Implementation Minutes Student Team Training June 4, 2009 Academic History Part II Facilitator Sandra Beaulac Note Taker Renee Roach Attendees Linda Phillips, Renee Roach, Katia Mayfield, Shelley Lytle, Julie Kendall, Julie Duncan, Vicki Henson, Aubree Helvey, Dawne Massey, Sherry Hendrix, Mandy Husak, Academic History Part II Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: GAPs Identified: Our probation/suspension will have to be a complete custom program. Because we utilize transfer institutional coursework, Banner does not have the capability to utilize both. This is a GAP per SANDRA. The repeat limit (number of times allowed to register for a course) has no impact on the calculation of the GPA. Decisions Made: Decisions Required: Task List: Linda needs to set up the SHAGRDS form with the valid substitution types. We need this completed prior to the classroom pilot. We do not want the web indicator checked on SHAGRDE. Task to review SHAGRDE web indicator. Look at the grade mode at catalog to determine if the grade mode is set up correctly for S/U or A-F courses such as PSY 4331 & COMM 3991 and some special studies courses. Update the STVASTD validation table for Academic Standing. Task for Sandra: Why are there multiple students on grade roll in audit format. Other Issues and Concerns: Action Items / Assignments Description Owner Deadline Additional resources: Self service student and Self service faculty manuals would be great resources. We will be using some of our transcripts to see SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 1 of 8 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes that they are accurate. We have looked at academic history at various points throughout our training sessions. Today, we would like to look at academic history process controls. This will bring into focus some of the setup we would create for grading, academic standing, continuing term rolls, control terms needed for end of term process. 1. SHAGRDE – the grade maintenance form. We are going through the academic history workbook to review the validation tables and control forms. Processing grades in day to day operations will be what we look at first. Linda created the grade validation table and provided each grade type needed for academic history. Grade substitution form – SHAGRDS – if someone entered an “A” at the graduate level, this “A” is an audit grade (this is how it is set up on SHAGRDS). If SHAGRDE allows the grade to be associated with the student record on the internet, and we didn’t want the faculty to assign a particular grade, banner will go through and flag that it is an error and indicate what grade it should be listed as. When we run grade substitution at the end of the term banner will automatically enter the grade when the process is run. Linda needs to set up the SHAGRDS form with the valid substitution types. We need this completed prior to the classroom pilot. We are using the example of PE courses at this time. The code is GMODGRD is the internal code for the group FACWEB. This is delivered as yes. We only want the faculty to be restricted to the grade mode that is created at SSASECT. These will be the only grades that faculty will be able to use. We do not want the web indicator checked on SHAGRDE. Task to review SHAGRDE web indicator. We have workshops that can be grades as S/U or A-F. There will need to be a multiple grade mode set up for those courses that may be either S/U or A-F. This is set up at the course level on SCACRSE. When there are multiple grade modes, If the grade mode is left blank at the section, when the student attempts to register on the web, it will default to standard. The person who is registering can change the grade mode in INB. We can select the other grade mode if needed. We need to think about the courses that have multiple grade modes. In order to make one of the sections a “U” mode, the grade modes will have to be entered at the catalog level. This will be another task would be to look at what was created at the catalog level and whether we need to fix sections. Do we allow faculty to assign an “I” grade over the web? Yes we do. What is the grade mode for this: this is a standard grade SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 2 of 8 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes mode. We would allow most if not all courses to be assigned a grade of “I”. Do we have standard processing for incomplete grades? We do not have an automatic process that would change the “I” grade or associate the grade with a grade type such as no grade. SHAINCG – incomplete grade rules would allow a process to occur if we decide to utilize the grade change. A student may not re-enroll in the course that they received an “I” in for at least a year. Is there a process to check this? We could exclude at SCARRES – we could associate a student attribute with the student who received the ‘I” and then exclude this attribute (a global incomplete attribute) and exclude anyone from any section of any course. We could set up at the course catalog that would drop down to the sections. We could challenge the department with putting on the attribute. We think this is too big for what we need. We would simply have to put this on the terms for the student’s enrollment options for the next year. 1. SGASADD – the attribute would be assigned here for the “I” restriction. Attributes are 4 CHAR. 2. The restrictions are on SCARRES and would be entered as a student attribute. We will be looking at additional control forms that we could build. Grade book would be another one of these we could look at. ACADEMIC STANDING – we must include transfer work with institutional work to determine academic standing. When we look at the types of hours to use –do we used attempted, earned, passed or GPA – SHAACST – academic standing form. What about the deans and honor roll listing for each semester which is listed on SHAACST on the back side of the academic standing rules. It will ask what type of GPA and we can choose institutional or combined. We use earned hours to determine deans/presidents list. 12 hours are needed and 3.00 gpa for dean’s list. The excluded grades block would allow us to exclude D’s, F’s we would still allow them to be on the dean’s list. Is there any grade that we would say: if you get an F, you may not be on the dean’s list, but we do not currently restrict on this basis at Cameron University. We would use 99 for college to allow academic standing rules to apply to all students regardless of the college to which they fall under. STVASTD – academic standing validation table. This form will allow us to use a standing that will stop registration or to control the minimum/maximum registration hours that we will allow a student to have. This would be good for transfer probation/suspension. On SFAREGS – we can then allow a min/max at that point to allow registration past the certain number of hours. We will need to update the validation table on STVASTD. There will need to be cleanup for this. SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 3 of 8 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes SHAACST – academic standing rules. Our probation/suspension will have to be a complete custom program. This is a GAP. SHRASTD – the job used to calculate academic standing. We can choose “N” = to not update academic standing. It can be used to update Dean’s List or President’s list only without affecting the total academic standing. SHAINST – term course maintenance form. The grade mailer process will be run at the end of the term to create our header records. This will create the term code maintenance form SHAINST. When we run the grade mailer process, SHAGCOL – it would indicate any errors, etc. I hold can actually stop the grade mailer. Did we put a hold on a group of people to prevent them from receiving their grade mailer? Such as an exit interview? REPEAT RULES – this is a current GAP. We think we can exclude the course on SHATERM, but we want to test for certain. A decision is needed as to whether we currently round or truncate the GPA in legacy because there is a difference between the CU legacy and CU banner grade point averages. If we have rounded set, we would need to set to rounded or round to. Banner has 2.285 and CU legacy has 2.286. We have determined that CU rounded for GPA so, Sandra will let Duane know to update this. Sandra wants to consult with Duane before she changes it in Banner. SHAINST will help us look at the detail. The difference in Banner is that the excluded hours do not come out of the Attempted hours. In legacy, we use Attempted hours to calculate GPA, but in Banner, attempted is not used to calculate GPA. We need to look at this more carefully. Attempted hours in banner – this is used for financial aid. This is the numbers of hours that the student attempted during the entire term the student was enrolled at CU. There will need to be a change in the notation in the legend of the back of the CU transcript. We need to remember this for conversion. If financial aid needs a grade counted in the attempted hours, we would enable the attempted hours, but not enable the gpa. We suspect that this was not converted for round 1 and we will need to add this Sandra will take ownership for our repeat policy and create scenarios so we may see if Banner has a way to fix this issue. SHAGPAR – the form where gpa is set up as decimal or truncate. Only Dawne & Julie will need to know where this is located. When we grade a section of a course, we need to roll the grades to history. We can roll individually or in batch. Once we roll to history, they will impact the gpa at that point. Sandra is looking for a SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 4 of 8 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes section that will have enrollment. She is checking to see if we have graded the section. We have gotten the grades on SSB; they do not automatically roll to history. There are two different places where we can enter the grades. The form is SFASLST – class roster. It will allow final grades, and midterm and incomplete finals. The other grade form is SFAALST – the class attendance roster. It does not have mid-term, but does include last date of attendance and hours attended. There is a space in SSB for the faculty to include last date of attendance and hours attended. However, there is not a way to make it mandatory. We are looking at the difference of rolled and non-rolled courses. We look at SHAINST for institutional history. The roll indicator must be turned off at SFASLST if we don’t want to roll academic history. SHATRNS – transfer course information form. We are looking at the institution number to select which institution he has attended. There are multiple attendance periods for each term that the student ahs attended the transfer institution. SHAINST – stored GPA by term calculation – double check the end of term processing. We want to make sure honors can be run as an end of term processing by graduation status as opposed to simply be each individual student???? SHRROLL –part of term or end of term. We can run a course by CRN or part of term. We take the grades from SFASLST and send them to SHAINST. This roll process causes the grade to academic history, but has not calculated the end of term GPA at this point. SHRCGPA – process submission controls – we want to run this calculate gpa on just those that are rolled for the part of term. We can run this process and the roll process at any time, not necessarily at the end of each term. SHATCKN – course maintenance SCACRSE – Basic course information (repeat details) may need to be looked at catalog before we look at them on the course. On the repeat indicator, if it is stated as null, it will look at the repeat indicator. If we put 2 as the limit, banner will look at the last 3 times to determine how the credit will be applied to the courses. Linda thought the repeat limit applied to courses that can be taken more than once such as our CJ 4493 which can be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours. We can indicate that there are no repeats. In the SHAINST form Sandra thinks we could use this and test to see if it will give us the answers we are looking for, but this is on a particular student’s basis, not globally. We are testing the repeat limits at this point. SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 5 of 8 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes We will have to manually apply the “INCLUDE GPA” function on SHAINST or SHATCKN under the repeat status. SHACRSE – course summary form which will show all of the student’s institutional coursework. If we do not indicate a term, than (A= include in GPA). All of the previous data in legacy that included a RP indicator was converted to the code A in banner so that the course would be included in the GPA. Is there a process that we could run to catch any RP courses that we have not found manually? Sandra does not think there is currently a global process that would fulfill the requirements that we need for the repeat policy. We could run the repeat process in report mode only to look at the ones that are indicated on the report and then go manually change them in SHATCHKN. If there is nothing set up on the repeat form, then we can’t ever run the repeat job. There is no include or exclude, it will simply take every single course. There has to be rules set up in SHARPTR in order to get a report to come out for repeat indicators. Sandra will set up a scenario and set up close to what CU needs and run in report mode and look at the output to see if it is doing what we need it to do. This is a GAP per SANDRA. The repeat limit (number of times allowed to register for a course) has no impact on the calculation of the GPA. SFASLST – we are going to try to grade courses now. We can set up SHADEGR so that degree records are created automatically when we complete the SHROLL process. People who already have a degree awarded will have a degree record created through conversion. Anyone has an awarded degree has a degree sequence in SHADEGR. Behind the SHADEGR form, it will show all of the various records that a student will have. If we want to apply a particular course to “apply to learner outcome” and that would calculate the degree gpa that would be a separate gpa that we could print on the transcript. It is listed by degree sequence. SHRROLL – grade roll to academic history. Sandra wants us to print a few pages 13-287 through 13-289. It will provide info about what the SHRROLL process is doing to the SHADEGR record. There are awarded degree records out there, but at the end of the term, we can create a sought record. A person is seeking a particular degree sequence and there would be an additional sequence created for an additional degree major that the student is seeking. There are pro’s and con’s. SHRROLL goes through and looks to see if there is already a degree record on the student. If it is the same, do not create another sought record. SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 6 of 8 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes When we roll records for a term, it will indicate that there is a specific sequence in Banner, but a major was changed during that time. A new degree sequence will be created at that time but it does not inactivate the previous one. Do we want a new degree sequence record created in SHADEGR if the student changes their major? Sandra is asking Linda. Pro-keep track of them all. Conthere will be multiple degree seeking records. Sandra would like an opinion as a task to look over the SHRROLL page to decide if we want to leave the flag enabled to create multiple SHADEGR records. Sandra says most schools do not leave the flag activated to prevent multiples of the records being seen by students, etc. SHATPRT - Printing transcripts – do we want the transcripts to print from SHADEGR? In SSB, there is a way for students to request transcripts. We can hold for end of term processing, We can set up these rules per each transcript type. SHARQTC – student system distribution initialization. Test to see if the printers are set up to date. We are looking at an example of how to request a transcript. We would want all levels of work to print. Transcript request is not official if the indicator is not selected. The default is on the second step of this and make sure it is not official. We need to write down the student’s id number and the request number for the transcript request. If sleep/wake were functional a copy would be sent to the printer. The second step would be to go to GJAPCTL – and go to the process form (we don’t have to remember this step because sleep/wake will be running. SHRTRTC would be where we actually pull the transcript from. There are two methodologies for printing transcripts. You can select a population selection if we wish to. For Id & Seq number, you have to enter the entire ID number and sequence number. SHRTPOP – transcript population correction. We will look to see if there is a parameter selection to request a transcript. We use for ROTC, end of semester checking for probation/suspension, graduation (degree) audits. SHRTRTC – the process under GJAPCTL. In the submission block, we can select save and that way we don’t have to rewrite this each time we want to process another population selection. A concern about SHRTPOP is that you can override another person’s population selection. Are there also conflicts in self service? If someone requests a transcript on SSB. SHRTPOP can not be run at the same time. We would not allow many people to have access to SHRTPOP at the same time. This will affect us more commonly at the end of semester. END OF TERM PROCESSING: There are 13 steps. Remember to go set the flags in SOATERM before we can SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 7 of 8 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes begin entering grades. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. SHAGRDE SHAGRDS – grade substitution form SFASLST – enter grades SHRROLL – roll grades to academic history; this in on GJAPCTL. It will only roll those courses that have grades assigned to them. We can specify a particular ID. It is best to run in report mode first as opposed to the update mode to begin with. We always want to look at the lis file to see what it looks like. This is in GJIREVO (saved output review). Task for Sandra: Why are there multiple students on grade roll in audit format. We have to decide as an institution if we want a degree record to be created every time SHRROLL is ran. Use SHARPTR to set up rules to determine what courses are condiered repeats and how they will be used in GPA calculation. Jj Run the calculate gpa SHRCGPA to calculate GPA’s for students who took courses. Run the SHRCGPA based on term and selection of students. Set up academic standing rules. Run the SHRASTD – academic standing process. Produce grade mailers SHRGRDE Build continuant term rules on SOACTRM. These rules allow you to determine which terms constitute consecutive enrollment. The process adds a new general student record. We will run this only for the upcoming banner term. Run the Student type Update process (SHRTYPE) to automatically update the student type on the general student record based on the rules created on the Continuant Rules form. SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary 291199606 Page 8 of 8 5/29/2016