Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Cameron University School of Business Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Fall 2010 1 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 LIST OF FULL TIME FACULTY TEACHING IN BBA PROGRAM • • • • • • • • • Fall 2010 Ahmed, H. Ahmed, S. Bowen, D. Burgess, S. Gooch, R. Helvey, A. Hite, D Masters, J. Odom, O. • • • • • • • • Paridon, T. Rogers, P. Soylu, A. Steyn, D. Sukar, A. Treadwell, G. Washburn, M. Yuyuenyongwatana, R. 2 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section I: Program Learning Outcomes Section II: Alignment of Outcomes Section III: Program Outcome 1: Competencies in key concepts of Common Professional Component Section IV: Program Outcome 2: Able to Integrate and Apply Key Concepts Section V: Program Outcome 3: Proficiency in Computers and Business Software Section VI: Productivity Information Section VII: Response to 2009 – 2010 Action Plan Section VIII: 2010-2011 Action Plan Fall 2010 3 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section I: Program Learning Outcomes • Program outcome 1: Graduates demonstrate foundational knowledge of basic business concepts that will prepare each graduate for success in business upon graduation. • Program outcome 2: Graduates demonstrate critical business skills and competencies required for effective decision making in modern business. • Program outcome 3: Graduates demonstrate proficiency in computers and business software required in modern business. Fall 2010 4 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section II: Alignment of Outcomes Figure 1 School of Business Mission Plan 2013 Cameron University Mission University of Choice Fall 2010 The Partner of Choice 5 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 1 Section II: Alignment of Outcomes Program Outcome1: Competent in the key concepts of Common Professional Component School of Business Mission The Cameron University School of Business exists to educate and prepare the diverse students its serves to become skilled professionals who will add value to their organizations, their professions, and their communities. Fall 2010 Cameron University Mission Cameron Mission: Prepares students for professional success, responsible citizenship, life-long learning, and meaningful contributions to a rapidly changing world… Plan 2013 University of Choice Maintain and enhance Cameron's commitment to providing programs of the highest quality in instruction, research, and service to better meet the needs of the citizens of the region. Capitalize on Cameron’s multiple levels of academic programs – associate, baccalaureate, and master’s – to enhance student learning and to increase opportunities for educational advancement. Partner of Choice Develop partnerships with area businesses and industries including encouraging use of conferencing facilities and matching educational offerings to employer needs. 6 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 2 Alignment of Outcomes Program Outcome 2: Able to Integrate and Apply Key Concepts School of Business Mission The School strives to expand understanding of the effective and efficient operation of organizations and their dynamic environments. The School creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential businessbased learning opportunities. Fall 2010 Cameron University Mission Cameron Mission: Fosters a studentcentered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning… Plan 2013 University of Choice Partner of Choice Maintain and enhance Develop partnerships with Cameron's commitment to area businesses and providing programs of the industries including highest quality in encouraging use of instruction, research, and conferencing facilities and service to better meet the matching educational needs of the citizens of the offerings to employer region. Capitalize on Cameron’s multiple levels of needs. academic programs – associate, baccalaureate, and master’s – to enhance student learning and to increase opportunities for educational advancement. Ensure effective assessment of student learning including experiential learning. 7 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 3 Alignment of Outcomes Program Outcome 3: Proficient in Computers and Business Software School of Business Mission The School creates a student-centered approach to lifelong learning as well as innovative and experiential businessbased learning opportunities. Cameron University Mission Fosters a studentcentered academic environment that combines innovative classroom teaching with experiential learning… Plan 2013 University of Choice Partner of Choice Maintain and enhance Develop partnerships with Cameron's commitment to area businesses and providing programs of the industries including highest quality in encouraging use of instruction, research, and conferencing facilities and service to better meet the matching educational needs of the citizens of the offerings to employer region. needs. Capitalize on Cameron’s Provide a fast and reliable multiple levels of academic state-of-the-art programs – associate, baccalaureate, and master’s information technology infrastructure including – to enhance student learning and to increase expanding the availability opportunities for educational of wireless internet access advancement. on campus. Ensure effective assessment of student learning including experiential learning. Fall 2010 8 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 4 Assessment Activity Matrix Program Outcome Direct Measure Tool Specify Measurable Program Outcome Portfolio Review, Performance Rating, Locally Developed and Validated Examinations, Standardized Examinations, Capstone Course, Benchmark against similar programs, Other-specify Program Outcome 1-3; Principles of Marketing Program Outcome1-3; Business Policy Program Outcome1-3; Advertising Standardized Examinations, Group Simulation Projects Standardized Examinations, Group Projects Topic Focused Standardized Examinations, Group Projects Develop Advertisement Headcount of Students Participating in Measurement Date Measuremen t Administered Faculty Member (s) Administeri ng Measureme nt Faculty Member (s) Recording Measureme nt Data Faculty Member (s) Analyzing Measurement Data 5 Summer 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon 16 Summer 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon 12/15 Fall 09/Spring 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon Program Outcome1-3; Consumer Behavior Standardized Examinations 18/18 Fall 09/Spring 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon Program Outcome1; Consumer Behavior Group Journal Assignments 18/18 Fall 09/Spring 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon Program Outcome1, 3; Marketing Research Standardized Examinations 15/4 Fall 09/Spring 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon Program Outcome2; Marketing Research Group Research Project 15/4 Fall 09/Spring 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon Fall 2010 Date Faculty Meeting Discussing Measurement Results 9 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 4 continuation Headcount of Students Participating in Measurement Faculty Faculty Date Member (s) Member (s) Measurement Recording Administering Administered Measurement Measurement Data Faculty Member (s) Analyzing Measurement Data Program Outcome Direct Measure Tool Program Outcome1-3; Service Marketing Standardized Examinations, Group Case Analyses 11 Spring 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon Program Outcome1, 2; Service Marketing Standardized Examinations 11 Spring 10 Paridon Paridon Paridon Program Outcome2, 3; Service Marketing Group Projects 12 Fall 09 Paridon Paridon Paridon Program Outcome1-3; Principles of Cost/Managerial Accounting Locally Developed Exam Spring 10 Gooch Gooch Gooch Program Outcome1; Business and Society MFT Fall 09/Spring 10 Masters Program Outcome1-2; Business and Society Capstone Case Fall 09/Spring 10 Masters Masters Program Outcome1; Business Policy MFT 24 Fall 09/Spring 10 Rogers Rogers Program Outcome1-2; Business Policy Capstone Case 24 Fall 09/Spring 10 Rogers Rogers Program Outcome 1; Principles of Management Locally Developed Exam 40 Fall 09 Rogers Rogers Rogers Program Outcome 1; Organizational Management 70 Fall 09/Spring 10 Rogers Rogers Rogers Fall 09/Spring 10 Steyn Steyn Steyn Fall 09/Spring 10 Hite Hite Hite Sukar Sukar Sukar Locally Developed Exam Locally Developed Exam from Test FA09 ITV Bank Accompanying Text 29/ONL -46; (Standardized Examinations) SP10 - 51 Locally Developed Exam F09 -26/ SP10 Program Outcome 1; Principles of Management Standardized Examinations 24 Program Outcome 1-3; Principles of Marketing Program Outcome 1-2; Principles of Economics Locally Developed Exam Fall 2010 40 Date Faculty Meeting Discussing Measurement Results Masters, Odom, Gooch, Soylu Masters, Odom, Gooch, etc. Masters, Odom, Gooch, etc. 10 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section III: Program outcome 1 Competencies in Key Concepts of Common Professional Component Table 5 PROGRAM OUTCOME 1. Fall 2010 Competent in the key concepts of Common Profession al Component MEASUREMENT OF STUDENT-LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME CURRICULUM Methods used to Methods used to AREA OR determine validity determine Schedule for TARGET Measurements of measurement reliability of measurements AUDIENCE instruments measurement 1. Business 1. Major Fields 1. Standardized 1. Benchmark 1. Every policy course test (MFT) test developed against semester by ETS national norm 2. Every 2. Courses: 2. Locally semester ACCT 2013 developed ECON 2013 tests MKTG 3413 MGMT 3013 11 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Major Field Test (MFT) • MFT developed by ETS is designed to assess comprehension of concepts, principles and knowledge at the conclusion of the undergraduate program. • MFT evaluates students’ ability to analyze and interpret materials. • Students were given MFT in the Business Policy class. • MFT tests are used to benchmark student learning against national norms. Fall 2010 12 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Figure 2 MFT Scores Cameron University Average (Summer 07-Spring 2010) National Average (Aug 06 to Jun 09) 60 50 40 30 National Average (Aug 2006 - Jun 2009) 20 Cameron Average (Summer 2007-Spring 2010) 10 Fall 2010 Iss ues nv Int ern oci a and S gal Le Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 ati on al lE etin g Ma rk Fin an ce na lys is Bu sA Qu an Ma nag em ent ono mi cs Ec Ac co u nti n g 0 13 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Figure 3 MFT Scores Accounting and Economics 60 58 60 55 55 50 48 48 49 50 51 50 51 49 50 40 40 35 35 30 30 Su mm e Accounting Fall 2010 Accounting Norm at 49.8 44 47 45 45 44 Su mm e 45 r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 45 46 r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 45 Economics Economics Norm at 47.8 14 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Figure 4 MFT Scores Management & Quantitative Business Analysis 70 60 65 55 60 50 54 55 51 52 54 52 45 53 49 50 45 42 40 42 38 36 44 45 37 35 Management Norm at 54.5 Su mm e Su mm e Management r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 30 r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 40 Fall 2010 47 46 QBA QBA Norm at 46.1 15 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Figure 5 MFT Scores Finance & Marketing 60 60 55 55 55 53 51 50 51 55 55 52 50 50 50 49 50 50 48 48 47 40 40 35 35 30 30 Su mm e Finance Fall 2010 Finance Norm at 55.0 Su mm e 45 r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 45 r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 45 Marketing Marketing Norm at 51.9 16 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Figure 6 MFT Scores Legal and Social Environment & International Issues 60 60 55 55 51 50 50 43 50 48 44 42 44 45 40 37 35 30 30 Su mm e r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 35 LSE Norm at 45.9 r2 00 7 Sp rin g2 0 08 Su mm er 2 00 8 Fa ll 2 00 8 Sp rin g2 0 09 Su mm er 2 00 9 Fa ll 2 00 9 Sp rin g2 0 10 41 40 Fall 2010 48 Su mm e 44 45 LSE 48 46 45 40 51 Int'l. Issues Int'l. Issues Norm at 54.1 17 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 6 MFT Results National Average Assessment Indicator Aug06-Jun09 Cameron Average (Summer 2007-Spring 2010) Su07 Sp08 Su08 Fa08 Sp09 Su09 Fa09 Sp10 Accounting 49.8 58 48 48 49 50 51 50 51 Economics 47.8 49 45 44 46 45 45 47 44 Management 54.5 51 52 44 54 52 49 54 53 Quantitative Business Analysis 46.1 38 42 36 45 46 37 42 47 Finance 50.6 45.6 51.1 41.6 55 51 53 50 51 55 50 52 55 Marketing 51.9 50 45 49 50 48 55 48 47 Legal and Social Environment 45.9 45 40 37 44 41 43 44 42 International Issues 54.1 Fall 2010 Overall 52.1 49.0 42.0 51 48 48 48 51 44 50 46 48.3 18 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Locally developed tests • Locally developed tests are used to test competency in the key concepts of professional component • Benchmarks of 70% is used to determine the competency in core courses Fall 2010 19 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 7.a ACCT 2013 – Financial Accounting Quantity of Students Tested Semester Location Core Competency # 1 To provide students with an understanding of the basic accounting equation Core Competency # 2 To provide students with an understanding of the required steps in the accounting cycle Core Competency # 3 To provide students with an understanding of the four financial statements and how they are prepared Core Competency # 4 To provide students with an understanding of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and identify the key items of the conceptual framework, basic assumptions used by accountants, and constraints in accounting Core Competency # 5 To provide students with an understanding of double entry bookkeeping Core Competency # 6 To provide students with an understanding of adjusting entries, closing entries, and correcting entries Core Competency # 7 To provide students with an understanding of the differences between service enterprises and merchandisers, including how to record cost of goods under the periodic and perpetual inventory systems Core Competency # 8 To identify the principles of internal control and their application to cash disbursements and cash receipts Core Competency # 9 To provide students with an understanding of notes receivable, including computation of maturity date and interest Core Competency # 10 To provide students with an understanding of plant assets, including how to record acquisition, depreciation, and disposal Core Competency # 11 (Added in the Summer of 2005) To provide students with an understanding of notes payable and the methods by which they are accounted Core Competency # 12 (Added in the Summer of 2005) To identify the major characteristics of a corporation and provide students with an understanding of how to account for stock and dividend transactions Class Averages Fall 2010 44 2006 35 2007 97 17 21 2008 2009 2010 85% 89% 100 % 97% 52% 84% 93% 85% 88% 90% 82% 69% 81% 71% 76% 78% 64% 82% 82% 69% 71% 89% 80% 85% 71% 72% 71% 62% 68% 86% 71% 73% 72% 70% 75% 76% 85% 80% 73% 85% 62% 52% 78% 67% 87% 73% 62% 70% 68% 75% NA 48% NA NA NA NA 75% 60% 71% NA 79% NA 77% NA 77% 20 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 7.b ECON 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics On-Campus On-Campus Spring 2008 Spring20 09 Core Competency n=35 n=44 Core Competency #1 Understand and apply key concepts of scarcity, efficiency, 75% 79% opportunity cost, absolute advantage and comparative advantage. Core Competency #2 Analyze the theory of supply and demand and how they 76% 74% simultaneously determine equilibrium price and quantity. Core Competency #3 Understand and apply key measures of macroeconomic 76% 70% performance such as real GDP, inflation, and unemployment. Core Competency #4 Analyze how the supply of loanable fund and the demand 76% 77% for loanable fund determine the real interest and the importance of saving for economic growth. Core Competency #5 Analyze money demand and money supply process and 76% 78% critically evaluate how the Fed controls the money supply. Core Competency #6 Understand and evaluate the effects of fiscal policy and 72% 77% monetary policy on output, inflation, interest rate and unemployment in the short run and long run. Average 75% 76% Fall 2010 Off-Campus Spring 2009 Spring 2010 60% 75% 64% 74% 70% 76% 67% 74% 70% 66% 65% 50% 63% 69% 21 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 7.c MKTG 3413 – Principles of Marketing Fall 2009 ONL (n=46) Identify various marketing activities that characterize contemporary business activity Examine marketing mix variables and apply these variables to marketing opportunities and problems Understand marketing strategies and marketing related variables and use these to develop preliminary marketing plans Appreciate why marketing varies through time and why and how market opportunities accompany these variations. Fall 2010 Fall 2009 (n=25) Spring 2010 Face to Face (n=51) 72.31% 79.67% 68.17% 70.63% 78.61% 72.05% 72.92% 77.83% 73.51% 69.94% 79.28% 76.18% 22 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 7.d MGMT 3013 – Principles of Management Core Competency Fall 09 (N=24) Spring 10 (N=26) Core Competency #1 The student demonstrates an understanding of the overall management process. 75% 71% Core Competency #2 The student demonstrates an understanding of, and an ability to use, contemporary management theories, tools and techniques related to planning in organizations 80% 74% Core Competency #3 The student demonstrates an understanding of, and an ability to use, contemporary management theories, tools and techniques related to organizing in organizations 44% 42% Core Competency #4 The student demonstrates an understanding of, and an ability to use, contemporary management theories, tools and techniques related to leading in organizations 59% 54% Core Competency #5 The student demonstrates an understanding of, and an ability to use, contemporary management theories, tools and techniques related to managerial control in organizations 74% 60% Core Competency #6 The student demonstrates an understanding of the evolution of management. 82% 55% Core Competency #7 The student demonstrates an understanding of managerial decision making techniques and processes. 54% 31% Fall 2010 23 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section IV: Program outcome 2 Able to Integrate and Apply Key Concepts Table 8 PROGRAM OUTCOME 2. CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE Able to 1. Graduating integrate and Senior apply key Students in concepts BUS 4633 (Bus.Policy) 2. Intern Supervisors 3. Alumni 4. Employers MEASUREMENT OF STUDENT-LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME Methods used to Methods used to determine validity Schedule for Measurements determine reliability of of measurement measurements measurement instruments 1. Survey of 1. Every Graduating semester Senior Students 2. Every in BUS 4633 semester (Bus.Policy) 3. Every 3 years 2. Survey of 4. Every 3 years Intern Supervisors 3. Survey of Alumni 4. Survey of Employers Fall 2010 24 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section IV: Program outcome 2 Able to Integrate and Apply Key Concepts The School of Business conducted surveys of • Student intern supervisors • Faculty • Graduating Seniors Surveys of student intern supervisors • Supervisors were asked to rate interns’ mastery of skills, knowledge, etc. on a 5-point scale • The means were 4.1, 3.7 and 5.0 respectively in Fall of 09, Spring 10 and Summer of 10, indicating that students have excellent mastery of concepts and skills. Fall 2010 25 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 9 Bachelor of Business Administration Internship Supervisor Evaluation Semester Fa09 # of employers with accounting interns 2 # of employers responding 2 Supervisors were asked to indicate their opinion of the intern's mastery of skills, abilities, technologies, etc. Responses were to indicate a "5" as superior, "4" as excellent, "3" as average, "2" as fair, and "1" as poor. The average supervisor’s responses are listed by semester. -Accounting skills 4.5 -Adaptability 4.0 -Computer skills 4.0 -Initiative 5.0 -Integrity 4.5 -Interpersonal skills 4.0 -management potential 3.5 -Office systems 4.0 -Organizational skills 3.5 -Problem solving skills 3.5 -Telephone skills/etiquette 4.0 -Verbal language 4.0 -work ethic 4.0 -writing skills 4.5 Supervisors responded to the following questions by indicate a "1" as yes or "2" as no. The average supervisor's responses are listed by semester. -Did the intern finish assignments in a timely manner? 1.0 -Would you hire this intern? 1.0 -Would you recommend this intern to another business? 1.0 Fall 2010 Sp10 4 4 Su10 2 1 3.5 3.8 3.8 3.5 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.3 4.0 3.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.3 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 26 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Program outcome 2: Able to Integrate and Apply Key Concepts Faculty surveys • Written and oral communication and computer requirements in upper division business courses are conducted every year. • As shown in Table 10, faculty place strong emphasis on individual courses, communication and computer skills. Fall 2010 27 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 10 Upper-division business courses requiring written reports, oral presentations, and computer software knowledge by students COURSE NAME Portfolio Management I Portfolio Management II Business Policy Business and Society Organizational Behavior Principles of Management Case Study in Small Business Advertising Service Marketing Intro to Business (Online) Business Communications Business Law I Business Law II Business Statistics Applied Business Statistics Principles of Macroeconomics Consumer Motivation/Behavior Human Resource Management Productions and Operations Management Seminar: Current Issues in HRM Principles of Marketing Marketing Research Seminar in Marketing Retailing Sales Management Investments Principles of Finance Fall 2010 REQUIRES WRITTEN REPORT X X X X REQUIRES ORAL PRES. X X X X X X X X X SPREAD SHEET X X X X WORD PROCESSING X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Limited X X X X BLACK BOARD X X X X X X X X X X POWER POINT OTHER COMPUTER USAGE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 28 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Program outcome 2: Able to Integrate and Apply Key Concepts Graduating Senior Survey Summary Table 11 Evaluate how Cameron Business program enhanced your skills in the following areas: (In Percentage) 1 = Very Disappointing, 2 = Disappointing, 3 = Rewarding, 4 = Very Rewarding Question 1 2 3 4 NA MEAN Economics 0.00 53.85 46.15 0.00 0.00 2.46 Finance 15.38 15.38 30.77 38.46 0.00 2.92 Management 0.00 7.69 61.54 30.77 0.00 3.23 Marketing 0.00 15.38 46.15 30.77 7.69 2.92 Business Law 0.00 15.38 53.85 30.77 0.00 3.15 Accounting 0.00 30.77 61.54 7.69 0.00 2.77 Management Information Systems 0.00 15.38 53.85 23.08 7.69 2.85 Business Statistics 0.00 15.38 61.54 23.08 0.00 3.08 Fall 2010 29 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Graduating Senior Survey Summary Table 12 Students who ranked 3 or higher in their skills enhancement in 3 different areas is as follows: Discipline Areas Percentage Fall 2010 Critical thinking 100.00 Research 92.31 Knowledge of theories, methods, and findings in Business Administration. 92.31 30 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Graduating Senior Survey Summary Table 13 Question Rate how well accounting and business courses were scheduled within the program. Rate how well accounting and business instructors were prepared for classes. Rate the competence of your accounting and business instructors. Rate the level of academic advisement. Rate the ease of enrollment in accounting and business courses. Please rate the program overall. Fall 2010 1 = Very Disappointing, 2 = Disappointing, Rewarding, 4 = Very Rewarding 1 2 3 4 3= NA MEAN 7.69 30.77 46.15 15.38 0.00 2.69 0.00 0.00 69.23 30.77 0.00 3.31 0.00 0.00 38.46 61.54 0.00 3.62 7.69 23.08 23.08 30.77 15.38 2.46 0.00 30.77 46.15 15.38 7.69 2.62 0.00 0.00 61.54 30.77 7.69 3.08 31 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Graduating Senior Survey Summary Student compliments: • • • • • • • Quality of instructors (knowledge and clarity) Preparedness of instructors Effectiveness of the ITV and online format Great internship coordinator Availability of instructors in providing help to students Courses encouraged more critical thinking on students Research-skills-enhancing class requirements Student suggestions: • • • • • • • Fall 2010 More courses should be offered per semester for both in-class and online. School of Business hire additional faculty A broader selection of course Academic advisement should provide more information about the classes More availability of the internship program More classes in the area of MIS, Business Communications, and those that deal with international business More research requirements on classes 32 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Alumni Survey Summary Table 14 Evaluate How Cameron Business Programs Prepared You For The Business World in The Following Areas: (Percent Responses) (1=Poor; 7=Excellent) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean Response Rate 0 0 3 12.1 28.8 25.8 27.3 5.47 97 1.5 1.5 4.5 13.6 33.3 18.2 24.2 5.18 97 Quantitative Skills 0 0 1.5 15.2 31.8 33.3 15.2 5.3 97 Computer Proficiency 0 0 4.5 16.7 28.8 25.8 19.7 5.17 95.5 Presentation Skills 1.5 0 3 9.1 19.7 42.4 22.7 5.59 98.5 Leadership Ability 3 0 3 10.6 34.8 24.2 21.2 5.23 97 Team Building Skills 0 1.5 1.5 10.6 24.2 36.4 22.7 5.48 97 Problem Solving Ability 0 0 1.5 6.1 30.3 39.4 21.2 5.65 98.5 Ethics 0 0 7.6 9.1 18.2 33.3 27.3 5.41 95.5 1.5 4.5 4.5 24.2 28.8 19.7 10.6 4.58 93.9 Overall 0 0 0 4.5 31.8 43.9 18.2 5.68 98.5 Knowledge in major or specialization 0 0 1.5 0 33.3 37.9 25.8 5.79 98.5 Areas Written Communication Oral Communication International Perspective Fall 2010 33 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Alumni Survey Summary Program outcome 2: Able to Integrate and Apply Key Concepts Table 15 Percentage of alumni who ranked 5 or higher in their skills enhancement in 11 different areas. Discipline Areas Percentage Mean Knowledge in Major or Specialization 93.90% 5.68 Problem Solving Ability 90.90% 5.65 Leadership Skills 84.80% 5.59 Team Building Skills 83.30% 5.48 Written Communication 81.90% 5.47 Quantitative Skills 80.30% 5.3 Leadership Ability 80.20% 5.23 Ethics 78.80% 5.41 Oral Communication 75.70% 5.18 Computer Proficiency 74.30% 5.17 International Perspective 59.10% 4.58 Overall 97.00% 5.79 Fall 2010 34 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section V: Program outcome 3 Proficiency in Computers and Business Software Table 16 MEASUREMENT OF STUDENT-LEARNING OR SERVICE OUTCOME CURRICULUM AREA OR TARGET AUDIENCE PROGRAM OUTCOME 3. Proficient in computers and business software 1. 2. 3. 4. Measurements Graduating 1. Senior Students in BBA Courses 2. MIS 2013 Faculty 3. Alumni 4. Fall 2010 Methods used to determine validity of measurement instruments Computer Skills Survey of Graduating Senior Students Locally developed tests Survey of Faculty Survey of Alumni Methods used to determine reliability of measurement Schedule for measurements 1. 2. 3. 4. Every semester Every semester Every year Every 3 years 35 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Table 17 Evaluation of students who took Management Information Systems Class In-Class (Spring 2010) Online (Spring 2010) Tot. Avg. Avg. Tot. Avg. Avg. Assignment Participating Pretest Posttest Participating Pretest Posttest Students Score Score Students Score Score 1 - Word Ch1 12 67.73 92.21 13 76.46 97.61 2 - Word Ch2 12 42.04 93.19 13 85.32 93.35 3 - Word Ch3 14 77.61 94.29 13 85.12 91.80 4 - Word Ch4 13 61.56 92.82 13 77.42 96.65 5 - Excel 1 13 73.50 92.31 9 79.64 96.90 6 - Excel 2 10 58.15 94.39 9 71.57 93.07 7 - Excel 3 11 82.25 93.95 11 85.70 99.13 8 - Excel 4 11 68.58 96.69 11 79.33 93.38 9 - PowerPoint 1 10 82.50 96.50 13 88.08 95.00 10 - PowerPoint 2 10 68.94 96.31 13 84.60 96.35 11 - PowerPoint 3 13 75.02 92.82 13 85.10 90.89 12 - PowerPoint 4 11 87.07 95.69 12 88.15 96.48 13 - Access 1 11 84.85 98.78 5 89.34 95.98 14 - Access 2 7 88.56 99.04 2 86.65 96.65 Fall 2010 36 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Please refer to Tables 10, 11, 14 and 15 for an assessment of program outcome 3. Fall 2010 37 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section VI: Productivity Information Fall 2010 38 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 RETENTION RATE Figure 7 Fall 06 - Fall 07 Fall 07 - Fall 08 60.0% 56.7% 51.2% 50.0% 47.9% Retention Rate 41.7% 40.0% 40.0% 29.3% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Within Major CU Within Institution School of Business Fall 06 - Fall 07 47.9% 29.3% 40.0% Fall 07 - Fall 08 51.2% 41.7% 56.7% Source: Unified Data System, Cameron University Data Fall 2010 39 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Graduation Rates in Regional Universities Figure 8 Degrees Conferred 160 Number of Graduates 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Y0405 Y0506 Y0607 Y0708 Y0809 Y_AVG CAMERON UNIVERSITY EAST CENTRAL UNIVERSITY LANGSTON UNIVERSITY NORTHEASTERN STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY ROGERS STATE UNIVERSITY SOUTHEASTERN OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY SOUTHWESTERN OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Source: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Fall 2010 40 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Headcount Enrollment Rates in Regional Universities Figure 9 Headcount Enrollment 1200 Number of Enrollees 1000 800 600 400 200 0 F0405 F0506 F0607 F0708 F0809 F_AVG CAMERON UNIVERSITY EAST CENTRAL UNIVERSITY LANGSTON UNIVERSITY NORTHEASTERN STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY ROGERS STATE UNIVERSITY SOUTHEASTERN OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY SOUTHWESTERN OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Source: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Fall 2010 41 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section VII: Response to 2009 – 2010 Action Plan 1. 2. 3. Fall 2010 Start a mentor system to assist new and adjunct faculty and increase coordination between adjunct and full-time faculty. The mentor system to assist new faculty has started in the Fall of 2009. Expand the functions of the accounting lab to assist students in all business areas. This should help student retention and improve student performance. The accounting lab has been expanded to a tutorial lab to assist students in all areas of business. Continue with student advising and mentoring. Student advising and mentoring are done by all fulltime faculty. 42 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section VIII: 2010-2011 Action Plan (Program outcomes) The BBA faculty adopted the following program outcomes in the July, 2010 faculty/staff meeting. 1) 2) 3) 4) Program graduates will demonstrate understanding of the broad foundations of business. Program graduates will demonstrate the critical thinking skills necessary to make effective business decisions. Program graduates will display the interpersonal skills conducive to positive business relationships. Program graduates will be able to analyze the competitive environment and develop integrative business strategies. Fall 2010 43 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section VIII: 2010-2011 Action Plan For BBA Program Operationalize new program outcomes adopted by BBA program (July, 2010). Program outcomes Program outcome 1 Fall 2010 Assessment Tool Locally developed Standardized tests and MFT Program outcome 2 Locally developed Standardized tests and MFT Program outcome 3 Peer evaluation Program outcome 4 Integrative evaluation Courses Foundation courses Foundation courses Business Communication (BUS 3113) and Business policy (BUS 4633) Business Communication (BUS 3113) and Business policy (BUS 4633) 44 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 Section VIII: 2009-2010 Action Plan For BBA Program Other action plans based on feedback from ACBSP report and last year PQIR 1. 2. 3. 4. Fall 2010 Improve international perspective in all BBA courses Enhance academic advisement Conduct an employer survey Encourage enhancement of courses using Blackboard. 45 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011 Program Name: Bachelor of Business Administration CIP Code: 520201 End Result BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM SUCCESS! Fall 2010 46 Program Quality Improvement Report 2010-2011