General Education Committee Minutes April 27, 2012 Present for the Meeting:

General Education Committee
April 27, 2012
Present for the Meeting: Dennis Frisby, Ramona Hall, Ric Jerez, Jim Heflin, John Masters, Kirsten
Underwood, Edna McMillan, Abdul Sukar, Judy Neale, Amanda Husak, Karla Oty
1. Called meeting to order at 9:05 AM.
2. Approved Minutes for April 6, 2012.
3. The following curriculum requests were tabled to the next General Education Committee Meeting.
a. Request to make ENGL 1113 eligibility a prerequisite for enrollment in GEOG 3023.
b. Request to remove HIST 1483 from 1.c.
c. Request to remove HIST 1493 from 1.c.
d. Request to remove HIST 3353 from 1.c.
e. Request to remove PHIL 1113 from 1.c.
f. Request to remove PHIL 1113 from 2.a.
g. Request to remove PHIL 1113 from 2.e.
h. Request to remove PS 1113 from 3.a.
4. A committee was put together to study and to propose wording for General Education Student
Learning Outcomes. Committee members are:
Karla Oty
Ramona Hall
Jim Heflin
Ric Jerez
John Masters
Edna Mc Millan
5. The Committee discussed the subject of developing a capstone course for General Education. The
topic will be a future agenda item for the committee.
6. The Committee discussed the recommendation of having a 2012-2013 ethic discussion on campus for
2012-2012. The topic was tabled to the next General Education Committee Meeting.
8. Dr. Oty discussed viewing two You Tube videos on Curriculum Development and Mapping
7. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 AM.