Document 12289692

Student Life Committee Minutes
November 17, 1999
Present: K. Bartanen, J. Jasinski (chair), H. Douglas, T. Mace, K. Riste-Pater, C. Washburn
Absent: J. Fay, P. Geile, C. Smith
The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:05 p.m. The minutes of November 10, 1999
were approved as written.
Members were asked to bring their Spring 2000 schedules to the next meeting so that a
meeting time for spring semester could be determined.
Discussion opened with review of information learned from John Hickey's meeting with the
committee. The committee looks forward to receiving from Hickey maps of existing security
lighting and existing bicycle parking on campus. Mace suggested an option for additional
covered bike parking just to the right of the southeast entrance to Thompson Hall and noted that
committee members might walk around the campus to identify other potential spots for covered
bike parking and forward suggestions to Hickey. Committee members also were glad to hear of
the existence of the ASUPS Food and Safety Committee and suggested that its existence and
function (which includes gathering input on services from students) be more widely publicized.
Jasinski framed the day's further discussion with two questions: Have we completed our first
charge, that being to review selected student service(s)? What do we report to the Faculty
Senate? Washburn suggested that it would be more fitting that any recommendations from the
committee be forwarded to service providers, with a report of those recommendations made a
part of the committee's annual report to the Faculty Senate. Bartanen concurred, reminding
members that committee recommendations may serve as feedback to administrative managers
but are not decisions about policy or practice.
Douglas noted that the committee had not yet dealt with student feedback regarding the food
point system or health services. Members agreed that inviting Bruce Bechtle, Director of Dining
and Conference Services, to the December 1 meeting would be helpful.
Riste-Pater asked about the qualifications of counseling and health staff members. Bartanen
reported that the counselors are Ph.D. counseling psychologists; that the health providers are a
certified physician assistant, a liscensed nurse practitioner, and a certified registered nurse; and
that both a private physician and psychiatrist are retained on part-time contract. A 24-hour
consulting nurse is also available. Riste-Pater noted that students are not aware of this service,
nor of the ability to obtain non-emergency transportation to a medical facility by contacting an oncall residential program staff member; the Counseling, Health and Wellness Services; or Security
Jasinski suggested that it would be helpful to have an opportunity to look at written information
about the services of Counnseling, Health and Wellness Services (CHWS) in advance of a
possible meeting with the CHWS directors early next semester. Bartanen agreed to provide
background information to the committee. Committee questions at this point include: What is the
philosophy of care in CHWS (e.g., preventative approach, conservative use of antibiotics)?
Within what constraints does health service operate? How is quality of care assessed? What
have been the findings of recent reviews or annual reports? What mechanism exists for student
feedback? Are voice mail messages informative about after hours resources for health care?
Committee discussion also generated some ideas for how The Logger might provide more helpful
information for the campus community: organizational charts as information about the structure
of the university; summary pages on campus services, such as on-campus and off-campus health
resources; ASUPS structure, committees, and processes; and contact information for campus
clubs and organizations. Consensus was that a few such informative pages might replace the
"datebook" section of the Logger.
Bartanen reported that she has asked assistants in the Dean of Students Office to locate copies
of student codes from about a dozen Northwest colleges and universities so that, as the
committee turns to review of the Student Integrity Code at the outset of next semester, this
information will be available for purposes of comparison. Jasinski reminded committee members
that they should be reading the Student Integrity Code in preparation for next term's work.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris Bartanen