General Education Committee Approved Minutes

General Education Committee
September 17, 2010 McMahon Centennial Center Conference Center 8:00 AM
Approved Minutes
Members present:
John Geiger - Psychology
Kirsten Underwood - Music
David Fennema - Theatre Arts
Jason Smith - Library
(Chair) James Heflin - Communication
Ramona Hall - Education
Karla Oty (IRAA) was also in attendance.
Agenda Items/Discussion
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 AM.
A quorum of 5 members was set by a motion from Heflin and seconded by Underwood. Each attending
member introduced themselves and stated which department they are from.
Next item involved the selection of two Cameron students for the committee. Heflin asked for the best
process for choosing two students. Heflin said he would take care of this issue.
Next item on the agenda was to elect a secretary for the committee. Smith will still act as secretary for the
next year.
After one correction was made from the 08/16/10 minutes, Geiger made a motion to approve the 08/16/10
minutes. Oty seconded.
Heflin provided a handout of the Departments and General Education course offerings. Underwood asked
about the Environmental Science (ENSC 2004) course being included in general education. Oty said that
perhaps the Board of Regents has not yet approved of this addition. Geiger said he thinks Consumer
Economics (CRM 3603) will be removed from general education. Heflin said that has not been approved.
Next item involved Oty’s meeting with the Physical Education Committee. She said the department has
hired a consultant and have picked one general education outcome for all of the activity courses and one for
the wellness course. Oty also said that they may need to do some random sampling due to the number of
activity courses. Heflin said he will meet with Dr. Mary Dzindolet later concerning assessment and will
present the department with some guidelines for which to do assessment.
Next item on the agenda was the selection of three learning outcomes for the next General Education PQIR.
Heflin said that perhaps the committee needs to focus on other areas. Heflin also said that perhaps there are
too many objectives and perhaps each category needs to be re-evaluated. Discussion then led to which
outcomes should be measured this year. Oty suggested choosing three new outcomes, due to the fact that
the departments that were a part of last year’s PQIR will still have to provide action plans, and three new
objectives would provide a broad range of courses. After some discussion, Fennema made a motion for
this year’s PQIR to reflect on learning outcomes 1.A, 2.A, and 3.B. Geiger seconded the motion.
Next item on the agenda involved a proposed General Education meeting with department chairs to discuss
the three new learning outcomes and what needs to be done for the next PQIR. Heflin said he will provide
a meeting time and place. Underwood said this meeting would provide a good opportunity to receive
feedback about the template that was distributed to departments.
10. Next item involved discussion of committee members to get more involved with each department. Heflin
said that he wanted to assign each committee member to a specific department, and his preference is for
each member to not work with their own department, but instead work with a different department. Heflin
said that he wanted each member to volunteer for a particular department, but that he can assign members
as necessary. Heflin also suggested working with departments to help establish guidelines concerning
general education assessment.
11. New Business: Oty asked the committee if the three new learning outcomes will be announced ahead of
the meeting with the department chairs. Oty suggested that it could be beneficial to know, in order for the
departments who are measuring these particular outcomes to attend the meeting. Heflin said he planned on
announcing these at the meeting, as a general education meeting calls upon every department, but that he
announce the outcomes before the meeting.
12. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 5th at 8:00 AM in McMahon Centennial Complex MR.
13. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 AM.