2106 Reaffirmation QEP Resources Sub-­‐Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 26, 2015 CAB 112 Provost Conference Room Members Present Kathy Crisp, Lisa Rogers, Rebecca Smith, Barbara Draude, Scott Boyd, Marva Lucas, and Dianna Rust Others Present Katie Chapman and Jim Handy with the MTSU Writing Center, Lexy Denton Call to Order Dianna Rust, committee chair, called the meeting to order at 2:45 p.m. in the Provost Conference Room. Roll was taken upon arrival. LMS Proposals MTSU is currently taking bids for the LMS, and D2L, Blackboard and Canvas are each offering an eportfolio component as part of the package. Several questions need to be addressed as part of this process, which puts the eportfolio platform on hold until the RFP is complete. • Can we get complete demos of the epotfolios to see how the final product will look should they be chosen? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the LMS system as the platform? o Is there extra work involved for integration if we don’t use the LMS? o Can we justify the cost of another platform when the LMS is offering one as part of the package? o Will the LMS platform meet departmental needs? As part of the RFP, each finalist had to provide a three-­‐month ‘sand-­‐box’ period in April-­‐June 2016 for training and trial. Albert Whittenberg was selected as a D2L super-­‐administrator and will be in good position to help should D2L win the award. If we move away from D2L, there will be a one-­‐year overlap needed for the transition. Administrative Resources Members were asked to consider what items should have allocations in the budget proposal. Suggestions included: • U1010 training stipend for part-­‐time instructors • FT Temp instructors – bonus or course reduction • All MT Engage instructors – 3 prong training o What is MT Engage o Engagement pedagogies o Technical training on eportfolio tool • Technology needs – instructional designer, tech specialist, and multi-­‐media specialist • • Utilize the Digital Media Studio – could need additional part-­‐time or full-­‐time support and additional software licenses Utilize DMS and the Writing Center – offer joint trainings; could need additional graduate workers (particularly outside of humanities) and additional space Oversight Committee Structure Members were asked to offer suggestions for the formation of an oversight committee/Advisory Board. Suggestions included: • Involve Faculty Senate but do not set them as the primary because of the turn-­‐ over • Learning, Teaching and Innovative Technology Center should be represented on the committee • IT should have a rep on the board to assist with tech/product changes • Chairs Council should have involvement from one member of the four person executive council • Include the Vice Provost for Student Success Program Director Needs Members were asked to offer suggestions for choosing a program director, building a job description and reporting for the position. Suggestions for position included: • Should be a proactive director with experience working with faculty • Could possibly use a 12 month Faculty Fellow by negotiating relief with the department; 2/3 course release but still teach one MT Engage course as modeled after the Clemson job description o Fellow would not have budgetary control but would offer credibility when speaking with faculty • Would need a minimum of a 20 hour support staff position; may need a coordinator that would have budgetary control if Fellow is chosen as Director • Add Director to the Board of LTITC • Require Director to attend the Dean’s and Director’s Meeting every month Suggestions for reporting included: • VP Student Success • Provost of VPAA -­‐-­‐ Academic Affairs • University College Other Information Construction Management has inquired about using an eportfolio in their program. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.