MINUTES ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE March 2, 2007 Present: Gary McCall, Kevin David, Mike Spivey, Jack Roundy, Ken Clark, Ben Bradley, Alison Tracy Hale, Melissa Bass Guest: Lori Blake (for Brad Tomhave) 1. Minutes: There was one correction to the February 16 minutes. Spivey noted that a plagiarism “quiz” properly attributed to Amherst College in one paragraph of the minutes was incorrectly attributed to Princeton in another. The minutes were then approved as amended. 2. Announcements: There were none. 3. Petitions Committee (PC) Actions: Blake provided the following report of PC actions since our last meeting, noting that four approved petitions related to enrollment changes in internships and one denied petition related to a request for study abroad transfer credit without prior approval. Date 2/21/07 Year-to-date Approved 6 (2 R) 151 (36 R + 39 PPT) Denied 1 35 No Action 0 1 Total 7 187 4. Academic Honesty Subcommittee: As no members of the subcommittee were present, we deferred this conversation to the next meeting. Lacking other business, we adjourned at 8:16. Respectfully submitted by the ASC amanuensis, Jack Roundy