Document 12289698

Student Life Committee Minutes
March 29, 2000
Present: Jim Davis (for Kris Bartanen), Heather Douglas, Jim Jasinski, Terry Mace, Kyra Riste-Pater,
Carol Smith, Carrie Washburn.
The minutes of the 23 February 2000 meeting were approved with minor modifications and the minutes of
the 8 March 2000 meeting were approved as distributed.
Jasinski announced that he had e-mailed to SLC members replies from H. Dougharty (CHWS) and B.
Bechtle (dining services) concerning our recommendations and was awaiting a reply from J. Hickey.
These would be discussed if time permitted.
Jasinski proposed modifications to the wording of four parts of the Student Integrity Code to clear up
confusions and correct inconsistencies. After brief discussions, each the following modifications (in
Italics) were approved by the SLC and will be forwarded appropriately:
p. 64: Change "While conduct probation allow students to continue attending classes and living in
University residences, he or she may not represent the University in any capacity (for example …" to
"While conduct probation allows the student to continue attending classes and living in University
residences, he or she may represent the University in any co-curricular or extracurricular activities (for
example, in performing or musical or dramatic groups, intercollegiate sports competition) or run for or
hold office in any student group or organization during the probationary period." (To be forwarded to
p. 65: Change "The Integrity Code applies to all students enrolled at the University of Puget Sound
and to all student activities sponsored by the University or by any registered University organization
on University property or elsewhere, or in vehicles owned or leased by the University" to "The
Integrity Code applies to all students enrolled at the University of Puget Sound and to all student
activities sponsored by the University or by any registered University organization on University
property or in the neighboring community or in vehicles owned or leased by the University". (To be
forwarded to the Dean of Students.)
p. 66: Change "Major violations include … and/or groups within the University community …. Minor
violations include … groups within the University community" to "Major violations include … and/or
groups within the University and neighboring community …. Minor violations include … groups within
the University and neighboring community". (To be forwarded to the Dean of Students.)
The SLC postponed for later consideration an additional sentence to the language describing applicability
of the Integrity Code. At our next meeting we will considering adding "Students residing in the
neighboring community represent the University at all times" after the sentence declaring Integrity Code
applicability to both on-campus and off-campus students (p.60). Jasinski assured the student
representative that he would assist in writing a minority proposal for the sentences addressing Integrity
Code applicability.
Discussion then turned to the report of the Integrity Code Task Force and their proposed amendments to
the Procedures for Implementation of the Student Integrity Code. After brief discussion, it was decided
that we would accept the changes proposed for Section V, part A (filing of complaint) and Section IX, part
A, #13 (guidelines to witnesses). The proposed addition to Section IX, part B, #5 was not accepted by
the SLC. Concern centered on the restitution requirement for off-campus incidents, since, to our
knowledge, restitution is not levied for on-campus incidents and such payments seem counter to the
philosophy of sanctions as educative, rather than punitive. This will be discussed further at our next
meeting. Jasinski will notify the Student Senate that the SLC will have its recommendations on the Task
Force proposed changes/additions ready for their Thursday, 6 April meeting.
Plans were made for the final two meetings of the SLC for 1999/2000. Our penultimate meeting will be
on Wednesday, 5 April (usual time/place) and we will finalize our proposed changes to the Integrity Code
and our recommendations on the Task Force recommendations. Our last meeting will be 19 April (usual
time/place) and we will review the final report that is being prepared by Jasinski.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:00 p.m. PST.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Mace
volunteer scribe