Maths for Vocational Tutors and Assessors International view PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) study shows how England’s 16– 24-year-olds are falling behind their Asian and European counterparts England is 24th for numeracy with the first three being: Shanghai – China Singapore Hong Kong National view Numeracy levels in the general population are in decline. 65% of CBI employers see a pressing need to raise standards for 16-19 year olds 58.2% of young people age 16 achieved 5 GCSEs grade A*to C including English or mathematics in 2010-2011 (up from 50.7% in 2008-2009) 41.8% did not Ofsted In judging teaching, learning and assessment, inspectors evaluate the extent to which “Teaching and learning develop English, mathematics and functional skills, and support the achievement of learning goals and career aims” Criteria for Good – They develop and apply a good range of skills, including … mathematics… Criteria for Outstanding – They apply skills and background knowledge to great effect, including … mathematics… Graph Stories Task - to give examples for the story of the graph. Choose a vocational area, then identify what this graph could mean How many different interpretations can you devise? Maths is everywhere 1 Task - Choose a picture and identify maths activities around that vocational area Name the vocational area, show the picture, ask a question Quick question Travel and Tourism. The answer is 15:30 What’s the question? Maths is everywhere 2 Identify a maths activity lasting10 mins Identify a maths theme for an hour Devise a maths project for 5-6 weeks Using statistics World data National data y=average+earnings Topical - You are more likely to be bitten by Luis Suarez (1 in 2,000) than a shark (1 in 3,700,000) More longer term strategies Staff training to ensure all staff have personal maths skills (L2? L3?) Identify maths champions within vocational areas Managers/Quality leads review SoW to ensure maths is integrated Have a maths topic of the week Decimals - money, personal banking, costing a project, planning to a budget Measure – imperial metric conversions, tracking height, scale drawings, plans Finally Staff may need support Maths can be integrated Maths is everywhere