Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes May 29, 2016 ` Implementation Leadership Team Meeting Committee/Meeting Name Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:30 am Date Time Convened Time Terminated 10:00 am Location Admin Board Room Recorder Sherry Hendrix Sherry Hendrix, Linda Phillips, Ninette Carter, Chris Crandon, Kenneth Gilliam, Donald Hall, Tom Sutherlin, Debbie Members Present Goode, Jennifer Bowen, Aubree Helvey Members Absent Visitor Topics Minutes from 12-10-08 Team Reports Discussion, Information Advancement o In the process of completing designations Data Standards and Reporting o No report at this time, but will be meeting tomorrow afternoon. HR/Payroll o Working on cross referencing positions and helping with data extracts. Financial Aid o Question posed to the team: If some of the person demographics are missing in Banner, do we want to load that information from FAFSA? o The team requested Chris ask her Banner rep the following: Can they run an exception report No Can we populate one field, e.g., SS# Yes Make sure this will only populate fields that are empty Yes Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Action: Page 2 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information o Completed Common Function training this week. Homework for FA team is to start documenting processes. o FA minutes have been posted to CU Banner Website. o Testing and manual writing progress: Chris has created processes to be tested when we have data in our system. Once process testing begins, FA manuals will be written. Anna, Banner Lead, has sent a process check list for monitoring testing. Finance o Status of Foundation COA FI team has one section to complete and the COA will be finished. o FI bridges (interfaces) have been approved and should be ready for testing no later than the end of July. Sherry asked Ninette and Donald to review the FI bridges to see if they have any questions that need to be answered before we sign the contract. o Recap of Nelnet eCommerce demonstration Ninette reported this product is similar to TouchNet; however, one additional feature that was of interest was an electronic process for student and staff parking permits. Student o Major issues for Linda: No retention GPA in Banner No provision for forgiveness policy in May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 3 Topics Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information Banner Banner has no provision for entry-level placement policy--IF UCO’s modification doesn’t work correctly. o Recap of meeting with TCC: TCC is writing up a description of their modifications by the end of this week and will send that to us. Linda and the technical ST staff will be writing CU’s modification needs and will then compare them to TCC’s for any similarities. We will continue to meet with TCC after the holiday break. o Testing and manual writing progress Linda has assigned Jamie Glover, Zoe Durant and Frank Myers the responsibility of tracking testing and writing manuals for Admissions and Recruiting. They will be completing task logs and sending them to Linda. Technical o Status of conversion Conversion is going very well. The first data load was general person and Banner representatives complimented CU Technical staff for such an excellent job. Data loads will continue through December and January. o PC Replacement: two of the 30 were deemed critical for Vicki Henson and Cindy Meadows and have been ordered. The remaining 28 will more than likely be ordered in January. May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Page 4 Topics Revised Project Plan Action Items and Task List FA Policy and Procedure Request Other Business Cameron University Banner Project Meeting Agenda and Notes Discussion, Information o Time frame for internet outage will be Spring Break. Exact dates have not been determined. o No response from SGHE re: OU Nursing o Security setup will be in place when users login early February o Xap Application vs. Banner Application on hold o Data Handling spreadsheet: Debbie presented a spreadsheet that outlines activities by the month for legacy and Banner. She asked functional team leads to add information to this so we can have a good picture of what needs to be done and when. Discussion on revised Project Plan sent to team 12-16-08. Action items to be added to the Task List: ST/TECH task for added modification to Banner The Office of Financial Assistance (FA) is proposing a change to our Satisfactory Academic Progress policy (SAP) to accommodate the Banner software system’s ability to perform SAP automatically rather than manually. All Summit travel arrangements have been made except Aubree. Help Desk: the help desk position is in the process of being restructured and any recommendations the ILT Team has to offer to Dr. McArthur would be appreciated. Training room in S. Shepler will be completed by the January training sessions. The Team discussed the system being overloaded this week due to faculty posting grades and students trying to see them. Tom suggested we evaluate our hardware and processes as we implement Banner to see if we can keep this from continuing to happen. May 29, 2016 Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations Recommendation: Chris is working with ITS staff and Academic Affairs and will present more information on this topic at a later date.