Warwick ESRC DTC Advanced Training planning form – 2015-16

Warwick ESRC DTC Advanced Training planning form – 2015-16
Thank you for expressing an interest in running an ESRC DTC Advanced Training event. Your support
in providing excellent training opportunities to Social Science PhD students both here at Warwick
and across the UK through the ESRC Doctoral Training Centre Network is very much appreciated. We
hope to run at least 5 Advanced Training events here at Warwick in throughout the 2015-16
academic year.
Planning your Advanced Training event
Please fill in the ESRC DTC Advanced Training planning form attached.
The ESRC DTC Training Coordinator, Judith McAllister, will support you in the planning and publicity
of your event to the extent that you require it.
With so many events to organise, departmental assistance in the booking of venues and catering is
very much appreciated. However, if you require DTC assistance in the booking of venues and
catering please make this clear as soon as possible as this can be a time consuming process.
If making venue and catering arrangement directly or through your departmental administrators
please provide the DTC Training Coordinator with a budget breakdown and allow us to approve the
cost before bookings are finalised. The necessary cost codes and expense forms can then be
If the DTC Training Coordinator is to make venue and catering bookings for you please make sure
you provide as much detail as possible regarding your requirements in the DTC Advanced Training
planning form below as this will save us having to come back to you with queries.
Registration for your event
Registration for your event will take place via an online system on the DTC’s website. Please let the
Training Coordinator know if there is any specific information which you would like to be captured
during registration e.g. breakout group preferences or prior experience in the subject matter.
Advertising the event
We ask that you create your own publicity materials as you know how best to pitch your event to
your potential audience. Please provide the Training Coordinator with publicity materials for your
event (which may include posters, web text with images etc.) as soon as possible once date and
location details are set. The sooner advertising can begin and the greater likelihood there is of your
event being well attended.
The Training Coordinator will use the information provided on the DTC Advanced Training planning
form and the publicity materials you provide to advertise your event on the NCRM website, the ESRC
DTC website, plasma screens across the Social Science building and in the library and PG hub as well
as with our Midland Graduate School (Birmingham and Nottingham University ESRC DTC) colleagues.
Thank you for your help and please do not hesitate to get in touch with Training Coordinator, Judith
McAllister (j.mcallister@warwick.ac.uk) if you need to discuss anything or require any further help
ESRC Advanced Training Planning Form
Event Title:
Who will the event be open to:
a) Warwick ESRC DTC students
b) Warwick Social Science PhD Students
c) ESRC funded PhD students from the
Midlands Graduate School
d) ESRC funded PhD students from other
(Please note that this year we are trying to
encourage wide participation in our advanced
training events both from non-DTC PhD students
at Warwick and social science PhD students from
other Universities – our Midlands Graduate School
colleagues in particular.)
Maximum number of attendees (if applicable):
Proposed start/end date and times:
(If firm dates are not yet known or if you require
assistance in booking a venue please supply
several feasible dates.)
(If this has not already been secured by your
department, and you wish the Training
Coordinator to help you secure a venue, please
provide as much detail as possible regarding your
venue requirements here e.g. location, facilities,
room layout, capacity etc)
Event Description
(This text will be used on the NCRM website so
please describe accordingly.)
Format/duration of event:
( e.g. online, 1 day, half day, residential, seriesworkshop, seminar, lecture)
Catering requirements including exact times:
(This year the DTC is willing to pay for
refreshments on arrival and a buffet lunch for all
attendees in the case of full day workshops. Please
specify the times this will be required if you require
the assistance of the DTC in booking this catering).
(Please indicate someone from your department
who will serve as the contact point for queries
about content of training and for practical
organisational queries.)
Any required pre-requisites or pre-readings:
 Please tick as appropriate from NCRM list of pre-specified keywords
(choose all that apply). These will be used by students in searching the
NCRM website:
Framework for research and research designs
Framework for Research and Designs (general)
Longitudinal research
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research
Evaluation Research
Case Study
Pilot Study
Field Research
Collaborative Approaches
Behavioural Research
Meta-Analysis and Synthesis
Secondary Analysis
Mixed Methods
Descriptive Research
Exploratory Research
Explanatory Research and Research on Causality
Comparative Research
Hypothesis Testing Research
Survey Research
Cross-sectional Research
Data Collection
Data Collection (general)
Self-Administered Questioning
Use of Administration Sources
Visual Methods
Advanced Technologies
Data Quality and Data Management
Data Quality and Data Management (general)
Quality in Qualitative Research
Quality in Quantitative Research
Measurement Error
Data Editing
Statistical Disclosure Control
Data Matching
Data Archiving
Data Handling and Data Analysis
Qualitative Approaches
Qualitative Approaches (general)
Biographical Methods/Oral History
Grounded Theory
Visual Methods
Thematic Analysis
Discourse Analysis
Content Analysis
Interaction Analysis
Conversation Analysis
Narrative Methods
Analysis of Composite Data
Corpus Analysis
Documentary Analysis
Quantitative Approaches
Quantitative Approaches (general)
Latent Variable Models
Structural Equation Models
Multivariate Analysis
Time Series Analysis
Data Mining
Non-Parametric Approaches
Statistical Theory and Methods of
Survey Data Analysis and Estimation
Microdata Methods
Regression Analysis
Multilevel Modelling
Longitudinal Data Analysis
Event History Analysis
Spatial Data Analysis
Mixed Methods Analysis
Mixed Methods Approaches (general)
Social Network Analysis
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative
ICT, Software and Simulation
ICT, Software and Simulation (general)
Qualitative Software
Quantitative Software
e-Social Science
Research Management and Application of Research
Research Management and Application of Research
Regulatory and Legal Aspects
Research and Project Management
Confidentiality and Anonymity
Research Policy
Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
Official Statistics
Management of User Involvement
Consultancy Skills
Research Skills
Communication and Dissemination
Communication and Dissemination
Writing Skills
Conference Posters and Presentations
Alternative Methods of Dissemination
Teaching and Supervising Skills