Assignment 5 Debrief Andy Wang Data Structures, Algorithms, and Generic Programming Word Ladder Game Idea: Find a way to transform one word to another through words that are one character away Example: bunny tiger bunny funny funky funks finks fines tines tiles tiler tiger Bunny to Tiger? Brute Force Approach start atart..ztart,, start..stzrt, staat..stazt, stara..starz d amart..zmart, saart..szart, smart..smzrt, smaat..smazt, smara..smarz … n = number of words in a dictionary Speed complexity: O(ad), a = 5*26 Space complexity: O(n) Brute Force Approach Speed complexity: (26*5)d Suppose d = 4, we need 300,000,000 steps Space complexity: 5 char/word * 5000 words = 25,000 characters Adjacency Graph Approach Idea: go through only words that are one character away dear bear, fear,.., year, dear, dead dear, fear, …year, boar, beer, bead…beap … Adjacency Graph Approach Need to build an adjacency graph bear: dear, fear, …year, boar, beer, bead…beap dear: bear, fear,.., year, dear, dead Need to avoid revisiting the same words Do a BFS to find the shortest path Building the Adjacency Graph For each word, do pair-wise comparisons against all words If a word is one character away, append to its list n = number of words in a dictionary Speed complexity: O(n2) Space complexity: O(n2) Building the Adjacency Graph Speed complexity 5 comparisons to determine a word is one character away For each word, it needs to perform 5 comparisons/word * 5,000 words = 25,000 comparisons For 5,000 words, we need 125,000,000 comparisons best case = average case = worst case Building the Adjacency Graph Space complexity If every word is one character away from every word in a dictionary… We need 5 char/word * 5,000 words * 5,000 words = 125,000,000 characters (worst case) Average case: ~130,000 characters (from empirical measurements) Can We Do Better? O(n) speed? Visualizing the Solution Space Try a simpler case Three-letter words Visualize ‘cat’ Visualizing (c, a, t) a c (c, a, t) t Visualizing (c, a, t) a c (c, a, t) t (r, a, t) r Visualizing (c, a, t) (b, a, t) (r, a, t) (c, a, t) a t You can make words that are one character apart by collapsing one of the dimensions Collapsing the Solution Space? Idea: Use hashing Create map<string, set<string>> For cat, hash the following *at c*t ca* After processing bat, cat, and rat map[“*at”] will contain bat, cat, and rat Hash-Based Graph Construction Speed complexity: O(n) 5 char/word * 5000 words = 25,000 hashing operations Space complexity: O(n) 5 char/word * 5000 words = 25,000 characters Modified BFS Each word expands into several lists dear *ear, d*ar, de*r, dea* (bear, fear,.., year, dear, dead) *ear, b*ar, be*r, bea* (dear, fear, …year, boar, beer, bead…beap) … BFS Complexity Speed complexity: O(n + edges) Since each word is visited at most once Storage complexity: O(n)