CIS4930 Final Exam Topics

CIS4930 Final Exam Topics
The Final Exam will be comprehensive and consist of multiple choice and short
answer questions. There will be a lot of shorter questions worth only a few points
as opposed to a few larger questions worth a lot of points.
I’m not so concerned that you know syntax (you can always just look up the
documentation), I want you to have an overall understanding of the basics of
Python and what tools/libraries we’ve covered and basically how they’re used.
No code writing!!!! Weee!
There will be code questions where you have to describe what is happening or
what the output is.
Study Midterm! Some questions may reappear…
Python Basics
o Strong, dynamic typing
o Built-in types – what are they? How are they used?
o Know common sequence operations.
o Modules
o Basic list comprehensions
o Functional programming functions: filter, map, reduce
o Positional and keywords arguments
o Raw_input vs input
o Basic file manipulation
o Basics of exceptions and be able to write a basic custom exception.
o LEGB rule
o What do decorators do?
o Classes, Inheritance, and Multiple inheritance
o Iterators and generators
Standard Library
o Know mentioned string functions (no templating or formatting necessary).
o NO regular expressions
o Know mentioned os, time, and sys functions
o Understand copy vs deepcopy
o Know mentioned math/cmath functions
o Know mentioned itertools functions
o What are the advantages of using virtual environments for a python application?
o What are the steps to activating, setting up, and deactivating a virtualenv?
o Why is it advantageous to distribute a requirements.txt with your application?
Web Development
What is WSGI?
What is Gunicorn and what is Flask? Briefly describe the roles they play in the
deployment of a web application. How can they be used with a non-WSGI
component like nginx?
o What is the basic process for creating a TCP server or client using the socket
GUI Programming
o PyQt and its main classes: QtCore and QtGui
o Understand basic code in first GUI lecture slides.
o What is a MainWindow widget and how is it structured?
o May give you PyQt code and have you draw/describe interface.
o Know basics of box and grid layout managers.
o What is serialization and when might it be used? Give an example.
o What are pickle and cpickle?
o What can pickle serialize?
o Advantages/Disadvantages of pickle over other methods.
o Know basic usage of pickle’s core funcs: dump, dumps, load, loads.
o What is JSON? Advantages over pickle?
o Database specific outlined in PEP249  what’s the advantage of this?
o What is the module interface required to have available?
o What methods of a connection object are required to be available?
o What methods of a cursor object are required to be available?
o Understand the actions in the example.
NumPy and SciPy
o Explain what NumPy and SciPy are and give some examples of the functionality they
o Know how to use SciPy’s integrate.quad() and integrate.trapz().
o Understand ndarray type in NumPy.
o Know how to use NumPy’s arange() and linspace().
o Know what Matplotlib is and the basic elements: figures, plots, axes, etc.
o Know the basics of Matplotlib’s pyplot: plot(), axis(), show()
Optimizing Python
o Explain Cython and how it improves Python code speed.
o Explain Numba and how it improves Python code speed.
o Is it always a good idea to optimize Python? Why/why not?
Distributing Python Applications
o What is setuptools and what does the file do?
o What is the basic process for distributing a library over PyPI?
o Explain the difficulties of creating an “executable” for a Python application.
o What is freezing? What’s the major disadvantage?
o What is Nuitka?
o What factors influence the method of distribution?
o What is Sphinx and reStructuredText?
o How does Sphinx’s autodoc feature work?
Python and Redis
o What is Redis?
o What are the advantages/disadvantages of Redis over on-disk databases?
o In abstract terms, how might Redis be used as a queue or cache for a Python