Reading list for Env Biosci in a Changing Climate

Reading list for Env Biosci in a Changing Climate
HR902 Soil, Water and Mineral Nutrition
Brady, N.C. & Weil, R.R. (2002). The Nature and Properties of Soils. Prentice
Lambers, H. (1998). Plant Physiological Ecology. Springer-Verlag New York.
ISBN 0387983260
Bardgett, R (2005). The biology of soil. A community and ecosystem
approach. Oxford University Press
HR903 Bioscience, Politics and Social Acceptability
Mepham, B (2005). Bioethics, an introduction for the biosciences. Oxford
University Press
HR926 Environmental Microbiology
General text book
Madigan, Martinko, Dunlap, Clark. Brock – Biology of microorganisms. 2012.
13th ed, Pearson.
Virtual microbiology:
HR919 Env Accounting and Ecosystem Services
None of these texts are core but they all provide useful background material and
context to the module and will assist you in providing more information on specific
subjects covered in the lectures.
General overview
Humanity's footprint: Momentum, impact and our global environment Dodds
National environmental accounting: Bridging the gap between ecology and
ecology - Hecht
What is land for? The food, fuel and climate change debate - Winter & Lobley
Virtual Water: Tackling the threat to our planet's most precious resource Allan (2011)
Food versus fuel: An informed introduction to biofuels - Rosillo-Calle &
Johnson (2010)
Life Cycle Assessment
The Hitchhiker's guide to LCA - Baumann and Tillman
LCA for mere mortals: A primer on environmental LCA - Schenck
Our ecological footprint: Reducing human impact on the earth - Wackernagel
and Rees (1996)
Sharing Nature's Interest: Ecological footprints as an indicator of
sustainability - Chambers, Simmons and Wackernagel (2000)
PAS2050: Specification for the assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions
of goods and services - BSi
How bad are bananas? The carbon footprint of everything - Berners-Lee
Globalization of water: Sharing the planet's freshwater resources - Hoekstra
and Chapagain (2008)
Ecosystem Services
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
What Has Nature Ever Done For Us?: How Money Really Does Grow On
Trees. Tony Juniper
UK National Ecosystem Assessment
An introductory guide to valuing ecosystem services
Biodiversity off-setting - UK
The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital - Constanza
et al., 1997
Thompson, K. (2010). Do we need pandas? The uncomfortable truth about
biodiversity. Green Books.
HR920: Climate Change
Recommended texts:
Global Climate Change, By Arnold J Bloom, Sinauer Associates Inc.
Global Warming: The Complete Briefing, By John Houghton, Cambridge
University Press
Global Warming. Avery short introduction. By Mark Maslin, Oxford uNiversity
Other relevant reading:
Climate Change and Biodiversity, Edited by Thomas E Lovejoy and Lee
Hannah Yale University Press
Plant Growth and Climate Change, Edited by James IL Morrison and Michael
D Morecroft, Blackwell
The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change, A Guide to the Debate, By
Andrew E Dessler and Edward A Parson, Cambridge University Press
Global Warming. A very short introduction. By Mark Maslin Oxford University
Environmental Change: Key Issues and Alternative Perspectives. By Frank
Oldfield. Cambridge University Press
Primer on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Facts, Policy
Analysis, and Applications By Mohan Munasinghe and Rob Swart. Cambridge
University Press
A Climate Modelling Primer - Third Edition by Kendal McGuffie and Ann
Henderson – Sellers. Wiley.
On line:
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 4th Assessment.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 3rd Assessment.
US National Climatic Data centre.
An Inconvenient Truth – Al Gore
The Great Global Warming Swindle – Martin Durkin
HR922 Organic and other low input systems
General Reading
Briggs, S. Organic Cereal and Pulse Production: A Complete Guide .
Conford P (2001). The Origins of the Organic Movement. Floris Books;
Davies, G. & Lennartsson, M. Organic Vegetable Production: A Complete
Davies, G. & Turner, B. Weed Management for Organic Farmers, Growers and
Smallholders: A Complete Guide
Hajek, A. (2003) Natural Enemies: An Introduction to Biological Control.
Cambridge University Press.
Lampkin N. H. (1990). Organic Farming. Farming Press; Ipswich
Pretty, J. Agri-culture: Reconnecting People, Land and Nature
Pretty, J. The Earth Only Endures: On Reconnecting with Nature and Our
Place in It.
Wright, J. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in an Era of Oil Scarcity Lessons from CubaWeb sites
Web site on evolution of crop plants - University of California
UK Soil Association
IFOAM web site - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
UK Advisory Committee on Organic Standards (ACOS)
Apple production - Pesticide Action Network
ABACUS Organic Associates
Countryside and Community Research Institute
Garden Organic
Abbey Home Farm
Sustainable Agriculture in the Middle Ages: The English Manor by Jules Pretty
Farmers' extension practice and technology adaptation: Agricultural
revolution in 17–19th century Britain by Jules Pretty
UNEP report - Our Nutrient World
Extra information recommended by Matt Reed
General academic
Buck, Getz and J. Guthman (1997) From farm to table: The organic vegetable
commodity chain of northern california. Sociologia Ruralis, 37(1) pp. 3-19
Tovey, H. (1997) Food, environmentalism and rural sociology: On the organic
farming movement in Ireland. Sociologia Ruralis, 37(1)
Conford, P. (2001) The origins of the organic movement, (Edinburgh: Floris
Reed, M. (2001) Fight the future!: How the contemporary campaigns of the
UK organic movement have arisen from their composting of the
past. Sociologia Ruralis, 41(1) pp. 131-146
Smith, E. and T. Marsden (2004) Exploring the 'limits to growth' in UK
organics: Beyond the statistical image. Journal of Rural Studies, 20(pp. 345357
North America
Formartz, S. (2006) Organic inc. Natural foods and how they grew, (New York:
Pollan, M. (2006) The omnivore's dilemma, (London: Penguin)
Guthman, J. (2004) Agrarian dreams. The paradox of organic farming in
california, (Berkley: University of California Press)
Rest of the World
Holt, G. and M. Reed (eds.) (2006) The sociology of organic
agriculture, (Wallingford, CABI)
Lockie, S., K. Lyons, G. Lawrence and D. Halpin (2006) Going organic.
Mobilizing networks for environmentally responsible food
production, (Wallingford: CABI)
Information - livestock Organic milk supply co-op Organic livestock marketing co-op Organic veterinary compendium Institute of Organic Trainers and Advisers
HR923 Biological Invasions in Changing Environments
We have designated two main core texts to support your learning in this module.
These books provide general frameworks for invasion biology and ecology and are
particularly useful in providing additional background reading to introductory
lectures. They also provide a number of case studies which may be referred to by
individual lecturers:
Lockwood JL, Hoopes MF & Marchetti MP, 2007. Invasion Ecology. Blackwell
Davis MA, 2009. Invasion Biology. Oxford University Press
Other texts provide further insights into invasion ecology:
Williamson M, 1996. Biological Invasions. Chapman & Hall.
Mooney HA, Hobbs RJ, 2000. Invasive Species in a Changing World. Island
Additional literature will be cited by lecturers and key references will be provided via
lecture notes as appropriate.
HR924 Biodiversity & Conservation
The following textbooks are essential reading for this module:
Pullen, A. S. (2002) Conservation Biology (Fifth Edition - 2009) ISBN 978-0521-64482-2
Groom, M. J., Meffe, G. K. & Carroll, C. R. (2006) Principles of Conservation
Biology (Third edition) ISNB 978-0-87893-518-5
Wilson, E. O. (1988) Biodiversity ISBN 0-309-03739-5
The following textbooks are recommended reading for this module (choose
dependent on your interest and the time you have available)
Reaka-Kudla, M. L. et al. (1997) Biodiversity II ISBN 0-309-05584-9
Thompson, J. N. (2005) The Geographic Mosaic Theory of Coevolution ISBN
Silvertown, J. (2005) Demons in Eden, the Paradox of Plant Diversity ISBN 0226-75771-4
Shiva, V. (1993) Monoculture of the mind: Biodiversity, Biotechnology and
Scientific Agriculture ISBN 978-18567492171
Harberd, N. (2006) Seed to Seed, the Secret Life of Plants ISBN 0-7475-70396
The following textbook provides a good background to the ecological concepts of
Begon, M., Harper, J. L. & Townsend, C. R. (1986) Ecology ISBN 063213397
HR933 Challenges of Global Food Security
Food security, nutrition and sustainability (2010). Edited by Geoffrey
Lawrence, Krista Lyons and Tabatha Wellington. Earthscan.
Food security (2010). Bryan L. McDonald. Polity
Food Security and Global Environmental Change (2010). John Ingram (Editor),
Polly Ericksen (Editor), Diana Liverman (Editor). Earthscan
The Future Control of Food: A Guide to International Negotiations and Rules
on Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Food Security (2008). Tasmin
Rajotte(Author), Geoff Tansey (Editor). Earthscan.
Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives (2008). Carolyn Steel.
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in an Era of Oil Scarcity: lessons
from Cuba (2009). Julia Wright. Earthscan.
HR945 Environmental Protection, Risk Assessment and Safety
Sustainable energy without the hot air URL
Get a free download of Prof David Mackay's book
How the Laws of Physics Constrain Our Sustainable Energy Options URL
Watch TEDxWarwick - David MacKay
LA9A9 International Environmental Law
Indicative Reading List
A. Bodansky, “The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change: A Commentary “ (1993) 18 Yale Journal of International Law 451-558.
J. Coleman, “Environmental Barriers to Trade and EC Law “ (1993) 2(11) EELR
Peter GG Davies, European Union Environmental Law Ashgate, London, 2004.
R. French, “The Changing Nature of Environmental Protection: Recent
developments Regarding Trade and the Environment in the European Union
and the World Trade Organization (2000) XLVII Netherlands International Law
Review 1.
L. Gormley, “Free Movement of Goods and the Environment” in J. Holder ed.,
The Impact of EC Environment Law in the UK (1997) 289.
W. Grant, D.Matthews and P. Newell, The Effectiveness of European Union
Environmental Policy, London: Macmillan, 2000
L. Kramer, EC Environmental Law London, 5th edition Sweet and Maxwell,
L. Kramer, Casebook on EC Environmental Law Oxford: Hart Publishing , 2002
M. Lee, EU Environmental Law Oxford: Hart Publishing , 2005.
J. and S, McEldowney, Environmental Law and Regulation Oxford: 2000.
J and S McEldowney, Environmental Law Longman, 2010
J. Scott, EC Environmental Law London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1998.
Han Somsen (Editor), Yearbook of European Environmental Law Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2000 - .
S. Tromans, “EC Waste Law - A Complete Mess?” (2001) 13 (2) JEL 133.
H. Wilkinson, “Subsidiarity and EC Environmental Policy: Taking People’s
Concerns Seriously” (1994) 6(1) JEL 85.
Also see
European Environmental Law Review ( monthly)
The Yearbook of Environmental Law (yearly)
Review of EC and International Environmental Law (tri-annually)