Document 12289749

Diversity Committee Minutes
October 13, 2000
Meeting called to order at 2:06 p.m.
Members Present: Bernie Bates, Kim Bobby, John Dickson, David Droge, Rosa Beth Gibson,
Maegan Parker, Jac Royce, Mike Valentine, Ivey West
Announcements: Rosa Beth Gibson reported that there are still available spots for the Tacoma
Urban League Banquet on October 25 .
Mike Valentine announced that Dan Evan is willing to meet with us on Oct. 18
sessions regarding: calling students.
for training
Kim Bobby mentioned our desire to attract Tom Dixon as an Exec. in Residence. The members
of the committee were encouraging and enthusiastic about the concept.
Jac Royce passed out a brochure from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
David Droge brought us up to date on his contacts with Terry Cooney regarding sending email to
faculty discussing the Access Support Committee.
Subcommittee Report: Kim Bobby reported that the audience for “The Diversity Statement
should be the entire university community and suggested the statement should be:
…broad and affirm our commitment to diversity. It should most importantly move us to
action and invite inquiry about how we are demonstrating the values stated in the
statement on diversity. The statement should include why diversity is important to us,
and how we plan to achieve it.
David Droge suggested referring to the 1990 diversity document in writing our mission.
Several members reaffirmed our desire to have one common diversity statement for all
constituents on the campus.
Disability Issues: A discussion ensued on how we should incorporate services for persons with
David Droge led us in a brainstorming session regarding disability issues.
Brainstorming Ideas Generated:
Include a program on disabilities at the January personnel meeting
Defining Categories of disabilities to include physical and psychiatric.
Evaluate how information is distributed to faculty
Make recommendations for syllabi and classroom procedures
Evaluate accommodations in the new resident dorm
Universal Accessibility
Viewbook representation of people with disabilities
Security Services attitudinal problems
Encourage disability events
Develop orientation programs for new faculty
Advertise in campus newsletter
Stimulate an Arches story on successful alumni with disabilities
Spend a day in a wheelchair
OT/PT outdoor lab
OT/PT presentation
Plays/skits on mental disabilities
Motion to adjourn by Mike Valentine
Meeting adjourned at 2:50.
Respectfully submitted,
John Dickson