Document 12268891

Future Teachers Scholarship
Application for 2016-17
Last Name
Fir st Name
Cit y
Mailing Address
Social Secur it y Number
St at e
Zip Code
College St udent I D Number
Responses t o t he following quest ions ar e volunt ar y. The infor mat ion will be used for nondiscr iminat or y pur poses and may be used for civil r ight s r epor t ing pur poses.
Race/Et hnicit y
M ale
Cit y
H igh School
St at e
During the fall 2016 semester, please indicate if you will be classified as:
Under gr aduat e
Gr aduat e
Full-t ime
or Par t -time
M ajor
Tot al number of hour s complet ed (under gr aduat e and gr aduat e) pr ior t o fall 2016
Please indicate the subject ar ea you plan to teach upon cer tification.
Eligible Critical Shortage Areas for the Future Teachers Scholarship
Special Education
Foreign Languages
Social Studies
Elementary Education
New Applicants
Early Childhood Education
School Counselor
I n appr oximat ely
300 wor
ds, discuss what has influenced you t o pur
sue a Education
t eaching car eer in
your field of st udy.
Arts and Music
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Previous Scholarship Recipients
I n appr oximat ely 300 wor ds, wr it e a st at ement in r esponse t o one of t he following:
1. Descr ibe how your commit ment t o t eaching been r eaffir med by t he pr ofessional pr ogr ess
you have made.
2. Descr ibe an accomplishment you have achieved in t he last year and explain why you view
it as such.
Please at t ach transcripts from any higher education institution you have attended.
Student Agreement
I f awar ded thi s schol arshi p, I agr ee to teach i n the publ i c school system of Okl ahoma for thr ee
consecuti ve year s upon gr aduati on and l i censur e as a teacher . I fur ther under stand that
fai l ur e to mai ntai n a mini mum cumul ati ve 2.5 gr ade poi nt aver age or changi ng to an ar ea of
study whi ch i s not a cr i ti cal shor tage ar ea shal l subject me to di squal i ficati on fr om thi s
pr ogr am. I her eby cer ti fy that the statements made her ei n ar e cor r ect and may be ver ifi ed by
r ecor ds of the i nsti tuti on(s) I have attended.
Applicant 's Signature
Dat e
Submit your completed application to the Futur e Teacher s Pr ogr am Coor dinator
at your institution. Please contact the institution that you plan to attend for
application deadline.