained during extreme storm conditions. There will also be a need to consider flood risk mitigation to any new buildings proposed in future, in close proximity to a floodplain. 6.11 Maintenance Requirements Specific maintenance or access requirements have not yet been discussed in detail with the appropriate parties during preparation of this flood risk assessment, as the project is at masterplan stage. On this basis, the only key requirements identified thus far are that the drainage infrastructure (existing and proposed) and riparian fluvial structures should be adequately maintained by the University throughout their operational life to ensure a sustainable level of service. This is especially relevant to the existing and proposed attenuation and flow control structures. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 19 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 7 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Preliminary Surface Water Analysis & Design 7.1 Surface Water Management Strategy The widespread implementation of sustainable drainage system (SUDS) best management practices (BMPs) to contemporary standards, will be integral to the University surface water management strategy. This will provide the platform to mimic the response of the existing catchment and its surfaces and ultimately, negating any increased off-site flood risk. A contemporary sustainable drainage methodology for managing surface water runoff will use BMPs to focus on three key areas; controlling surface water quantity, improving surface water quality and providing added development amenity value. It is anticipated that contemporary sustainable drainage techniques shall be used throughout the University future development plan to manage and control surface water runoff. Three key tenets will be developed as part of an integrated University surface water management strategy: • Maximise natural runoff losses through infiltration techniques; • Maximise surface water runoff quality improvements through natural BMP techniques such as bioremediation; • Attempt to reduce the yearly volume of surface water runoff pumped to discharge. In an attempt to ensure that the future University sustainable drainage system is designed to mimic the natural characteristics of the catchment and attain the key tenets above, the surface water management train will ensure that storm runoff is addressed through a number of key stages during conveyance to the regional fluvial system; these are prevention – source control – site control. This will be achieved by designing and implementing a blend of natural and proprietary sustainable drainage BMPs, complemented by traditional drainage techniques. Such techniques may include, although not be limited to the following: • Natural BMP structures are formed with natural materials and integrated into the landscape. They include swales, infiltration trenches, open channels, detention basins (dry features) and balancing ponds (wet features). They can be designed to operate with or without infiltration and all will afford excellent attenuation properties and bioremediation. • Proprietary BMP are a range of manufactured techniques that include porous or pervious surfacing, cellular below ground storage systems, rainwater harvesting systems, traditional detention tanks, flow control devices and pipework. It should also be noted that the seamless integration with the proposed landscape architecture is essential for the successful implementation of contemporary sustainable drainage on any development site and this will be inherent to the University sustainable drainage implementation. Techniques may include although not be limited to, the following additional BMPs: • Successfully integrating natural but engineered BMP structures into the landscape proposals, to maximise the amenity value and overall aesthetics. • Adopting pervious or porous surface finishes to designated paved areas where technically feasible and/or aesthetically required. • Integrating landscape features into the sustainable drainage infrastructure; this will include a series of natural swales acting as primary drainage channels, the use of strategic planting to provide source control and promoting extended grass blade growth to reduce both the rate and amount of surface water runoff and promote natural filtration and bioremediation. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 20 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 7.2 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Preliminary Surface Water Storage Calculations Preliminary hydraulic modelling storage calculations undertaken during the flood risk assessment have indicated the required estimated storage volumes (tabulated below) for the individual development area plot references, which may be subject to variance if the development proposals change (please note: detailed design hydraulic modelling may also alter the volumes). These storage volumes are based on the current masterplan (refer to Appendix B) additional impermeable areas, an existing equivalent greenfield runoff discharge rate of the 1 in 1 year return period (assumed at 5 litres per second per hectare), against the 1 in 100 year return period storm event (1%) storage volumes. In accordance with Planning and Policy Statement 25, volumes have been provided for both 20% and 30% allowance for climate change. The actual allowance for climate change will depend upon the design life of each of the developments, and this will be agreed with the Environment Agency during detailed design. A preliminary layout of how the key structures may be implemented across the catchment can be viewed on figure 3 in Appendix B: Masterplan Development Area Estimated 1% Storage Volume 3 Required Inc Climate Change (m ) 20% CC Subcatchment Identification Preferred BMP Attenuation Technique 30% CC 1 950 1020 Westwood Brook Natural & Proprietary 2 2070 2175 Westwood Brook Natural & Proprietary 3 150 160 Westwood Brook Natural 4 1440 1520 Whitefield Coppice Natural 5 990 1060 Whitefield Coppice Natural & Proprietary 6 660 725 Whitefield Coppice Proprietary 7 180 195 Gibbet Hill Natural & Proprietary 8 145 155 Whitefield Coppice Natural 7.3 Westwood Brook Fluvial Modelling (Refer to Appendix C) A detailed fluvial modelling exercise of the Westwood Brook was undertaken as part of this FRA and this required a bespoke topographical survey to be commissioned by the University, to obtain the required cross sections for the model build. The steady state flow approach was selected for this study since there is no storage facility within the study reach and the floodplain was not significant relative to the main channel, using the HEC-RAS steady state modelling software package. The model results indicated that the 1 in 100 year event flows can be expected to remain within bank for the conditions tested. However, when the flow is increased by 20% to allow for climate change water begins to overtop the banks. This occurs in the vicinity of the junction between University Road and Library Road. The flow will be out of the left bank J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 21 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment and may affect the Existing Academic Square. The fluvial flood outline figures are shown on figures 4 and 5 in Appendix B. Any future buildings should be located outside the direct influence or flood risk (i.e. overland flow paths) of the Westwood Brook floodplain. No actual finished floor levels have been set by the Environment Agency in the Westwood Brook subcatchment, but they should be a minimum of the 100 year fluvial flood level plus an agreed freeboard allowance and a minimum of 20% for climate change. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 22 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 8 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Conclusions and Recommendations The following section summarises the identified key Flood Risk Conclusions (FRC) of the proposed development and how they have been removed or reduced to acceptable levels using appropriate Flood Mitigation Measures (FMM), determined from the key infrastructure requirements discussed in Section 6 and 7. 8.1 The Sequential and Exception Tests FRC: The majority of development is suitable for the parts of the University Campus which lie outside of the fluvial floodplain i.e. flood zones 1 and 2. FMM: No part of the current masterplan lies within flood zones 2 or 3 and therefore an exception test is not required for the University masterplanning proposals. However, if future specific proposals are proposed for flood zones 3a and 3b, a future Exception Test may required with the development specific FRA. 8.2 Approving Authority Consultation FRC: The infrastructure design development should be undertaken in conjunction with consultation with all relevant approving authorities. FMM: The masterplan design development has been undertaken thus far after consultation with the Environment Agency, Severn Tent Water and Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and Warwick District Council. 8.3 Fluvial Flood Risk Conclusions FRC: The Canley Brook and Westwood Brook flow adjacent to and through the development site and indicative floodplain mapping suggests a flood risk to parts of the development site. FMM: Detailed fluvial modelling has confirmed that the developed site lies outside of the Westwood Brook fluvial floodplain and is not at risk from flooding. Building within any fluvial floodplain will be avoided. Where impingement into the fluvial floodplain is unavoidable, impingement will require volume-for-volume and levelfor-level compensation. FRC: Fluvial flood risk to buildings from overland flows. FMM: Building within any fluvial floodplain will be avoided. For any building at negligible flood risk, comprehensive flood risk mitigation measures will be implemented to the structure, such as finished floor levels (they should be a minimum of the 100 year fluvial flood level plus freeboard and 20% climate change in the Westwood Brook subcatchment) and thresholds above flood levels. Overland flow paths will be provided to divert flood water away from buildings. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 23 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment FRC: Increased flood risk elsewhere (typically downstream). FMM: The development plan shall not increase flood risk elsewhere, through increased surface water discharge, loss of floodplain volume or restriction of existing channel flows. 8.4 Groundwater Flood Risk Conclusions FRC: High groundwater levels could affect subsurface infrastructure such as basements, and services. FMM: High groundwater is not considered to be a significant flood risk but will have to be considered in the design of the buildings and especially any substructures. 8.5 Overland Flow Flood Risk Conclusions FRC: Buildings generally at flood risk from overland fluvial flood flows. FMM: The topography of the site and drainage system will be designed so that overland flow can be controlled and directed away from future development locations and encouraged to drain to a designated area or outfall. FRC: Buildings located at the base of a hill slope. FMM: The topography of the site and above ground drainage structures will be designed so that overland flow can be controlled and directed away from surrounding locations and encouraged to drain to a designated area or outfall 8.6 Artificial Drainage System Flood Risk Conclusions FRC: The capacity of the new surface water drainage system may be exceeded at times of intense rainfall and/or extreme antecedent conditions. FMM: The on site drainage system will be designed to ensure flooding does not occur on site up to and including the 1% storm event plus 20% climate change. This is a requirement of the Environment Agency and beyond the design requirements of Sewers For Adoption. FRC: The capacity of the offsite public sewers may be exceeded, due to increases of both foul and surface water flows from the site. FMM: Surface water will be attenuated on site to ensure discharge is not increased from existing rates and will largely discharge to local watercourses. Any future discharge rate to a public surface water sewer will be agreed in principle with Severn Trent Water. Any proposed connection, foul or surface water, to a public sewer should be J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 24 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment subject to an early submission of a Severn Trent “Developer Enquiry”, to determine the correct location and permissible discharge rate of the connection. 8.7 Infrastructure Failure Flood Risk Conclusions FRC: On or off-site water main failure could lead to flooding of site infrastructure. FMM: The unlikely failure of a water main would not cause a significant flood risk, as any resulting flood waters would flow down the highways away from the site. FRC: Pumping station failure at either/or Lakeside/Heronbank and Engineering Road as a result of loss of power for any length of time or during extreme storm events. FMM: Reduce future reliance upon pumped surface water discharge to reduce flood risk and ensure essential maintenance and mechanical replacement is carried out. FRC: Failure of wooden dam construction at Lakeside/Heronbank lakes. FMM: Consider a future modification to the configuration and the direction of flow at two of the lakes to reduce flood risk. Ensure essential maintenance and checks are carried out. 8.8 Climate Change Flood Risk Conclusions FRC: Future climate change may increase the frequency of flood risk to the development site FMM: In accordance with PPS 25, the following climate change allowances have been included in the infrastructure design: 8.9 • Surface Water Drainage: Peak rainfall intensity added 20% and 30% (Table B2). • Fluvial Modelling: Peak river flow added 20% (Table B.2). Maintenance and Access Flood Risk Conclusions FRC: Maintain external access routes for emergency vehicles during flood risk events. FMM: The site and its main access routes lie outside of the 1% and 0.1% fluvial floodplains in a flood zone 3 and is not at risk from fluvial flooding; no mitigation measures required. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 25 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 8.10 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment Recommendations On the basis of this Flood Risk Assessment and the suggested mitigation measures, it is concluded that the proposed development will not adversely affect onsite, neighbouring or downstream developments and their flood risk. Having identified and categorised the potential sources of flood risk, it has also been possible to identify mitigation measures for each of the sources of potential flooding. If these measures are incorporated into the design and implementation of the proposed masterplan development, it should be possible to drastically reduce the flood risks associated with the site to acceptable levels, such that the residual risks can be judged low to zero risk. It is recommended that this detailed masterplanning Flood Risk Assessment be accepted on the basis of an outline planning consent for the redevelopment of this previously developed University of Warwick campus in Coventry and that the issues raised herein are integral and optimised in the future detailed design stages of the proposed development, paying careful consideration to the key infrastructure design requirements outlined. It is also essential that future consultation with the operating authorities is maintained. If the documented mitigation measures are adhered to, it is recommended that the site is considered suitable for the proposed masterplan development. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 26 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 The University of Warwick 9 Development Masterplan Flood Risk Assessment References [1] The University of Warwick Development Plan Drainage Scoping Study, Arup, August 2004. [2] Planning and Policy Statement 25 (PPS 25): Development and Flood Risk, Communities and Local Government, Dec 2006. [3] CIRIA C624: Development and Flood Risk, Guidance for the Construction Industry, 2004. [4] Planning and Policy Guidance Note 25 (PPG 25): Development and Flood Risk, Department of Local Government and the Regions, July 2001. th [5] Sewers For Adoption 6 Edition, WRc, March 2006. [6] Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom – December 2000, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, January 2001. [7] Effects of Climate Change on Flood Frequency, The Environment Agency, September 2000. [8] University of Warwick, Report on Site Investigation, Felix J Samuely and Partners, 1964 [9] Warwick University Estates Office: Extensions to Arts Centre Phase III and Social Studies Building, Factual Report, Exploration Associates Ltd, 1983 [10] New Post Graduate Residences, University of Warwick, Factual Report on Ground Investigation (H1174-A), Exploration Associates, June 1991 [11] New Manufacturing Systems Engineering Building, University of Warwick, Interpretive Report on Ground Investigation (112422), Exploration Associates, November 1992 [12] Proposed New Car Park: Geotechnical Appraisal – Factual Report, Integrated Geotechnical and Environmental Services Ltd, December 1995 [13] Ground Investigation for Lakeside Residences II at University of Warwick, Coventry, Report No. 238, Peel and Fowler, April 2002 J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\0003 UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK FRA ISSUE 18-06-07.DOC FRA/002 Page 27 Ove Arup & Partners Ltd Issue 1 18 June 2007 Appendix A Site Photographs 1. Westwood Brook opposite the Engineering Block. 2. Westwood Brook downstream of main Campus. 3. Timber dam at upper Lakeside/Heronbank water feature. 4. View downstream at middle Lakeside/Heronbank water feature. 5. The surface water pumping station outside the Engineering Block. 6. Typical view of the Canley Brook Appendix B Figures A B C D E F G J:\115000\115438-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\0_Drawings\FRA Figure 1.dgn A3 Legend University Boundary Administrative Boundary Westwood Campus Indicative Line of 1 Subcatchments SQUIRES WAY CDN 358 .000 CDN173, Surface Water Pumping Station 2 LB CDN 359 360 361 362 363 80.777 CDN(45), CDN(46), CDN(47), CDN(48), CDN(49), Westwood Brook Tocil Flats Heronbank / Lakeside Foul Water P.S. Main Campus 3 02 19/ 06/ 07 JW AW DS DS DS Chkd Appd Issued For FRA Canley Brook 01 21/ 08/ 06 AW Issued for Information Issue Hill Top Pond Date By WATER VALVE WATER VALVE WV G24 WV G17 WATER VALVE WV G16 WV G21 WV G22 WV G23 WV G19 WV G18 WATERVALVE WATER VALVE WATER VALVE CLUSTER (6) WATERVALVE WATER VALVE G13, G14, G15 WATER VALVE CLUSTER (4) G10, G11, G12 Westwood Whitefield Brook Subcatchment. WV G26 WV G09 WV G08 WV G07 WV G05 WV G06 WV G04 Brook Subcatchment. WATER VALVE PIT FULL OF MUD 4 WV G03 Gibbet Hill WV G02 WATER VALVE (M) WV G01 Subcatchment The Arup Campus, Blythe Gate, Blythe Valley Park Solihull, West Midlands B90 8AE Tel +44(0)121 213 3000 Fax +44(0)121 213 3001 Client THE UNIVERSITY OF Job Title Development Masterplan 5 97.5m Drawing Title Existing Layout Scale at A3 1:12500 Plot ID The Bungalow 6 Dunns Pitts Cott Dunns Pitts Farm Drawing Status X=431000000 Y=274000000 N FRA Job No Drawing No Issue 115438-00 Figure 1 02 ' Arup A B C D E F G J:\115000\115438-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\0_Drawings\FRA Figure 2.dgn A3 Legend University Boundary Administrative Boundary Proposed Building 1 SQUIRES WAY CDN 358 .000 CDN173, 2 LB CDN 359 360 361 362 363 80.777 CDN(45), CDN(46), CDN(47), CDN(48), CDN(49), 3 02 19/ 06/ 07 JW AW DS DS DS Chkd Appd Issued for FRA 01 21/ 08/ 06 AW Issued for Information Issue Date By WATER VALVE WATER VALVE WV G24 WV G17 WATER VALVE WV G16 WV G21 WV G22 WV G23 WV G19 WV G18 WATERVALVE WATER VALVE WATER VALVE CLUSTER (6) WATERVALVE WATER VALVE G13, G14, G15 WATER VALVE CLUSTER (4) G10, G11, G12 WV G26 WV G09 WV G08 WV G07 WV G05 WV G06 WV G04 WATER VALVE PIT FULL OF MUD 4 WV G03 WV G02 WATER VALVE (M) WV G01 The Arup Campus, Blythe Gate, Blythe Valley Park Solihull, West Midlands B90 8AE Tel +44(0)121 213 3000 Fax +44(0)121 213 3001 Client THE UNIVERSITY OF Job Title Development Masterplan 5 97.5m Drawing Title Proposed Layout Scale at A3 1:12500 Plot ID The Bungalow 6 Dunns Pitts Cott Dunns Pitts Farm Drawing Status X=431000000 Y=274000000 N FRA Job No Drawing No Issue 115438-00 Figure 2 02 ' Arup A B C D E F G N 277000 N 276500 N 276000 N 275500 N 275000 Notes: 1. Reproduced from drawing supplied by MJP Architects. 2. Do not scale from this drawing. 1 3. Existing sewerage infrastructure not shown. 4. Location and selection of SUDS E 429000 E 429000 structure type subject to change and Area 4 addition. 5. Surface water runoff to be balance to pre-development flows and volumes. Legend 2 Subcatchment boundary Constructed wetland Local watercourse Culverted watercourse Area 6 Overland flow defence Natural SUDS structure Westwood (open structure) Brook Proprietary SUDS structure E 429500 E 429500 (closed structure) 3 Principal connecting conduit (open or closed structure) Area 5 02 19/ 06/ 07 RW AW DS Chkd Appd Issued for FRA Area 8 Issue Date By Area 1 4 The Arup Campus, Blythe Gate, Blythe Valley Park Solihull, West Midlands B90 8AE Tel +44(0)121 213 3000 Fax +44(0)121 213 3001 Client 1 E 430000 E 430000 THE UNIVERSITY OF Area 2 Job Title Development Masterplan 5 Drawing Title CDN 359 360 361 362 363 80.777 CDN(45), CDN(46), CDN(47), CDN(48), CDN(49), Area 3 Sustainable Drainage (SUDS) Strategy (Indicative) CDN 358 .000 CDN173, Canley Brook Scale at A3 1:7000 Plot ID Westwood Brook 6 E 430500 E 430500 Drawing Status FRA N 277000 SQUIRES WAY N 276500 N 276000 WATER VALVE WATER VALVE WV G22 WV G26 N 275500 WV G23 WV G02 WATER VALVE (M) WV G24 WV G01 WV G03 N 275000 Area 7 Job No Drawing No Issue 115438-00 Figure 3 02 ' Arup J:\115000\115438-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\0_Drawings\FRA Figure 3.dgn A3 A B C D E F G Pond Notes: 1.Refer to the University of Warwick Institute House El Sub Sta Development Plan Flood Risk Ponds Viscount Centre Viscount Centre 1&2 Pond 1 Assessment for hydraulic model details 2. Floodplain extent has yet to be approved by the Environment Agency 3.The flood outline is based on the flood width for each cross-section and by directly joining these points with those University of Warwick Science Park for adjacent cross-sections. BRIDGE 11 The topography between two cross-sections was therefore not 2 considered on this outline. Approximate Line of Culvert Key: BRIDGE 10 Indicative 1 in 100 Year PIPE 16 The New Varsity (PH) Floodplain Indicative 1 in 100 Year Floodplain + 20% allowance for climate change Toar Cottage 3 02 19/ 06/ 07 AW AW DS AW AW DS By Chkd Appd Issued for FRA 01 18/ 08/ 06 BRIDGE 10 First issue BRIDGE 9 PIPE 15 Issue Date PIPE 14 PIPE 13 PIPE 12 BRIDGE 9 PIPE 11 PIPE 10 PIPE 05 4 PIPE 04 PIPE 09 The Arup Campus, Blythe Gate, Blythe Valley Park BRIDGE 4 BRIDGE 8 PIPE 08 Solihull, West Midlands B90 8AE BRIDGE 5 BRIDGE 3 PIPE 07 Tel +44(0)121 213 3000 Fax +44(0)121 213 3001 BRIDGE 7 BRIDGE 2 PIPE 06 BRIDGE 6 Client PIPE 03 THE UNIVERSITY OF Job Title Development Masterplan Pond 5 El Sub Sta Pond Drawing Title Westwood Brook El Sub Sta 1 in 100 Year Floodplain 1 of 2 Pond Scale at A3 1:2500 Plot ID 6 Drawing Status Multistorey Car Park Pond FRA Radcliffe House Pond El Sub Sta Job No Drawing No Issue 115438-00 Figure 4 02 ' Arup J:\115000\115438-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\0_Drawings\FRA Figure 4.dgn A3 A B C D E F G Notes: Pond 1.Refer to the University of Warwick Development Plan Flood Risk Assessment for hydraulic model details 1 2. Floodplain extent has yet to be PIPE 05 approved by the Environment Agency PIPE 04 BRIDGE 4 BRIDGE 5 3.The flood outline is based on the flood BRIDGE 3 BRIDGE 7 BRIDGE 2 PIPE 06 width for each cross-section and by BRIDGE 6 directly joining these points with those PIPE 03 for adjacent cross-sections. The topography between two cross-sections was therefore not 2 considered on this outline. Pond Pond El Sub Sta Key: Indicative 1 in 100 Year Floodplain El Sub Sta Indicative 1 in 100 Year Pond Floodplain + 20% allowance for climate change 3 02 BRIDGE 1 19/ 06/ 07 AW AW DS AW DS Chkd Appd Issued for FRA Multistorey Car Park 01 18/ 08/ 06 AW First Issue Issue Date By The Lodge 4 The Arup Campus, Blythe Gate, Blythe Valley Park Solihull, West Midlands B90 8AE Tel +44(0)121 213 3000 Fax +44(0)121 213 3001 PIPE 02 Pond Client THE El Sub Sta UNIVERSITY OF PIPE 01 Pond Job Title Development Masterplan 5 Drawing Title Westwood Brook Drain 1 in 100 Year Floodplain 2 of 2 Scale at A3 1:2500 Pond Plot ID 6 Drawing Status FRA Job No Drawing No Issue 115438-00 Figure 5 02 ' Arup J:\115000\115438-00\4 Internal Project Data\4-03 Drawings\0_Drawings\FRA Figure 5.dgn A3 Appendix C Westwood Brook Hydraulic Analysis Technical Note Page 1 of 8 Job title University of Warwick - Development Masterplan Job number 115438 cc David Schofield, Serter Atabay File reference 4-04-01 Water\Fluvial Prepared by John Ravening x 3 3271 (Campus) Date 14 March 2006 Subject Flow Estimation 1. HYDRAULIC MODELLING OF THE WESTWOOD BROOK 1.1 Introduction It has been agreed with the Environment Agency (EA) that the extent of the 1 in 100 year return period floodplain occupied by the West wood Brook should be mapped as part of the University of Warwick Development Masterplan flood risk assessment. In order to do this it is necessary to simulate range of flows, up to the 1 in 100 year return period flood event, using hydraulic modelling computer software such as HEC-Ras. In order to successfully replicate the flood event conditions 2 main components are required. These are: 1.2 • Topographical survey information of the existing river channel and the area either side of the channel that may be occupied by water overtopping the banks. This information can then be used to construct an accurate model of the existing channel conditions within the hydraulic modelling software. • Estimations of the magnitude of flood events with different return periods Topographical Survey and Hydraulic Model construction In order to ascertain the existing conditions within the Westwood Brook, a topographical survey of the watercourse and it tributaries was commissioned. A detailed specification document was issued to the successful survey company and the route of the watercourse was inspected by the consultant and the survey company, in order to identify the exact points to be surveyed both within the channel and either side of the channel. The detailed topographical survey has been returned. This includes levels for the points identified in the specification and the site walkover. This information has been input into HEC-Ras along with additional information obtained from the Estates Office at the University of Warwick. The supplementary information is related to the existing culvert that links the northern end of the watercourse, behind the Varsity Public House, with the main channel through the Central Campus. This information has enabled an accurate hydraulic model of the existing channel to be constructed. This model extends from a point approximately 100m upstream of the Kirby Road, road bridge to the confluence with the Canley Brook. After initial model construction, arbitrary flows have been simulated to identify any errors or warning messages. This process has not identified any serious errors in the model construction and so the model is considered able to accurately simulate water levels for a given flow. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 115438 Technical Note 14 March 2006 Page 2 of 8 The downstream boundary condition of the model has been set as the confluence of the Canley Brook. The water level for different flow conditions has been established at this location using the single section method. Sensitivity analysis identified that the boundary conditions have a small backwater effect that extends for approximately 200m upstream, however, this effect does not influence the water levels within the area of the proposed development. As the Westwood Brook is an ungauged catchment it has not been possible to calibrate the model using existing data. In the absence of this, the model has been verified using additional sensitivity analysis. In particular the roughness value has been examined to determine the range of water level fluctuation influenced by this variable. 1.3 Hydrological investigation In order to accurately model a range of return period flood events, it is necessary to obtain accurate estimates for a range of different of different flows. The Westwood Brook is a totally ungauged catchment and for this reason the methods available for deriving a flow estimate are limited. However, methods do exist, as prescribed within the industry standard document, the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH). Different flow estimation methods can produce flow values that vary dramatically. For this reason, it is recommended that a range of different estimates are calculated and then a final value chosen based on conservative judgement. The two methods available in this instance are; • The statistical method using pooling group analysis. • Rainfall Run off method. 1.3.1 Statistical Method Using Pooling Group analysis Pooled group analysis is a method of using observed data from similar catchments to determine the magnitude of return period of flows. Qmed Derivation The first step required to estimate flow values for a given return period flood is to estimate the Median Flood (Qmed). For a gauged catchment, with in excess of 13 years worth of flow data the Median Flood is simply the median annual maxima flow value. For a gauged catchment, with less that 13 years worth of annual maximum series data, peak overt threshold data has to be examined in order to derive the Qmed. For an ungauged catchment there are two methods that can be used. • Catchment Descriptors; • Analogue Sites. Catchment Descriptors The FEH CD-ROM enables the user to identify the physical extent of the study catchment by using the Digital Terrain Map (DTM) contained within the CD. The CD also contains information regarding the hydrological and meteorological characteristics of the catchment. Using the catchment descriptors the Qmed can be estimated by solving the following equation. Qmedrural = 1.172AREAAE (SAAR/1000)1.560 FARL2.642 (SPRHOST/100)1.211 0.0198RESHOST Where: AREA = Catchment drainage area (km2 ) = 2.99 SAAR = Standard Period Average Annual Rainfall (mm) = 680 J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 115438 Technical Note 14 March 2006 Page 3 of 8 FARL = Index of Flood Attenuation = 1 SPRHOST = Standard Percentage Runoff from the Hydrology of Soil Types classification = 32.2 AE = 1 – 0.015 In(AREA/0.5) RESHOST = BFIHOST +b 1.30(SPRHOST/100) - 0.987 BFIHOST = Baseflow Index derived from the Hydrology of Soil Types Classification = 0.599 Qmedurban = Qmedrural x Urban Adjustment Factor (UAF) UAF = (1+URBEXT)0.83 PRUAF PRUAF = 1 + 0.615 x URBEXT(70/SPRHOST-1) The UAF is required for catchments with an urban extent factor in excess of 0.025. According to the FEH CD-ROM, the urban extent of the Westwood Brook catchment is 0.071. For the Westwood Brook the Qmed calculated using catchment descriptors is 0.466m3 /s. Analogue Site. For ungauged catchments it is recommended to identify an analogue site and to use a calculated Qmed for that site, rather than rely on a Qmed calculated using the catchment descriptors. In order to identify a site that can be used as an analogue for the study catchment, the catchment descriptors can be used. The easiest way to do this is to create an initial pooling group using the WINFAP-FEH software. This identifies the catchments in the UK with similar characteristics. These catchments can then be analysed individually to identify the catchment that is most alike to the study catchment. Once an analogue catchment has been identified, the calculated Qmed for that site can be discovered either from the WINFAP-FEH software or using another data source such as the HiFlows website. In this case the analogue site chosen was the River Wey at Broadwey Station. The Qmed from observed events at this site is 1.683m3 /s. In addition the catchment descriptors for the analogue site have also been used to calculate a Qmed, using the same equation as shown in Secition This has produced a Qmed of 1.41m3 /s Final Qmed Derivation The process required to derive a final Qmed for the study site is to use the following equation to adjust the Qmed s cds (Qmed derived using catchment descriptors for the study site), based on the Qmed g obs (Qmed derived from observed data for the analogue site) and Qmed g cds (Qmed derived using catchment descriptors for the analogue site). Qmed = Qmed s cds x [Qmed g obs/ Qmed g cds] Using this equation the final Qmed = 0.556 m3 /s. 1.3.2 Pooled Group Analysis This process assembles a list of gauged sites that are hydrologically similar to the study site. Using this list, the magnitude of return period floods can be estimated by deriving a growth curve. The growth curve can then be used to derive a factor that can be used to scale up the Qmed, to the required return period, for the study site. The pooled group analysis is undertaken using the WINFAP-FEH software. The first step in the process is to identify the catchment using the FEH CD-ROM and export a file containing the catchment descriptors information into the WINFAP-FEH. The WINFAP-FEH is able to compile J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 115438 Technical Note 14 March 2006 Page 4 of 8 an initial group of hydrologically similar catchments based on the catchment descriptors. However, it informs the user of the heterogeneity of the pooled group and the discordance of each of the pooled catchments, compared to the study catchment. Each catchment within the pooled group is then examined to decide whether there are reasons why the catchment should not remain in the pooled group. The initial pooled group for the Westwood Brook included the following catchments. Pooling Group 1 Station Years L-CV L-Skewne L-Kurtosis Discordancy Distance 25019 R. Leven @ Easby 26 0.376 0.421 0.336 1.273 1.167 29009 R. Ancholme @ Toff Newton 28 0.334 0.190 0.274 1.002 1.240 32029 Flore Experimental @ Flore 5 0.374 0.054 0.127 1.111 1.309 44801 R. Hooke @ Hooke 11 0.232 0.269 0.063 1.840 1.316 33045 R. Whiddle @ Quidenham 35 0.351 0.169 0.117 0.273 1.322 54034 Dowles Brook @ Oak Cottage 32 0.238 0.188 0.071 0.983 1.406 44009 R. Wey @ Broadwey 26 0.359 0.251 0.153 0.297 1.474 40006 R. Bourne @ Hadlow 39 0.372 0.437 0.349 1.453 1.498 20002 West Peffer Burn @ Luffness 38 0.287 -0.014 0.155 1.978 1.511 45817 Trib of R. Haddeo @ Upton 10 0.333 0.238 0.131 0.2 1.539 45816 R.Haddeo @ Upton 10 0.352 0.417 0.327 1.17 1.586 30004 R. Lymn @ Partney 41 0.246 0.045 0.070 0.99 1.610 36003 R. Box @ Polstead 40 0.356 0.197 0.232 0.416 1.674 20006 Biel Water @ Belton Water 28 0.375 0.128 0.058 1.159 1.685 53017 R. Boyd @ Bittton 30 0.260 0.125 0.116 0.514 1.718 36007 Belchamp Brook @ Bardfield Bridge 39 0.407 0.140 0.075 1.696 1.756 39003 R. Winterbourne @ Bagnor 41 0.247 0.189 0.157 0.742 1.759 44003 R. Asker @ East Bridge Bridport 21 0.318 0.306 0.110 0.903 1.762 J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 115438 Technical Note 14 March 2006 Page 5 of 8 In the first instance station 32029 Flore Experimental @ Flore, has been removed from the pooling group due to the fact that this station comprised a very short record (5 years). The rest of the pooling group has then been analysed to determine whether there are reasons why sites should not be used in the pooling group. The result of this analysis has removed the following stations: • 44801 R. Hooke @ Hooke due to a short record, discordance in terms of FARL and SAAR, compared to the study site. • 44003 R. Asker @ East Bridge Bridport due to change in gauging station location and discordancy in terms of SAAR, PROPWET and AREA, compared to the study site. • 33045 R. Whiddle @ Quidenham due to concerns over high flow measurement capability of this station. • 44009 R. Wey @ Broadwey concern with flow estimation in excess of the Qmed. • 45817 Trib of R. Haddeo @ Upton and 45816 R.Haddeo @ Upton due to a short record. The following guidelines have been adopted when considering how suitable the pooling ghroup sites are: AREA – Should be within a factor of 4 – 5. BFIHOST – The difference should not exceed 0.18 SPRHOST – The difference should not exceed 15 SAAR – Should be within a factor of 1.25 FARL – The difference should not exceed 0.05. It should be noted that almost all the pooling group sites exceed the study site catchment area by more than a factor of 5. It is recommended that the total number of years of data used in pooling group analysis is 5 times the most extreme flood flow required, in this case the 1 in 100 year return period flow. Therefore, a total of 500 years is required. By removing these sites from the pooling group the total number of years of gauging data available has dropped to below 500 years. In this situation a new pooling group is assembled but with an aim of retaining in excess of 500 years of data, even after the removal of inappropriate gauging stations from the pooling group. This has been done by inputting the 1 in 200 year return period flow as the most extreme event. The second pooling group generated comprised the following sites: Pooling Group 2 Station Years L-CV L-Skewne L-Kurtosis Discordancy Distance 25019 R. Leven @ Easby 26 0.376 0.421 0.336 1.273 1.167 29009 R. Ancholme @ Toff Newton 28 0.334 0.190 0.274 1.002 1.240 32029 Flore Experimental @ Flore 5 0.374 0.054 0.127 1.111 1.309 44801 R. Hooke @ Hooke 11 0.232 0.269 0.063 1.840 1.316 33045 R. Whiddle @ Quidenham 35 0.351 0.169 0.117 0.273 1.322 54034 Dowles Brook @ Oak Cottage 32 0.238 0.188 0.071 0.983 1.406 J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 115438 Technical Note 14 March 2006 Page 6 of 8 44009 R. Wey @ Broadwey 26 0.359 0.251 0.153 0.297 1.474 40006 R. Bourne @ Hadlow 39 0.372 0.437 0.349 1.453 1.498 20002 West Peffer Burn @ Luffness 38 0.287 -0.014 0.155 1.978 1.511 45817 Trib of R. Haddeo @ Upton 10 0.333 0.238 0.131 0.2 1.539 45816 R.Haddeo @ Upton 10 0.352 0.417 0.327 1.17 1.586 30004 R. Lymn @ Partney 41 0.246 0.045 0.070 0.99 1.610 36003 R. Box @ Polstead 40 0.356 0.197 0.232 0.416 1.674 20006 Biel Water @ Belton Water 28 0.375 0.128 0.058 1.159 1.685 53017 R. Boyd @ Bittton 30 0.260 0.125 0.116 0.514 1.718 36007 Belchamp Brook @ Bardfield Bridge 39 0.407 0.140 0.075 1.696 1.756 39003 R. Winterbourne @ Bagnor 41 0.247 0.189 0.157 0.742 1.759 44003 R. Asker @ East Bridge Bridport 21 0.318 0.306 0.110 0.903 1.762 20007 Gifford Water @ Lennoxlove 30 0.436 0.310 0.149 1.865 1.778 49004 R.Ganel @ Gwills 34 0.250 0.116 0.018 0.970 1.787 29002 Great Eau @ Claythorpe Great Eau 40 0.313 0.325 0.278 0.453 1.856 From this pooling group the sites identified for removal in the initial run were removed and site 20002 was also removed due to discrepancy in terms of PROPWET. This left the sites shown below. This pooling group had a heterogeneity value of 2.6593. There was no valid reason to remove any of the remaining sites, although some of the sites still displayed high discordance values. However, this is the difference between the catchment area of the pooling group sites and the study site, which has a very small catchment area. Final Pooling Group 25019 R. Leven @ Easby 26 0.376 0.421 0.336 1.273 1.167 29009 R. Ancholme @ Toff Newton 28 0.334 0.190 0.274 1.002 1.240 54034 Dowles Brook @ Oak Cottage 32 0.238 0.188 0.071 0.983 1.406 44009 R. Wey @ Broadwey 26 0.359 0.251 0.153 0.297 1.474 40006 R. Bourne @ Hadlow 39 0.372 0.437 0.349 1.453 1.498 J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 115438 Technical Note 14 March 2006 Page 7 of 8 20002 West Peffer Burn @ Luffness 38 0.287 -0.014 0.155 1.978 1.511 30004 R. Lymn @ Partney 41 0.246 0.045 0.070 0.99 1.610 36003 R. Box @ Polstead 40 0.356 0.197 0.232 0.416 1.674 20006 Biel Water @ Belton Water 28 0.375 0.128 0.058 1.159 1.685 53017 R. Boyd @ Bittton 30 0.260 0.125 0.116 0.514 1.718 36007 Belchamp Brook @ Bardfield Bridge 39 0.407 0.140 0.075 1.696 1.756 39003 R. Winterbourne @ Bagnor 41 0.247 0.189 0.157 0.742 1.759 20007 Gifford Water @ Lennoxlove 30 0.436 0.310 0.149 1.865 1.778 49004 R.Ganel @ Gwills 34 0.250 0.116 0.018 0.970 1.787 29002 Great Eau @ Claythorpe Great Eau 40 0.313 0.325 0.278 0.453 1.856 Using the Goodness of fit function within the WINFAP-FEH, the Generalised Logistic (GL) and Generalised Extreme Value (GEV) distributions have been utilised to derive the growth and flood frequency curves required for the pooling group based on a user defined Qmed of 0.556 m3 /s. This analysis has produced the following results. Return Period Flood GL Q GEV Q 2 (Qmed) 1 0.556 1 0.556 5 1.533 0.852 1.588 0.883 10 1.920 1.068 1.998 1.111 25 2.481 1.380 2.539 1.412 50 2.966 1.649 2.959 1.645 100 3.518 1.959 3.393 1.886 Assuming a worst case scenario the higher estimate for each return period has been assumed. Rainfall Run Off In addition to pooling group analysis to determine the return period flows the restatemented rainfall run off method as described with volume 4 of the FEH has also been applied to the Westwood Brook catchment. This analysis has been undertaken within the Rainfall Run off module of the Isis hydraulic model. The recently issued revitalised method has not been used in this case. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 115438 Technical Note 14 March 2006 Page 8 of 8 The results of the rainfall run off method are shown below: 1.4 Return Period Flood Q 5 1.464 10 1.875 25 2.502 50 3.054 100 3.616 Conclusions On the basis that the study catchment is far smaller and has a larger urban extent than the majority of the sites within the pooling group it is preferred to use the flow estimates derived using the rainfall run off methodology. In addition, these estimates are higher and so more conservative. J:\115000\115438-00\4 INTERNAL PROJECT DATA\4-05 REPORTS\4-05-01 WATER\2007 FRA & DRAINAGE\FLOW ESTIMATION TECHNIQUES AND RESULTS 18-06-07 .DOC ©Arup F0.15 Rev 9.4, 15 March 2004 1 Westwood Brook Fluvial Modelling 1.1 Hydraulic Model & Methodology The steady-state flow approach is generally considered conservative in its determination of water surface elevation, in that this method of flow analysis generally tends to overestimate. This overestimation is due to the assumption that flow is constant within the river reach since the steady-state flow approach ignores the effects of channel storage on the shape and peak of the flow hydrograph. The steady state flow approach was selected for this study since there is no storage facility within the study reach and the floodplain was not significant relative to the main channel. HECRAS steady state modelling software package is therefore capable of modelling all the key features required for this study. These include friction effects, bridge afflux losses, and overbank conveyance. HEC-RAS will also resolve the transition from super-critical to sub-critical flow, i.e. hydraulic jumps, which might occur in places along the watercourse including the long culvert. 1.2 Climate Change The period from October to December 2000 ranks as the second wettest three-month sequence 6. for England and Wales in the last 200 years Although recent climate patterns have been unusual, several broadly comparable wet episodes can be identified. These include the October to January periods of 1960/61, 1929/30 and 1852/53. In addition, although the high storm rainfall totals recorded, are rare, they are by no means unprecedented. The recorded rainfalls are well within the envelope of meteorological fluctuations that characterise the climate of England and Wales. 7 Recent research by the Environment Agency suggests that over the next 30 to 50 years the probability of occurrence of severe flood flows will increase. Unfortunately, this increase in severity cannot as yet be accurately quantified, and analyses of the annual maximum flood series at the longer term gauging stations do not provide compelling evidence for any climate driven trend. 1.3 Assumptions The representation of any complex system by a 1-dimensional hydraulic model requires a number of assumptions to be made. These assumptions are as follows: • • • • • 1.4 The cross-sections accurately represent the watercourse and level water surface across the entire cross-section; The flow is primarily perpendicular to the entire cross-section; Discharge distributed within a cross-section based on the conveyance distribution; The energy slope is uniform across the entire cross-section; The design flows are an accurate representation of flows of a given return period. Main Channel and Floodplain Sections In total the model contains 67 open channel cross sections, labelled from 1 to 88 from the downstream extent up. Floodplains are represented in the model by the extent of the cross sections taken across the watercourse and the adjoining land on both sides. The predicted water levels are then defined within these conveyance points. In addition, the model contains 14 cross sections where the cross section upstream of a structure has been copied to the downstream of a structure for modelling purposes. 1.5 Structures The model contains a total of 10 culverts and four bridges along the Westwood Brook. It has been necessary to include additional cross-sections at some locations to model the downstream face of hydraulic structures or to ensure model stability. These cross-sections have been copied or interpolated from the surveyed cross-sections as appropriate. 1.6 Roughness Coefficients Channel and floodplain roughness is represented by Manning’s ‘n’ values in the model. Channel roughness parameters were derived for each model cross-section from a combination of site inspections and comparison of survey photographs with published values (e.g. Chow 1 1959 ). The initial values were chosen following a walkover survey by an experienced modeller. The values chosen were 0.04 and 0.05 for the channel and the floodplains respectively. 1.7 Other Coefficients For the Westwood Brook, modelled using the HEC-RAS software, contraction and expansion coefficients needed to be determined. Contraction and expansion coefficients are essential in the hydraulic model computations, to determine the energy losses due to the expansion and contraction of flow, between two adjacent cross-sections during the standard step profile calculations. These coefficients were determined using the HEC-RAS manual. The manual suggests that typical values of contraction and expansion coefficients are 0.1 and 0.3 respectively for a gradual transition along an open channel. These values therefore have been adopted for the open channel section. However, the values 0.3 and 0.5 are recommended for the bridge contraction and expansion coefficients respectively in all the relevant HEC-RAS publications. The same values were therefore used in this study. 1.8 Unit Referencing Labelling rules in HEC-RAS require that cross sections are ordered in the reach from highest river station upstream to lowest river station downstream (in ascending order from downstream to upstream with) with no allowance for the use of text. 1.9 Hydraulic Model Boundaries A hydraulic model requires boundaries at each end point in the model, i.e. at the upstream extent of every watercourse, at each inflow point and also at the downstream extent of the model. Each inflow to the HEC-RAS model for the steady state condition is introduced to the model as a peak flow calculated for different flood return period. 1.10 Model Calibration No calibration procedure has been carried out for this study due to the absence of suitable simultaneous river gauging and rainfall data for the study area. In these cases specific sensitivity analyses should be undertaken to verify the operation of the hydraulic model. The sensitivity analysis has been carried out on the downstream boundary condition as well as roughness coefficients and blockage of the structures. 1.11 Model Design Runs The hydraulic model under steady state condition was run for the existing conditions with the 5year, 10-year, 25-year, 50-year, and 1 in 100-year peak flows (20%, 10%, 4%, 2% and 1% annual exceedance probability) estimates. In addition to these peak flows the model was also tested for the effect of climate change by increasing the flow of 100-year by 20%. 1 Open Channel Hydraulics – Chow V T 1959 2 Hydraulic Modelling Results 2.1 Hydraulic Model Results A HEC-RAS steady state model was constructed of the Westwood Brook, across and downstream of the site. The Schematic for the model is shown in Figure -1. Figure -1: Westwood Brook Hydraulic Model Schematic The model results indicate that the 1 in 100 year flow can be expected to remain within bank. This can be easily seen in the long section of the model in Figure -2. HEC-RAS model results in terms of maximum water level along the Westwood Brook for the designs flows are given in Table -1. Selected cross-section views for the 1 in 100-year flow are also shown in Figure -3. Figure -2: Long section of Westwood Brook for the 100-year return period Table -1: Westwood HEC-RAS Model Result in terms of the maximum water surface elevation for design flows Model Node 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year 100 yr + 20% 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74.9 74.5 71.5 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 82.7 82.63 82.19 82.16 82.16 82.15 82.14 82.05 81.97 81.97 81.91 81.92 81.57 80.82 80.82 80.2 79.3 79.72 79.7 79.35 79.36 79.35 79.32 79.11 79.11 79.08 78.99 78.91 78.9 78.72 78.67 78.35 78.36 78.34 78.34 78.29 78.28 78.29 78.28 78.26 78.25 78.2 78.2 78.21 78.06 77.73 77.52 77.49 77.48 77.45 77.44 77.41 77.38 77.36 82.76 82.68 82.26 82.24 82.24 82.23 82.22 82.12 82.04 82.05 81.96 81.98 81.61 80.92 80.93 80.28 79.34 79.8 79.79 79.44 79.44 79.44 79.41 79.19 79.19 79.16 79.06 78.98 78.97 78.78 78.76 78.49 78.49 78.46 78.47 78.4 78.4 78.41 78.41 78.39 78.36 78.3 78.31 78.31 78.15 77.82 77.64 77.61 77.59 77.55 77.55 77.51 77.46 77.45 82.84 82.73 82.36 82.35 82.36 82.33 82.32 82.23 82.14 82.15 82.02 82.06 81.67 81.05 81.07 80.37 79.4 79.91 79.91 79.55 79.55 79.55 79.52 79.3 79.3 79.26 79.16 79.08 79.07 78.88 78.9 78.67 78.67 78.64 78.64 78.56 78.57 78.58 78.57 78.55 78.52 78.44 78.45 78.46 78.27 77.96 77.81 77.76 77.74 77.69 77.69 77.65 77.57 77.57 82.9 82.78 82.44 82.44 82.44 82.4 82.39 82.3 82.21 82.22 82.04 82.1 81.72 81.18 81.19 80.44 79.45 80 80 79.64 79.64 79.64 79.61 79.38 79.38 79.34 79.23 79.15 79.14 79 79.01 78.81 78.81 78.79 78.78 78.69 78.69 78.71 78.7 78.68 78.64 78.54 78.56 78.56 78.37 78.07 77.94 77.89 77.87 77.81 77.82 77.76 77.66 77.66 82.95 82.81 82.54 82.54 82.55 82.47 82.47 82.37 82.29 82.29 82.1 82.16 81.77 81.31 81.3 80.52 79.49 80.07 80.08 79.72 79.72 79.72 79.68 79.46 79.46 79.41 79.3 79.23 79.22 79.11 79.12 78.95 78.95 78.93 78.91 78.8 78.82 78.83 78.82 78.81 78.76 78.63 78.66 78.66 78.45 78.18 78.07 78 77.97 77.92 77.93 77.86 77.74 77.74 83.02 82.87 82.68 82.68 82.68 82.55 82.55 82.46 82.37 82.38 82.15 82.22 81.82 81.48 81.43 80.6 79.55 80.16 80.17 79.82 79.81 79.81 79.77 79.55 79.56 79.5 79.39 79.33 79.32 79.21 79.22 79.08 79.08 79.07 79.02 78.93 78.95 78.96 78.96 78.94 78.88 78.73 78.76 78.76 78.56 78.32 78.22 78.16 78.08 78.05 78.06 77.97 77.82 77.83 Model Node 5 year 10 year 25 year 50 year 100 year 100 yr + 20% 34 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 77.05 76.97 76.82 76.74 76.69 76.54 76.27 76.06 75.99 75.88 75.8 75.79 75.76 75.76 75.67 75.64 75.63 75.63 75.6 75.6 75.6 75.59 75.57 75.57 75.57 75.57 74.91 74.33 77.13 77.05 76.89 76.81 76.76 76.6 76.33 76.13 76.06 75.94 75.86 75.85 75.83 75.83 75.74 75.7 75.69 75.69 75.66 75.65 75.65 75.65 75.62 75.62 75.62 75.62 74.94 74.38 77.24 77.16 76.98 76.9 76.85 76.68 76.41 76.22 76.14 76.03 75.94 75.93 75.91 75.91 75.83 75.78 75.77 75.77 75.72 75.71 75.71 75.7 75.69 75.69 75.69 75.69 74.98 74.44 77.32 77.24 77.05 76.97 76.92 76.75 76.47 76.3 76.22 76.1 76.01 76 75.97 75.98 75.9 75.85 75.83 75.83 75.78 75.77 75.77 75.76 75.75 75.74 75.74 75.74 75.01 74.48 77.39 77.32 77.12 77.04 76.98 76.81 76.53 76.38 76.29 76.15 76.07 76.06 76.03 76.03 75.95 75.89 75.87 75.88 75.81 75.79 75.79 75.78 75.77 75.76 75.76 75.76 75.05 74.51 77.48 77.4 77.19 77.11 77.04 76.88 76.61 76.45 76.36 76.23 76.14 76.13 76.1 76.11 76.03 75.96 75.95 75.95 75.87 75.86 75.86 75.85 75.84 75.83 75.84 75.83 75.08 74.55 The fluvial flood outline, for the 1 in 100 year flood events and for the climate change effect were produced for the Westwood Brook catchment as the flooding occurs for the flow calculated for the 1 in 100-year plus 20% increase in flow. The flood outline is based on the flood width for each cross-section and by directly joining these points with those for adjacent cross-sections. The topography between two cross-sections was therefore not considered on this outline. Figure -3: Selected cross-section views along the Westwood Brook for design flows 2.2 Sensitivity Analysis As there is no water level or flow data available for calibration in the study area, it is necessary to rely on sensitivity tests on increases in parameters to judge how sensitive the results obtained are to the assumptions made covering flow, roughness of the channel and downstream water level. Checks were made on water level variation with channel roughness varying ±0.005 from the ‘design’ values (1 in 100-year). Manning’s ‘n’ values in the model were taken as 0.040 for the main channel and 0.05 for the floodplains. The sensitivity analyses carried out for this study were as follows: Sensitivity 1: Manning’s ‘n’ values were reduced by 0.005 for both the main channel and the floodplains (nmc=0.035 and nfp=0.045). Decreasing the Manning’s ‘n’ roughness values by 0.005 gave an average decrease in water levels of 0.046m along the length of the Westwood Brook, with a maximum decrease of 0.14m. This maximum decrease in the water level is at the downstream face of the bridge at model node 59.5. Sensitivity 2: Manning’s ‘n’ values were increased by 0.005 for both the main channel and the floodplain (nmc=0.045 and nfp=0.055). Increasing the Manning’s ‘n’ roughness values by 0.034 gave an average increase in water levels of 0.035m along the length of the Westwood Brook, with a maximum increase of 0.070m. The model gave the maximum decrease or increase in water levels of within ±0.08 m for some sections, especially at structures. However the results for sensitivity run and design run along the length of the watercourse are not affected. The results show that in general all models appear to be fairly insensitive to channel roughness changes of this magnitude. Downstream Boundary Conditions and Climate Change Sensitivity analysis to downstream boundary conditions for the Westwood Brook has been undertaken by altering the downstream boundary for normal depth computation. The different downstream slopes and critical depth have been taken for normal depth computation. Altering the downstream boundary using the critical depth (Sensitivity 3) in the model did not affect the water levels along the watercourse. The altering effects can only be seen at the downstream section as expected. The results are shown in Appendix F for the selected sections as Sensitivity 3. A sensitivity analysis was also undertaken to consider climate change by increasing the flow by 20% for each model (Sensitivity 4). Increasing the flow by 20% gave an average increase in water level of 0.09m along the length of the Westwood Brook. Full results are given in Table 3.2 and relevant nodes are summarised below. Flows along the Westwood Brook are generally in bank. However, flow starts to come out of bank in the area of the proposed development (between the model nodes 57-55) by increasing the level approximately by 0.19m. It is considered that possible variations in water level tested by sensitivity analysis will not affect the accuracy of the floodplain maps. Sensitivity to Blockages of the Structure Sensitivity to blockage (Sensitivity 5) on the structures has been undertaken for the 1 in 100year flow by blocking the cross-section areas of the selected structures. These structures were assumed to be blocked by approximately 30% and are listed in. Comparison between water surface elevations with and without blockage of structure is also shown in Table 2 for immediate upstream cross-section. This table shows that the water levels increase by 0.14m from 78.91m AOD to 79.05m AOD at model nodes 53.5. Water surface elevation for the model node of 40.5 also increase by 0.16m from 78.0m to 78.16m. However, the effect of a blockage at these locations for the smaller return periods will be more significant since the blockage ratio will be higher. Table 2: Summary of structures which were assumed to be blocked Watercourse Westwood Brook Westwood Brook Model Node OS NGR Level without Blockage (m AOD) Level with Blockage (m AOD) 53.5 430063 276148 78.91 79.09 40.5 430179 276162 78.00 78.14 This concludes that the blockage of structures along the watercourse will increase the water level significantly and may create a flood risk. Summary results for the sensitivity analysis in terms of water surface elevation are shown in Table -3. Table -3: Sensitivity Result in terms of the maximum water surface elevation for the 1 in 100year return period Model Node 100 year Sensitivity 1 Sensitivity 2 Sensitivity 3 Sensitivity 4 Sensitivity 5 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74.9 74.5 71.5 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 82.95 82.81 82.54 82.54 82.55 82.47 82.47 82.37 82.29 82.29 82.1 82.16 81.77 81.31 81.3 80.52 79.49 80.07 80.08 79.72 79.72 79.72 79.68 79.46 79.46 79.41 79.3 79.23 79.22 79.11 79.12 78.95 78.95 78.93 78.91 78.8 78.82 82.91 82.78 82.48 82.5 82.5 82.44 82.43 82.35 82.28 82.29 82.05 82.11 81.76 81.31 81.3 80.52 79.49 80.02 80.02 79.67 79.68 79.68 79.63 79.44 79.45 79.4 79.25 79.2 79.2 79.04 79.06 78.91 78.91 78.9 78.87 78.76 78.77 82.99 82.85 82.59 82.58 82.59 82.51 82.5 82.4 82.29 82.29 82.09 82.15 81.81 81.32 81.3 80.52 79.49 80.13 80.14 79.77 79.77 79.77 79.73 79.49 79.49 79.44 79.35 79.26 79.25 79.17 79.17 78.98 78.98 78.97 78.94 78.85 78.86 82.95 82.81 82.54 82.54 82.55 82.47 82.47 82.37 82.29 82.29 82.1 82.16 81.77 81.31 81.3 80.52 79.49 80.07 80.08 79.72 79.72 79.72 79.68 79.46 79.46 79.41 79.3 79.23 79.22 79.11 79.12 78.95 78.95 78.93 78.91 78.8 78.82 83.02 82.87 82.68 82.68 82.68 82.55 82.55 82.46 82.37 82.38 82.15 82.22 81.82 81.48 81.43 80.6 79.55 80.16 80.17 79.82 79.81 79.81 79.77 79.55 79.56 79.5 79.39 79.33 79.32 79.21 79.22 79.08 79.08 79.07 79.02 78.93 78.95 82.95 82.81 82.54 82.54 82.55 82.47 82.47 82.37 82.29 82.29 82.1 82.16 81.77 81.31 81.3 80.52 79.49 80.07 80.08 79.72 79.72 79.72 79.69 79.47 79.47 79.42 79.32 79.26 79.25 79.18 79.19 79.09 79.09 79.08 79.05 78.81 78.82 Model Node 100 year Sensitivity 1 Sensitivity 2 Sensitivity 3 Sensitivity 4 Sensitivity 5 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 78.83 78.82 78.81 78.76 78.63 78.66 78.66 78.45 78.18 78.07 78 77.97 77.92 77.93 77.86 77.74 77.74 77.39 77.32 77.12 77.04 76.98 76.81 76.53 76.38 76.29 76.15 76.07 76.06 76.03 76.03 75.95 75.89 75.87 75.88 75.81 75.79 75.79 75.78 75.77 75.76 75.76 75.76 75.05 74.51 78.79 78.79 78.77 78.72 78.58 78.6 78.61 78.39 78.13 78.03 77.97 77.93 77.88 77.89 77.82 77.68 77.69 77.32 77.26 77.07 77 76.94 76.76 76.5 76.34 76.24 76.12 76.02 76.02 75.96 75.97 75.88 75.82 75.8 75.81 75.74 75.72 75.72 75.7 75.63 75.63 75.64 75.63 75.05 74.49 78.87 78.86 78.84 78.79 78.69 78.71 78.71 78.51 78.24 78.11 78.05 78.01 77.97 77.97 77.9 77.79 77.79 77.46 77.37 77.16 77.08 77.02 76.86 76.58 76.41 76.33 76.19 76.11 76.1 76.07 76.08 75.99 75.92 75.91 75.91 75.83 75.81 75.81 75.8 75.78 75.78 75.78 75.77 75.07 74.54 78.83 78.82 78.81 78.76 78.63 78.66 78.66 78.45 78.18 78.07 78 77.97 77.92 77.93 77.86 77.74 77.74 77.39 77.32 77.12 77.04 76.98 76.81 76.53 76.38 76.29 76.15 76.07 76.06 76.03 76.03 75.95 75.89 75.87 75.88 75.81 75.79 75.79 75.78 75.77 75.76 75.76 75.76 75.05 74.51 78.96 78.96 78.94 78.88 78.73 78.76 78.76 78.56 78.32 78.22 78.16 78.08 78.05 78.06 77.97 77.82 77.83 77.48 77.4 77.19 77.11 77.04 76.88 76.61 76.45 76.36 76.23 76.14 76.13 76.1 76.11 76.03 75.96 75.95 75.95 75.87 75.86 75.86 75.85 75.84 75.83 75.84 75.83 75.08 74.55 78.84 78.83 78.82 78.77 78.65 78.67 78.67 78.49 78.28 78.21 78.16 77.97 77.92 77.93 77.86 77.74 77.74 77.39 77.32 77.12 77.04 76.98 76.81 76.53 76.38 76.29 76.15 76.07 76.06 76.03 76.03 75.95 75.89 75.87 75.88 75.81 75.79 75.79 75.78 75.77 75.76 75.76 75.76 75.05 74.51 3 Conclusions A 1-D hydraulic model was constructed for the Westwood Brook. The Westwood Brook was modelled using the HEC-RAS v3.1.3 software developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Water levels and flows were obtained for the 20%, 10%, 4%, 2% and 1% annual exceedance probability AEP flood events (5, 10, 25, 50, and 100-year return periods) and have been tabulated. The hydraulic model for the Westwood Brook was not calibrated due to the absence of any gauging station on the watercourses. Sensitivity analyses relating to channel roughness, to downstream boundary and to climate change have been undertaken and results are shown in Table -3. A sensitivity analysis to consider climate change was undertaken by increasing the 100 year design flow by 20%. The model results indicate that for the 1 in 100 year event flows can be expected to remain within bank for the conditions tested. However, when the flow is increased by 20% to allow for climate change water begins to overtop the banks. This occurs in the vicinity of the junction between University Road and Library Road. The flow will be out of bank on the left tributaries and may affect the Existing Academic Square. The fluvial flood outline, for the 1 in 100 year flood events and for the climate change effect were produced for the Westwood Brook catchment as the flooding occurs for the flow calculated for the 1 in 100-year plus 20% increase in flow. Appendix D Record of Consultation Record of Telephone Communication Page 1 of 1 Job title University of Warwick Development Plan - Drainage Strategy Job number 116181-00 Communication from Andy Williams File reference Organisation Arup 6-02-01 Telephone no (0)121 213 3233 Communication to Mr Paul Leaman Date of communication Organisation Warwick District Council 5 August 2004 Telephone no 01926 450000 Copy to Record of communication • AW explained Arup had been commissioned by the University to undertake a drainage strategy scoping report and as part of this report Arup where trying to determine if Warwick District Council had any issues or concerns regarding drainage and land drainage within the University Campus situated within the Warwick District Council Boundary. • PL responded that WDC had no issues with regard to drainage etc at this site. J:\116000\116181-00\6 REGULATORY BODIES\6-02 LOCAL BODIES\6-02-01 WARKS DISTRICT COUNCIL\0001DRAINAGE ISSUES AW 2004-08-05.DOC Action ©Arup F0.7 QA Rev 9.3, 17 November 2003 Record of Telephone Communication Page 1 of 1 Job title University of Warwick Development Plan - Drainage Strategy Job number 116181-00 Communication from Andy Williams File reference Organisation Arup 6-02-03 Telephone no (0)121 213 3233 Communication to David Chiles Date of communication Organisation Coventry City Council 10 August 2004 Telephone no 07771 938809 Copy to Record of communication • AW explained Arup had been commissioned by the University to undertake a drainage strategy scoping report and as part of this report Arup where trying to determine if Coventry City Council had any issues or concerns regarding drainage and land drainage within the University Campus situated within their Boundary. • DC explained that CCC had powers under the Land Drainage Act to ensure landowners drained their sites responsibly. He said that the council would not want any further increases in runoff entering watercourses policed by the City Council, and therefore would like to see the use of SUDS and attenuation devices within any new developments. • DC also explained that they had been liaising with the John Fouldes of the EA to identify critical ordinary watercourses within this area and none had been identified. • Based on the above, CCC has no issues with the future development at this time. J:\116000\116181-00\6 REGULATORY BODIES\6-02 LOCAL BODIES\6-02-03 COVENTRY CITY COUNCIL\0001TELECOM DRAINAGE ISSUES AW - DC 2004-08-10.DOC Action ©Arup F0.7 QA Rev 9.3, 17 November 2003 Notes of Meeting Page 1 of 4 Job title Meeting name & number University of Warwick Development Plan Drainage Scoping Study Job number EA Liaison Meeting File reference 116181-00 9.0 Location EA Offices at Tewksbury Time & date 10:30 Purpose of meeting Identify Key Issues for Future Surface Water Management Present Andy Williams John Foulds (EA) 12 August 2004 David Schofield Giles Matthews (EA) Apologies Circulation Those present Prepared by Andy Williams Date of circulation 12 August 2004 Date of next meeting C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ANDY.WILLIAMS\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK49\0001MINUTES OF EA LIASON MEETING AW 2004-08-11.DOC ©Arup F0.5 QA Rev 9.3, 17 November 2003 Notes of Meeting Page 2 of 4 Job title Job number University of Warwick Development Plan - Drainage 116181-00 Strategy 1. Date of Meeting Action 12 August 2004 DS explained Arup had been commissioned by the University of Warwick to produce a surface water drainage scoping study to identify what work was required to be undertaken to produce a drainage strategy for the possible future development of the University. The purpose of the meeting was to identify the key EA issues for the university site. The key points are briefly detailed below: • In accordance with Planning Policy Guidance Note 25 (PPG 25), Flood Risk Assessments (FRA) will be required for future development on the site; • Detailed hydraulic analysis of the Westwood Brook will be required as part of an FRA; • The existing EA flood data pertaining to the Canley Brook will suffice an FRA; • No development should take place in the fluvial floodplain; • Any additional impermeable area from future development must be attenuated to the equivalent greenfield rate of runoff; • Future surface water design must be carried out for no system flooding on a 1 in 100 year return period storm event; • Contemporary sustainable surface water drainage techniques (SUDS) are encouraged; • Culverting of watercourses should be avoided and the re-opening of existing culverted section would be welcomed; • Surface water quality issues should also be considered and addressed; • There are ecological issues to be considered and addressed; • There are no details of any surface water discharge consents available at this time. The strategic way forward for all surface water issues associated with future development at the University,