Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Curriculum Vitae
Associate Professor, Department of English
College of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University
P. O. Box 42, P.C. 123, Al-khoudh, Sultanate of Oman
Tel: (+968) 24141675 (office), (+968) 99850800 (GSM)
Fax: (+968) 24142014, e-mail:
Nationality: Omani
Present Appointment: Assistant Professor, Department of English, College of Arts and Social
BA in English Education
1992, Sultan Qaboos University
MA in Education; major in Curriculum and English Teaching Methods
1995, Sultan Qaboos University
Completed a programme of studies (Magna Cum Laude)
The Economics Institute
June - December 1998
Colorado, USA
PhD in English and Communications Education
2003, University of Pittsburgh, USA
November 2006 – January 31 2010 Director of the Language Centre
Sultan Qaboos University
Summer 2006 – October 2006
Acting Director of the Language Centre
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Sultan Qaboos University
Fall 2004 – Spring 2006
Programme Coordinator for English for Science Credit
Spring 1998
Course Coordinator, Reading and Vocabulary I (LANC
1115), English for English Specialists Programme
1. Oman Accreditation Council (OAC) External Reviewers Training Workshop, Oman
Accreditation Council. 27 – 28 April 2010. Oman Accreditation Council, Oman.
2. Springboard – Women’s Self Development Programme, Dr. Nada Al-Ajmi. November –
December 2009. SQU, Oman.
3. Leadership in Times of Pressure and Severe Stress, AZtech. 10 -11 October 2009. The
Chedi Hotel, Oman.
4. Fundamental Leadership Skills, European Business Centre. 6 – 10 June 2009. Muscat,
5. English for the Workplace, Dr. Philida Schellekens. 25 April 2009. British Council,
6. Strategic Planning Consultant, Tariq Suleiman. 18 March 2009. SQU, Oman.
7. Editing, Design and Publishing Workshops, Prof. Margo Bedingfield. 28 February – 4
March 2009. SQU, Oman.
8. Developing Strategies for Leadership in Teaching and Learning, Prof. Merrilyn Goos. 26
– 27 January 2009. SQU, Oman.
9. Training Course on Materials Development, Prof David Nunan. 13 – 18 December 2008.
SQU, Oman.
10. Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century, Euromatech. 11 – 22 August
2008. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
11. Scientific Meeting Around Successful Strategies for Leadership and Priority
Management, Institute of Public Administration in Muscat. 23 June 2008. Muscat,
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
12. English for Specific Purposes: A Professional Development Course, 14th Annual
International TESOL Arabia Conference. 13 – 15 March 2008. Dubai, UAE.
13. Learner Independence SIG ILCs: From Plans to Practice: A Series of Workshops, Jane
Al–Hashemi. 2 November 2007. Higher College of Technology, UAE.
14. Creativity Workshop, Dr. Kirpal Singh. 29 July – 7 August 2007. Dublin, Ireland.
15. ELT Materials Developers, Dr. Brian Tomlinson. 21 – 25 January 2007. SQU, Oman.
16. Speed Reading and Memory Power, Mustafa Abu Saad. 16 –18 September 2006. SQU,
17. Moodle, SQU-CET. 28 - 29 August 2005. SQU, Oman.
18. How Do You Know Your Hidden Human Strengths? International Centre for
Administrative Development and Studies in Sharjah. 14 June 2005. Muscat, Oman.
19. Developing L2 Reading Materials, Prof. Jack Richards. 14 March 2005, Oman.
20. Fundamentals in Language Assessment, TESOL Arabia Testing, Assessment and
Evaluation SIG. 17 February 2005. SQU, Oman.
1. College of Arts and Social Sciences’ Best Researcher Award for the academic year
2. Recognition from Al Mar’A for exemplary achievements in the field of education.
Muscat, Oman.
3. Recognition from Majan College for exemplary achievements in the field of Education.
Muscat, Oman. (was invited as patron of the International Women’s Day. 12 March
2007. Majan College, Oman).
4. Recognition from the United Press and Publishing LLC Renaissance Group Company,
Oman, for exemplary achievement in the field of education, 2007.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
In the past eight years, I taught six undergraduate courses and one graduate course at the
Language Centre, five courses in the English Department of the College of Arts and Social
Sciences, and one course in the Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department of the College of
A. Language Centre
LANC 1113: English for English Specialists (Language Skills 1)
This is the first course taught to students from the College of Arts and the College of Education
after passing the Intensive Programme. This course focuses on the appropriate use of the
grammatical structures in the English language and is required for majoring in English. Its
emphasis is on developing accuracy and fluency in English through productive skills.
LANC 1115: English for English Specialists (Reading & Vocabulary I)
LANC1115 is the first reading course in the Credit English Language Programme that students
from the College of Arts and the College of Education take. This course develops students’
reading and critical thinking skills through selected literary and non-literary texts / readers. It
also instills in them the reading habit where vocabulary building and literary contexts are
LANC 1117: English for English Specialists (Writing I)
This is the first writing course in the Credit English Language Programme that students from the
College of Education and the College of Arts take. It enhances the students’ writing skills and
prepares them for the task of writing different types of academic essays. It also develops the
accuracy of their written language.
LANC 1120: English for English Specialists (Writing II)
LANC 1120 is the second writing course in the Credit English Language Programme that
students from the College of Education and the College of Arts take. The emphasis is on
accuracy and fluency in writing. The course uses authentic literature to provide stimulus and
inspiration to write and students also encounter good models of writing. Students are actively
involved in listening, speaking and discussion activities, particularly at the pre-writing stage to
brainstorm for ideas, take notes and peer-edit.
LANC 2050: English for Science I
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
LANC2050 is the first English language credit course taken by students from the College of
Science and the College of Education (Departments of Science, Mathematics and Instructional
and Learning Technologies). It aims to equip students with the language and study skills
necessary for understanding scientific texts and lectures related to their subject areas, and for
expressing themselves with effective competence in written and spoken English.
The course is content-based and anchored around scientific themes such as earth sciences, space,
matter and materials, technology and biotechnology. These themes are used as a vehicle for
language work to improve the students’ reading, writing, lexical and aural/oral skills. Course
materials are presented not only as reading texts, but also in a variety of audio/visual media and
language activities. Insofar as it is possible, authentic native-speaker materials and media are
used in order to help students develop strategies to cope with the real context of their academic
studies in English.
LANC 2051: English for Science II
LANC2051 is the second and final English credit course that all Science, Science Education, and
ILT students are required to take. The aim of the course is to improve students’ English language
skills, as well as encouraging them to research efficiently and think critically.
I have taught one postgraduate course at the Language Centre.
LANC 6000: English Language Skills for Graduate Students
This course is designed for graduate students at the Master’s degree level; therefore, the
approach aims to encourage independent study while at the same time providing practical advice
and practice in academic research and writing skills. In addition to being exposed to different
types of texts on varied science and science-related topics, students are encouraged to become
familiar with the general English of the media and to take an interest in current global concerns.
They are expected to participate fully in class discussions. The rationale behind engaging
students in the different activities is to improve their English language proficiency and so to
enable them to gain academic success in their respective colleges. The course also aims to help
students to improve their research and writing skills as initial preparation for writing their theses.
B. The Curriculum and Teaching Methods Department, College of Education
CUTM 3007: Educational Curriculum
This course introduces the Omani school curriculum to students, identifies the linguistic bases of
decision-making in ELT curriculum design, and recognizes the psychological bases of decisionmaking in shaping the ELT curriculum. It exposes student teachers to the different types of ELT
syllabus. Students analyze the curriculum's framework components: rationale, aims and
objectives, methodology, scope and sequence, and assessment and evaluation. The course also
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
contains an analysis of Omani school EFL textbooks with reference to the curriculum
C. English Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences
ENGL 2109: Effective Reading
Effective Reading is an extensive course aimed at developing effective reading strategies with an
emphasis on academic vocabulary which will enable students to operate in an English academic
environment. A variety of text types on selected themes is used to familiarize students with
academic writing.
ENGL 3119: Advanced Writing
This course asks students to undertake small-scale academic research leading to a longer term
paper. They define a research question and carry out all the stages necessary to produce an
academic research paper. In addition, an oral presentation based on their research experience is
ENGL 3129: Research Project
This is an advanced research methods and writing development course. During the course,
students learn to identify and focus a research topic, plan their research and reading, organize
data gathering and analyze their findings. They also develop their abilities to write extensively in
English, and to follow academic conventions in writing.
ENGL 3328: Language in Society
This course has two components, one of which covers issues related to the role of language in the
construction of social identity and the other examines and analyzes the relationship between
language and power, as well as evaluates the notion of globalization and the spread of English in
the global context.
ENGL 4575: Advanced Language Studies
The aim of this course is to explore how English exists in the Omani and Gulf socio-cultural
context with the aim of understanding its status in relation to Omani culture, attitudes, identity
and educational policies.
ENGL 4573: Special Topic in Linguistics
The aim of this course is to introduce students to practical communication skills by building their
linguistic and pragmatic competencies through such teaching strategies as role plays,
presentations, pair and group work.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
1. First external examiner of the BA Graduation Project, A Transactional Analysis of
Communication inside the Classroom. Samya Al-Zadjali, a graduate of the University of
Nizwa. 21 November 2007.
1. Zawan Ahmed Al-Bulushi, SQU ID no. 9427/2010. The Effect of Corpus Consultation on
Omani EFL Learners’ Writing Performance and Attitudes at SQU. 10 October 2012.
2. Humood Talib Al-Hadhrami, SQU ID no. 84233/08. The Effect of the Story Grammar
Method on ELF Omani Student’s Comprehension of Narrative Texts. 11 October 2011.
3. Irma Said Al-Khathiri, SQU ID no. 80912/07. The Effect of a Teacher Training
Programme of EFL Learners Self-Directed Learning Strategies and their Language
Achievement. 1 January 2011.
4. Mariam Saif Al-Ghafri, SQU ID no. 22934/07. The Effect of Computer-Assisted
Grammar Instruction on Omani Sixth Grade EFL Learners’ Achievement and Attitude. 3
March 2010.
5. Amina Saif Al-Hashami, SQU ID no. 3617/02. EFL Teachers’ Practices in Reflective
Teaching in Oman. 30 August 2004.
1. Worked with Exeter University as second adviser for a PhD student, Sarah Khan, a
Language Centre faculty member, who wrote a dissertation entitled Factors Affecting the
Motivation of Expatriate English as Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers in Oman. Ms.
Khan passed her viva December 8 2011.
2. Currently serving as second advisor for Ms. Asfiya Khan who is doing her PhD with
Banasthali University, India.
3. Currently serving as second advisor for Ms. Samia Naqvi who is doing her PhD with
Banasthali University, India.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Was a judge at H!SQU’s Creative Writing Contest. May 2012.
Patron of the Time Out Club’s 5th Eve’s Festival. 28 April 2012. Complex 4, SQU.
Was a judge at the English and Translation Society’s (ETS) Drama Contest. 13 December 2011.
Attended the Annual Symposium of the Translation Group 2011, Technology and Trainee
Translators. 7 -8 May 2011, SQU.
Patron of the Time Out Club’s 4th Eve’s Festival. 17 – 18 April 2011. Complex 5, SQU.
Attended the play Shakespeare Gone Mad and assisted with rehearsals and venue arrangements.
17 – 18 April 2011, SQU.
Provided support for the English and Translation Society and attended the 15 Open Day. 7 April
2011. SQU.
Presented a workshop on Creative Writing for students of the English and Translation Society.
18 March 2011, SQU.
Gave a talk on the importance of reading to the newly-formed SQU Students’ Reading Society.
26 April 2011. (The speech was originally written in English but delivered in Arabic).
Provided editorial services for some students’ written work published in the H! Magazine (H!
SQU section). February 2010-present
Encouraged students to read in English by making my personal library available to them and
suggesting books that suit their language proficiency levels and interests. February 2010-present.
Mentored many BA and MA students on how to conduct scientific research and write
publishable research papers.
Gave an inspirational talk on my educational experience at Middle East College’s gathering
“Li’Nasmu/Let us Rise” on October 21st 2012 to celebrate Omani Women’s Day. October, 2012.
Submitted a proposal to the Omani Research Council suggesting ideas for developing a research
culture in Oman in general and in higher education institutions in particular. June, 2012.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
English Specialist- New Teachers’ Training Satchel. Ministry of Education, Oman. 2012 –
Provided editorial services for the Ministry of Education in their Curriculum Support Book
Project. Project Duration 2009-2010.
Provided editorial services to various individuals working in ministries, e.g. Suad Salim Ali Al
Translated numerous articles, documents and stories for numerous individuals in the community,
e.g. translated three stories for Mr. Khamis Al-Muharbi, CET’s Director of Administration,
External Reviewer of the Institutional Quality Audit of the International College of Engineering
and Management, September 2011 - December 2011. Oman.
Organiser of the Charity Day (a fund-raising activity to support the Creative Learning Centre for
children with special needs in Al-Khoudh, Spring 2009).
Founded the Community Service English Language Teaching Courses, e.g. the Language Centre
taught Royal Court Affairs staff in Summer 2009 and the IELTS Preparation Course.
Cooperated with the Embassy of Japan in offering a course on the Japanese Language in 2009.
(for SQU Staff and Community members).
Headed a team that evaluated the Foundation Program at Al Buraimi University College, 6 – 7
May 2008.
Participated in authoring the document “English Foundation Programme Standards” for the
Ministry of Higher Education, 2007-2008.
Chaired the Academic Committee that prepared the General Foundation Program Standards for
all higher education institutions in Oman, 2007.
Co-chaired, The National Symposium on Preparatory English Language Programs in Tertiary
Education. 15 – 16 May 2004, Sultan Qaboos University.
Member of the committee that discussed Foundation Programmes at all Oman’s higher education
institutions. Initiated by Majan College, October 2003 – October 2007.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Gave a presentation entitled “Challenges and Opportunities in my Personal Journey as a
Researcher” in the Postgraduate Students’ Skills Enrichment Program, Deanship of Postgraduate
Studies, SQU, December 5 2012.
Offered a Training Course, Proposal Writing, for SQU MA and PhD candidates, Deanship of
Postgraduate Studies, October 1 2012.
Offered a Training Course, Thesis Writing, for SQU MA and PhD candidates, Deanship of
Postgraduate Studies, October 8 2012.
Member of SQU's Internal Quality Audit Committee, 2012 – ongoing.
A member of the University-wide committee for studying job market needs, 2012 – ongoing.
Patron of the 5th Hawwa's Festival, held on 28 April 2012 at Sultan Qaboos University Female
Resident Complex No. 4.
Provided training for many novice researchers in the field of Education and language teaching
(through workshops I conducted under the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies).
Translated into English the book The Origins of Omani Customs and Traditions by Ibrahim AlSubhi. (Requested by SQU’s Administration).
Headed recruitment trips to TESOL Arabia (UAE), 2006 – 2009.
Headed recruitment trips to TESOL America (USA), 2006 – 2009.
Served as Judge in a Drama Competition organized by English and Translation Society (ETS),
13 December 2011.
Offered a Training Course, Thesis Writing, for SQU MA and PhD candidates, Deanship of
Postgraduate Studies. December 2011.
Offered a Training Course, Proposal Writing, for SQU MA and PhD candidates, Deanship of
Postgraduate Studies. 14 November 2011.
Patron of the 4th Hawwa's Festival, held on 17 April 2011 at Sultan Qaboos University Female
Resident Complex No. 5.
Validated MA questionnaires for SQU’s College of Education MA students, 2003-2011(e.g.
validated Jasim Al Belushi’s questionnaire on 9 April 2011.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
SQU representative in the organizing committee for the national symposium Towards National
Standards for Foundation Year Programs, January 2011. A joint committee of the Ministry of
Higher Education, Sultan Qaboos University, and the Oman Accreditation Council.
Offered a Training Course, Thesis Writing, for SQU MA and PhD candidates, Deanship of
Postgraduate Studies. February to March 2011.
Offered a Training Course, Proposal Writing, for SQU MA and PhD candidates, Deanship of
Postgraduate Studies. February to March 2011.
Offered a Training Course, Proposal and Thesis Writing, for SQU MA and PhD candidates,
Deanship of Postgraduate Studies. October 2010.
Gave an inspirational talk during the Springboard Course organized for SQU Hospital Staff
members. 13 October 2010. Muscat, Oman.
Submitted a report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies and Research
providing suggestions for the Humanities Research Centre, 2010.
Observer, SQU's Academic Council. January 2009 – January 2010. Sultan Qaboos University.
Member of the Administration’s Opinion Gathering Committee, 2009-2010. (A committee
involved in the preparation and writing of SQU’s Strategic Plan for 2012-2025.
Served as Patron, Hawwa’s Night at SQU Students’ Complex 5. Organised by SQU’s Deanship
of Students Affairs. 26 – 27 April 2009.
Introduced the former Japanese Minister of Education, H.E. Atsuko Toyama, who gave a lecture
on Constructing a Nation through Education & the Role of Women in Society to SQU staff and
students. 18 February 2009, SQU.
Presented an inspirational talk on Women Empowerment in the Sultanate of Oman following a
lecture by the former Japanese Minister of Education, H.E. Atsuko Toyama. 18 February 2009,
Member of a committee that discussed methods of enhancing the English language proficiency
of College of Education English major graduates, SQU.
Member of the Language Institute Committee (set up to study the feasibility of establishing a
language institute at SQU).
Member of the Arabic as a Foreign Language Committee, 2008.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Initiated an English programme for SQU Staff, 2008.
Cooperated with SQU's Administration in arranging testing services at the LC for Omani
students and staff (e.g. testing students before entering Deakin University, Australia).
Chaired a session during SQU’s Quality Assurance Initiative, 2008. Introduced Mr. Duncan
McCullum, Cambridge University’s Quality Assurance Officer. 15 December 2008, SQU.
Headed the delegation that evaluated Al Buraimi College’s English Foundation Programme, 5 -7
December 2008.
Headed SQU’s delegation that visited universities in Turkey and Egypt, 2008.
Member of the delegation that visited the University of Cambridge, July 2008. (Delegation
headed by H.E. the Minister of Higher Education and H.E. SQU’s Vice-Chancellor).
Member of SQU’s Academic Council, as a representative of academic staff, 2007 - 2008.
Initiated the idea of an Independent Learning Centre and monitored all activities related to the
project. This idea was later developed into an All Purpose Learning Centre, the implementation
of which is now overseen by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Community
Appeared on Oman TV (at SQU administration’s request) to speak about the Foundation
Programme, 2007.
Chaired a team that visited UAE’s Independent Learning Centre, 2007.
Member of the SQU committee that supervised the implementation of e-learning and video
conferencing, 2007.
Member of the committee, chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and
Community Service, establishing admission and departmental transfer criteria.
Chaired the Ministry of Higher Education’s Academic Committee on Foundation Program
Standards, 2006 – 2007.
Headed the Royal Visit by SQU Female Students to America and Canada, August 2006.
Rapporteur for the University’s Higher Promotion Committee, 2004 – 2005, that prepared
Promotion Guidelines for Language Centre staff.
Participated in writing the Language Centre Promotion Regulations.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Taught (in addition to my normal Language Centre duties) the School Curriculum Course at the
College of Education, CUTM 3007, in Spring and Summer 2005.
Translated numerous speeches, articles and documents for SQU administration, 2003 – the
Provided editorial services for SQU Administration members, 2003 – the present.
Member of the LC’s Annual ELT Conference Organization Committee, 2004 – 2010.
Conducted needs analyses for courses across the LC curriculum, 2004 – 2010.
Chaired the LC’s Steering Committee, 2006 – 2010.
Chaired the LC’s Promotion Committee, 2006 – 2010.
Chaired the LC’s Strategic Planning Committee, 2006 – 2010.
Chaired the LC’s Deputy Directors' Committee, 2006 – 2010.
Kept written accounts of all LC activities, 2006 – 2010.
Conducted annual observations of new teachers, 2006 – 2010.
Member of the LC’s Intensive English Language Program Coordinators' Committee, 2006 –
Member of the LC’s Credit English Language Program Coordinators' Committee, 2006 – 2010.
Reviewed, edited and supervised the LC Students’ Guide, 2006 – 2009.
Reviewed, edited and supervised the LC's Orientation Programme for new students, 2006 –
Wrote “Welcome Notes” in Arabic and English for the annual edition of the LC Students’ Guide,
Held annual orientation meetings for students and staff, 2006 – 2009.
Supervised the annual publication of the LC's booklet Pursuing Excellence, 2006 – 2009.
Consolidated and developed the annual Teachers’ Professional Development Day, 2006 – 2009.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Conducted annual meetings with weak students especially those in Levels 1 and 2 of the
Intensive English Language Programme.
Edited the LC Staff Handbook, 2008 – 2010
Edited the LC Guide for New Teachers, 2008 – 2010
Successfully organized the L C’s University Day activities, 2008 – 2009.
Founded the IELTS Closed Testing Centre at the Language Centre. (Operational since January
Member of an SQU committee for implementing e-learning and video conferencing, 2009.
Member of the organizing committee for the ELT Research Symposium: Promoting Research in
English Language Teaching, 2009 – 2010.
Organized the first LC Open House on 8 and 9 December 2009. SQU.
Initiated and organized the first LC retreat at Bar Al Jissah Resort and Spa, 14 May 2009.
Invited the University of Cambridge to serve as an external reviewer for the LC’s curricula and
e-learning programmes, 2009.
Directed and supervised the preparation of a five-year plan for the integration of e-learning into
all LC curricula.
Provided a training course for Testing and Assessment Unit members on Test Item Analysis with
relevance for IELTS and TOEFL. Course delivered by Professor James Dean Brown from
Hawaii University on 25 – 29 April 2009.
Established communication channels with all SQU's colleges in order to get their input on LC
English language courses offered to their students, 2006 – January 2010
Formed the LC’s Community Service Committee, 2008.
Formed the LC’s Social Committee, 2008.
Formed the LC’s Research Committee, 2008.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Formed the LC’s Independent Learning Centre Committee, 2008.
Formed the LC’s Extra-Curricular Activities Committee, 2008.
Formed the LC’s Professional Development Committee, 2008.
Edited and administered the LC’s Professional Development Committee’s survey that gathered
information about LC staff’s professional skills, 2008.
Pioneered English Language Teaching Courses for SQU Staff, 2008 – 2009.
Introduced a training programme for Materials Writers, Programme Coordinators and Course
Coordinators at the LC in 2008 (invited internationally acclaimed materials writers such as Brian
Tomlinson, Hitomi Masuhara, and David Nunan).
Provided training courses in Textbook Design to LC teachers involved in materials writing,
Invited an international book designer, Margo Bedingfield, to deliver a training course on
textbook design, 2008.
Identified the LC’s training needs and communicated them to SQU’s Centre for Staff
Development, 2008.
Closely supervised materials production for the book series Explore Writing, used in the
Intensive/Foundation Programme Levels 2, 3 and 4, 2007 – 2010.
Headed the committee that wrote the LC’s Strategic Plan for 2007 – 2012.
Initiated the Omani Cultural Day at the LC, 2007.
Provided a training course for the Testing and Assessment Unit members on Item Response
Theory (IRT), Rasch Analysis, and Generalizability Theory, using software like FACETS,
EXCALIBRE, GENOVA and WINSTEPS. Course delivered by Professor James Dean Brown
from Hawaii University, 2007.
Conducted a workshop for all LC staff on identifying the training needs of the LC, 2007.
Member of the LC’s Curriculum Development Unit – Materials Writers Group, 2006.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Chaired the committee that translated the LC’s Promotion Regulations into Arabic, (took part in
the translation and edited the document before submission to SQU's administration), 2005.
Supervised the writing of a new textbook for LANC 6000, English Language Skills for
Postgraduate Students, 2005 – 2006.
Chaired the LC’s Teaching Methods Special Interest Group (SIG), 2005 – 2006.
Member of the LC’s Promotion Committee, 2005 – 2006.
Chaired the LC’s Annual ELT Conference Academic Committee, 2004 – 2006.
Chaired several ELT conference sessions, 2004 – 2006.
Supervised the writing of a new course materials textbook for LANC 2050, 2004 – 2005.
Participated in comprehensive LC curriculum reviews, 2004 – 2005.
Contributed to the LC’s Intensive English Language Programme Revision Project, 2004.
Chaired the LC’s Committee for preparing tentative criteria for the promotion of LC staff, 2003 2004.
Encouraged a research culture, headed many research teams, resulting in several publications,
and organized the first symposium on ELT research.
Inaugurated and supervised various materials development projects.
 Inaugurated and guided the first steps of the materials writing project for Writing and
Language Use courses at three proficiency levels (from high- beginners to intermediate),
2006 – the present.
 Supervised and monitored the English for SQU Staff course project, 2008 – 2010.
 Formed and monitored a committee for writing a description and syllabus for an “Arabic
for non-Arabic speakers” course at SQU.
Was interviewed by Thurayya Al-Toqi from Oman Radio about my accomplishments as a
female Omani scholar on the occasion of celebrating Oman’s 42 National Day, 21 November
Appeared on Oman TV on Omani Woman’s Day to speak about the role of Omani women in the
country’s development, 17 October 2012.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Was interviewed by the Journalist Intisar Al-Shibli about Omani women’s achievements in the
field of education. The article appeared on Shabiba Newspaper on Omani Woman’s Day, 17
October 2012.
Chair, MA Thesis Defense Committee of Saif Adai Sultan Al-Maskari, History Department,
College of Arts and Social Sciences, 29 August 2012.
Member of the Academic Committee (Theme five) for the College of Arts 2012 conference,
forthcoming in December 2012.
Appeared on Oman TV (at SQU administration’s request) to speak about the study for which I
earned His Majesty’s Trust Fund Grant for Strategic Research, 2 May 2012.
Was interviewed twice by Oman Radio about my strategic research on communication skills
which is funded by the Research Council, 2012.
Was interviewed by Khaleej Times about my strategic research on communication skills which
is funded by the Research Council, article appeared on Khaleej Times on 12 February 2012.
Was interviewed by Oman Net (online) about my strategic research on communication skills
which is funded by the Research Council, article appeared on online on in 2012.
Member of the College Curriculum and Study Plans Committee, 2011 – 2012.
Member of the College Annual Report Committee, 2011 – 2012.
Represented the Department in College of Education’s Orientation meeting for the 2012/2013
English Education cohorts.
Member of the Coordinators’ Committee, 2011 – ongoing.
Member of the Academic Advisors’ Committee, 2011 – ongoing.
Currently co-authoring a number of articles with Department of English staff.
Currently serving as an Academic Adviser to around 25 students from the 2011-2012 cohort.
Currently serving as Department of English Representative on the Curriculum and Study Plans
College Committee, 2011 – ongoing.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Currently serving as Department of English Representative on Annual Report Committee, 2011–
Currently serving as Course Coordinator for ENGL 2109 (Effective Reading).
Mentoring students and providing advice whenever needed.
Teaching research skills and encouraging students to collaborate with me in research and joint
publication (I co-authored 4 papers with former students, two already published and two
Served as Acting Head of Department of English, June – August 2010.
Cooperated with Muscat Daily to bring in newspaper copies for students to encourage them to
read and keep abreast of current affairs.
Used e-learning and online discussion boards to supplement course materials in order to enhance
interaction and communication about course material between students and myself.
Made my personal library available for students and suggested appropriate readings for them to
suit their language proficiency levels.
Collaborated with three Department of English staff in editing books.
Trained and supervised a department demonstrator in writing his first article, which was later
accepted for publication in an edited book. The same demonstrator co-authored another research
paper with me, which has been accepted for publication.
Proposal reviewer, TESOL International, USA (reviewed 34 proposals for the upcoming 2013
conference in Texas).
Proposal reviewer, TESOL Arabia, 2012-2013.
Article reviewer, Gulf Perspectives Journal, 2012-ongoing.
Co-Senior Editor of the June issue of The Asian EFL Journal (Quarterly-Editions). Journal
published in June 2012.
Production Editor of the June issue of Asian EFL Journal (Quarterly-Editions). Journal
published in June 2012.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Articles reviewer, Journal of International Students, Nov. 2010 – the present.
Projects reviewer with the Research Council, Oman, 2012 – the present.
Member of Oman’s Academic Accreditation Authority’s Register of External Reviewers,
September 2009 - the present.
Member of the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority audit team for the International College
of Engineering and Management, October 2011 – August 2012.
Member of MENAWCA (Middle East-North African Writing Centre Association), March 2009
– 2011.
Editor in-Chief, Language Centre Forum, 2006 – 2009.
Associate Editor, Arab World English Journal, 2010 – the present.
Articles reviewer/ referee, Arab World English Journal, 2010 – the present.
Reviewed two projects for the Research Council, Oman:
1. Linguistic auditing of road signs in Oman
2. Improving the Effectiveness of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Education in
Omani Universities through Post-Enrollment Language Assessment (PELA):
Perceptions, Proficiency and Learning Outcomes.
A. Published Refereed Papers
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (to be published in early 2013). Omani student responses to American literature
in translation: The effect of the interaction between American culture and the Arabic Language.
The Linguistics Journal.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (to be published in early 2013). The influence of culture familiarity on Arab
EFL student comprehension and response to Arab literature in translation. European Journal of
Educational Studies.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). A student perspective on low English proficiency in Oman.
International Education Studies, 5(6), pp.
4. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Sultana, Tausiff (2012). “Unheard Melodies’’ from behind the veil:
Male and female Omani student responses to translated short stories by Arab women
writers. English Language Teaching World Online (ELTWO), 4.
5. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Al-Hashmi, F. (2012). Beginning Omani EFL teachers’ perspectives
on the challenges they encounter. Arab World English Journal, 3(3).
6. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Al-Shihi, H. (2012). Literature, language or linguistics? Student
perspectives on what English Departments in Arab universities should focus on. Modern
Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(3), 154-169.
7. Ambu-Saidi, A. & Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). The influence of gender on Omani college
students’ language learning strategies, comprehension and motivation. International
Journal of Applied Linguistics and English literature, 1(4), pp. 230-244.
8. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Al-Wahaibi, T. (2012). EFL student attitudes towards studying
literature at a higher education institution in Oman. European Journal of Social Sciences,
32(1), pp. 77-83.
9. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). EFL/ESL teacher identity: Foreword. The Asian EFL Journal,
14(2), pp. 4-8. Available at
10. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). An investigation of literature teaching methodologies at a higher
educational institution in Oman. TESOL Journal, 6, pp. 172-180.
11. Al-Mahrooqi, R. I. (2012). Omani students' responses to Arab literature in English
translation. Contemporary Issues in Languages and Humanities, 2(1), pp. 81-113.
12. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). English communication skills: How are they taught at schools
and universities in Oman? English Language Teaching, 5(4), pp. 124-130.
13. Asante, C., Al-Mahrooqi, R., & Abrar-ul-Hassan, S. (2012). The effects of three teacher
variables on the use of motivational strategies in EFL Instruction in Oman. TESOL
Arabia Perspectives, 19(1), pp. 12-22.
14. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Abrar-ul-Hassan, S., Asante, C. (2012). Analyzing the use of
motivational strategies by EFL teachers in Oman. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research,
8(1), pp. 36-76.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
15. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Reading literature in English: Challenges facing Omani College
Asian EFL Journal, 57, pp. 24-51. Available at
16. Tuzlukova, V. and Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). English in the context of tourism in Oman.
Annals of the University of Craiova, 11(1), pp. 112-130.
17. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). A Quantitative and a qualitative analysis of the effect of culture
and language on Arab students’ responses to authentic literature in English. Theory and
Practice in Language Studies, 11, pp. 1561-1570.
18. Al-Mahrooqi, R., and Tuzlukova, V. (2011). Negotiating meaning in the EFL context.
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 19(1), pp. 183-196.
19. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Al Busaidi, S., Mukundan, J., Ahour, T. and Yu Jin, N. (2011). Can the
essential lexicon of Geology be appropriately represented in an intuitively written EAP
module? English Language and Literature Studies, 1(1), pp. 50-66.
20. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). EFL student teacher perceptions of the teaching practice
program at SQU. Arab World English Journal, 2(2), pp. 243-266.
21. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). The responses of native and non-native speakers of English to
English short stories. Arab World English Journal, 2(1), pp. 122-140.
22. Tuzlukova, V., Al-Mussali, A., and Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). ELT materials writing
projects: Challenges of professional communication. Arab World English Journal, 1(1),
pp. 40-79
23. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V. (2010). Mechanisms for establishing a research
culture at language institutions. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and
Humanities,18(2), pp. 391-398.
B. Accepted Papers in Refereed Journals
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V. (2012). Fostering communicative ability through
experiential learning and community integration. Proceedings of Al-Musanna College of
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Technology’s Symposium on Best Practices in Teaching and Learning, May 7, 2012 (pp.
1-14). Musanna: Musanna College of Technology.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V. (2012). Meeting employers’ needs: Communication
skills in Omani tertiary education. Proceedings of Oman Symposium on Management
“Inspiring Oman Towards New Horizons, March 2012 (pp. 208-231). Ibra: Ibra College
of Technology.
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V. (2012). Catering to the needs of the workplace: Do
English classes in Omani impart key communication skills? Proceedings of Oman
Symposium on Management “Inspiring Oman Towards New Horizons, March 2012 (232256). Ibra: Ibra College of Technology.
4. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V. (In press, forthcoming in October 2012). Bringing
the global and the local together through English in Oman. In S. Wippel (Ed.).
Regionalizing Oman – Political, Economic and Social Dynamics. Springer: Dordrecht,
Netherlands. (Leipzig University’s Conference Proceedings turned into an edited book)
5. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V. (2011). Culture integration into foreign language
teaching: Fostering identities and transcending boundaries. In S. Lee and V. Tuzlukova.
Language, Learning and Teaching (pp. 109-121). Athens: Athens Institute for
Educational Research (ATINER). (Athens Conference Proceedings turned into an edited
6. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Busaidi, S. (2011). Meeting local needs in materials writing. In
J. Mukundan and V. Nimehchisalem (Eds.). Readings on ELT Materials V (pp. 91-115).
Putra University : Malaysia. (Malaysia’s Material Writing Symposium Proceedings
turned into an edited book).
7. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). The responses of Omani female college students to translated
literature. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and B. Al-Jahwari (Eds.). Literary Translation in Oman:
Issues and Perspectives (pp. 71-81). Beirut: Muasasat Al-Intishar Al-Arabi. (A book
sponsored by The Omani Society for Writers and Literati. (The translated version is in
the same book, translated by K. A -Kaabi, J. Al-Siyabi and R. Al-Mahrooqi).
(Proceedings of the Symposium on Translated Omani Literature turned into an edited
8. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Sultana, T. (2008). Enhancing the integration of language skills:
The role of short stories. Proceedings of International Language Conference (ILC) 2008.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
Available at The Proceedings_of_ILC_2011::Archive__The Proceedings of ILC 2008.
A. Published Refereed Edited Books
1. Roscoe, A. and Al-Mahrooqi, R. (Eds.) (2012). Literacy, Literature and Identity:
Multiple Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2. Mahmoud, A. and Al-Mahrooqi, R. (Eds.) (2012). Issues in Teaching and Learning
English as a Foreign Language in the Arab World. Al-Khoudh: SQU’s Academic
Publication Board.
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Jahwari, B. (Eds.) (2011). Literary Translation in Oman: Issues
and Perspectives. Beirut: Mu’asasat Al-Intishar Al-Arabi (sponsored by the Omani
Society for Writers and Literati).
4. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V. (Eds.) (2010). The Omani Symphony: Maintaining
Linguistic and Socio-cultural Equilibrium. Oman: Sultan Qaboos University Academic
Publication Board.
C. Refereed Edited Books Accepted for Publication (In press)
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Roscoe, A. (Eds.) (Expected to appear in early 2013). Literature
Teaching in the EFL Context: New Perspectives. Al-Khoudh: SQU’s Academic
Publication Board.
A. Published Chapters in Refereed Books
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Culture and identity in student response to literature. In A.
Roscoe and R. Al-Mahrooqi, Literacy, Literature and Identity: Multiple Perspectives.
Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). African American literature and Black identity: Beloved as an
example. In A. Roscoe and R. Al-Mahrooqi, Literacy, Literature and Identity: Multiple
Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, England.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Literacy, literature and women’s liberation in the United States.
In A. Roscoe and R. Al-Mahrooqi (Eds.), Literacy, Literature and Identity: Multiple
Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
4. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Roscoe, A. (2012). Identity reflections in Maori literature. In A.
Roscoe and R. Al-Mahrooqi (Eds.), Literacy, Literature and Identity: Multiple
Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
5. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Sultana, T. (2012). FL attrition among Omani teachers of English:
Teachers’ perceptions. In A. Mahmoud and R. Al-Mahrooqi (Eds.), Issues in Teaching
and Learning English as a Foreign Language in the Arab World (pp. 47-66). Al-Khoudh:
SQU’s Academic Publication Board.
6. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Jahwary, B. (2011). Literature and translation in the Arab
World: A survey. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and B. Al-Jahwari (Eds.), Literary Translation in
Oman: Issues and Perspectives (pp. 7-20). Beirut: Muasasat Al-Intishar Al-Arabi. (A
book sponsored by The Omani Society for Writers and Literati. (The translated version is
in the same book, translated by R. Al-Mahrooqi and B. Al-Jahwari).
7. Tuzlukova, V. & Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). Culture-based curriculum dilemmas. In R. AlMahrooqi and V. Tuzlukova (Eds.), The Omani Symphony: Maintaining Linguistic and
Socio-cultural Equilibrium (pp. 33-70). Oman: SQU Academic Publication Board.
8. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V. (2010). Introduction: ELT strategies and trends in
Oman. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and V. Tuzlukova (Eds.), The Omani Symphony: Maintaining
Linguistic and Socio-cultural Equilibrium (pp.13-29). Oman: SQU Academic Publication
9. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V. (2010). The influence of the cultural and linguistic
orientations of Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) students on their responses to literatures
on the Internet. In R. Taiwo (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Discourse Behavior and
Digital Communication: Language Structures and Social Interaction (pp. 687-699).
USA: Information Science Reference.
10. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Benito, C. (2010). English for the workplace in the Omani sociocultural context. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and V. Tuzlukova (Eds.). The Omani Symphony:
Maintaining Linguistic and Socio-cultural Equilibrium (pp. 391-421). Oman: SQU
Academic Publication Board.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
11. Al-Mahrooqi, R and Asante, C. (2010). Promoting learner autonomy by fostering a
reading culture. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and V. Tuzlukova (Eds.). The Omani Symphony:
Maintaining Linguistic and Socio-cultural Equilibrium (pp. 479-497). Oman: SQU
Academic Publication Board.
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (In press, forthcoming in early 2013). Teaching communication through
negotiating native and foreign language cultures in the reading and literature classrooms.
In R. Al-Mahrooqi and A. Roscoe (Eds.), Literature Teaching in the EFL Context: New
Perspectives. Al-Khoudh: SQU’s Academic Publication Board.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Lonie, C. (In press, forthcoming in early 2013). Practical ways of
using literature in the classroom. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and A. Roscoe (Eds.). Literature
Teaching in the EFL Context: New Perspectives. Al-Khoudh: SQU’s Academic
Publication Board.
3. Al-Masroori, M. and Al-Mahrooqi, R. (In press, forthcoming in early 2013). Attitudes
towards role play use in the Omani EFL classroom. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and A. Roscoe
(Eds.), Literature Teaching in the EFL Context: New Perspectives. Al-Khoudh: SQU’s
Academic Publication Board.
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V., Macrotheme Conference on Education and Training,
to be held on December 27-28, 2012. Investigating Omani Postgraduate Students'
Learning Experiences and Communication Needs. Paper peer-reviewed and accepted for
an oral presentation at the. Paris, France.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V. College of Arts and Social Sciences 2nd International
Conference: The Role of Social Sciences in Investigating Contemporary Social
Phenomena: Current Approaches and Future Vision. Communication Skills in Omani
Higher Education Language Programs: Is there a gap between job market requirements
and Omani Graduates' Competence? Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. 16-18 December
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Buraimi University College's First International Conference:
Negotiating Identity in Language and Literature. 19-20 September 2012. Arab Literature
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
in Translation: The Question of Identity. Al-Buraimi, Oman. (Invited as a Plenary
4. Al-Mahrooqi, R., University of Exeter’s 2012 Gulf Studies Conference. 16-20 July 2012.
Communication Skills and Employability in the Arabian Gulf: The Case of Oman. Exeter
University, Exeter, UK.
5. Al-Mahrooqi, R., & Al-Jahwary, B., Post-Graduate Student Conference on English
Literature and Translation Studies. 17-18 May 2012. Literature and Translation in the
Arab World: A Survey. Conkaya University, Ankara, Turkey.
6. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V., Best Practices in Teaching and Learning. 7 May 2012.
Fostering Communicative Ability through Experiential Learning and Community
Integration. Musanna: Musanna College of Technology, Oman.
7. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Oman International English Language Teaching Conference (Quality in
ELT: Raising Pedagogical Standards). 18-19 April 2012. A Student Perspective on Low
English Proficiency. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.
8. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V., Oman Symposium on Management “Inspiring Oman
Towards New Horizons. 4 March 2012. Meeting Employers’ Needs: Communication
Skills in Omani Tertiary Education. Ibra: Ibra College of Technology, Oman.
9. Al-Mahrooqi, R. & Tuzlukova, V., Oman Symposium on Management “Inspiring Oman
towards New Horizons. Catering to the Needs of the Workplace: Do English Classes in
Omani Impart Key Communication Skills? March 2012. Ibra: Ibra College of
Technology, Oman.
10. Al-Mahrooqi, R., 1st Annual International Conference on Cultures and Languages in
Contact. A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis on the Effect of Culture and Language
on Arab Students’ Response to Authentic Literature in English. 23-24 November 2011. El
Jadida, Morocco.
11. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Sultana, T., 11th Oman International ELT Conference. L2 Attrition
among Omani Teachers of English. 20 – 21 April 2011. Muscat, Oman.
12. Tuzlukova, V. and Al-Mahrooqi, R., 4th International Conference on Responsible
Tourism. The Landscape of Tourism in Oman within the Context of the English
Language. 10 – 12 October, 2010, Muscat, Oman.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
13. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Symposium on the Translation of Omani Literature. The Responses of
Omani Female College Students to Translated Literature. 21 – 22 June 2010. Muscat,
14. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Busaidi, S., 10th Oman International ELT Conference. New
Perspectives on Meeting Local Needs in Materials Writing. 21 – 22 April 2010. Muscat,
15. Tuzlukova, V., & Al-Mahrooqi, R., (2010). The International Conference “Innovative
English Language Teaching. Teaching English in Culture-Appropriate Way. 18-19 June.
Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
16. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V., International Workshop on Regionalising Oman –
Political, Economic and Social Dynamics. Bringing the Global and the Local Together
Through English in Oman. 25 – 26 March 2010. The University of Leipzig, Germany.
17. Al-Mahrooqi , R. and Tuzlukova, V., 2nd International Conference on Language,
Linguistics, Literature and Translation. English in Oman Through the Prism of University
Teachers’ Perceptions and Attitudes. 10 – 12 March 2010. Muscat, Oman.
18. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V., ELT Research Symposium. Mechanisms for
Establishing a Research Culture in Language Institutions. 25 February 2010. Muscat,
19. Al-Mahrooqi, R., International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT
2009). Plenary Speaker. Factors Influencing Reading Comprehension and Fluency
Among Omani EFL Students. 10 – 11 November 2009, Malaysia.
20. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Busaidi, S., International ELT Materials Symposium. Meeting
the Local Needs in Materials Writing. 12 – 13 November 2009, Malaysia.
21. Al-Mahrooqi, R., 2nd Annual International Conference on Literature, Languages and
Linguistics. Simulation of a Culture-Based Environment in EFL Classroom. 13 – 16 July
2009. Athens, Greece.
22. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V., 9th Oman International ELT Conference. Rethinking
English in Oman: Curriculum Dilemmas. 22 – 23 April 2009. Muscat, Oman.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
23. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tuzlukova, V., Muscat English Teachers’ and Supervisors’ Annual
Forum. Culture Study Component in TEFL Programs in Oman. 28 – 29 March 2009.
Muscat, Oman.
24. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Sultana, T., 8th Oman International ELT Conference. Promoting
Integrated Skills Through Short Stories. 23 – 24 April 2008. Muscat, Oman.
25. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Sultana, T., The 1st International Language Conference (ILC).
Enhancing the Integration of Language Skills: The role of Short Stories. 3 – 5 March
2008, Malaysia.
26. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Conference of English Teachers and Supervisors – Ministry of
Education. Acquiring Automaticity in Reading Through Enhanced Vocabulary
Instruction and Speed Reading, Plenary Speaker. 10 – 12 December 2007. Muscat,
27. Al-Mahrooqi, R., The 4th International Conference of the Faculty of Al-Alsun.
Preserving National Identity in an Age of Globalization: Lessons from Minority Cultures.
23 – 25 April 2007. Minia, Egypt.
28. Al-Mahrooqi, R. 7th Oman International ELT Conference. Responding to Challenges in
the Area of Materials Writing. 18 – 19 April 2007. Muscat, Oman.
29. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Busaidi, S., A National Symposium: Towards National
Standards for Foundation Year Programs. Study Skills Standards. 16 – 17 January 2007.
Muscat, Oman.
30. Al-Mahrooqi, R., SQU Women’s visit to USA. English Language Teaching and
Learning in Oman: Challenges and Opportunities. 12 – 25 August 2006. University of
Washington, USA.
31. Al-Mahrooqi, R., A Symposium on English Language Teachers in the Public Schools of
Oman. Self-appraisal: A Method for Professional Development. 7 – 8 December 2005,
Muscat, Oman.
32. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Busaidi, S., A Symposium on English Language Teachers in the
Public Schools of Oman. An Analysis of Student Teachers’ Perceptions of the Teacher
Training Program at Sultan Qaboos University. 7 – 8 December 2005, Muscat, Oman.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
33. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Belushi, A., 5th Annual National ELT Conference. Why Do Our
Students Read the Way They Do? 20 – 21 April 2005, Muscat, Oman.
34. Al-Mahrooqi, R., 4th Annual National ELT Conference. The Influence of the Cultural and
Linguistic Orientations of Omani Female College Students on their Response to
Literature. 24 – 25 March 2004, Muscat, Oman.
35. Al-Mahrooqi, R., CGSE Annual Student Research Conference. Maori Literature. In:
Living Ideas: The Role of Research in a Changing Education Context. 25 – 26 March
2003, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
36. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Exploring Ethnic Diversity through Literature. The Pennsylvania
Ethnic Heritage Studies Centre. 1 May 2002, University of Pittsburgh. (3 workshops).
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Asante, C. and Abrar-ul-Hassan, S. (2009). Report on funded research,
Analyzing the Use of Motivational Strategies in EFL Classrooms in Oman. Submitted to
SQU's Deanship of Research.
2. Abrar-ul-Hassan, S., McBeath, N., Cunliffe, D., Tuzlukova, V., Noone, R. and AlMahrooqi, R. (2008). Report on the 2008 LC Research Committee Survey. Submitted to
SQU's Vice-Chancellor
1. Swanick, B., Mansoori, W., Cheung, P., Al-Mahrooqi, R., Abuid, B., Goodliffe, T.
(2012). Report on an Audit of International College of Engineering and Management.
Muscat: Oman Academic Accreditation Authority.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). English Department Annual Report. Submitted to the College of
Arts and Social Sciences’ Annual Report Committee.
3. Al Hashmi, S., Bourdoucen, H., Al-Mahrooqi, R., Al-Belushi,R., Jumaa, N., and AlMukhaini, S. (2010). Opinion Gathering for Sultan Qaboos University Long-Term
Strategic Plan 2012 -2025. In Towards a Long-Term Strategic Plan for Sultan Qaboos
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
University. Proceedings of the International Workshop, 9-10 November. Sultan Qaboos
University Press.
4. Al-Hashmi, S., Bourdoucen, H., Al-Mahrooqi, R., Al-Belushi, R., Jumaa, N., and AlMukhaini, S.(2010). A final report of the Opinion Gathering Committee, a subcommittee
on SQU’s Long-term Strategic Plan 2012-2025.
5. Sutton, R., and Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2009). IELTS preparation resources for College of
Education students. A report submitted to the committee in charge of suggesting ways to
improve SQU English Education graduates’ language proficiency in order to meet the
Band 6 IELTS requirements set by the Ministry of Education.
6. Al-Sarayra, M., Al-Kharousi, N., Al-Sharafi, A., Masaoudi, A., Al-Mahrooqi, R., AlBusaidi, S., Ambusaidi, A., and Al-Maklafi, A. (2009). Final report of the Language
Institute Committee. Submitted to SQU’s Vice-Chancellor.
7. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2009). A report on the Language Centre’s position regarding its being
subsumed under the proposed Language Institute at SQU. Submitted to the Language
Institute Committee, SQU.
8. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2008). Report on the visit of the Director of the LC to Cambridge
University concerning future cooperation, 2008.
9. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2008). A report on what SQU’s LC might learn from the visit to
Cambridge University. Submitted to Salahaddin Al-Saadi, Acting Director of SQU’s
External Cooperation Office.
10. Al-Saadi, S., Al-Mahrooqi, R., Al-Kindi, S., Haikal, S., Al-Tayeb, I. (2008). Report on
the joint visit of Her Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, His Excellency The
Vice-Chancellor of SQU, and an accompanying delegation to the University of
Cambridge, UK. July 2008.
11. Al-Mahrooqi, R., and Asante, C. (2008). A report on the fact-finding visit to Hunter
College (City University of New York) by SQU Language Centre Personnel.
12. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Asante, C., Al-Lawati, Z. and Al-Busaidi, S. (2008). Report on a factfinding tour by an SQU Language Centre delegation to Turkey and Egypt.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
13. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Ambusaidi, A., Masoudi, A. and Al-Busaidi, S. (2008). A report on the
current status of language teaching at SQU. Submitted to the Language Institute
14. Al-Said, M., Al-Sarayra, M., Al-Mahrooqi, R., Masoudi, A., and Ambusaidi, A. (2008).
Final report of the committee studying the possibility of teaching Arabic as a Foreign
Language to SQU students holding International High School diplomas and to speakers
of other languages.
15. Al-Mahrooqi, R., Al-Busaidi, S. and Al-Lawati, Z. (2008). Report on the visit to evaluate
the English Foundation Program at Al-Buraimi University College on 6 -7 May 2008.
16. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2006). A report on the 9th Royal Trip for SQU female students to the
USA and Canada. Submitted to the Deanship of Student Affairs.
17. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Busaidi, S. (2004). Report on the outcomes of the National
Symposium on Preparatory Language Programmes in Tertiary Education, 2004.
18. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2004). Final report of the internal LC Promotion Guidelines
Committee (suggesting tentative criteria for the Promotion of LC staff). Submitted to Dr.
Moosa Al-Kindi, Acting Director of the LC.
19. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2003). A report on previous recommendations for LC improvement.
Submitted to Dr. Moosa Al-Kindi, Acting Director of the LC and Head of the Strategic
Planning Committee.
20. Al-Kindi, M., Al-Siyabi, F., Al-Busaidi, S., Al-Mahrooqi, R., Al-Hosni, F., and Burns, S.
(2001). Lessons from the past. Report on recommendations made about the LC from
1997 to 2000.
1. International Workshop, Towards a Long-Term Strategic Plan for Sultan Qaboos
University. 9– 10 November 2010. SQU, Oman.
2. 15th International TESOL Arabia Conference and Exhibition 2009, 12 – 14 March 2009.
Dubai, UAE.
3. MENAWCA, 2009 Conference, 19 – 20 February 2009. UAE University, UAE.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
4. English for the Workplace: Policy and Practice in Oman. 26 – 27 April 2008. SQU,
5. TESOL Arabia LI-SIG and HCT-DMC, ILCs: From Plans to Practice. 2 November 2007.
6. 6th Annual National ELT Conference, 19 – 20 April 2006. SQU, Oman.
7. 1st International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, 18 – 20 February 1997.
University of Bahrain, Bahrain.
A. Co-chairing and organization
1. Symposium on English Language Teachers in Oman’s Public Schools. 7 - 8 December
2005, SQU.
2. National Symposium on Preparatory English Language Programmes in Tertiary
Education. 15 - 16 May 2004, SQU.
B. Membership of organizing committees
1. 2nd International College of Arts Conference, Education and Contemporary Societal
Changes. Member of the Academic Committee. Conference to take place 16-18
December 2012, SQU.
2. 9th Oman International ELT Conference, Responding to Challenges in Curriculum,
Assessment, and Independent Learning. 22 – 23 April 2009, SQU.
3. 8th Oman International ELT Conference, Integration of Skills: Creative Methods and
Techniques in ELT. 23 – 24 April 2008, SQU.
4. 7th Annual ELT Conference, Working with ELT Materials: From Design to
Implementation. 18 – 19 April 2007, SQU.
5. National Symposium, Towards National Standards for Foundation Year Programs. 16 –
17 January 2007, SQU.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
6. 6th Annual ELT Conference, Language Learning in the Cyber Age: Innovations and
Challenges. 19 – 20 April 2006, SQU.
7. 5th Annual National ELT Conference, Reading to Learn: Content, Processes and
Comprehension. 20 – 21 April 2005, SQU.
8. 4th Annual National ELT Conference, Stretching Pedagogical Boundaries: Independent
Learning, Community Connections and Cultural Context. 24 – 25 May 2004, SQU.
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (Principal Investigator), Al-Humaidi, S., Al-Belushi, S., Al-Mamari, F.,
Ibrahim, A., Al-Kemyani, K., and Al-Kaabi, K. (2012-2015). Public school graduates and
their weakness in English: Stakeholders’ perspectives. Funded by His Majesty Sultan
Qaboos’ Trust Fund for Strategic Research. (58,000 Omani Rials).
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (Principal Investigator), Tuzlukova, V. (2011). An investigation of the
linguistic, pragmatic and communicative competencies of higher education students in
Oman: bridging the gap between tertiary education and employment. Funded by the
Research Council, Oman. (ongoing). (17,700 Omani Rials)
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (Principal Investigator), Asante, C and Abrar, S. (2007-2009).
Analyzing the use of motivational strategies in EFL classrooms in Oman. Funded by
SQU’s Research & Innovation Affairs Department. (3,260.00 Omani Rials).
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2007). Foreword by the Chair, Academic Committee. In: Towards
National Standards for Foundation Year Programs. Muscat, Oman.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2008). From the Editor-in-Chief. LC Forum. pp. 3-4.
1. Tuzlukova, V., Al-Abri, F., Al-Mahrooqi, R. Al-Busaidi, S., & Al-Seyabi, F. (2012).
Language Learning Pedagogy Terminology: English-Arabic Glossary. Al-Khoudh:
Sultan Qaboos University Press.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Al-Qawareer (The Vials): Short Stories. Muscat: Sultan Qaboos
University press.
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). Omani Women: Past and Present (in Arabic). Oman: 237/2010.
A. H!
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). A great accomplishment. H!. V(5), p. 39 (published as part of
H! SQU).
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). Waste not a minute. H!, V(22), p. 24. (published as part of H!
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). Creativity at your fingertips. H!, V(18), p. 26. (published as part
of H! SQU).
4. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). Dear Mother Earth. H!, V(14), p. 30. (published as part of H!
5. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Tabakow, M. (2011). Shakespearean possibilities. H!, V(14), pp.
28-29. (published as part of H! SQU).
6. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). School visit, H!, V(9), pp. 30-31. (published as part of H! SQU).
7. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). Writing: A journey of discovery, H!, V(1), p. 36. (published as
part of H! SQU).
8. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). Reform, don’t deform. H!, IV(50), pp. 14-15. (published as part
of H! SQU).
9. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). The pleasures of reading. H!, IV (47), p. 24. (published as part
of H! SQU).
10. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2011). Be positive. H!, IV(43), p. 30. (published as part of H! SQU).
11. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). Teach them Arabic, teach them English too. H!, IV(37), p. 22.
(published as part of H! SQU).
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
12. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). A Vivid memory. H!, IV(34), p. 26. (published as part of H!
13. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). Help but not harm. H!, IV (26), p. 26. (published as part of H!
B. Anwar (SQU)
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). A conversation about Omani women (in Arabic). Anwar, no.
286, p. 2.
C. Horizon (SQU)
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Wahaibi, A. (2009). Doing good for the sake of the common
good. Horizon, Issue 164, p. 5.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. and Al-Kalbani, N. (2009). The best way to learn English. Horizon,
Issue 162, p. 5.
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2009). Why is English worth learning? Horizon, Issue 160, p. 4.
4. Tuzlukova, V. and Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2009). Cross-cultural and Cross-disciplinary
perspectives. Horizon, Issue 156, p. 4.
D. The Language Centre Gazette
1. Fall Semester, December 2006
2. Fall Semester 2006, Vol. 3 (2)
3. Spring Semester 2007, Issue 1
4. Spring Semester 2007, Issue 2
5. Spring Semester 2007, Issue 3
6. Fall Semester 2007: Semester 1, Issue 1
7. Fall Semester 2007: Semester 1, Issue 2
8. Spring Semester, 2008, Issue 1
9. Spring Semester 2008, Issue 3
10. Fall Semester 2008, No. 1
11. Fall Semester 2008 vol 1, No. 2
12. Spring Semester 2009, No. 1
13. Spring Semester 2009, No. 2
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
14. Fall Semester 2009
E. Oman newspaper
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Ruqaya (a short story).
supplement Shurufat, 19 June, edition no. 0366.
The Oman Newspaper’s Cultural
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Asmaa (a short story). The Oman Newspaper’s Cultural
supplement Shurufat, 25 June, edition no. 0367.
3. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2010). Traditional roles of Omani women and their importance in
preserving Omani cultural identity (in Arabic). The Oman Newspaper, 17 October,
edition no. 10729, p. 16. (special edition on 1st Omani Women’s Day).
F. Times of Oman
1. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Running away with Lori (part one). Time of Oman, 24 April, p.
2. Al-Mahrooqi, R. (2012). Running away with Lori (part two). Time of Oman, 25 April, p.
A. Translated Book
1. Translated a book by Ibrahim Al-Subhi from Arabic into English. The Origins and
Evolution of Omani Traditions and Customs. (at SQU administration’s request).
B. Translated Chapters
1. Literary translation in Oman: An overview. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and B. Al- Jahwari
(Eds.). Literary Translation in Oman: Issues and Perspectives (pp. 20-28). Oman: The
Omani Society for Writers and Literati.
2. The theoretical and national bearings of translation: Arabic translations of Balushi poetry
as a case in point. In R. Al-Mahrooqi and B. Al-Jahwari (Eds.). Literary Translation in
Oman: Issues and Perspectives (pp. 29-48). Oman: The Omani Society for Writers and
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
3. Translating spoken literature: The Shehri language as an example. In R. Al-Mahrooqi
and B. Al-Jahwari (Eds.). Literary Translation in Oman: Issues and Perspectives (pp. 4969). Oman: The Omani Society for Writers and Literati.
4. Beacon: A supplement focusing on the translation of Omani literature. In R. AlMahrooqi and B. Al-Jahwari (Eds.). Literary Translation in Oman: Issues and
Perspectives (pp.107-116). Oman: The Omani Society for Writers and Literati.
5. The role of the translation group in Oman's literary translation movement. In R. AlMahrooqi and B. Al-Jahwari (Eds.). Literary Translation in Oman: Issues and
Perspectives (pp. 63-70). Oman: The Omani Society for Writers and Literati.
A. Published Academic Speeches
1. Address by the Director of the Language Centre, Conference Proceedings of 9th Annual
Oman International ELT Conference, April 2009.
2. Address by the Director of the Language Centre, Conference Proceedings of 8th Annual
Oman International ELT Conference, April 2008.
3. Address by the Director of the Language Centre, Conference Proceedings of 7th Annual
Oman International Conference, April 2007.
B. Other Speeches
1. LC 1st Annual Retreat Day Welcome Address. 14 May 2009, Shangri-La’s Barr Al Jissah
Resort and Spa.
2. Charity Day Welcome Address. 16 April 2009, SQU.
3. Student Orientation Programmes. Annual inspirational speech to new students. Fall
2006 to Fall 2009.
4. Women Empowerment in the Sultanate of Oman, following the Lecture of the Former
Japanese Minister of Education, H.E. Atsuko Toyama. 2009, SQU, Oman.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
5. Omani Society and the Role of Women in Nation Building, Seattle Rotary Club. August
2006. USA.
A. Acknowledgements
1. Token of appreciation from H!SQU, 2012 for supporting the H! with editorial and other
2. Token of appreciation from the English and Translation Society, SQU, 2012.
3. Thank you letter from the Omani Studies Centre for donating a copy of Literary
Translation in Oman: Issues and Perspectives, 2012.
4. Thank you letter from SQU’s Main Library for donating a copy of the Omani ELT
Symphony: Maintaining Linguistic and Socio-Cultural Equilibrium, 2011.
5. Thank you letter from the Omani Studies Centre for donating a copy of the Omani ELT
Symphony: Maintaining Linguistic and Socio-Cultural Equilibrium, 2011.
6. Thank you letter from the Omani Studies Centre for donating a copy of the book Omani
Women: Past and Present, 2011.
7. Thank you letter from SQU’s Main Library for donating a copy of the book Omani
Women: Past and Present, 2011.
8. Commendation letter from the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies for excellent
presentations offered to MA and PhD candidates.
9. Commendation letter from the British Council, Oman, for support extended to the
English for the Workplace Symposium held at SQU, 2008.
10. Thank you letter from Royal Court Affairs, Oman, for providing consultation regarding
English Language Teaching for their staff, 2009.
11. Commendation letter from Al Buraimi College upon completion of the evaluation of their
English Foundation Programme, 2008.
Rahma Al Mahrooqi, 2012
12. Commendation letter from H.E. Dr Ali Al Bemani for an extensive 2008 LC Research
Committee survey report.
13. Commendation letter from SQU’s Planning and Statistics Department for valuable
contributions to the Opinion Gathering Committee, a subcommittee of SQU’s Long-term
Strategic Planning Committee for 2012-2025.
14. Thank you and appreciation letters from LC colleagues.
15. Commendation letter from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of SQU for excellent academic
performance during PhD studies.
16. Commendation letter from the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman (Cultural Division)
Washington, DC for excellent academic performance during PhD studies.
17. Commendation letter from Dr. Mehdi Ahmed Jaaffar for an impressive progress report
from the University of Pittsburgh.