Sultan Qaboos University Life Science Unit, Herbarium PLANT IDENTIFICATION SERVICE FORM Consultancy Fees: –Free for SQU students (per 5 specimens, wait 1-2 weeks for the identification) □ Collection trip fee OMR 100 (per day) □ Identification fee OMR 20 (per 10 specimens, one week) Applicant Information: Title:……Name:………………………………………………… Date:………………………………………………………………… Address:…………………………………………………………………………………….………..…………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone:…………………………………Email:………………………………………..Signature:………………………………………. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Specimen Information: (Each specimen must be placed in a protective sheet (e.g. newspaper), pressed, dried and numbered (e.g. 1,2,3….etc.) No. of specimens:………………Date collected:…………………………..Collector(s)Name:…………………………………………. Governorate:…………………………Locality/localities:………………..……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. GPS coordinates:………………………...................................................................................................................................................... If purpose of identification is scientific research, give title please:……………………………………………………………………… __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plant Source: □Wild Native □Cultivated Native □Cultivated/Exotic □Weed __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Habit & Habitat notes: Please attach a table in a separate page(s), and add as much information as possible (including images) to help identify your plant -Sterile specimens (i.e. with no flowers or fruits) are rarely identified below family or genus level. - Here are four examples of specimen information. This information is essential for identification of specimen and for archive in the herbarium collection. Plant Plant Habit Plant Habitat # Growth form Size Flower color Fruit Habitat Altitude Vegetation Soil Plant (m) characters type (m) type type abundance in area of collection 1 Tree (i.e woody, 1-stem, ˃3m 6-7m Yellow Not fruiting Mountain 2350m Mainly big Rocky (Plant to be tall trees +gravel identified), not common ≤5 individuals 2 Shrub (i.e woody, Multi-stems, ~2.5m Purple/white Spiny, hairy Sand ~500m Sparse with sand 20 individuals, 1-3m tall dunes few trees common 3 Herb (i.e green, delicate, 1 or 0.5m No flowers Long/narrow, Wadi 260m Mainly Big Approx. 50% of multi-stems, ≤1m tall, one main sticky shrubs with stones+ all plants in root few trees gravel area, very common 4 Grass (i.e clump/cluster, 0.3m Cream/yellow Coastal 5-10m Small non- Gravel About 70%, delicate, ≤1m, many roots area woody & sand abundant plants Is there any specific information you wish to know about your plant other than identification? (extra charges depending on the data requested) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Do you want your specimen(s) kept at SQU Herbarium for scientific reference? □ Yes □ No For Official Use Only Batch No.:……………………………. Plant material to: □ Keep Signature:………………………………………… Date received:……………………………… □ Return Date of finalized list of species:…………………………… Please Fill in the information for your specimens according to this table (make extra copies of the table if required). Plant # Growth form Plant growth habit Size Flower color (m) Fruit characters Habitat type Altitude (m) Plant habitat Vegetation Soil type type Plant abundance in area of collection