Staff Induction Policy Policy Title Policy Number Related Policies Responsible Status Approved By Approved Date Effective Date 8-01 Functional Field Staff and Staff Support Services Staff Mentoring Policy Quality Assurance Office New Vice Chancellor June 2011 Trial period: August 2011-February 2012 (inclusive) REVISION HISTORY Number & Date Revision # 1 Date: Revision # 2 Date: Revision # 3 Date: Revision # 4 Date: Revision # 5 Date: Next Revision Date Contact Office e-mail address Phone Number By Main Changes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A March 2012 Quality Assurance Office 5880/5881/5882 Staff Induction Policy 1 Sultan Qaboos University POLICY TITLE Staff Induction Policy 2 POLICY STATEMENT All staff new to the University or to the role shall have a timely access to appropriate formal and/or informal induction. 3 PURPOSE/ REASONS FOR POLICY 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Introduce systematic formal and informal induction activities. Make staff feel welcomed and valued in their new environment or role. Provide information about the University, College and the Department and their environment. Introduce and meet with key staff and others and establish network bases. Enrich the University by further enabling academic staff. Outline the roles and responsibilities and expectations of all parties involved in the induction activities. Provide staff with early support to enable them to quickly become more productive; effective and efficient in their contribution towards the mission of the University. Promote positive view on the new workplace and conditions. Identify staff developmental needs and recognize induction as a mandatory staff development tool. Utilize, in a cost- and time-effective way, available skills, expertise and competencies of senior staff in university development programs. Improve staff retention rate. Enhance quality culture. 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 4 GENERAL PRINCIPLES The following main principles constitute the bases of the induction process: 4.1 4.2 All parties involved in the induction activities act proactively. Staff members undertaking induction are responsible partners for the success of induction activities. Staff members recognize that induction is a developmental tool. The induction process is collegial, supportive, encouraging and guiding process. Staff must avail themselves to participate in induction activities. Formal induction is carried out regularly; timelines are effectively communicated to staff concerned. All activities are conducted within the limits of related University policies and procedures. Line managers are responsible for ensuring that all new staff participate in University and Departmental induction activities and are responsible for managing their own local induction activities. Induction may be adapted or contextualized to meet special needs of certain groups or individuals as deemed necessary. Induction activities are carried out by qualified, appropriately trained and knowledgeable people. Resources including funding are appropriately provided. Line-managers recognize the importance of induction when planning for training, carrying out performance appraisal and when considering workloads of parties involved. The induction process may take between three to six months; normally, the induction process continues till the end of the probation period for newly hired staff. All activities shall be evaluated annually. 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 5 SCOPE OF APPLICATION / KEY STAKEHOLDERS This policy applies to: All staff new to the University. All staff assuming a new role. 1 Staff Induction Policy 6 Sultan Qaboos University APPROVAL BODY The Vice Chancellor has approved this policy as a draft version for trial implementation during a period of seven months during which this policy has to be reviewed by the Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee and adopted by the Academic Council. 7 PROCEDURES & REQUIREMENTS The induction process is divided into the following parts: A – Pre-arrival 7.1 Part I – General information This part aims at providing general and necessary information (Information Pack) to successful candidates (those who have accepted work offer) prior to their arrival to the University. The information pack contains information, documentation and literature that will introduce the University environment to the new staff before they arrive to the University. The information pack may include but not limited to: 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 7.1.7 7.1.8 General information about the University and the Department, a University location map and, reference is made to the university website for more institutional information on general University policies. (provided to potential candidates and to those who enquire about job openings) Job descriptions and roles terms and conditions of service contract (provided to successful candidates). The name of the Induction-Coordinator (IC) to the new staff. Meeting schedule for the first week is arranged in coordination with the line-manager, a copy is sent to the new staff. Information on first week induction activities communicated to new staff. Communicate appointment to key Department and related staff and to broader College and University related staff; this may include position title, reporting line, specialization, research areas of interest, starting date, office number, previous work experience and hobbies. Provide information on and discuss arrival details and relocation support and other logistics as appropriate. Supply new staff with details of University Public Relations contact person(s) who would meet him/her upon arrival to Muscat. B – Post-arrival Induction 7.2 Part II (Day One) – Departmental Meeting Introduction This part introduces new staff member to the Department. The Line manager or their nominees ensure that the staff member is familiarized with his/her new local environment. These may cover: 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 Introducing Department Coordinator(s). Introducing Head of Department and line-manager (if applicable). Introducing induction-coordinator (mate): the coordinator would act as mate to help and guide the new staff during the first 2-3 weeks. Supply a copy of induction checklist – the checklist will provide detailed list of induction activities or information provided during the induction process, see Appendix I. The checklist is to be completed by the new staff in consultation with the line-manager or the inductioncoordinator. The completed checklist is returned to the Quality Assurance Office. Introducing the “Mentor” (if applicable) Introducing new staff to departmental colleagues and other staff; a welcoming tea gathering will be a good welcoming approach. 7.3 Part III (Week One) –Departmental Physical Orientation This part ensures that a new staff member is familiarized with his/her new local physical environment. Activities cover: 7.3.1 7.3.2 New office is shown; ensure that PC/Laptop is provided, operational and connected to network, stationary is available, phone is working, name plate is available and e-mail address arrangement is made. Also ensure that office keys are provided. Ensure network access, access card/keys and staff card have been obtained 2 Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University 7.3.3 Show location of Department/College facilities: Classrooms, teaching theaters, laboratories, notice boards and equipment. Meeting room, common room and Cloakrooms. Printer, photocopier, binding, faxing and pigeon holes. Kitchen, lifts, fire exists and assembly points. 7.4 Part IV (Weeks One & Two) – University Central Induction 7.4.1 University Overview: A 4-6 hours program in which presentations introducing new staff to the University environment and services are delivered by appropriate staff. Topics covered include: History of SQU Organizational Structure Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategic Plan Research strategies and areas Service units & centres Omani culture and University values Introduction Dinner-meeting with senior staff including VC, DVCs and Deans of Colleges 7.4.2 University Physical Orientation (Week one): In this physical orientation new staff is given an opportunity to view various University facilities including: Campus map. Campus tour. Staff parking areas. Mosque, shops, banking, sports facilities, health facilities. Entertainment, catering (restaurants and café) and laundry. Day care and nursery. Security office, Center for Staff Development, Center for Educational Technology, Center for Information Systems. Library and information resources. Deanship of Students Affairs. Deanship of Admission & Registration. Deanship for Research. Deanship for Postgraduate Studies. Housing department 7.4.3 Health and Safety (Week Two) Health and safety, H&S, is discussed to ensure awareness and embed H&S culture. New staff are introduced to H&S Policy, attending H&S program, fire alarm, exit and assembly points, after working hours security arrangement. New staff are to attend a risk management workshop and made aware of University assessed risks and the risk register. Workstation furniture assessment is carried out and found to be deemed ergonomic. The latter include: selecting and setting up office chair, desk, monitor, computer monitor and keyboard assessment. Lighting, noise and storage checked. 7.4.4 HR procedures (Week One & Two) New staff are introduced and familiarized with various human resources information, procedures, practices and policies. Below are main points to be covered: Gate pass and swipe cards or access keys. Staff parking permits. Specific information to international staff. Probation performance criteria and requirements discussed. Passport, medical check, road pass. Library & staff club memberships. Procedures for booking University facilities and equipment. University directory. Bank details to payroll. Leaves and travel booking procedure. List of University acronyms. Exit questionnaire. 3 Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University 7.5 Part V ( Week One – Three ) – Departmental General Information and Procedures The Head of Department, or a nominee, meets the new staff member and further introduces him/her to their local Departmental procedures and operations including: 7.5.1 Departmental general induction Explain Working hours, holidays, reporting sickness, and absence arrangements. Provide a copy of and explain Department Academic Calendar. Explain Departmental communication practices including notice boards. Give information on use of printer, photocopier, binding, faxing and mail distribution. Provide information on procedures for ordering resources, purchasing, expenses, travel. Highlight any social & sport activities. Provide a copy of staff handbook. Outline Department procedures for booking rooms and facilities. Provide information on meal and tea/coffee breaks. Explain further the induction check list and assist the new staff in completing it in a timely manner. Make sure that the completed checklist is returned to the Quality Assurance Office. Adding name to e-mail and phone lists. 7.5.2 Departmental procedures Provide general information on Departmental procedures including: Mission, strategic plan, objectives and KPIs. Department organizational chart. Contact list. Departmental meetings, committees and procedures. Communication practices including notice boards. Give details on and provide a copy of Schedule of various regular Departmental meetings. Discuss mentoring with Mentor. Sample minutes of Department and committees meetings. Job- Specific (Academic Staff Only) Head of Department or a line-manager shall meet with new staff and discuss in details of his/her new job responsibilities or roles. In particular discussion shall cover the followings: Clearly explaining job description and expectation - Job Orientation – responsibilities, expectations and targets are explicitly stated. Link to the Department and University structure is made clear. Timetable is given (academic staff). Quality and standards – overview of quality assurance standards, regulations and procedures including departmental approach to teaching, learning and assessments (good and not so good practices). Student feedback and peer reviews procedures. Professional accreditation and OAAA reports. Introduce and provide a copy of QA handbook. Give information on any good practices and benchmarks. Facts, figures and analytical and other reports about the Department and the specific job. Meeting with line-manger to discuss the probation performance criteria and requirements. Discuss and explain how to enroll on the Teaching and Learning Certificate program. Newly appointed staff and those who would like to upgrade their knowledge on learning, teaching, assessment and curriculum design and development are required to undertake this program. Program modules can be taken on stand-alone basis over a period of 2 years. 4 Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University 7.5.3 Research This part of the induction process is overseen by the Head of Department or the chair of the research committee in the Department in liaison with DVC office for research and postgraduate studies. Emphasis is made on research goals and expectations Discuss Research goals, output and plans and alignment with Departmental and University plans. Explain research ethics, intellectual property rights and commercialization. Emphasis research-teaching nexus. Consultations and policies. Research areas and groups Postgraduate supervision. Research funding. 7.6 Part VI – Information and communication technology 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 University IT & communication policies and procedures. Demonstrate the use of e-mail, telephone, voicemail and video conferencing. Explain and demonstrate the use of computer account and password, internet access, software at SQU, shared drives , calendar, wireless connection, off-campus access, Moodle or other University portal, online management and access to administration and students information systems. 7.7 Part VII – Ongoing Induction To further assist new staff in settling down and progress faster in achieving their goals, new staff are provided with ongoing feedback on their performance. This may cover: 7.7.1 Meeting with line-manager at mid-probation period to review performance, identify good practices, areas needing development and set new goals/targets. 7.7.2 Discuss general development needs. 7.7.3 Discuss any early student feedback, as appropriate. 7.7.4 Answer any questions and/or queries. 7.7.5 Meeting with line-manager at end–probation period to debrief on performance during probation period and, if applicable, discuss appraisal requirement/criteria, identify development needs, set new targets, and discuss progress in achieving set targets. 7.7.6 Meeting with line-manger to discuss annual performance and achievements, and, if applicable, identify further development needs and review targets. 8 RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9 Personnel Affairs Department & Development and Public Relations & Information Department – Part I and Part IV Heads of Department, Heads of Units and/or Line Managers – Parts II, III, V and VII CIS – Part VI Quality Assurance Office – reviewing feedback information, aligning with related policies, assisting in and disseminating good practices REVIEW 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Heads of Departments and managers of units and HR staff responsible for managing staff development shall annually participate in evaluating the effectiveness of induction activities in achieving intended goals. Staff undertaking induction are expected to provide feedback on their experiences. Appendix II gives a sample feedback questionnaire. Staff referred to in 12.1 are expected to annually provide to the Quality Assurance Office feedback on effectiveness of induction activities and where appropriate suggest any needed changes. Induction activities providers and other staff who participate in its delivery are expected to report on its effectiveness to the Quality Assurance Office. 5 Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University 10 DEFINITIONS 10.1 Induction: may be defined as the formal or informal activities by which new employees, or those assuming new role, are welcomed, introduced to their new environment and helped to adjust to and familiarize themselves with their new roles and responsibilities. 10.2 Induction - Coordinator (mate): a colleague who is assigned to assist the new staff during the first couple of days with physical orientation and accompany him/her to lunch and so on. 10.3 Line-Manager: the person to whom the inductee reports directly. 11 APPENDICES Appendix I – Induction Checklist. Appendix II – Sample Feedback Questionnaire 12 RISKS Identifying potential risks associated with the introduction of policies, in particular new ones, is considered a good practice. Line managers have the responsibility to embed risk management practices in their day-to-day operations. This may include taking the necessary measures to eliminate or control such risks. Main risks associated with this policy are listed below: 12.1. Lack of real collegial spirit and lack of needed induction skills may result in boring and not so useful activities. 12.2. Scarcity of trained and qualified staff to deliver induction activities. 12.3. Poor coordination of and non-availability of staff to deliver various activities. 12.4. Non adherence to timelines of scheduled events. 6 Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University Appendix I. INDUCTION CHECKLIST Dear new Staff Member, Below is a detailed list outlining information, activities and other issues that are expected to be covered during your induction process. Not all listed items may be applicable to you. This list serves two main purposes, the first is to provide a guidance on what should be covered during your induction and the second is to indicate the completion date of each activity. You are kindly requested to sign off and write down the date of completion of each item. When all items have been completed or when you have got the needed information on a particular item send a copy to the Quality Assurance Office (email: and another to your linemanger and keep a copy with you. Thank you. Name of the New Staff : Job Title : College : Department : Line-Manager : Start Date : Note – Table above is to be filled in by the Line Manager. 7 Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University Arrival Part I: Pre-Arrival (HR Office) Part No Item Date covered I have developed well understanding of, received enough information on and/or discussed the items given in the statements below 1 Introductory information on Oman 2 Job description 3 Employment terms and probation conditions 4 Basic information about the university 5 University location map 6 Basic information about the Department 7 Information on post-arrival induction 8 Name of the induction-coordinator (mate) 9 Schedule of first-week activities Information on arrangement to meet with University 10 contact person(s) on arrival 11 Information on accommodation & relocation support University Overview 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Meet with University contact person(s) upon arrival to Muscat 24 Meet Department coordinator(s) Meet line-manager (if applicable) Meet Head of Department Meet induction-coordinator (mate) Meet mentor ( if applicable) Meet Departmental colleagues at tea-welcome Location of Department facilities; meeting room, classrooms, theaters etc. Staff office is shown, office keys, computer, stationary, phone, e-mail , name plate Network access, access card and staff card Location of Department common room, lifts, labs, equipment, fire assembly points Use of printer, photocopier, binding, faxing and mail distribution Cloakrooms 25 Notice boards 26 27 28 29 30 31 History of SQU Organizational Structure Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategic Plan Research strategies and areas Service units and centers Omani culture and University values Introduction Dinner-meeting with senior staff including VC, DVCs, Deans of Colleges Campus map Campus tour Staff parking areas Facilities – mosque, shops, banking, sports and health Tea and coffee area, kitchen and common rooms Catering– restaurants, cafes and laundry Day care and nursery Security office Library & Cultural Centre HR office IT office Deanship of students 20 21 22 23 32 University Orientation Part IV : Post-arrival University Central Induction Weeks 1 & 2 Part III : Post-arrival Induction – Part II: Postarrival Weeks 1 Introduction Day 1 Departmental Orientation 12 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 8 Sultan Qaboos University 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Departmental procedures Part V : Post-arrival Week 1- 3 Departmental general induction 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Research 62 Accommodation quarters Health and safety information and policy H&S induction program Fire alarm, exists and assembly points Accidents & incident reporting After working hours security arrangements University main risks and risk register Office chair Desk Computer monitor Keyboard Lighting Storage Gate pass and swipe card or access keys Staff parking permit List of University acronyms Specific information to international staff Probation performance criteria and requirements discussed Passport, medical check, road pass Bank details to payroll University directory Library & staff club memberships Procedures for booking facilities and equipment Leaves and booking procedure Exit questionnaire Working hours, holidays, reporting sickness, and absence arrangements Academic calendar Departmental communication practices including notice boards Schedule of various regular Departmental meetings Social & sport activities Staff handbook Procedures for ordering resources, purchasing, expenses, travel Booking rooms and facilities Meal and tea/coffee breaks Adding name to e-mail and phone lists Department mission, objectives and strategic plan Department organizational chart Departmental meetings, committees and procedures Sample minutes of department and committees meetings Departmental facts, figures and reports Discuss mentoring with Mentor Enrollment on compulsory Teaching and Learning Certificate program Roles and expectations and link to the Department and University structure Timetable is given Quality and standards of work Student feedback and peer reviews Professional accreditation and OAAA QA handbook Research goals and plans and any link to Departmental and University plans Research ethics, intellectual property rights and commercialization Teaching – research nexus Consultations and policies Workstation ergonomic 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Job-specific (academic Staff) HR procedures Health and Safety Staff Induction Policy 9 Part VIII Post-arrival 3-6 months Part VII – Ongoing Induction Part VI – Information and communication technology 1-4 Weeks Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 110 111 112 113 114 115 Research areas and groups Postgraduate supervision Research funding IT and communications policies and procedures E-mail, telephone, voicemail and video conferencing Computer account and password Internet access Software at SQU Shared drives and calendar Wireless connection Off-campus access Moodle or other university portal Online management and access to administration and students information systems Informal feedback on performance Development needs Student feedback Progress in achieving set targets General developmental discussions Mid- probation performance review 116 End- probation performance review 117 Discuss annual performance review 109 I hereby confirm that I have received information, guidance and instruction on the statements, activities and topics outlined on this checklist. Name of New Staff: Signature: Date: 10 Staff Induction Policy Sultan Qaboos University Appendix II. SAMPLE FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Inductee, Kindly provide your feedback to the questions/statements given below when you have completed your induction. Please pass on the completed form to your Line-Manager. Name: Inductee: Name of Line Manager: Date: Statement No Feedback 1 If you have found the induction activities useful, kindly indicate why? 2 Which part was the most useful of the induction process? 3 If you have not found the induction activities useful, kindly indicate why? 4 Which part was the least useful of the induction process? 5 6 If you believe that the staff who have delivered/explained the activities were not competent, indicate which activities? Were activities well managed? 7 If you were to include other items, what are these? 8 If you were to exclude existing items, what are these? 9 Overall, would you rate your experience as, please tick in the appropriate box: Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Signature: Line Manager is kindly requested to forward one copy of the completed form to the Quality Assurance Office. 11