Leadership Lessons 2012 Team Topics

Leadership Lessons 2012
Team Topics
“Communicate unto the other person that which you would want him
to communicate unto you if your positions were reversed.”
~ Aaron Goldman
Performance Review DO’s and DON’Ts
The end of the year is often an opportune time
to provide performance feedback. With a few months
under your belt, you have had the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities to others and you have observed the
performance of those with whom you work. Evaluative
feedback is vital to the growth and development of an
organization, and an individual. However, it only works
if it is done with care.
There are a lot of emotions involved in giving and receiving performance feedback, especially if it is “sprung”
on anyone. A review should be welcomed and consistently provided to ensure individual and organizational
growth and success.
So, what should you do AND not do when giving a
performance review?
DO have a consistent process for
performance review and communicate it clearly to all members.
Leadership Reflection…
A Self-Review
How do you think you are doing? A self-review is a great place to start
as you prepare for a performance evaluation.
Take some time to review your position description, reflect on feedback you have received during the past few months, and go into your
review with a couple of areas you feel strong in, and a few you might want
to improve upon.
Self-Review: Strengths
DON’T surprise members with
reviews. Provide a consistent
schedule – an annual review is
common – and provides ample notice for individuals to prepare.
DO be open to feedback and
suggestions of your performance.
And, hear the positive as well as
the not-so-positive.
DON’T provide a review on responsibilities or expectations that
were not previously outlined in a
job description or goal report. If it
is not in writing, it should not be
Self-Review: Areas for Improvement
DO provide ongoing performance
feedback. A Performance Review
is not the time to dump all of the
concerns that you have had over
the past three months to a year.
There should be no surprises!
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