Porter, Stuart Smithers, Doug Goodman, Kristi Hendrickson, Steve Rodgers, David... Matt McGinnis, Brad Tomhave, John Finney, Jack Roundy

Academic Standards Committee Minutes
September 14, 1999
Present: Houston Dougharty, Marianne Taylor, Wade Williams, Greg Elliott, Yvonne Swinth, Karen
Porter, Stuart Smithers, Doug Goodman, Kristi Hendrickson, Steve Rodgers, David Lupher, Ron Fields,
Matt McGinnis, Brad Tomhave, John Finney, Jack Roundy
1. Elect Chair and Secretary: Doug Goodman was elected chair by acclamation, contingent on his not
being chosen for the Faculty Advancement Committee (in which case he will ask to be relieved). Jack
Roundy was reelected secretary.
2. Permanent Meeting Time: Full committee meetings were set at every other week on Tuesday
mornings at 9 am. Scheduled meeting days for fall term will be: September 28, October 12 and 26,
November 9 and 23, and December 7. Goodman suggested that some full committee meetings might not
be necessary if committee business is delegated to subcommittees.
3. Petitions Committee: Tomhave offered summary statistics for the petitions subcommittee, as
No Action
Full Year
Petitions subcommittee membership for the year was set as follows:
Fall: G. Elliott, R. Foster, S. Rodgers, M. Taylor, K. Hendrickson, K. Porter, M. McGinnis, S.
Smithers, R. Fields
Spring: D. Lupher, W. Williams, Y. Swinth, S. Smithers, and volunteers from the Fall group
J. Finney, B. Tomhave and H. Dougharty will serve as administrative representatives for the entire
academic year. M. McGinnis will inquire about a possible second student member of the ASC who would
serve on the petitions subcommittee in the spring in his stead, if one is appointed.
4. Discuss possible agenda items for the year: Goodman invited suggestions of agenda items to add
to the following list submitted to Senate by John English as carryovers from 1998-99:
Request Curriculum Committee to review 2 NW prerequisite for Science in Context courses
Continue review of course scheduling
Review draft academic honesty reminder letter and send to faculty before midterm
Forward academic honesty teaching guide to Curriculum Committee
Review revised medical withdrawal and reentry policies
Two additional agenda items were proposed. Finney proposed consideration of certain minor changes in
the study abroad policy printed in the Logger, as requested by Jannie Meisberger, Director of
International Programs. Tomhave proposed revising Bulletin language addressing the acceptance of
certain kinds of transfer credit, particularly item #6 of the “General Policy for Transfer Students” (Bulletin,
p. 225), which reads:
The University does not offer or sponsor courses via television, correspondence, newspaper, or the
Internet, nor does it normally accept credit granted by other institutions which has been earned in such
In Tomhave’s view, this language should be modified to reflect our awareness of current practices in
distance learning. Goodman added his view that whatever language we choose to adopt, it should have
some built-in flexibility to permit the ongoing adjustments rapid technological and cultural change require.
With this, we adjourned at 9:38.
Respectfully submitted by the ASC amanuensis,
Jack Roundy