CDA3101 Assignment 3

CDA3101 Assignment 3
Due 6/24
Submissions are due by the beginning of class on the specified due date. Handwritten
or typed solutions are acceptable. If you do write your solutions by hand, be sure to
write clearly. If the grader cannot read your answer, they cannot give you the points.
Late submissions will be accepted with a 10% penalty for each day they are late (up to
48 hours). You must show how you arrived at the answer or no credit will be given.
1. (40 pts) Pretend you’re hanging out in the Majors’ lab and a fellow student is
struggling with some Comp Org II concepts. Explain the differences between singlecycle, multi-cycle, and pipelined processors as if you’re teaching these concepts to
your friend. In particular, explain how a clock cycle is defined in each scheme as well
as the unique datapath elements needed for each implementation. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each of the three implementations? Be as clear
and thorough as possible to help your friend understand. Use diagrams if you’d like.
2. (30 pts) A computer architect needs to design the pipeline of a new microprocessor.
She has an example program with 106 instructions. Each instruction takes 600 ps to
a. How long does it take to execute this program on a non-pipelined, single-cycle
b. Assume the current state-of-the-art pipeline has 30 stages. Assume also that the
stages are perfectly balanced. How much speedup will it achieve compared to
the non-pipelined processor?
c. Realistically, we cannot achieve ideal speedup due to the overhead of
implementing pipelining stages (e.g. imperfectly balanced stages, adding pipeline
registers, etc). Does this overhead affect the instruction latency, instruction
throughput, or both? For each metric affected, is the effect significant? Why or
why not?
3. (30 pts) Identify all of the data dependencies in the following MIPS code (even if they
are not hazards). Which dependencies are data hazards that can be resolved via
forwarding? Which data dependencies are data hazards that will cause a stall?
$s4, $s2
$s3, $s1
$s3, $s6
$s5, $s6