Minutes of Academic Standards Committee Meeting Feb 16, 2015

Minutes of Academic Standards Committee Meeting
Feb 16, 2015
Attendance: Landon Wade, Kristin Johnson, Ken Clark, Brad Tomhave, Kelli Delaney,
Sarah Shives, Drew Anderson, Gary McCall, Don Share, Sunil Kukreja, Jan
Approval of Minutes from 2/1/15: Motioned, Seconded, & Passed
Petitions report for the Period 1/22/2015 – 2/12/2015
During the dates covered by this report, the following actions were taken on petitions
submitted to the Academic Standards Committee:
8 Approved Late Registrations
1 Denied Late Registration
22 Approved Registrations with a Time Conflict
2 Approved Waivers of the “Last 8 Units Rule”
2 Approved Concurrent Enrollments
1 Approved Waiver of “Repeat Rule” to Allow Credit for Second Completion of a
2 Approved Waiver of the Minimum GPA required for Independent Study
1 Approved Offering of a Regular Course through Independent Study
1 Denied Waiver of Core Requirement
1 Denied Waiver of 3 Courses in the Upper-Division Graduation Requirement
3 Approved Withdrawals with W after Automatic W Period
1 Denied Withdrawal with W after Automatic W Period
45 Total Petitions
Registrar Approved: 1
Preview Team Approved: 26
Sub-Committee Approved: 14
Total Approved: 41
Sub-Committee Denied:
Total Petitions: 45
In addition to petitions, the sub-committee rescinded Academic Probation for a student
whose petition for withdrawal with W grades was approved, resulting in a cumulative
grade point average above 2.00. Additionally, the Preview Team endorsed the spring
enrollment of a student who was studying abroad but decided to return in time for the
beginning of the spring semester.
For the year to date, 164 petitions have been approved and 19 have been denied. Among
the 183 petitions considered, there are 25 late registrations, 50 schedule conflict
registrations, and 28 medical withdrawals. For comparison, by February 12, 2014, 153
petitions were approved and 15 denied. Among the 168 petitions considered by this time
last year, there were 54 late registrations, 20 schedule conflict registrations, and 20
medical withdrawals.
Announcement of potential senate charges pertaining to: common hour; efficient use of
campus spaces; alternative 2-3 day course schedules; protected co-curricular hours.
 The ASC agrees (Motioned, Seconded, & Passed) with the suggestion of the
Senate’s that the formation of ad hoc committee(s) to explore prior ASC reports
on these matters is the most effective way to proceed
Policies for Incomplete grades discussion continued from Fall 2015 meeting. Reviewed
and recapped minutes from last semester’s ASC discussions concerning:
 If different deadlines are desired for spring vs. fall Incompletes since the break
duration varies between semesters
 Is having a deadline in the summer for a Spring Incomplete problematic?
Concerns expressed over limitations on campus and faculty as resources for a
student working on finishing an Incomplete
 It's a heavy load to finish a fall Incomplete grade once spring semester starts
 Stats from Brad Tomhave. (see appendix)
o 20% of incompletes turn into less than Co 1% of all grades assigned are Incompletes, but this small percentage of all
grades seems disproportional to issues/concerns that arise for the
Registrar’s staff, who have privileges to other insights, such as how a
student is doing in other courses, and how many students with an
Incomplete grades the Registrar’s staff are dealing with at a given time
 Discussed if we should examine how our policy compares to peers in liberal arts
colleges, and whether ours is more lenient.
 Discussed how students realistically approach completing the course; many wait
until a few days before the deadline, whenever it is set. Inasmuch, an earlier
deadline may be in their best interest before the load of their other courses
 Some schools have a review process for a proposal for completing an Incomplete
grade; could be a default to have a deadline set for a defined due date unless a
proposal is submitted. Any proposal for a deadline extension would require the
instructor’s support to move forward for review.
 Deadlines earlier in the ensuing semester help students that need to progress in a
curriculum, e.g. fulfilling a prerequisite, and also allows for efficient completion
of the assignment(s) that resulted in the Incomplete
 Further discussion of if we should stick with a set time (15, 30 days, ?) for
completion of the Incomplete to alleviate the spring vs fall concerns of varying
break times.
Discussion suspended until next meeting due to time. Motioned, Seconded, & Passed to
Minutes submitted by Gary McCall
Appendix: Registrar’s data on Final grades following an Incomplete