Finance Managers by Department/Activity (July 2015) Department / Activity Academic Office Admissions ARC Central Department Arden House Car Parking Careers Central Infrastructure Centrally Timetabled Rooms Centre for Applied Linguistics Centre for Education Studies Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Centre for Lifelong Learning Centre for Professional Education Centre for Scientific Computing Chaplaincy Chemistry Classics and Ancient History Cleaning Computer Science Consolidation Degree Ceremony Depreciation Economics Endowments Engineering (Excl. WMG) English and Comparative Literary Studies Enrolment Estates Admin Examinations External Affairs Faculty Boards/Faculty Budgets Film and Television Finance Office Flexible Learning (Lifelong Learning) Foundation Fund Furniture, Plant and Vehicels General Reactive Maintenance Health Services Central Finance Contact Officer Department/Activity Finance Contact Department/Activity Head AO AL ZZ AH PK CC L XT ET EQ Amanda Warner X51162 Amanda Warner X51162 Lesley Preston X50033 Alison Parker X74308 Amanda Warner X51162 Amanda Warner X51162 Steve Wilkes X75690 Chris Swift x 72640 Michelle Chilvers x75691 Kevin Edwards x73353 Jillian Taylor Hazel Rice Mike Glover/Andrew Higgins Mike Glover/Delyth Chambers Provost Richard Harrison Mark Kennell/Jo Horsburgh Mike Glover/Sue Bennett Rosie Drinkwater James Breckon Prof. Helen Spencer-Oatey Dr Ian Abbott CD Michelle Chilvers x75691 Diane Smith Prof. Geoff Lindsay IM CE EP CY CP CH CX XC CS ZC DC DP EC 67 ES EN RL XA EX PA BO FI FO FL FF XF XM HS Michelle Chilvers x75691 Sue Ellison x22321 Michelle Chilvers x75691 Lesley Preston X50033 Amanda Warner X51162 Clare Kealey x24659 Teng Zhang x22001 Tracy Horton Michele Archer Jayne Lawrence Vida Glanville Prof. Celia Lury Dr Fergus McKay Dr Adam Boddison Prof. Mark Rodger Darren Wallis Prof. Alison Rodger Prof. Alison Cooley James Breckon Prof. Stephen Jarvis Rosie Drinkwater Mike Glover/Andrew Higgins Rosie Drinkwater Prof. Abhinay Muthoo Relevant Fundholders Prof. Nigel Stocks Prof. Maureen Freely Mike Glover/Giles Carden James Breckon Mike Glover/Andrew Higgins Ian Rowley Chairs of Faculty Boards Dr Alastair Phillips Rosie Drinkwater Dr Fergus McKay The Trustees James Breckon James Breckon John Phillips Clare Kealey x24659 Steve Wilkes X75690 Amanda Warner X51162 Corin Winfield x74153 Lesley Preston X50033 Angela Dove X22011 Lesley Preston X50033 Chris Swift x 72640 Amanda Warner X51162 David Lewis/Samantha Roberts Josie Brown Kevin Edwards x73353 Ruth Cooper Mike McFarthing Mark Hadley/Rob Olley Alison Lough Kevin Edwards x73353 Amanda Warner X51162 Angela Dove X22011 Michelle Chilvers x75691 Chris Swift x 72640 Louise Ashley X73769 Sue Ellison x22321 Angela Dove X22011 Mike Glover Tracey McVey Michele Archer Kevin Edwards x73353 Kevin Edwards x73353 Amanda Warner X51162 Finance Managers by Department/Activity (July 2015) Department / Activity Central Finance Contact Officer Department/Activity Finance Contact Department/Activity Head Higher Education Foundation Programme IF Amanda Warner X51162 History History of Art Human Resources Humanities Research Centre IGGY Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Institute for Advanced Teaching & Learning (IATL) Institute for Employment Research Insurance Interest Receivable International Office IT Services Law Leases of Land and Property Library Major Projects Mathematics Minor Works Modern Languages and Cultures Music Centre Nursery Off-Campus Housing Philosophy Physics Planned Maintenance Politics & International Studies (PAIS) Porters and Transport Pro Vice Chancellors Office Psychology Radcliffe House Rates Reception and Post Recruitment Registry Renaissance Studies Research Support Services Research Technology Platforms HI HA PR EH IG IA Paul Bradley x 74008 Chris Swift x 72640 Amanda Warner X51162 Victoria Kirby X72972 Clare Kealey x24659 Paul Bradley x 74008 Robert Horton X23453 Claire Nicholls Rachel Corke James Kennedy/Helen Johnson/ Tom Such Prof. Daniel Branch Prof. Louise Bourdua Gillian McGrattan Dr Tim Lockley Ros Roke Prof. Georgio Riello IL Chris Swift x 72640 Caroline Gibson Dr Nicholas Monk IR XI FN IO IN JB LA LS LB XP MA XW LN MC CK AC PH PX XL PO AN PV PS RC XR RP SL RY RS TT PF Teng Zhang x22001 Louise Ashley X73769 Debbie Jay X74157 Sue Ellison x22321 Catherine Vassallo Rosie Drinkwater Debbie Jay X74157 Helen Johnson Steve Robinson X23255 Jane Kingman X28108 Jo Cope (Maria Ovens on maternity leave) Prof. Chris Warhurst Rosie Drinkwater Sue Ellison x22321 Victoria Kirby X72972 Chris Swift x 72640 Paul Bradley x 74008 David Mason X73245 Lesley Preston X50033/ Victoria Kirby x72972 Paul Bradley x 74008 Teng Zhang x22001 Paul Bradley x 74008 Amanda Warner X51162 Teng Zhang x22001 Alison Parker X74308 Sue Dibben Alicia Calvert X75788 Kevin Edwards x73353 Nav Patel Kevin Edwards x73353 Teresa Forysiak Faye Lloyd X23786 Shayda Hussain David Mason X23204 Donna McIntyre/Oliver Cooper (mat cover) Katherine Branch/Sarah Parkin Kevin Edwards x73353 Susan Davies Kevin Edwards x73353 Steve McGladrigan Kevin Edwards x73353 Kevin Edwards x73353 Amanda Warner X51162 Amanda Warner X51162 Chris Swift x 72640 Amanda Warner X51162 Teng Zhang x22001 Jayne Brown Ian Hancox Rosie Drinkwater James Kennedy Mike Roberts Paul Brewster Prof. Rebecca Probert (from Sept) (blank) Robin Green James Breckon Prof. Colin Sparrow James Breckon Prof. Sean Hand Paul McGrath/Alan Rivett Debbie Castle Prof. Matthew Nudds Prof. David Leadley James Breckon Prof. Nick Vaughan-Williams (from Sept) James Breckon Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Robin Goodwin Richard Harrison James Breckon James Breckon Mike Glover/Delyth Chambers Ken Sloan Prof. Ingrid de Smet Catherine Cochrane/Mike Glover Prof. John Davey Finance Managers by Department/Activity (July 2015) Department / Activity Retail Scarman House Scholarships and Awards School of Life Sciences Security Senior Tutor/Student Support Site Development and Projects Sociology Sports Centre SRIF and PC Staff and Family Housing Statistics Student Network Student Union grant Subscriptions Systems Biology Theatre Studies Transport University of Warwick Science Park Ltd University Secretary/Deputy Registrar Utilities and Services Vice-Chancellor Warwick Accommodation Warwick Arts Centre Warwick Business School Warwick Conferences Warwick Food & Drink Warwick in Venice Warwick Manufacturing Group Warwick Sport Warwick Ventures WMS Works of Art Central Finance Contact Officer RT WT AW LF SY TU XD SO SP SRIF/ PC SA ST SN SU SB SM TH TP SI UY XS VC RD AR IB CO CT VN WM WS WV WMS WA Rosie Drinkwater Alison Parker X74308 Paul Bradley x 74008 Amanda Warner X51162 Amanda Warner X51162 Paul Bradley x 74008 Alison Parker X74308 Department/Activity Finance Contact Department/Activity Head Jane Kingman X28108 Richard Harrison Jo Bell Simon Bailey/James Argyle Kevin Edwards x73353 Gemma Hearnden Prof. Laura Green Mark Kennell/Jo Horsburgh Jo Horsburgh/Shirley Crookes James Breckon Prof. John Solomos James Ellis Rebecca Lees Chris Swift x 72640 Amanda Warner X51162 Amanda Warner X51162 Paul Bradley x 74008 Sue Ellison x22321 Kathryn Balanescu X50680 Amanda Warner X51162 Sue Jones X23204 Paula Matthews Steve Robinson X23255 Dr Brent Kiernan Sarah Shute Kevin Edwards x73353 Mary Peirson Kevin Edwards x73353 Amanda Warner X51162 David Mason X73245 Lesley Preston X50033 Steve Wilkes x75690 Steve Wilkes x75690 Paul Bradley x 74008 Lesley Preston X50033 Alison Parker X74308 Steve Wilkes X75690 Lesley Preston X50033 David Mason X73245 Sue Jones X23204 Faye Lloyd X23786 Georgina Cowley David Mason X73245 Sue Jones X23204 Chiara Farnea Croff Glenda Kershaw Paddy Spragg Trevor Brown Faye Lloyd X23786 Prof. Mark Steel Mike Roberts Jo Horsburgh Prof. David Rand Prof. Nicolas Whybrow James Breckon David Grindrod Jo Horsburgh James Breckon Vice-Chancellor Wendy Roberts Alan Rivett Prof. Mark Taylor Helen Johnson Prof. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya Lisa Dodd-Mayne Quentin Compton-Bishop Prof. Sudhesh Kumar Sarah Shalgosky/Alan Rivett