MULTINATIONAL FORCE-IRAQ Operations Update Maj Gen Rick Lynch 4 MAY 2006 TURKEY Operations Summary Mosul 3rd Iraqi Army Battalion in the lead; Operation Lion’s Kirkuk Hunt Bayji SYRIA Samarra Baqubah Ramadi IRAN Fallujah Baghdad Nearly 1,000 Sons of Al Anbar graduate boot camp Operation Babil Perimeter Al Kut Diwaniyah Najaf/Kufah Samawah Nasiriyah SAUDI ARABIA Basrah Weekly Ops 22-28 Apr 06 Combined ISF-only CF-only Total 220/42% 134/25% 175/33% 529 KUWAIT Kuwait City Essential Service Projects Tarmiya: • Completed projects ($10.9 million): road repairs; Enfaiye Village generator and pump installation; agricultural packs; and blankets and medical supplies. • Working projects ($10.1 million): new water supply pipeline; new electrical line; new birthing room; Qada building renovation; Tarmiya Town Hall improvements; upgrade to cities the drainage system; trash removal; additional road improvements; medical equipment; and medical and school supplies. Mushada • Received more than $8,000 worth of blankets and more than $4,000 worth of medical supplies. • Working projects ($3 million): a new medical clinic and school supplies. • Planned projects: repairing the water system, repairing the current medical clinic (along with building a new clinic), agricultural packs, and trash removal. A local contractor resurfaces the road between Tarmiya and Mushada on April 10. An Iraqi child is treated at a medical operaion. The Iraqi Army along with Coalition Soldiers have been conducting medical ops in the Mushada area. Essential Service Projects Saab al Bour: • Completed projects ($1.95 million): electrical upgrade for the city; school repairs for the Al Jwahiri High School and Taha Hussen Primary School; and water treatment and storage. • Working projects ($5.55 million): repair and expand the current 11 kilovolt line; installing a new 33 kilovolt line (protection and reliability to the cities electrical grid); water projects; and an additional $488,000 to improve the local schools. Rashidiya and Hussienya • Completed projects ($4 million): the Al Zahour Police Station; and the local farming Co-Op, which provides for more than 200 farmers in the Rashidiya, Hussienya and Sheik Sa’ad areas. • Rashidiyua planned projects ($4 million): a new power plant and trash removal • Hussienya working projects ($2.14 million): new public health clinic; new Civil Defense Center [Fire Department]; a courthouse; and school supplies. Compact water treatment units at station one and two provide fresh water to two communities Al Raood and Banat Al Hasan near Taji, March 13. These types of tanks will soon be constructed in Saab al Bour. These tractors were provided with coalition funds as part of the building of a local farming Co-op in the Rashidiya and Hussienya areas. The Coop will provide support to approximately 6,000 acres in both regions. TURKEY Al Qaeda in Iraq’s Strategy Mosul AQIZ Supporting Effort Kirkuk Bayji Facilitation (Fighters / Funds) Tikrit IRAN SYRIA Baqubah Ramadi Fallujah Baghdad AQIZ Main Effort Al Kut Najaf/Kufah - Establishment of an Islamic Caliphate in Iraq Diwaniyah Samawah Nasiriyah - Remove Coalition SAUDI ARABIAForces and the Shi’a populace from the region - Destabilize the “apostate government” through civil war and the establishment of Shari’a law Basrah KUWAIT Kuwait City TURKEY Al Qaeda in Iraq’s Strategy Mosul AQIZ Supporting Effort Kirkuk Bayji Facilitation (Fighters / Funds) Tikrit IRAN SYRIA Baqubah Ramadi Fallujah Baghdad AQIZ Main Effort Al Kut Najaf/Kufah - Establishment of an Islamic Caliphate in Iraq Diwaniyah Samawah Nasiriyah - Remove Coalition SAUDI ARABIAForces and the Shi’a populace from the region - Destabilize the “apostate government” through civil war and the establishment of Shari’a law Basrah KUWAIT Kuwait City TURKEY Impact on Al Qaeda’s Network Mosul AQIZ Supporting Effort 8 Apr 06 13 Apr 06 16 Apr 06 25 Apr 06 2 May 06 IRAN Kirkuk Bayji Facilitation (Fighters / Funds) Foreign Fighters Tikrit SYRIA 13 Apr 2 May Ramadi Baqubah 5 KIA 2 KIA 2 KIA 10 KIA 12 KIA 31 FF KIA since 8 Apr Fallujah Baghdad 8 25 Apr Apr 16 Apr AQIZ Main Effort Al Kut Najaf/Kufah - Intelligence indicates Yusifiyah is staging area for suicide bombers in Baghdad Diwaniyah Samawah Nasiriyah SAUDI ARABIA Basrah - Intelligence gained from operations leads to more operations - Areas near Balad are also targeted KUWAIT Kuwait City 8 Tier I Terrorists: Have direct ties to AMZ AQIZ Degradation since Jan 05 Total: 161 Hajji Hamadi AQIZ Sr Ldr IVO SE Abu Barzan TLake Thar Thar & Abu alal-Fath Abu Aqil Abu Hamza AQIZ Emir of East Garma Abu Ali AQ Facilitator in Mosul AQ Deputy of Iraq/Emir Emirof Mosul AQIZ Military Mosul Umar Barzani Abu Umar alal-Kurdi Abu Ubaydah of Baghdad Commander in Southern AMZ Senior Lieutenant Master VBIED Builder Abu Ayman AMZ Gatekeeper, Baghdad Baghdad Baghdad Ldr of Secret Islamic courier, confidant Party Yasir alal-Kubaysi Abu Omar a.k.a. Abu Abu Ali AQIZ Emir of Rutbah Abu Uthman Abu Saleh Bakr Emir of West Al Anbar AMZ Driver/ Emir of Hit Associate of Dr. Muhsin Abu Rasha AQIZ Religious Emir Safehouse Provider Chassan Amin for Abu Aqil AQIZ Sr Lt foLieutenant Hajji Abu Talha Abu Aisha Abu Azzam Baghdad Abu Harith Hamadi Emir of Mosul Emir of Haditha Emir of Baghdad Regional Emir IED Jamal Abu Muhannad Rakkan attacks on CF Abu Hassan Baghdad Cell Leader Abu Sirhan Mosul AQIZ Ldr Abu AMZ Gatekeeper/Forger Ghassan Amin AQ Lieutenant for Abu Barzan’ Barzan’s driver Emir of Rawah Abu Usama Talha of Iraq/ Emir of Abu Ahmed Khallad Abu alal-Abbas Abu Zayd Emir of Baghdad Mosul Abu Asma Hajji AQIZ FF Facilitator Foreign Fighter QJBR Baghdad Mahmud Saynt Emir of West Mosul Abu Qutaybah AQIZ Emir of Tarmiyah Baghdad SVBIED Cell Abu Rim a.k.a. Adel Facilitator SVIED/FF Cell Leader Emir of Hit AMZ Courier Leader Media Chief/Computer Dr. Hassan In Mosul Mullah Khazzam al-Rahman Gatekeeper AQIZ Media Chief Abu Abd alAbu Sayf Mahmud Expert Sr AQIZ in Kirkuk AMZ Gatekeeper/Safe Abu Zaynab QJBR Baghdad Baghdad AQIZFadhil Media Mashadani Rafid Ibrahim house Facilitator/Emir of Former Emir of Hit Former Baghdad Ba’ ’ ath Ba SVIED/Cell Leader Abu Barra Cell Leader MuhammadJAI Daham Financier and ties Ramadi Khamis a.k.a. Abu Seba Military Branch Leader Abu Anas Ramadi Insurgent Leader Senior Assistant to Abu w/AQSL Dr. Shuayb Former Intel Cell Leader Ar Ramadi Abu Usama Talha Abu Hassan Abu Walid Abu Zubayr Abu Ahmad Possible Contact AQIZ Cell Leader Abu Karrar Emir of Mosul AQIZ Cell Leader Reiligous EmirOfficer/Possible for Abu Operational Commander AMZ Gatekeeper with AMZ Husaybah Abu Da’ Da’ud Miitary Ldr for Yusifiyah Ghurayb Abu alal-Bara, Bara, Abu Khalid Abu Sayf alal-Urdani Of Hit Abu Mahmud Tlha Lieutenant Ramadi Abu Abd Abu Majid Leaders/Facilitators AMZ Chief of Security/ Baghdad Military Abu ‘Ali SVBIES Cell Leader Abu Yusif AQ Administrative Emir Former QJBR Associate of Abu Abd alalBodyguard Hostage Negotiator in Abu Samir Commander Abu Abdullah al Saudi Religious Emir for Emir of Kurdish Region Aziz SATCO kidnapping Case Mosul AQIZ senior AQ FF Facilitator Ahned Mashandani Yusifiyah Abu Ibrahim (Hallums) Hallums) Abu alal-Izz leader Mullah Birwa FRE Cell Leader for Abu Hajir Replaced Abu Islam Associate of Abu Rim Abu Umar Emir of Germany Hisham Jamaat alMosul AQIZ Chemi al-Tawid Wa alalIn Hussayabh Abu Islam FF with Intel onAbu Fatima Abu Yunis Jihad Abu Abdullah al Saudi Weapons facilitat AQIZ Courier Abu Hamza Asadallah Emir of Mosul Leader of Abu Islam Mosul/KSA Networks AQ Baghdad VBIED Hammadi TahkiAQ FF Facilitator Abu Wisam Baghdad/Rawah Hostage Involved with Abu Asil Senior AQIZ/FF Abu Mahmud Group in Al Qaim Cell Leader Emir of Samarra Deputy to poss.AQIZ Abduction of Jeffrey AkeMosul SVIED Cell Leader Senior FF in Al Qai Husaybah Abu ‘Rayyan Intel Emir of Baghdad Dr. Muhammad Chief of Operations Abu Raghad Abu Ra’ Ra’dAMZ’ Media Operative for AMZ’s SVIED/FF Network Senior FF/Lea Abu Mustafa Abu Umar Cell Leader Mosul Baghdad Ramadi VBIED Cell Husaybah Associated with Jill Abu Junaid Cell Leader Baqubah Abu Qutayba Abu Umar slsl-Kurdi Carroll Abu Khattab Associate Abu Uthman QJBR Cell Leader of Abu Shahed Abu Hassan Abu Tayyibah AMZ Facilitator Dawrah/Baghdad Abu Ali Cell Leader MosulDawrah/Baghdad Abu Fatima Abu Usama Cell Leader Mosul Mahir alal-Rawi Abu Saddam BaghdadBaghdad-based Abu FarisAssociate of Abu AMZ Safe house Baghdad Cell Leader AMZ Driver AQ Facilitator and Umar alal-Kurdi document forger Baghdad SVIED/FF Cell Driver for Abu Mahmud Abu Zubar document forger Leader Abu Hamza The Mosel Cell Leader Abu Abd alal-Qadir Cell Leader Mosul Fahad Key Planner Chemical Abu Haythem QJBR Leader in FRE/Cell Leader TWJ Attack Mosul Airfield Driver for AQIZ Emir of Abu Umar Saqlawiyah Senior AQIZ FF/Leader in Abu Walid West Baghdad Majid Hajji Ibrahim Layth alal-Alwani Abu alal-Hayjah Ubaydi/Husaybah/Al FRE Leader/ Financier Fuad Khalid Affar Hamza Khattab Baghdad AQIZ Hudayfah Satter Abu Khayrullah Associate of the Emir of Ramadi Cell Leader LIFG FF and suicideUmar Amin AQIZ/FF Facilitator Qaim Mosul Cell Leader Explosives Expert Associate of Abu Rim/ Mosul Cell Leader Iraq, Abu Talha bomberOperation Commander Abu A’zam for the North Dr Hassan and facilitator Abu Shawkat Associate of Abu Qutaybah Abu Muhajir Abu Mustafa Mosul AQIZ Abu Afnan Umar alal-Kurdi AQIZ Baghdad Attack Foreign Fighter Deputy to AQIZ Senior Abu AnasMedia Ops for Tal Afar Planner Facilitator Abu Yusif Leader Cell Leader in Yusifiyah Abu Uthamn Abu Khayrullah In Mosul Abu Yahya Abu Zahra Abu Hassan Religios Ldr for AS Jabbar Latif Farhan Husayn Rakan Mosel Network Member/ AQIZ Media Cell Member Abu Ali Mosul Cell Leader Media Cell Member Abu Karim Cell Leader Yusifiyah Provided safe haven for Cell Leader in Baghdad/ Abu Haydar Associate of Abu Bara Ma’adhCell Leader Mosul Abu Samra Involved in AHAH-64 FF in Yusifiyah Wamid Associate Abu Ma’ IED\ IED\Hostage AAA Driver AQIZ Baghdad Apache Rasim Latif Abu Umar Cell Leader in Ramadi Intelligence Military Leader in Military Cell Leader in Abu Muhannad Abu Shihab Yusifiyah Yusifiyah Abu Hamza Abu Afnan Close associate of Bilal QPropoganda Chief for Abu Mustafa Senior AQIZ Cell Leader Abu Ja’ Ja’far KhamisMedia Operations for Tal Mustafa Yasin Ali Samir Walid JAM Media Cell in Military Ops in greater Dr Shu’ Shu’ayb Kawa Majid Abdullah Tameen Baghdad VBIED Builder Afar AlAQIZ, Abu Zayd Al-Karghuli Imad Baghdad, associated Zaydon area Recruiter and Courier Cell Leader in Mosul Abu Raid Anaz alal-SalmaniAzzam Associate Abu Ali AQIZ Baghdad Financial Associate AAA Lieutenant/AMZ w/AQIZ Mosul and Baghdad Emir of Abu Ghraib Abu Hammam AQIZ HusaybahCell Baghdad VBIED Leader Supporter Financial Support Cell Mosul AQIZ Cell Leader Leader TIER I TIER II 57 Tier 2 Terrorists: Leaders in local and regional areas TIER III Abu Salman Abu Ibrahim AQIZ HusaybahCell AQIC Tech expert/leader Leader Muhammad Atiya in Baghdad Mbr of Haythem alal-Badri Network 96 Tier 3 Terrorists: Iraqi and Abu Ahmed AQIZ Emir of Sadah Abu Qatada IFLI Cell Leader Foreign Fighters, many serving as cell leaders Abu Azzam Aqiz killed in September 2005 raid in Baghdad - Intelligence led us to a residential high-rise in the A’amel District of Baghdad. During the raid, he was killed after opening fire on the forces. - Abu Azzam was the operational commander and the main gatekeeper for Al Qaida in Iraq. - He had operational control over the flow of money and information from Baghdad to other cells and cities in Iraq. - He had controlled the operations in and around Baghdad since April 2005. Original member Shura Council. Abu Azzam Aqiz Abu Ubaydah killed in October 2005 raid in Ramadi - Abu Ubaydah served as an “executive secretary” for Zarqawi, screened all messages and requests for meetings with Zarqawi - Met with Zarqawi frequently and served as his messenger and gatekeeper - Provided Zarqawi with safe house locations and used intimidation and death threats to gain the cooperation of the Iraqi people to support Al Qaeda in Iraq terrorist activity Abu Ubaydah UMAR BARZANI SENTENCED TO DEATH - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s lieutenant and member of the original Shura Council, he was captured in May 2004. - Emir of Baghdad, responsible for operations in and around the Baghdad area. - Found Guilty of Crimes against the Internal Security of the State and sentenced to death Ibrahmi Ahdul Kareem Abdul Aziz Zangana aka Umar Baziyani UMAR AL KURDI SENTENCED TO DEATH - Most lethal of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s lieutenants, Sami Muhammad Ali Said alJa’af, aka Abu Umar al-Kurdi, captured in a raid in Baghdad Jan. 15, 2005. - Confessed to building approximately 75 percent of the car bombs used in attacks in Baghdad since March 2003. - Involved in the bombing of the Jordanian Embassy and the United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad Sami Muhammed Ali Said aka Umar Al Kurdi - Involved in the interrogation, torture and execution of Jabbar Ateaia alRubaee, who was the Secretary General for the National Institute for Human Rights in Iraq. - Found Guilty of Crimes against the Internal Security of the State and sentenced to death CCCI SENTENCES ABU TALHA TO DEATH - Former Emir of Mosul and was AMZ’s most trusted operations officers in Iraq - Planned, coordinated and conducted deadly attacks and kidnappings in Mosul and Baghdad - Used bombs indiscriminately to intimidate, terrorize and murder local citizens - He would receive $50,000 to $100,000 a month from kidnapping operations in Baghdad. Original member of Shura Council. Muhammad Khalaf Shakara aka Abu Talha - Abu Talha was charged with violating Article 194 of the Iraqi Penal Code for joining armed groups. The trial court found him guilty and sentenced him to death Abu Ayman captured March 2006 by ISF in Baghdad - Former aide to the Chief of Staff of Intelligence during the Saddam Hussein regime - Target of a major manhunt until his capture 7 March and was the leader of the Secret Islamic Army in the Northern Babil Province - Prime suspect in the kidnapping of Italian journalist Guiliana Sgrena and for assassination attempts on Iraqi Government and ISF officials - Also the prime suspect in the kidnapping and killing of several hostages in Iraq and for committing some of the most lethal IED attacks on Coalition/Iraqi Forces and on Iraqi citizens since the fall of the regime Muhammed Hila Hammad Ubaydi aka Abu Ayman Al Qaeda in Iraq’s Baghdad Strategy Strategic outline, notes, and comments for operations in Baghdad Outline Operations based on ethnic makeup of district/area States that the Shi’a are the priority target in Baghdad Directs the reduction of attacks in predominately Sunni areas Directs the elimination of spies and informants in the Sunni area Shi’a Remove Shi’a from mixed neighborhoods calmly and without fanfare Conduct operations in order to isolate Shi’a areas, forcing them to move Tactics Displace/reduce ops against CF in order to operate against them in Baghdad Concentrate on static patrols through the use of snipers Conduct (IED) attacks along major LOCs outside of Sunni areas Strategy Freedom of movement in Baghdad is the key • Striking fixed detachments • Striking dispatch centers Maintaining the “Belt” Inciting the people against the Shi’a MULTINATIONAL FORCE-IRAQ Operations Update Maj Gen Rick Lynch 4 MAY 2006