Implementation Minutes Student Team Data Mapping – Academic History Date: November 7, 2008 Meeting Information Facilitator Duane Thowe Note Taker Renee Roach, Assistant Registrar, Cameron University Attendees Brenda Dally, Kelli Peterson, Renee Roach, Dawne Massey, Kelly Simon, Julie Duncan, Linda Phillips Academic History Relevant Training/Discussion Highlights: GAPs Identified: Decisions Made: Decisions Required: Check with Sandra for configuration of repeated course indicator. We need to verify with Sandra which title will print on the transcript the long or short course title? We need to go into our data and update the FICE codes as much as we can. We need to bring it forward cleanly as much as possible Sandra – we need to set up so the comments will print on the transcript For transfer courses that don’t have equivalencies, tell Sandra that we mainly need the subject code. We can use the course number on TRCE within 5 CHAR Other Issues and Concerns: Action Items / Assignments Academic History includes grade code maintenance form (SHAGRDE) There are 5 main tables to look at institutional courses: SHAINST – term course main form SHRITRM – maintenance term header repeating table. SHRTCKN – institutional course term maintenance repeating table. SHRTCKB – institutional courses grade repeating table. SHRTCKL – institutional course maintenance level applied repeating table... SHRTCKN – the table that is the course table. SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary Document1 Deadline Page 1 of 4 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes Any records that do not have a matching record in SHRTCKN, will not show up in the system. We must ensure these are connected in TTRM and TCKN. We could only discover by performing a count and see that we are missing those tables. We are looking at the technical side of transfer coursework. SHRTRIT, SHRTRAN, SHRTRCE, SHRTRCE. SHRTTRN is the main table. The code will be a one-up number for the FICE code, etc. TRAN is the attendance period TRIT and TRAN include the transfer work taken at a transfer institution. First attendance at transfer institution would be PIDM = 1, TRIT = 1, TRAN = 1. SHRTRCE – is the table that will include our institutional equivalencies. SHAGRDE – this includes grade code, level, abbreviation, term status indicator, quality points, whether it counts in attempted, passed, earned, GPA. Traditional Ind, Web ind, numeric value, repeat ind, activity date. Attempted, passed, earned and GPA are the most important because we want to ensure we have the correct grading information. SHATERM includes current standing, term GPA and course detail information. Current Standing includes first term attended, last term attended, academic standing, academic standing override, progress evaluation, progress evaluation override, combined academic standing override and combined academic standing. Term GPA and course detail information includes Term (attempted hours, passed hours, earned hours, GPA hours, quality points and GPA). Institutional courses include subject, course, title, grade, mode, hours, repeat and campus. We are beginning the mapping portion now. Check with Sandra for configuration of repeated course indicator. Linda wants to talk about part of term with Duane: we have a lot of different formats of classes and each one has a different drop, add, withdraw and refund date. According to Duane, we will have a new part of term for each set of classes that have different start and end dates from those of the whole term. We have up to 999 parts of term that we could identify for each term. We need to verify with Sandra which title will print on the transcript the long or short course title? SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary Document1 Page 2 of 4 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes We need a place where we can verify the date of last attendance if a student was assigned an “F” grade. We are asking Duane this question. Duane says this goes on the registration record, but we are not converting the registration record. We need to go into our data and update the FICE codes as much as we can. We need to bring it forward cleanly as much as possible. Comment tables – how often do we receive a transcript request for periods from the past where coursework is entered into the comment fields? AS long as we can bring the information forward and store in comment table, we have access to the information at an as-needed basis in order for it to print appropriately. Sandra – we need to set up so the comments will print on the transcript. For migration purposes, break out what we can and populate the tables. What we can’t, bring comments forward into the comment tables, by level or term. Need to get a list of individuals of those who were broke out. Have it available for registrar can reference to see where we need to look for that information. Take transfer subject codes and build into subject code validation table. TRIT sequence number is a one-up number per institution. We can use transfer institutions (freeform up to 30 characters, can only use one time per student). Attendance period table: SHRTRAM. Could include the dummy term or be one of our valid terms. Term type is semester. This is a 30 char field. Acceptance date – the date at which the transfer work was accepted at our institution. SHRTRCR – transfer course detail repeating table. Transfer work from other institutions is entered here. This is a 60 char field. We could enter some of the comments entered here. For transfer courses that don’t have equivalencies, tell Sandra that we mainly need the subject code. We can use the course number on TRCE within 5 CHAR. Dawne is asking a question about SHRTRCE – the only part that is required is the top 4 fields and the activity date. If we have comments associated with a term, could we put the comment lines in course_name (one record at a time) and have the 5 classes in there under that sequence number. Only need to attach the courses to one of the sequence SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary Document1 Page 3 of 4 5/29/2016 Implementation Minutes numbers. Generate a TRCR sequence number. We need to send examples of our transfer course screens to provide to Duane for review. SHRTTCM – Transcript Comments by Term Repeating table. Comments will print according to sequence number. These are term related comments that will print after each term on the transcript. (We might want to verify that with Sandra). SHBDIPL – diploma information table. This will come from grad_dtl/rim_id. 500 CHAR in the diploma name field. 75 characters and 4 lines for a diploma address. STVINNM - We need to supply values for institution name on SHBDIPL. We will want this to default to Cameron University. Kelly Simon will provide this information. Duane has uploaded all the tables that we have completed thus far with the exception of faculty. End of semester processing – reports that must be run are included on the slide show print outs. SunGard Higher Education – Confidential & Proprietary Document1 Page 4 of 4 5/29/2016