Join the Energy GRP for an illustrative talk from the

Join the Energy GRP for an illustrative talk from the
British Geological Survey
Date: Monday 16th May 2016
Time: 12:00 – 14:00
Location: Room D202, School of Engineering, University of
Attendees will be informed on BGS’ areas of expertise, current research
partnerships and various “hot” earth science related energy topics. Areas of
discussion will include energy storage, carbon capture and storage and the role of
electronics and sensors in energy research. We encourage any of our staff with an
interest in energy to attend in order to better understand a fascinating area of
Michelle Bentham – Head of Partnerships and Innovation
Michelle's role is to work with members of the BGS Executive and Science
Directors to develop partnerships which bring together business, government and
civil society with BGS scientists to address the challenges and opportunities of
managing the environment. She also works internally within BGS to develop
opportunities to innovate for UK business and societal wellbeing. Michelle has a
background in energy geoscience with a focus on Carbon Capture and Storage
Prof Michael Stephenson – Director of Science and Technology
Mike's role is to ensure the effective delivery and monitoring of BGS science
programmes; aligning BGS strategy with NERC strategy. Mike is focused on
deploying cutting-edge technologies, such as subsurface sensor networks and real
time monitoring, and establishing a clear path from data to science — using ‘big
data’. Mike is also tasked with improving links between the BGS, HEIs and
industry. Mike is a national spokesperson for BGS science; most recently on shale
gas and carbon capture and storage.
Jo Booth – Business Development Manager
Jo has nearly 20 years’ experience with the British Geological Survey. Her BGS
career began in 1997 and she undertook various roles in Geological Enquiries, HR,
Procurement Contracts and Finance before moving to Business Development in
September 2013.
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