Research Committee Meeting Friday, October 29, 2010 1:00 – 2:00 PM

Research Committee Meeting
Friday, October 29, 2010
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Room 200, SC
Members present: Mohammad Tabatabai, Justin D Walton, Dennis Frisby, Frankie White, Anton
Wohlers, and P. K. Das
Members not present: Ann Nalley, Ryaichi Nakahara (student) and Jake McClellan (student).
Ann Nalley provided input via e-mail, as follows:
I have reviewed all four proposals. I believe we should support the two travel proposals for
Stegmaier and Labe. In the case of McDonald, I thought we supported a proposal like this last year and
gave him funding, to purchase the camera. Please ask Tony to check on this. In the case of Eby, I do not
believe it has been our practice in the past to pay for travel to present research results. We pay for travel
to do the research but not to present it. If we approve it here then this is a policy change and requires
discussion by the Committee. I can be reached on my cell phone tomorrow at 405-659-8425 if you wish
to discuss this. Otherwise, I have no objection to approving the request from Eby to support a student
A. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes (if any)
There were no minutes from the previous committee meeting to be approved.
B. Deliberation/recommendation on research grant proposals
I. On the Brink of Civil War: The U.S. Congress in the Secession Crisis, 1860-1861 by Mark
The committee stipulated that the proposal contained a research component and recommended
funding it.
II. Ultraviolet Communication in the Kangaroo Rat by Brandon McDonald
The committee deliberated at length on the scientific merit and significance of the proposal,
competence of the PI, and the involvement of students in the research. In particular, Dr. Frisby had many
positive comments. The proposal was unanimously recommended for funding.
III. Participation as Pianist, Presenter and Lecturer in an International Conference on the
Editing of Piano Music in Taipei City, Taiwan in May, 2011 by Thomas Labe
The committee raised several questions (see below) suggested that Dr. Labe appear personally at the next
committee meeting to address them or provide responses by e-mail.
1. To justify the proposed personal research trip to the Archive in Maryland, Dr. Labe mentioned that
"while many of these scores could be obtained through interlibrary loan, most would carry
charges..............costly and time consuming microfilm orders." The Committee would like to see an estimated
cost comparison between the two options, namely interlibrary accesses and the personal trip to Maryland.
2. Is the money (namely, airfare and lodging) he allocated for the Maryland trip adequate for such a
trip? Besides, he hasn't allocated any money for per diem.
3. In the budget, it is not clear what the airfare expense of $750.00 against "additional travel monies to
Taiwan" is about.
4. The money he allocated for the student assistant amounts to over 120 hours of work. Does he have
an estimate of the time that will be required for the conversion of the new score into "computerized music
notation software"?
5. One committee member wondered if as a keynote speaker at the conference in Taiwan he will be
provided by the organizers any travel money other than that for lodging, etc. (By the way, the letter of
invitation, mentioned in the proposal, was not attached to it.)
IV. Numerical Approximation of Systems Representing Wound Healing by Wyane Eby
Generally, the committee members were impressed by the project but to make a final
recommendation, they were concerned about the following. The committee recommended submission
after revision.
1) More detailed description of the methodology used to carry out the research project. At this point,
the description of the methodology seems to be somewhat general and, thus, requires more
specifics (data collection, data analysis, etc.)
2) Address all the guidelines as specified on the application for Cameron University Research
Grants (F1). They are as follows:
C. Any other item or discussion?
D. Next Meeting: Left open.
E. Adjourn: 2:00 PM