Sultan Qaboos University COLLEGE OF NURSING FACULTY INDUCTION AND MENTORING CHECKLIST FALL 2013 Part Item Part I: Pre-Arrival (HR Office) Introductory information on Oman Job description and roles Employment terms and probation conditions Basic information about the University University location map Basic information about the Department Information on post-arrival induction Name of the induction-coordinator Schedule of first-week activities Information on arrangement to meet with University contact person(s) on arrival Information on accommodation and relocation support, logistics University policies Arrival Meet with University contact person(s) upon arrival to Muscat Part II: Post-arrival Introduction Day 1 Meet line-manager Meet Head of Department Meet induction-coordinator Induction checklist to be given Meet mentor Meet Departmental colleagues Meet Course Co-ordinator (CC) Part III: Postarrival InductionWeek 1 Departmental Orientation (PR???) Location of College and Department facilities; meeting room, classrooms, theatres etc. Date covered General information about the college and department Staff office is shown, office keys, computer, stationary, phone, e-mail, name plate Network access, access card and staff card Location of college common room, lifts, labs, equipment, fire assembly points Use of printer, photocopier, binding, faxing and mail distribution 1 Stationary Cloakrooms Notice boards Part IV: Postarrival University Central Induction Weeks 1 & 2 University Overview History of SQU University Orientation Campus map Campus tour Staff parking areas Facilities – mosque, shops, banking, sports and health Tea and coffee area, kitchen and common rooms Catering – restaurants, cafes and laundry Day care and nursery Security office Library and Cultural Centre HR office IT office Deanship of students Deanships Housing Health and Safety Accommodation quarters Organizational Structure Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategic Plan Research strategies and areas Service units and centers Omani culture and University values Introduction Dinner- meeting with senior staff including VC, DVCs, Deans of Colleges Health and safety information and policy H & S induction program Fire alarm, exists and assembly points Accidents & incident reporting After working hours security arrangements University main risks and risk register FAMCO Workstation Ergonomic Office chair Desk Computer monitor Keyboard Lighting Storage HR Procedures Gate pass and swipe card or access keys Staff parking permit 2 List of University acronyms Specific information to international staff Probation performance criteria and requirements discussed Passport, medical check, road pass Bank details to payroll University directory Library and staff club memberships Procedures for booking facilities and equipment Leaves and booking procedure Exit questionnaire Working hours, holidays, reporting sickness and absence arrangements Part V: Postarrival Week 1-3 Departmental general induction Working hours, holidays, reporting sickness & absence arrangements Academic calendar Departmental communication practices including notice boards Schedule of various regular Departmental meetings Social and sport activities Staff handbook Procedures for ordering resources, purchasing, expenses, travel Booking rooms and facilities Meal and tea/coffee breaks Adding name to e-mail and phone lists Departmental procedures College and Department mission, objectives and strategic plan College and Department organizational chart College and Departmental meetings, committees and procedures Sample minutes of department and committees meetings College and Departmental facts, figures and reports Discuss mentoring with Mentor Enrolment on compulsory Teaching and Learning Certificate program Job-specific Roles and expectations and link to the College, (academic Staff) Department and University structure Timetable is given Quality and standards of work Student feedback and peer reviews Professional accreditation and OAAA QA handbook 3 Research Research goals and plans and any link to College, Departmental and University plans Research ethics, intellectual property rights and commercialization Teaching-research nexus Consultations and policies Research areas and groups Postgraduate supervision Research funding Part VI: Information and communication technology 1-4 weeks IT and communications policies and procedures Part VII: Ongoing induction Informal feedback on performance E-mail, telephone, voicemail and video conferencing Computer account and password Internet access Software at SQU Shared drives and calendar Wireless connection Off-campus access Moodle or other university portal Online management and access to administration and students information systems Development needs Student feedback Progress in achieving set targets General developmental discussions Part VIII: Post-arrival 3-6 months Mid-probation performance review End-probation performance review Discuss annual performance review 4 FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Inductee, Kindly provide your feedback to the questions/statements given below when you have completed your induction. Please pass on the completed from to the Dean’s office. Date: No 1 Statement Feedback If you have found the induction activities useful, kindly indicate why? 2 Which part was the most useful of the induction process? 3 If you have not found the induction activities useful, kindly indicate why? 4 Which part was the least useful of the induction process? 5 If you believe that the staff who have delivered/ explained the activities were not competent, indicate which activities? 6 Were activities well managed? 7 If you were to include other items, what are these? 8 If you were to exclude existing items, what are these? 9 Overall, would you rate your experience as, please tick √ in the appropriate box: Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Signature: Line Manager is kindly requested to forward one copy of the complete form to the quality Assurance Office. 5