Steps to Submit Financial Incentives Application (For Principal Investigators) Log into TRESS, select ‘Open Research Grants’ Click on ‘Financial Incentive’ button in the right of the screen, adjacent to the approved ORG. To start a new application for financial incentive, click on the button ‘Apply for ORG Outputs financial incentives’ on the right side of the page. All outputs entered in the Research Directory, as well as budget expenditure figures and progress reports of this particular ORG will be displayed in this page. If you still have not entered ORG outputs of this particular grant in the Research Directory, you can go to the Research Directory to enter them by clicking on ‘Research Directory’ tab/link available on the left side of TRESS link, in top menu of the page. After adding ORG outputs in the Research Directory, go back to TRESS by clicking TRESS tab/link on the left side of the Research Directory, in top menu of the page. Click ‘Reload’ button on this page to refresh the newly entered ORG outputs in the Research Directory. To view how to enter ORG outputs in the Research Directory, please go to the ‘Entering outputs in the Research Directory’ section at the end of this document. All items will contain a check box ‘Include in this Application’ which is selected by default (if the conditions are met). You can unselect it, if you do not want to include a particular item in a new application. In ORG Budget Expenditure section, one item is displayed for each completed year separately. You are required to enter the percentage of budget spent in that ORG year in ‘Spent Percentage’ field. A reference to the audit report can be viewed from ‘View Audit Report’ link. Please note that the audit report shows the percentage of unused budget but in the ‘Spent Percentage’ you are required to enter the used percentage [So this should be 100 - <percentage shown in audit report>]. If the Percentage amount entered is less that seventy five, it will be automatically excluded from incentive application, after submission. The section ‘ORG Progress/Final Reports Submission’ lists all the progress reports submitted by you for completed years along with the status of these reports. The reports submitted within the allotted time and approved by TRC can be included in the new application. The deadline of submission of yearly progress/final reports is within two months, starting from the due date of the reports. The date of submission of progress/final report is the date when the Principal Investigator submits it. Finally you can submit the application using ‘Submit Financial Incentives Application’ button at the bottom of the page. You will receive a conformation email of submission. A separate email will be sent to the institutional focal point. She/he will select individual items for approval or rejection. For rejected items he/she must give justifications. When the Institutional Focal point takes a decision of your incentive application, you will receive an email. Only then you will be able to view in TRESS the status of approved and rejected items of your incentive application with justifications for the rejected ones. Your incentive application will be automatically sent to TRC. TRC personnel will approve/reject items in your incentive application, giving justifications for rejected items. TRC will then calculate the total financial amount of approved items, which will be sent to your institute. You will be able to edit the rejected items in the Research Directory and will only be allowed to include them in the next incentive application. Please note that the incentives application could only be submitted within two months, starting from the end of the ORG year, given that the progress report for that particular year is submitted and approved by TRC. For completed ORGs, one application for all items must be sent within three years after the completion of the ORG, given that the progress report of the final year is submitted and approved by TRC. Patents are exempt of this period. Entering ORG outputs in Research Directory Click on Research Directory tab/link in top menu of the page, then click ‘Update Your Profile’ link. Click on ‘Publications’ link Then click on ‘Add Publication’ button Select ‘Publication Type’, and then select the ORG from the list ‘Output of TRC Funded Project’. Fill in the form and upload the required attachment in the lower section of the page, and click save button. Similarly, you can add publications, ‘Supervision, ‘Patents, one at a time, using the appropriate link.