College of Arts and Social Sciences Information Studies Department Course Portfolio Digital libraries INFO4244 Period: Spring 2015 15/2/2015 Course File I. COURSE FILE SUMMARY 1. COURSE INFORMATION College/Institute/Centre COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Department Information Studies Program Title Bachelor Semester\Year Spring 2015 Program Code Course Title English Course Code Digital libraries INFO4244 Course Type Department Requirements Pre Requisites - Teaching Language English Credit Hours 3 Lecture 1:30 (Weekly) Practical/Fieldwork 1:30 (Weekly) 15 Teaching Hours Teaching Weeks Number of students Lecture Practical/Fieldwork Number of Student dropped Arabic المكتبات الرقمية Total 3 25 22.5 22.5 0 1 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION ENGLISH COURSE DESCRIPTION ARABIC COURSE DESCRIPTION Due to enormous growth of use of new technologies in all our life aspects, in general, and their use in learning and research activities, in specific, this course will discuss issues related to digital libraries including their definitions, design, organizing, managing and their different use. نظراً نهنمى انهائم وانمتسارع في استخذاو انتقنياث انحذيثت في مختهف جىانب انحياة واستخذامها في انمجاالث انعهميت،بشك ٍم عاو فإن انمقرر سيتناول،وانبحثيت بشك ٍم خاص مفهىو انمكتباث انرقميت وتصميمها وتنظيمها .وإدارتها واستخذاماتها انمختهفت 3. COURSE AIM This course aim to provide students with comprehensive understanding of the digital libraries concepts and related areas. 4. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Identifies the major concepts and issues related to digital libraries. 2. Provides an understanding of the current practices and opportunities in digital libraries and its career opportunities. 3. Design digital libraries using open source software, such as Dspace and Greenstone. 4. Provide an understanding of the current issues facing digital libraries. 5. COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Gain skills and capability to using digital libraries. 2. Be able to create new digital libraries using open source software, such as Greenstone and Dspace. 3. Be able to handle different types of resources including word, PowerPoint, excel, videos, sounds, images, html..etc 2 6. LECTURES SCHEDULE WEEK TOPIC 1 Course overview and introduction 2 Definitions and concepts related to digital libraries (Kawkab Almarefah) 3 History of digital libraries (Gutenberg) 4 Advantages of digital libraries and their roles (Wiretab) 5 disadvantages of digital libraries 6 Oman Digital library (External speaker) 7 Challenges facing digital libraries 8 Mid-term exam 9 Open source software 10 Open source software (visit to printing press) 11 Legal issues related to digital libraries 12 (Practical exam) (Assignment due date Wednesday 6/5/2015) 13 Presenting students’ projects 14 Presenting students’ projects 15 The future of digital libraries and clearing out 7. TEACHING STRATEGIES AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION Teaching Method Power point presentations Lectures Practical training Teaching Media Play videos Online discussions 8. GRADING AND ASSESSMENT Moodle Assignment: discussions 20% 5% Class Mid-term discussions Exam: 5% 10% Practical exam 1: 20% Final Exam: 40% 3 9. COURSE RULES Attendance Attendance at class is mandatory. Course Instructors should keep attendance records. An "absentee warning notice" will be issued if a student is absent for: • More than 10% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 5% in courses with 75 or more total contact hours. An "absentee withdrawal notice" will be issued and the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course with an 'FW' grade if a student is absent for: • More than 20% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 15% in courses with 75 to 150 total contact hours. • More than 10% of total contact hours for courses with more than 150 total contact hours. 10. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS English Reference Books - DESCRIPTION Tedd, L. A. (2005). Digital libraries: Principles and practice in a global environment. New York, N.Y: K.G.Saur. - Arms, W. Y. (2000). Digital libraries. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. - Agosti, M., Esposito, F., & Thanos, C. (2010). Digital libraries Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - Agosti, M. (2012). Digital libraries. Mondo Digitale, 11(3) - Lesk, M. (2005). Understanding digital libraries. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. - Marcum, D. B., & Kanazawa Institute of Technology International Roundtable for Information and Library Sciences. (2001). Development of digital libraries: An american perspective. Westport, Conn: Greenwood. - Fox, E. A., & Urs, S. R. (2002). Digital libraries. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 36, 503-589. - Digital libraries: Social media and community networks : 15th international conference on asia-pacific digital libraries, ICADL 2013, bangalore, india, december 9-11, 2013. proceedings (2013). . Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-03599-4 Arabic Reference Books إدارة الجودة الشاملة فً المكتبات و مراكز.)8002( . محمد عوض، الترتوري . دار الحامد: عمان. المعلومات الجامعٌة : عمان. هندسة المعرفة وإدارتها فً البٌئة الرقمٌة.)8000( . مجبل الزم،ًالمالك .مؤسسة الوراق . دار الصفاء: عمان.ً اإلنترنت والنشر اإللكترون.)8000( . غالب عوض،النواٌسة . أساسٌات نظم استرجاع المعلومات اإللكترونٌة.)8002( . فاتن سعٌد،بامفلح . مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنٌة:الرٌاض . المؤلف: عمان. المكتبات اإللكترونٌة والرقمٌة.)8002( . جمال ٌوسف،بدٌر 4 - - بوعزة ،عبدالمجٌد .)8002( .المكتبات الرقمٌة :تحدٌات الحاضر وآفاق المستقبل. الرٌاض :مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنٌة. محمد ،عماد عٌسى .)8002( .المكتبات الرقمٌة :األسس النظرٌة والتطبٌقات العملٌة. القاهرة :الدار المصرٌة اللبنانٌة. جاسم ،جعفر حسن .)8000( .المكتبات الرقمٌة :واقعها ومستقبلها .عمان :دار البداٌة. وٌتن ،جان .)8002( .كٌف تؤسس مكتبة رقمٌة .الرٌاض :جامعة الملك سعود. Lecture Notes/Hand-outs Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc. Moodle Moodle 5