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Teacher Education Council Minutes
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January 10, 2008
3:30 p.m.
Nance-Boyer Hall, Room 1075
Members Present: Tajriat Ahmed, Shannon Bayones , Jessi Brennan, Sharon
Christensen, Joel Dering, Mike Dunn, Courtney Glazer, Russell Graves, Ramona Hall,
Joe Jones, Marge Kingsley, Kurtis KolI, Teresa Lubrano, Diann Megert, Sherry
Reynolds, Debbie Stoll, Jan Thomas, Ronna Vanderslice, and Philip Zaninelli
Members Absent: Jennifer Dennis, Claudia Edwards, and Michelle Smith
Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. by Chair, Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. Mock NCATE visit February 18-19. A consultant will be on campus to
read the Institutional Report, look at evidence, and conduct interviews.
B. Pre-visit February 27 (won't involve the Teacher Education Council).
The national chair, Dale Carpenter from Western Carolina, the state chair,
Beverly Warren from Northwestern, and Linda Reid will be on campus to
set logistics. The Institutional Report is due at the same time - 60 days
prior to the visit.
C. Assistance during the visit-April 21-22. Team members will need to be
driven/walked around campus and to and from public schools.
D. Role of Teacher Education Council in Assessment Process (page 1).
Reports will be coming to Council next month for review of the process
and what has already been done.
E. Change Charts for new programs (page 2-3). All new programs will
need to track program changes for program reports. This format is
Last month's meeting minutes were approved with changes to the members
Admission and Retention Committee Report.
One candidate from RSU is being considered for admission with a 2.49
GPA because of a difference between the forgiveness policies in
calculating GPAs at Cameron and at Rogers State. The elementary
advisor at RSU already informed the candidate that she had met the GPA
requirement. As a result, the candidate has been informed that she must
achieve a 2.5 by Cameron's calculations after this semester to continue in
the program.
A motion was made by the committee to approve 18 candidates for
admission,1 for conditional admission (see above), and to disapprove 2
candidates due to not meeting the GPA requirement. The motion passed.
All Teacher Education Council members are invited to attend the
interviews for program entry. Emailed reminders will go out prior to the
interviews in March.
Other Business
Old Business
Packet contains approved November minutes
New Business
Policy for Transfer for those Admitted to Teacher Education -- A
revised policy was presented to allow for the collection of required
data at the entry to teacher education transition point.
Transfer candidates who were admitted to teacher education at
another college or university may receive conditional admission to
teacher education at Cameron for one semester. Conditional
admission means candidates will be allowed to enroll in restricted
courses for one semester. During that time, the following items
must be completed:
• passing score on admission interview
• passing scores on 3 recommendation forms completed
by faculty in attendance at the interview
• passing score on the OGET
• GPA of 2.5 or better
• completion of courses required for entry to teacher
education with grade of "c" or better
Transfer candidates will automatically receive a score of "3" for the
Nelson Denny test based on the premise that a passing score on
the OGET indicates at least an average score on the Nelson
Debbie Stoll made a motion to approve the policy with the changes
made. Kurtis Koll seconded the motion, which passed.
Meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer