• Lex -- a Lexical Analyzer Generator (by

• Lex -- a Lexical Analyzer Generator (by
M.E. Lesk and Eric. Schmidt)
– Given tokens specified as regular expressions,
Lex automatically generates a routine (yylex)
that recognizes the tokens (and performs
corresponding actions).
• Lex source program
{user subroutines}
Rules: <regular expression>
Each regular expression specifies a token.
Default action for anything that is not matched: copy to the
Action: C/C++ code fragment specifying what to do when
a token is recognized.
• lex program examples: ex1.l and ex2.l
– ‘lex ex1.l’ produces the lex.yy.c file that
contains a routine yylex().
• The int yylex() routine is the scanner that finds all
the regular expressions specified.
– yylex() returns a non-zero value (usually token id)
– yylex() returns 0 when end of file is reached.
– Need a drive to test the routine. Main.cpp is an
• You need to have a yywrap() function in the lex file
(return 1), see the function in ex1.l.
– Something to do with compiling multiple files.
• Lex regular expression: contains text
characters and operators.
– Letters of alphabet and digits are always text
• Regular expression integer matches the string
– Operators: “\[]^-?.*+|()$/{}%<>
• When these characters happen in a regular
expression, they have special meanings
– Lex regular expressions cannot have space in
– operators (characters that have special meanings):
• ‘*’, ‘+’, ‘|’, ‘(‘,’)’ -- used in regular expression
• ‘ “ ‘ -- any character in between quote is a text character.
– E.g.: “xyz++” == xyz”++”
• ‘\’ -- escape character,
– To get the operators back: “xyz++” == ??
– To specify special characters: \40 == “ “
• ‘[‘ and ‘]’ -- used to specify a set of characters
– e.g: [a-z], [a-zA-Z],
– Every character in it except ^, - and \ is a text character
– [-+0-9], [\40-\176]
• ‘^’ -- not, used as the first character after the left bracket
– E.g [^abc] – any character except ‘a’, ‘b’ or ‘c’.
– [^a-zA-Z] -- ??
– operators (characters that have special
• ‘.’ -- every character
• ‘?’ -- optional ab?c matches ‘ac’ or ‘abc’
• ‘/’ -- used in character lookahead:
– e.g. ab/cd -- matches ab only if it is followed by cd
• ‘{‘’}’ -- enclose a regular definition
• ‘%’ -- has special meaning in lex
• ‘$’ -- match the end of a line, ‘^’ -- match the
beginning of a line
– ab$ == ab/\n
• ‘<‘ ‘>’: start condition (more context sensitivity
support, see the paper for details).
– Order of pattern matching:
• Always matches the longest pattern.
• When multiple patterns matches, use the first pattern.
– To override, add “REJECT” in the action.
{printf(“rule 1\n”);}
{printf(“rule 2\n”);}
{printf(“rule 3\n”);}
Input: Abc
What happened when at ‘.*’ as a pattern?
Should regular expressions for reserved words happen before or
after the regular expression for identifier?
– Manipulate the lexeme and/or the input stream:
• yytext -- a char pointer pointing to the matched C string
• yyleng -- the length of the matched string
• I/O routines to manipulate the input stream:
– yyinput() -- get a character from the input character, return <=0
when reaching the end of the input stream, the character
» yyinput() for c++, input() for c.
– unput( c ) -- put c back onto the input stream
– Deal with comments: (/* ….. */
» Why is pattern “/*”.*”*/” a problem?
{char c1;
c2 = yyinput();
if (c2 <=0) {lex_error(“unfinished comment” …}
else { c1 = c2; c2 = yyinput();
while (((c1!=‘*’) || (c2 != ‘/’)) && (c2 > 0)) {c1 = c2; c2 = yyinput();}
if (c2 <= 0) {lex_error( ….)
– Reporting errors:
• What kind of errors? Not too many.
– Characters that cannot lead to a token
– unended comments (can we do it in later phases?)
– unended string constants.
– Reporting errors:
• How to keep track of current position (which line, which
– Use to global variable for this: yyline, yycolumn
int yyline = 1, yycolumn = 1;
{yyline++; yycolumn = 0;}
[ \t]+
{/* do nothing*/ yycolumn += yyleng;}
{yycolumn += yyleng; return (IFNumber);}
{yycolumn += 1; return (PLUSNumber);}
{letter}{letter|digit}* {yylval = idtable_insert(yytext); yycolumn += yyleng;
• Dealing with identifiers, string constants.
– Data structures:
• Put the lexeme in a string table: e.g. vector of C strings.
• See token.l
– Recognizing constant strings with special characters
• Assuming string cannot pass line boundary.
• Use yymore()
{char c;
c = yyinput();
if (c != ‘”’) error
else if (yytext[yyleng-1] == ‘\\’) {
unput( c ); yymore();
} else {/* find the whole string, normal process*/}
Put it all together
• Checkout token.l and main.cpp in lex2.tar