College of Arts and Social Sciences [Name of Department] [Name of Program] Self-Study Report Review Period: [e.g. 2013-2014] Submitted Submitted: [Date] Academic Program Self-Study Report College of Arts and Social Sciences PREFACE A self-study report should be considered as a research report on the quality of the program under review. It should be broad-based, reflective, forward-looking, and include critical analysis. It should include sufficient information to inform a reader who is unfamiliar with the program all about the process of quality assessment and evaluation and the evidence on which conclusions are based to have reasonable confidence that those conclusions are sound. This report should include all the necessary information for it to be read as a complete self-contained report on the quality of the program. To ensure that all of the issues included in the academic program review policy are addressed in the self-study report, programs are required to submit the self-study report in the following template. This template includes a number of sections and headings to assist in preparing the self-study report. These sections and headings should be followed in the report. However additional information for specific programs can be also included. Throughout the report evidence should be presented in tables or graphs to support conclusions, with comparative data included where appropriate, and reference made to other reports or surveys with more detailed information. Other supporting documents should be available separately as appendix. The report should be printed and provided as an A4 page document. Note: This self-study report template was endorsed by the President of the American Academy for Liberal Education in April, 2014. Page i Academic Program Self-Study Report College of Arts and Social Sciences TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronyms ________________________________________________________________________________ vii Chapter 1 General Information ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Department History and Organization ................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Organizational Structure......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 General Program Description ................................................................................................................. 1 1.4 History of the program ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Self-Study Process ................................................................................................................................... 2 1.6 Recommendations from Previous Review (if applicable) ........................................................................ 2 Chapter 2 Students.................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Admission Criteria ................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Evaluating Student Performance ............................................................................................................ 3 2.3 Transfer Students and Transfer Courses ................................................................................................. 3 2.4 Advising and Career Guidance ................................................................................................................ 3 2.5 Work in Lieu of Courses ........................................................................................................................... 3 2.6 Graduation Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 3 Chapter 3 Program Educational Objectives ............................................................................................... 4 3.1 Vision Statement ..................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Mission Statement .................................................................................................................................. 4 3.3 Program Educational Objectives ............................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the Institution ....................... 4 3.5 Process for Revision of the Program Educational Objectives .................................................................. 4 Chapter 4 Student learning outcomes ....................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Student learning outcomes ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Relationship of Student learning outcomes to Program Educational Objectives ................................... 5 4.3 Key Performance Indicators .................................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 5 Curriculum ................................................................................................................................ 6 5.1 Curriculum Structure ............................................................................................................................... 6 5.2 Course Syllabi .......................................................................................................................................... 8 5.3 Mapping of Courses to Student learning outcomes ................................................................................ 8 Chapter 6 Program Development .............................................................................................................. 9 6.1 Apparent Program Completion Rate ...................................................................................................... 9 6.2 Year to Year Progression Rates ............................................................................................................... 9 6.3 Comparison of Planned and Actual Enrolments...................................................................................... 9 Page ii Academic Program Self-Study Report College of Arts and Social Sciences 6.4 Program Continuous Improvement Process .......................................................................................... 10 6.5 Recommended Actions ......................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 7 Faculty .................................................................................................................................... 12 7.1 Personnel Information .......................................................................................................................... 12 7.2 Faculty Qualifications ........................................................................................................................... 12 7.3 Faculty Workload .................................................................................................................................. 12 7.4 Faculty Size ........................................................................................................................................... 12 7.5 Professional Development .................................................................................................................... 12 7.6 Authority and Responsibility of Faculty ................................................................................................ 12 Chapter 8 Facilities .................................................................................................................................... 1 8.1 Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories ..................................................................................................... 1 8.2 Computing Resources ............................................................................................................................. 1 8.3 Guidance ................................................................................................................................................. 1 8.4 Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities ............................................................................................... 1 8.5 Library Services ....................................................................................................................................... 1 8.6 Overall Comments on Facilities ............................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 9 Institutional Support ................................................................................................................. 2 9.1 Leadership ............................................................................................................................................... 2 9.2 Program Budget and Financial Support .................................................................................................. 2 9.3 Staffing.................................................................................................................................................... 2 9.4 Faculty Hiring and Retention .................................................................................................................. 2 9.5 Support of Faculty Professional Development ........................................................................................ 2 Appendix A. Course Syllabi ........................................................................................................................ 3 Appendix B. Faculty Curricula Vitae .......................................................................................................... 4 Appendix C. Equipment............................................................................................................................. 5 Page iii Academic Program Self-Study Report College of Arts and Social Sciences LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Department Administrative Structure 1 Page iv Academic Program Self-Study Report College of Arts and Social Sciences LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1: Mapping of student learning outcomes to program educational objectives ......................................... 5 Table 5-1: Curriculum.............................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 5-2: Mapping of courses to student learning outcomes ............................................................................... 8 Table 6-1: Program completion rate during the past 4 years ................................................................................. 9 Table 6-2: Proportion of students who commenced each year level in the previous year who passed and continued to a higher year level the current year................................................................................................... 9 Table 6-3: Comparison of planned and actual enrolments during the past 4 years ............................................... 9 Table 6-4: Recommended actions ......................................................................................................................... 11 1 Table 7-1: Personnel Information ........................................................................................................................ 12 Table 7-2: Faculty Qualifications ............................................................................................................................ 1 Table 7-3: Faculty Workload Summary ................................................................................................................... 2 Page v Academic Program Self-Study Report College of Arts and Social Sciences ACRONYMS Delete unused acronyms and add new ones when used in this report. Make sure to sort them by alphabetic ascending order. Abbreviation AC ADRI AVP-PSR CAMS CASS CCE CCG CCSCE CEDU CEMB CENG CESAR CET CIRC CIS CLAW CMHS CNUR CQIP CRC CSCI CSD DAR DPS DPSR DSA DVC DVC-AACS DVC-AFA DVC-PSR EMC FSP GPA HE HEAC HEI HM HoD IP LC LoA LoI LoU MoU MSc NFP OAAA OGRC OIA OSC PAR PEO Actual Name Academic Council Approach, Deployment, Results and Improvement Assistant Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Research College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences College of Arts and Social Sciences College of Commerce and Economics Centre for Career Guidance Centre for Community Service and Continuing Education College of Education Centre of Excellence in Marine Biotechnology College of Engineering Centre for Environmental Studies and Research Centre for Educational Technology Communication and Information Research Centre Centre for Information Systems College of Law College of Medicine and Health Sciences College of Nursing Continuous Quality Improvement Process College Research Committee College of Science Centre for Staff Development Deanship of Admissions and Registration Deanship of Postgraduate Studies Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Research Deanship for Student Affairs Deputy Vice-Chancellor Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Community Service Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies and Research Earthquakes Monitoring Centre Failure with Supplemental Privilege Grade Point Average His Excellency Higher Education Admission Centre Higher Education Institution His Majesty Head of Department Intellectual Property Language Centre Letter of Agreement Letter of Intent Letter of Understanding Memorandum of Understanding Masters' Program National Foundation Program Oman Academic Accreditation Authority Oil and Gas Research Centre Office of Innovation Affairs Omani Studies Centre Postgraduate Academic Regulations Program Educational Objectives Page vi Academic Program Self-Study Report PhD PRI PSC PSR QA QAC QAO QAP Qarar RIAD RSGISC SCC SIS SP SO SQU UAEU UAR UC UER VC WRC College of Arts and Social Sciences Doctor of Philosophy Public Relation and Information Postgraduate Studies Committee Postgraduate Studies and Research Quality Assurance Quality Audit Committee Quality Assurance Office Quality Audit Portfolio Administrative Order Research and Innovation Affairs Department Remote Sensing and GIS Centre Student Counseling Centre Student Information System Strategic Plan Student learning outcomes Sultan Qaboos University United Arab Emirates University Undergraduate Academic Regulations University Council University Executive Regulations Vice-Chancellor Water Research Centre Page vii Chapter 1 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Department History and Organization Brief history of the Department. 1.2 Organizational Structure Using text and/or organizational charts (see Figure 1-1), describe the administrative structure of the Department. Department Board Head of the Department Department Coordinator(s) Committees Chief Technician Assistant Head of the Department Technical Staff Academic Staff Figure 1-1: Department Administrative Structure 1.3 General Program Description Table 1-1: Program Description 1. Program title and code 2. Credit hours 3. Award (s) granted on completion of the program 4. Major tracks/pathways within the program 5. Name of program coordinator/manager. 6. Name and position of person responsible for leadership/management of the self-study. 7. Date of approval of program specification within the institution 8. Date of most recent self-study (if any) Page 1 Chapter 1 1.4 Academic Program Self-Study Report History of the program Provide a brief listing of the program including how long they have been in existence. Include the year implemented and the date of the last general review. Summarize major changes made in the program in the period since the previous self-study or since the program was introduced. This should include such things as courses added or deleted or significant changes in their content, changes in approaches to teaching or student assessment, or program evaluation processes etc. Provide the URL of the program website. 1.5 Self-Study Process Provide a brief description of the method used for the self-study and preparation of the self-study report, including faculty and student input and involvement. 1.6 Recommendations from Previous Review (if applicable) Describe and comment on concerns and recommendations raised in the previous program review, including actions taken. Page 2 Chapter 2 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 2 STUDENTS 2.1 Admission Criteria Summarize the requirements and process for accepting new students into the program. 2.2 Evaluating Student Performance Summarize the process by which student performance is evaluated and student progress is monitored. Include information on how the program ensures and documents that students are meeting prerequisites and how it handles the situation when a prerequisite has not been met. 2.3 Transfer Students and Transfer Courses Summarize the requirements and process for accepting transfer students and transfer credit. 2.4 Advising and Career Guidance Summarize the process for advising and providing career guidance to students. Include information on how often students are advised, who provides the advising. 2.5 Work in Lieu of Courses Summarize the requirements and process for awarding credit for work in lieu of courses. 2.6 Graduation Requirements Summarize the graduation requirements for the program and the process for ensuring and documenting that each graduate completes all graduation requirements for the program. State the name of the degree awarded. Page 3 Chapter 3 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 3 PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 3.1 Vision Statement Write the vision of the Department/Program. 3.2 Mission Statement Provide the mission of the Department/Program. 3.3 Program Educational Objectives List the educational objectives of the program and describe how and when they were defined. State where these can be found by the general public. 3.4 Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the Institution Describe how the program educational objectives are consistent with the missions of the College and the University. 3.5 Process for Revision of the Program Educational Objectives Describe the process that periodically reviews and revises, as necessary, the program educational objectives including how the program’s various constituencies are involved in this process. Include the results of this process and provide a description of any changes that were made to the program educational objectives and the timeline associated with those changes since the last general review. Page 4 Chapter 4 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 4 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 4.1 Student learning outcomes List the student learning outcomes, describe how and when they were defined and indicate where the student learning outcomes are documented. 4.2 Relationship of Student learning outcomes to Program Educational Objectives Describe how the student learning outcomes prepare graduates to attain the program educational objectives. Use the matrix in Table 5-2 to map the student learning outcomes to the program educational objectives. Table 4-1: Mapping of student learning outcomes to program educational objectives Objective Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective 4 Outcome Outcome 1 X Outcome 2 X X Outcome 3 Outcome 4 Outcome 5 4.3 X X X X Key Performance Indicators If you are using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for assessing and evaluating the student learning outcomes, then list them and provide a table mapping KPIs to Student learning outcomes. Page 5 Chapter 5 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 5 CURRICULUM 5.1 Curriculum Structure 1. Complete Table 5-1 that describes the plan of study for students in this program including information on course offerings in the required curriculum in the form of a recommended schedule by year and term along with maximum section enrollments for all courses in the program over the two years immediately preceding the self-review. If there is more than one curricular path, Table 5-1 should be provided for each path. Complete a separate table for each option in the program. Table 5-1: Curriculum Credit Hours/ Contact Hours 4 3 2 1 Semester Course 1 (Code Number, Title) Page 6 Indicate Type of 2 Course (UR, UE, CR, CE, DR, DE, PR, or PE) Last Two Semesters the Course was Offered: Semester and Year Maximum Section Enrollment for the Last Two Semesters the Course was 3 Offered Chapter 5 8 7 6 5 Academic Program Self-Study Report 1 List all courses in the program by semester starting with first semester of first year and ending with the last semester of the final year. 2 Indicate whether it is University Requirement (UR), University Elective (UE), College Requirement (CR), College Elective (CE), Department Requirement (DR), Department Elective (DE), Program Requirement (PR) or Program Elective (PE). 3 For courses that include multiple elements (lecture, laboratory, recitation, etc.), indicate the maximum enrollment in each element. Page 7 Chapter 5 Academic Program Self-Study Report 2. Describe how the curriculum aligns with the program educational objectives. 3. Demonstrate that program courses collectively work as one cohesive integrated program not an aggregation of separate courses. 4. Discuss how students’ needs are accommodated through optional modules and interdisciplinary pathways. 5. Attach a flowchart or worksheet that illustrates the prerequisite structure of the program’s required courses. 5.2 Course Syllabi In Appendix A, provide a syllabus for each course offered in support of the program, including the course code, the credit value, and the course description. Where and as appropriate, this listing may be organized to reflect the manner in which the courses count towards the program requirements (e.g. required versus elective; required from a list of specified courses; specific to certain concentrations, streams within the program, etc.) 5.3 Mapping of Courses to Student learning outcomes 1. Describe how the curriculum and its associated prerequisite structure support the attainment of the student learning outcomes. Provide a table mapping all courses to the student learning outcomes. Table 5-2: Mapping of courses to student learning outcomes Outcome Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 Outcome 4 Outcome 5 Course Code Course 1 X Course 2 Course 3 X X : X Course n X 2. Discuss how knowledge, skills and competencies are made more demanding and challenging with progression in the program. 3. Discuss how current research and work practice applications to learning are embedded in curricula and/or informing teaching. How are these clearly communicated to students? Page 8 Chapter 6 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 6 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 6.1 Apparent Program Completion Rate Show the number of students successfully completing the program in each of the last four years, and the number of students per cohort who started the program ---- years previously (e.g. If 120 students finished a four year program in 2012 and 200 students started it in 2008 and the apparent completion rate would be 60%. Table 6-1: Program completion rate during the past 4 years Number of Students Number of Students per Apparent Completion Completing the Program cohort Rate * Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 * Apparent completion rate is the number of students completing the program as a percentage of the number in that student cohort commencing the program ---years previously. 6.2 Year to Year Progression Rates Fill in Table 6-2 with the proportion of students who commenced each year level in the previous year who passed and continued to a higher year level the current year. Table 6-2: Proportion of students who commenced each year level in the previous year who passed and continued to a higher year level the current year Year Commenced in Year 1 and continued to commence in Year 2 Commenced in Year 2 and continued to commence in Year 3 Commenced in Year 3 and continued to commence in Year 4 (%) (%) (%) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Note: In programs where there are common first (or first and second) years the figures should include numbers in the early years for the combined group and a note included to explain what has been done) Comment on trends in year to year progression rates (i.e. Increasing, decreasing, likely reasons for change (if any), significance of trends). 6.3 Comparison of Planned and Actual Enrolments Table 6-3: Comparison of planned and actual enrolments during the past 4 years Year Planned Actual Enrolments Enrolments Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Write your comments and explanation if there are significant differences between planned and actual numbers. Page 9 Chapter 6 6.4 Academic Program Self-Study Report Program Continuous Improvement Process In this section you describe your program Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) and all stakeholders who are involved in this process. Make use of flowcharts as possible to describe the CIP. The section is an attempt to ensure that a program curriculum is systematically and appropriately developed and reviewed in order to always meet standards and quality set for the program. Show how the curriculum was designed and by who. Discuss currently followed revision mechanism and its effectiveness. You should document your processes for regularly assessing and evaluating the extent to which the program educational objectives and student learning outcomes are being attained. This section should also document the extent to which the program educational objectives and student learning outcomes are being attained. It should also describe how the results of these processes are being utilized to effect continuous improvement of the program. Assessment is defined as one or more processes that identify, collect, and prepare the data necessary for evaluation. Evaluation is defined as one or more processes for interpreting the data acquired though the assessment processes in order to determine how well the program educational objectives and student learning outcomes are being attained. Although the program can report its processes as it chooses, the following is presented as a guide to help you organize your self-study report. It is also recommended that you report the information concerning your program educational objectives separately from the information concerning your student learning outcomes. 6.4.1 Program Educational Objectives It is recommended that this section include (a table may be used to present this information): 1. A listing and description of the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of each the program educational objective is based. Examples of data collection processes may include, but are not limited to, employer surveys, graduate surveys, focus groups, external assessor reports, advisory committee meetings, or other processes that are relevant and appropriate to the program. 2. The frequency with which these assessment processes are carried out. 3. The expected level of attainment for each of the program educational objectives. 4. Summaries of the results of the evaluation processes and an analysis illustrating the extent to which each of the program educational objectives is being attained. 5. How the results are documented and maintained . 6.4.2 Student learning outcomes It is recommended that this section include (a table may be used to present this information): 1. A listing and description of the assessment processes used to gather the data upon which the evaluation of each student outcome is based. Examples of data collection processes may include, but are not limited to, specific exam questions, student portfolios, internally developed assessment exams, senior project presentations, nationally-normed exams, oral exams, focus groups, advisory committee meetings, or other processes that are relevant and appropriate to the program. 2. The frequency with which these assessment processes are carried out. 3. The expected level of attainment for each of the student learning outcomes. 4. Summaries of the results of the evaluation process and an analysis illustrating the extent to which each of the student learning outcomes is being attained. 5. How the results are documented and maintained. 6.4.3 Continuous Improvement Describe how the results of evaluation processes for the program educational objectives and the student learning outcomes and any other available information have been used as input in the continuous improvement of the program. Indicate any significant future program improvement plans based upon recent evaluations. Provide a brief rationale for each of these planned changes. Page 10 Chapter 6 Academic Program Self-Study Report 6.5 Recommended Actions Recommendations should be made for actions to be taken for further improvements or to overcome problems, shortcomings or weaknesses identified. The actions recommended should be expressed in specific terms rather than as general statements. Each action recommendations should indicate who should be responsible for the action, timelines, and any necessary resources. Table 6-4: Recommended actions # Recommended Action Person(s) responsible 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 11 Timelines Resources Required Chapter 7 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 7 FACULTY 7.1 Personnel Information Table 7-1: Personnel Information 1 HEAD COUNT 2 FTE Full Time Administrative Part Time 3 Faculty (PhD Holders) Other Faculty (excluding student Assistants) Student Teaching Assistants Student Research Assistants Technicians/Specialists Office/Clerical Employees Others 4 1 Data on this table should be for the fall term immediately preceding the visit. Updated tables for the fall term when the AALE team is visiting are to be prepared and presented to the team when they arrive. 2 For student teaching assistants, 1 FTE equals 20 hours per week of work (or service). For undergraduate and graduate students, 1 FTE equals 15 semester credit-hours per term of institutional course work, meaning all courses — science, humanities and social sciences, etc. For faculty members, 1 FTE equals what SQU defines as a full-time load. 3 Persons holding joint administrative/faculty positions or other combined assignments should be allocated to each category according to the fraction of the appointment assigned to that category. 4 7.2 Specify any other category considered appropriate, or leave blank. Faculty Qualifications Describe the qualifications of the faculty and how they are adequate to cover all the curricular areas of the program. This description should include the composition, size, credentials, and experience of the faculty. Complete Table 7-2. Include faculty resumes in Appendix B. 7.3 Faculty Workload Complete Table 7-3, Faculty Workload Summary, and describe this information in terms of workload expectations or requirements. 7.4 Faculty Size Discuss the adequacy of the size of the faculty and describe the extent and quality of faculty involvement in interactions with students, student advising and counseling, university service activities, professional development, and interactions with professional practitioners including employers of students. 7.5 Professional Development Describe the professional development activities that are available to faculty members. 7.6 Authority and Responsibility of Faculty Describe the role played by the faculty with respect to their guidance of the program, and in the development and implementation of the processes for the evaluation, assessment, and continuing improvement of the program, including its program educational objectives and student learning outcomes. Describe the roles of others on campus, e.g., Dean or DVC, with respect to these areas. Page 12 Chapter 7 Academic Program Self-Study Report Consulting/summer work Professional Development Level of Activity4 H, M, or L Professional Organizations Institution Teaching Years of Experience Govt./Ind. Practice Highest Degree EarnedField and Year Type of Academic Appointment FT, VI or PT2 Faculty Name Rank 1 Table 7-2: Faculty Qualifications Instructions: Complete table for each member of the faculty in the program. Add additional rows or use additional sheets if necessary. Updated information is to be provided at the time of the visit. 1. Code: P = Professor ASC = Associate Professor AST = Assistant Professor L = Lecturer D = Demonstrator O = Other 3. Code: FT = Full-time VI= Visiting Instructor PT = Part-time Appointment at the institution. 4. The level of activity (high, medium or low) should reflect an average over the previous 3 years. Page 1 Chapter 7 Academic Program Self-Study Report Table 7-3: Faculty Workload Summary Faculty Member (name) PT, VF or 1 FT Program Activity Distribution Classes Taught (Course No./Credit Hrs.) Term and Year 2 Teaching Research or Scholarship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 FT = Full Time Faculty, VF=Visiting Faculty or PT = Part Time Faculty, at the institution For the academic year for which the self-study is being prepared. Program activity distribution should be in percent of effort in the program and should total 100%. Indicate sabbatical leave, etc., under "Other." Out of the total time employed at the institution. Page 2 Other 4 % of Time Devoted 5 to the Program Chapter 8 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 8 FACILITIES 8.1 Offices, Classrooms and Laboratories Summarize each of the program’s facilities in terms of their ability to support the attainment of the program educational objectives and student learning outcomes and to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. 1. Offices (such as administrative, faculty, clerical, and teaching assistants) and any associated equipment that is typically available there. 2. Classrooms and associated equipment that is typically available where the program courses are taught. 3. Laboratory facilities including those containing computers (describe available hardware and software) and the associated tools and equipment that support instruction. Include those facilities used by students in the program even if they are not dedicated to the program, and state the times they are available to students. Complete Appendix C containing a listing the major pieces of equipment used by the program in support of instruction. 8.2 Computing Resources Describe any computing resources (workstations, servers, storage, networks including software) in addition to those described in the laboratories in section 8.1, which are used by the students in the program. Include a discussion of the accessibility of university-wide computing resources available to all students via various locations such as student housing, library, student union, off-campus, etc. State the hours the various computing facilities are open to students. Assess the adequacy of these facilities to support the scholarly and professional activities of the students and faculty in the program. 8.3 Guidance Describe how students in the program are provided appropriate guidance regarding the use of the tools, equipment, computing resources, and laboratories. 8.4 Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities Describe the policies and procedures for maintaining and upgrading the tools, equipment, computing resources, and laboratories used by students and faculty in the program. 8.5 Library Services Describe and evaluate the capability of the library (or libraries) to serve the program including the adequacy of the library’s technical collection relative to the needs of the program and the faculty, the adequacy of the process by which faculty may request the library to order books or subscriptions, the library’s systems for locating and obtaining electronic information, and any other library services relevant to the needs of the program. 8.6 Overall Comments on Facilities Describe how the program ensures the facilities, tools, and equipment used in the program are safe for their intended purposes. Page 1 Chapter 9 Academic Program Self-Study Report Chapter 9 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT 9.1 Leadership Describe the leadership of the program and discuss its adequacy to ensure the quality and continuity of the program and how the leadership is involved in decisions that affect the program. 9.2 Program Budget and Financial Support 1. Describe the process used to establish the program’s budget and provide evidence of continuity of institutional support for the program. Include the sources of financial support including both permanent (recurring) and temporary (one-time) funds. 2. Describe how teaching is supported by the institution in terms of graders, teaching assistants, teaching workshops, etc. 3. To the extent not described above, describe how resources are provided to acquire, maintain and upgrade the infrastructures, facilities and equipment used in the program. 4. Assess the adequacy of the resources described in this section with respect to the students in the program being able to attain the student learning outcomes. 9.3 Staffing Describe the adequacy of the staff (administrative, instructional, and technical) and institutional services provided to the program. Discuss methods used to retain and train staff. 9.4 Faculty Hiring and Retention 1. Describe the process for hiring of new faculty. 2. Describe strategies used to retain current qualified faculty. 9.5 Support of Faculty Professional Development Describe the adequacy of support for faculty professional development and how such activities such as sabbaticals, travel, workshops, seminars, etc., are planned and supported. Page 2 Chapter 9 Academic Program Self-Study Report Appendix A. Course Syllabi Please use the following format for the course syllabi (2 pages maximum in Arial 10 point font). 1. Course code and name 2. Credits and contact hours 3. Instructor’s or course coordinator’s name 4. Text book, title, author, and year a. other supplemental materials 5. Specific course information a. brief description of the content of the course (catalog description) b. prerequisites or co-requisites c. indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in the program 6. Specific goals for the course a. specific outcomes of instruction, ex. The student will be able to explain the significance of current research about a particular topic. b. explicitly indicate which of the student learning outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes are addressed by the course. 7. Brief list of topics to be covered Page 3 Chapter 9 Academic Program Self-Study Report Appendix B. Faculty Curricula Vitae Please use the following format for the faculty vitae (2 pages maximum in Arial 10 point type) 1. Name 2. Education – degree, discipline, institution, year 3. Academic experience – institution, rank, title (chair, coordinator, etc. if appropriate), when (ex. 1990-1995), full time or part time 4. Non-academic experience – company or entity, title, brief description of position, when (ex. 1993-1999), full time or part time 5. Current membership in professional organizations 6. Honors and awards 7. Service activities (within and outside of the institution) 8. Briefly list the most important publications and presentations from the past five years – title, co-authors if any, where published and/or presented, date of publication or presentation 9. Briefly list the most recent professional development activities Page 4 Chapter 9 Academic Program Self-Study Report Appendix C. Equipment Please list the major pieces of equipment used by the program in support of instruction. Page 5 Academic Program Self-Study Report SIGNATURE ATTESTING INFORMATION TO ACCURACY OF By signing below, we attest to the following: That _______________________ (Name of the program(s)) has conducted an honest self-review and has provided a complete and accurate disclosure of timely information. ________________________________ HoD’s Name ________________________________ _______________________ Signature Date ________________________________ Dean’s Name ________________________________ _______________________ Signature Date Page 1