Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Banner Technical Team
Committee/Meeting Name
September 28, 2009
10:00 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated
Julie Duncan
Location Admin 201
Rick Clyburn, Kurt Jn Marie, Chase Bailey, Kelly Simon, Debbie Goode, Greg Duncan, Cheryl Davis, Angie Melton, Julie
Members Present
Dawne Massey, Sherry Hendrix
Members Absent
Minutes from Sep 21
Next meeting
Update from Sherry
Discussion, Information
October 5
1. ODS: Dawne and Kurt are administrators
a. Update
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Kurt was able to bring up stu04 on Friday. Dawne and Kurt
were both able to do some work in Framework Manager that
day. Kurt was successful with creating two different branches
in Framework manager, allowing Kurt and Dawne to work
simultaneously and then merge their work back into the main
project. This week, Kurt will continue working on HR data
and Dawne will continue working on general person.
2. Nolij: Kelly is the administrator (Julie is helping with general
a. Progress on transferring general person from legacy to
b. Update on transferring admission history
3. e-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt are the administrators
a. We need the list of what reports will be in e-Print to
determine participants
4. E-Vision: Rick and Cheryl are the administrators
a. Status on intellecheck and FormFusion
Kelly and Julie are in Nolij training all week.
5. AppWorx: Greg and Chase are the Administrators
a. Update
Angie will be the technical lead.
ILT is working on a list of reports that will fit under the
framework of e-Print.
Conference call today w/ Sherie Delaney, Helpdesk
Teamlead/Project Coordinator, Rick, Cheryl, Ninette, Donald
and Debbie
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General Person
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
6. Workflow: Greg and Rick are the administrators
a. Update
ILT is refining a workflow list. There are a lot of features that
workflow has and this will be a neat application to develop.
Tech team should be in the workflow training on Tuesday next
week and play it by ear the rest of the week.
7. Luminis: Julie is the administrator
a. Update
Team meeting last week handed out policies to review. Julie
began working on the design. Training next week.
8. Update on interfaces/extracts
a. Early Alert: 9/10/10
b. Blackboard Connect-Ed: 8/15/10
c. ID Card: 8/1/10
d. Library interface: 11/30/09
e. Clean Address for HR, FI, AD & FA: 2/1/10
f. Clean Address for ST: 8/10/10
g. Diplomas: 7/31/10
h. Directory Labels: 1/15/10
9. Installations:
a. Nolij Week of August 25
b. Workflow week of September 13, 2009
c. AppWorx week of September 1
10. Patches/Upgrades
a. Week of September 7: Integration components 8.0.1
(Carlos recommended) upgrade
i. Luminis and FA
11. Production Transition document discussion – anyone detect
any issues? Sherry will finalize on Wednesday 9/30/09 w/
12. Need information from Laurene on details for advancement
13. Browsers?
a. Turnitin requires IE7 or above
b. Bb does not work well with IE6
c. Bb does not work well with Firefox
d. Banner requires IE6
e. Firefox 3.5.2 will not work with IE8
f. INB will not work with IE8
14. ILT presented four options for addressing general person
during implementation:
Directory should be November.
Production Workflow installation this week.
Banner can use IE7.
IFAS Purchasing will only use IE6. Rick can try to test with IE7.
We’re not sure if Banner can run on IE8. Chase will do research.
ILT unanimously decided option 3 will be the best option
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
1. No Nolij
a. Dual entry for all general person data after
General Person roll
b. ITS would write a program to check if a person
had a Banner id and was not in legacy
c. MyCU/SSB capabilities to update
address/phone/email data disabled
2. Nolij only copies basic demographic data such as ID,
SSN, name, etc.
a. Address/phone/email changes would be manually
done in both systems
b. MyCU capability to update address/phone/email
data disabled
3. Nolij copies all general person data from legacy to banner
– all changes
a. All updates to general person data (address,
phone, name, ssn, sex, etc) are only done in
legacy by all offices but Advancement/Alumni
b. SSB capability to updates any general person
data – including race as well as address, phone,
and email – would be disabled until we are fully
on Banner and Nolij is no longer used.
4. Nolij does everything-possibly overwrite better data in
a. SSB update capabilities disabled
Workflow Prod
Meeting with
Sunfire to Sunray
Building Morale
All id’s must be created in legacy before being entered into
Banner. Minimal data will be needed: name, ssn, date of birth,
and address to ensure that matching can still take place both in
legacy and for Nolij transfer.
15. WF Prod install today
16. If you have items to visit w/ Laurene about on 10/5, it will save
all of us time to send those to her in advance. Thoughts?
Refresh sunray on Thursday at 4pm from the Thursday 2am
backup. Database should be available on Friday morning.
McArthur is willing to sponsor some monthly lunches for the
Banner team – at least the first two. We can have a short speaker
on relieving stress. Joe Jones might can share some exercises
we can do in our chair. Perhaps have Frank/Blake do their dance.
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Julie will make a list of all the fields that will be synced with Nolij.
ISIR’s will be loaded in Banner with only existing matches.
Admissions will enter the ‘no match’ people into legacy and then
FA will process them later.
Need to go over production transition matrix before this meeting.
Student load needs moved to late January where it originally was.
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ITS Christmas
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
Ol’Kim can drop in. The cheerleaders can help us learn a Banner
cheer. Perhaps can take the waddle pot and fill it with suckers or
kisses or some candy and some positive signs. IT can present it
to one of the depts. for ‘going the extra mile.’ Then that dept
passes to the next dept. Have some goodies like notepads and
other giveaways at the lunch.
Friday, Dec 4 at 5:30 (or as traffic allows) at the Master’s Touch
near Medicine Park. Dirty Santa gift at $10 or under.
Task Lists
Tech Team &
Tech Team &
Functional Areas
Tech Team
Continue to update:
W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx – OSRHE info
needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported from
Data cleanup - ongoing process
Decision re: no mods to Baseline Banner: possibly w/ the exception of fed &
state mandates??
Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with Banner
upgrades and patches
Update Milestone Certification & keep up-to-date
Scott & Debbie
Physical Facilities needs a key control system
Scott & Debbie
Printer in Library for CRP: 9/22-9/24
Tech Team
Julie started a Go-Live Checklist document at w:\workgrps\its\banner
Please add to it so that we remember to do everything after each
conversion. This should be our checklist of things that must be done after
the conversion scripts but before we let the users in for testing.
Patch management procedures documented and request form.
Tech Team
Greg, Chase &
Doreen & Julie
Reviewing critical programs for go live and all programs required @ go live
ILT & Tech
SSB is still being looked at. Doreen is looking at the broken graphics issue.
We have customized versions from 2003-2007 that need explained as to
why these are no longer baseline. Julie and Doreen are working through the
issues. Doreen may be through this week.
Identify what needs to be setup through FormFusion and Intellecheck
Actionline support procedure
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
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ILT & Tech
Questions for
Laurene: Oct. 5
Tech Team
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Evaluate load testing timeline for luminis and production ssb/inb.
Patches/Upgrades that need to be installed
Setting on GUAINST on number of forms that should be opened at
one time
 Moving GORVISA/GORINTL/SGRCMNT and possibly holds to the
student load.
Decide timeline for sunfire to sunray refreshes for the final conversions
May 29, 2016