School of Modern Languages and Cultures

School of Modern Languages and Cultures
Sessional Teaching Project pilot– proposal/guidelines 2015-16
Rate of pay
The FA5 range will normally be applied to sessional tutors teaching language classes (not
oral classes). Language class tutors in their first year will normally be paid at spinal point 22;
those with substantive experience at spinal point 26.
Seminar tutors will normally be paid at spinal point 26.
Oral classes will be normally be paid at spinal point 19; those with substantive experience at
spinal point 24.
The FA6 range will apply to those who hold a PhD or who are deemed to have equivalent
It is not always possible to establish every activity to be undertaken, at the beginning of the
academic year. There may sometimes have to be subsequent amendments to contracts (e.g.
cover teaching, marking adjustment, unforeseen circumstances, staff departures).
Culture modules: seminars
If the seminar teaching is totally new (i.e. has not been taught before in a previous year), the
rate per hour of delivery will be multiplied by 3.
If the seminar teaching has been delivered before, or is a repeat seminar of a new module,
the rate per hour of delivery will be multiplied by 2.
Sometimes marking will be required of a seminar tutor, sometimes not. If it is, it will be
specified on a contract.
Culture/essay-based modules: coursework marking
Payment will be at the rate of 1 hour for each 5000 words
 10 x 5000 word essays = 1 essay per hour = 10 hours marking payment
 20 x 2500 word essays = 2 essays per hour = 10 hours marking payment
 25 x 2000 word essays = 2.5 essays per hour = 10 hours marking payment
 50 x 1000 word essays = 5 essays per hour = 10 hours marking payment
Culture/essay-based modules: exam marking
Payment will be at the rate of 1 hour for each 6 hours of exam length.
6 x scripts of one hour each
4 x scripts of 1.5 hours each
3 x scripts of 2 hours each
2 x scripts of 3 hours each
Sometimes marking will be required of a seminar tutor, sometimes not. If it is, it will be
specified on the contract, or subsequent contract amendment.
Culture modules: office hours
Sessional tutors will not normally be paid for office hours, as regular feedback (unlike
language classes) is not required.
If office hours are required for a particular module, as specified by the module convenor or
subject head, this will be added to the contract as a special provision.
Language classes: office hours
Sessional tutors will normally be paid for one hour per week office hours. Where a larger
number of groups are taught, an exceptional payment will be applied. This will not apply to
oral classes, as it is intended for feedback/consultation on routine grammar, essay and
translation work.
Language classes: grammar, essay and translation
If the teaching is totally new (i.e. has not been taught before in a previous year), the rate per
hour of delivery will be multiplied by 3 (reflecting preparation and marking)
If the teaching has been delivered before, or is a repeat class of the same module, the rate
per hour of delivery will be multiplied by 2 (reflecting routine marking)
Language classes: oral classes
Oral classes are paid at a lower rate reflecting a different level of preparation and marking.
Language classes: tests and exams
Extra payment will be awarded in cases of marking of tests and end-of-year exams.
These may vary according to the demands of the particular module. In general 12 hours will
be paid for marking end-of-year exams.
Language classes: oral tests
Extra hourly payment will be awarded in cases of conducting oral tests, at the same hourly
rate as the end-of-year written exams.
Language class: marking
Exceptionally, marking for language classes exceeds that of the norm (e.g. final year or
languages for specific purposes). In these cases, extra payment will be made, according to
the demands of the particular module.