Preserving Peer Replicas By Rate-Limited Sampled Voting Petros Maniatis, Mema Roussopoulos,

Preserving Peer Replicas
By Rate-Limited Sampled
Petros Maniatis, Mema Roussopoulos,
TJ Giuli, David Rosenthal, Mary Baker,
Yanto Muliandi
Academic publishing is moving to the Web
Libraries rent accesses to publisher’s copy
What if publishers go out of business?
Solution: LOCKSS
Digital preservation among libraries
Need to address scalability and security
Characteristics of LOCKSS
Long-term large-scale
Lack of central control
Avoid long-term secrets like encryption
Resist random failures and deliberate
attack for a long time
Design Assumptions
Storage is unreliable
Third-party reputation is problematic
Vulnerable to slander and subversion
Can cash in a history of good behavior
Strong adversary
Need to prepare for unforeseen attacks
Design Principles
No long-term secrets
Secrets require storage that is effectively
impossible to replicate, audit, repair, or
Use inertia
Rate-limit changes
Design Principles
Reduce predictability
Intrinsic intrusion detection
Bimodal behavior
The Existing LOCKSS System
Use persistent Web caches
Crawl the journal websites
Distribute to local readers
Preserve by cooperating with other caches
Use “opinion polls” in a peer-to-peer
Compare the hash values of specified part of
the content
The Opinion Polls
Provide content authenticity and integrity
Based on independently obtained copies
Peers vote on large archived units (AUs)
An AU is checked every three months
With ~17 peers
Only repair a replica if it participated in the
Prevent free-loading and theft
The New Opinion Poll Protocol
Each peer uses one of a number of
independent implementations of the LOCKSS
protocol to limit common-mode failures
Each peer’s AU is subject a low rate of
undetected random damage
Polling rate >> random damage rate
The New Opinion Poll Protocol
Malign peer: one tries to subvert the system
Loyal peer: one that follows the LOCKSS
protocol at all times
Damaged peer: a loyal peer with a damage
Healthy peer: a loyal peer with the correct AU
Goal: high probability of healthy peers
despite failures and attacks
The Idea of Polling
A peer invites a small subset of the peers
it has recently encountered
Each computes a fresh digest of its AU
If the caller of the pool receives votes that
overwhelmingly agree with its own version
Do nothing
The Idea of Polling
If the caller of the pool receives votes that
overwhelmingly disagree
Ask for a copy to repair its own
Vote again
If the result of the poll is neither a landslide
win nor a landslide loss, then the caller
raises an alarm to attract human attention
to the situation
Voting Membership
Inner circle
Decide the poll outcome
Outer circle
Nominated by inner circle
May become members of the inner circle in
the future
Sybil-Attack Preventions
Sybil attack: Use an unlimited number of forged
identities to subvert a system
Prevention schemes:
Infrequent voting (Limits the rate of change in the
Bimodal distribution of system states (increase the
chance to trigger alarms)
Require each peer to expend significant computing
power for each step
Computing the hash for an AU
Churn (to be explained later)
Each peer maintains two lists
Reference list
Recently encountered peers
Friends list
Peers with out-of-band relationship
Copy all entries from its current friends list
into its reference list
Each reference has a random expiration
Poll Initiation
Choose N random peers from the
reference list (inner circle)
Send encrypted poll messages
Remove peers that cannot answer the
challenge-response questions within a
specified time frame from the inner circle
If too few inner circle members, invites
additional peers from the reference list
Abort when the reference list is exhausted
Poll Effort
Receiver must solve a puzzle to show
Make it computationally difficult for attackers
to forge multiple identities
Inner circle also nominates outer circle
Every inner circle nominator affects the outer
circle equally
Initiator also polls outer circle members
Vote Verification
If the proof of effort is incorrect, the vote is
invalid, and the peer if black listed
If the proof is correct, and the hash
matches, it is valid and agreeing
If the proof is correct, and the hash
mismatches, it is valid and disagreeing
Vote Tabulation
Agreeing votes are smaller than a
threshold (landslide loss), the initiator
needs to repair its copy
Agreeing votes are greater than a
threshold (landslide win), the initiator
updates its reference list and schedules
the next poll
Otherwise, raise an alarm
Inter-poll Alarm
Triggered if an initiator fails to collect
enough votes for a long time
Need to detect inconsistencies between
the voting information and the repaired AU
If initiator cannot complete the repair
process, raise the corresponding alarm
Reference List Update
Remove all disagreeing peers and some
randomly chosen agreeing peers from the
inner circle
Resets the expiration time for the
remaining peers
Insert all outer circle peers whose votes
were valid and agreeing
Insert randomly chosen entries from
friends list up to a churn factor
Vote Construction
Consists of a hash of AU and interleaved
with provable computational effort
Vote computation is divided in rounds,
each with computational effort and the
hashed portion double in size
A subsequent challenge is dependent on
the previous challenge
Protocol Analysis
Need to achieve the following
Prevent one from gaining a foothold
Make it expensive for the adversary to waste
another peer’s resources
Make it likely for attacks to be detected
Effort Sizing
Use memory-bound computations
An initiator needs to expend more effort
than the cumulative effort it imposes on
the voters
Timeliness of Effort
Only proofs of recent effort can affect the
Need to expend resources to maintain
Rate Limiting
Loyal peers call polls autonomously and
The rate of progress for an attack is limited
by victims, not by attackers
Reference List Churning
Avoid depending on a fixed set of peers
They become easy targets
Avoid depending on entirely on random
They can launch Sybil attacks
With friends list
Attackers can gain foothold on the outer circle
list but not the friends list
Obfuscation of Protocol State
Encrypt all but the first protocol message
exchanged by a poll initiator and each
potential voter
Make all loyal peers invited into a poll,
even those who decline to vote
Can’t deduce the number of loyal peers
who are involved in deciding the outcome
of a poll
Raising an alarm is expensive
Involve human examinations
If an attacker’s goal is to raise alarms….
Adversary Analysis
Complete parameter knowledge
Exploitation of common peer vulnerability
Take over a fraction of populations running
the same implementation
Unconstrained identities
Infinite IP addresses
One cannot discern loyal peers from
compromised ones
Adversary Analysis
Total information awareness
Identities of all malign peers
Perfect work balancing
Perfect digital preservation
Incorruptible copies of good and bad Aus
Local eavesdropping
Local spoofing
One end of the communication needs to be in
the local network
Adversary Attacks
Platform attacks
Can take over a fraction of peers
Protocol attacks
Play against the LOCKSS protocol
Protocol Attacks
Stealth modification
Replace good AUs with bad ones
Raise many alarms
Prevent loyal peers from repairs
Obtain published content without paying
Protocol Attacks
Obtain services without supplying services in
Counter-Attack Techniques
Adversary foothold in a reference list
Need to wait for invitation to vote
Need to behave well for a long time before the
attack (without raising alarms)
Vote base on good AU, supply the bad AU
for repair
Ask random sample bits (verified) before each
The repair AU must match the initial bits
Stealth Modification Attack Strategy
Two phases
Lurk to build a foothold in loyal peers’
reference lists
Need to have the majority of votes
Need to have loyal peers < the alarm
An adversary…
Needs to wait for an initiator to call for
Needs to go through many rounds of
voting without triggering an alarm
Needs to expend effort to maintain the
foothold in the reference list
Running LOCKSS for 30 years
1000 peers
Clusters of 30 peers
29 peers in the initial friends list
80% from the local cluster
20 years of lurking
10 years of attacking
Low rates of false alarms in the absence
of attacks
Can sustain up to 1/3 of the peers
subverted (with 10% churn)
System degrades gracefully