Minutes Academic Standards Committee Full Committee Meeting September 5, 2014



Academic Standards Committee

Full Committee Meeting

September 5, 2014

1) In attendance: Don Share, Adam Smith, Jo Crane, Ken Clark, Martin Linauts, Kristin Johnson, Jan

Leuchtenberger, Ann Wilson, Drew Anderson, Keith Ward, Karl Fields, Danny Laesch, Landon Wade,

Brad Tomhave, Sunil Kukreja, Kelli Delaney, Sarah Shives, Gary McCall, and Jim Jasinski.

2) Bill Haltom, the ASC’s Faculty Senate liaison convened the ASC’s first meeting at 4:02pm. He began with two charges: elect a chair and accept the Senate’s charges for the ASC. Jan Leuchtenberger volunteered to serve as chair for the spring 2015 semester. Jim Jasinski was nominated to serve as chair for the fall 2014 semester and was elected by unanimous acclamation.

3) Jasinski invited Haltom to share information from the Faculty Senate a) Haltom distributed a summary of the 21 April 2014 Faculty Senate meeting and a copy of the

ASC’s 2013-14 Year-End Report b) He also unofficially distributed charges to the ASC, inviting the ASC to revise the charges as we see fit under the chair’s direction, and to determine what priority or order to attend to them. c) He explained that the ASC may, but need not, seek authorization for additional charges from the

Faculty Senate. d) He noted that one senator suggested that each committee as part of its year-end report assess whether or not the committee (and its subcommittees) are staffed with the appropriate number of members and if the nature of its charges is appropriate or if changes need to be made in either the constitution or responsibilities of the committee.

4) Jasinski invited committee members to introduce themselves.

5) The committee next discussed the dividing of the policy and petitions subcommittees and the setting of meeting times. a) The following members were placed on the petitions subcommittee for the fall semester: Don

Share, Bob Boyles, Drew Anderson, Ken Clark, Kristin Johnson, Sunil Kukreja, Danny Laesch,

Gary McCall, Sarah Shives, Brad Tomhave (convener) i) Clark offered to attend both subcommittees (in exchange for liberation from minute taking) ii) Tomhave suggested placing the petitions subcommittee on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm iii) Location to be determined b) The following members were placed on the petitions subcommittee for the spring semester:

Drew Anderson, Ken Clark, Jo Crane, Karl Fields, James Jasinski, Sunil Kukreja, Danny Laesch,

Martins Linauts, Sarah Shives, Adam Smith, Brad Tomhave (convener), Keith Ward, Ann Wilson c) The policy subcommittee will meet every other Friday from 2:00 to 3:00pm.

6) Tomhave proposed that in accordance with past practice that the ASC delegate authority to the petitions preview team to approve routine petitions. He distributed a draft document for consideration and approval outlining these routine matters. a) The committee approved the proposal .

b) It was suggested that ASC may want to consider extending authority to the petitions preview team to assign summer sanctions

7) Tomhave next presented the petitions report for the period 04/24/2014 – 09/04/2014:

The Petitions Sub-Committee held 12 meetings since the previous petitions report submitted as of April

23, 2014. During the dates covered by this report, the following petition decisions were made:

2 Approved Late Adds

15 Approved Reinstatements or Readmissions after Suspension or Dismissal

4 Denied Reinstatements or Readmissions

18 Approved Re-Enrollments from Medical Withdrawal

1 Denied Re-Enrollment from Medical Withdrawal

2 Approved Registrations with a Schedule Conflict

10 Approved Medical Withdrawals

5 Approved Waivers of the “Last 8 Units Rule”

1 Approved Second Attempt at Repeating a Course

2 Approved Waivers of the “6 Year Rule”

1 Approved Waiver of the Minimum GPA required for Independent Study

6 Approved Transfers of Community College Credit as Upper-Class Student

1 Approved application of a non-Core course to the Core

1 Denied application of transfer courses to the Core

2 Approved Applications of Alternate Courses to Foreign Language Requirement

1 Denied Withdrawal without Record after the Deadline

2 Approved Withdrawals with W Grade after the Automatic W Period

1 Denied Withdrawal with W Grade after the Automatic W Period

1 Approved Waiver of Regression Rule

1 Approvals to undertake a graduate-level Independent study as a non-matriculant

77 Total Petitions

Registrar Approved: 4

Preview Team Approved: 16

Sub-Committee Approved: 49

Total Approved: 69

Sub-Committee Denied: 8

Total Petitions: 77

For the year, 285 petitions were acted upon with 260 approved and 25 denied. For comparison, last year 289 petitions were acted upon with 246 approved and 43 denied.

Please note the 103 undergraduate sanctions levied on May 29, 2014, were reported separately in

MIRS:205 Spring 2014 Academic Sanctions. Graduate student sanctions are not similarly reported so, for the Committee’s reference, no graduate student was placed on sanction based on spring grades. However, 1 PT student was placed on Academic Probation based on the students WF grade in a summer clinical internship.

8) Jasinski dismissed members of the petitions subcommittee.

9) The policy subcommitee next turned to assigning the taking of minutes, determining to rotate the responsibility alphabetically starting with Fields, making Leuchtenberger next in line.

10) Jasinski led a discussion of the prioritizing of the Senate charges as follows: a) Summer sanctions: Jasinski requested that Tomhave send to members draft wording based on current policy for the fall and spring. b) Transfer credit: Wade proposed next turning to Charge #3 to continue discussion from last spring regarding transfer credit. c) Running Start: Ward suggested next turning to Charge #2 regarding Running Start which also deals with transfer credit policy. It was determined that the committee should wait on this one. d) Incomplete policies: Laesch suggested that Charge #5 be addressed next. e) Medical withdrawal: Wade asked if there was a pressing concern regarding Charge #4. Tomhave responded that while the concern is perhaps not pressing, it would nonetheless be useful to discuss the matter in a timely matter. Jasinski suggested this be taken up near the middle part of the semester. f) Jasinski concluded with the following recommendations for a tentative sequence of discussions: summer sanctions, transfer credit, incomplete policies, medical withdrawl, and running start.

11) M/S/P for adjournment at 4:50

Submitted by Karl Fields
