Minutes: QEP Student Learning Outcomes/Assessment Subcommittee

Minutes: QEP Student Learning Outcomes/Assessment Subcommittee
November 4, 2014: 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Attendance: Michelle Boyer-Pennington, Carol Swayze, Sheila Otto, Tina Johnson, Chris Brewer, Dwight
Brooks, Mari Weller, Tim Graeff, Michael Hein, Kallie Revels
Michelle called the meeting to order and asked for approval of last meeting’s minutes. The minutes
were approved as read.
She announced that we have someone to attend the AAEEBL conference on ePortfolios in midNovember.
Michelle distributed an updated handout with a summary of high impact pedagogies of engagement,
the Integrative Learning VALUE Rubric, and the suggested revisions to the SLOs. The committee
discussed the revisions to SLO 1: (Integrative Thinking/Reflective Thinking). The committee agreed to
adopt the following:
MTSU Student Learning Outcome 1 (Integrative/Reflective Thinking)
o Students will use integrative thinking and reflection to demonstrate the ability to make
connections across multiple academic contexts and educational experiences.
1. Students will demonstrate the ability to connect relevant experience and academic
knowledge. (connections to experience)
2. Students will demonstrate the ability to make connections across disciplines,
perspectives (connections to discipline)
3. Students will adapt and apply skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in
one situation to new situations (transfer)
4. Students will use appropriate and various forms of communication to enhance the
quality of their assignment. (integrated communication)
5. Students will demonstrate a developing sense of self as a learner, building on prior
experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts. (reflection and selfassessment)
This goal is consistent with the general education goals. It was suggested that we could utilize the
existing EXL Reflective Thinking rubric in measuring SLO 1. Other possible assessments include (1)
indirect: NSEE scores; (2) direct: eportfolio artifacts; embedded coursework; AACU value rubric for
integrative learning.
The committee discussed and approved the following language for SLO 2.
MTSU Student Learning Outcome 2 (Personal and Professional Development)
o Students will demonstrate an understanding of, and the ability to reflect on, the self, such as
identifying their aptitudes, abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and interests and
articulating their future goals, aspirations, and place in the world.
This learning outcome is consistent with the university purpose of “fostering a student-centered
environment conducive to lifelong learning, personal development and success.” Possible assessment
measures for SLO 2 include (1) indirect: NSEE scores, exit survey scores; (2) direct: eportfolio artifacts
There was much discussion regarding the language for SLO 3. Since, students need to be able to adapt
and change, the word, “appropriately” was added. It was also recommended that we shorten and
streamline the language. The following was recommended for SLO 3:
MTSU Student Learning Outcome 3 (Effective Communication)
o Students will be able to effectively, precisely and appropriately communicate.
This student learning outcome is consistent with the university purpose of “communicating clearly and
precisely”. Possible assessment measures for SLO 3 include (1) indirect: ; (2) direct: AACU value rubrics
(oral communication, written communication); eportfolio rubric (see Auburn and MTSU EXL eportfolio
As time ran out before we finished, Michelle will continue to work on the wording for SLO 3.
She reminded everyone to also be prepared to discuss program goals at the next meeting. We will only
have two more meetings this semester. Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.