RÉGIE DE L'ÉNERGIE DEMANDE DE MODIFIER LES TARIFS DE SOCIÉTÉ EN COMMANDITE GAZ MÉTRO À COMPTER DU 1er OCTOBRE 2009 DOSSIER : R-3690-2009 RÉGISSEURS : M. RICHARD CARRIER, président M. GILLES BOULIANNE M. JEAN-FRANÇOIS VIAU AUDIENCE DU 3 SEPTEMBRE 2009 VOLUME 2 JEAN LAROSE, CLAUDE MORIN, MARC BEEBE Sténographes officiels COMPARUTIONS Me LOUIS LEGAULT Me AMÉLIE CARDINAL procureurs de la Régie; REQUÉRANTE : Me VINCENT REGNAULT Me HUGO SIGOUIN-PLASSE procureurs de Société en commandite Gaz Métro (GM); INTERVENANTS : Me GUY SARAULT procureur de Association des consommateurs industriels du gaz (ACIG); Me ANDRÉ TURMEL Me OLIVIER CHAREST procureurs de Fédération canadienne de l'entreprise indépendante (FCEI); Me GENEVIÈVE PAQUET procureure de Groupe de recherche appliquée en macroécologie (GRAME); Me STÉPHANIE LUSSIER procureure de Option consommateurs (OC); Me ANNIE GARIEPY procureure de Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l'environnement du Québec (RNCREQ); Me FRANKLIN S. GERTLER procureur de Regroupement des organismes environnementaux en énergie (ROEÉ); Me DOMINIQUE NEUMAN procureur de Stratégies énergétiques et Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (SÉ/AQLPA); Me JOHN HURLEY procureur de TransCanada Energy Ltd (TCE); Me HÉLÈNE SICARD procureure de Union des consommateurs (UC); Me STEVE CADRIN procureur de Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ). R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 4 TABLE DES MATIERES PAGE LISTE DES ENGAGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTE DES PIÈCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRÉLIMINAIRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 7 PAUL R. CARPENTER, PIERRE DESPARS, AARON M. ENGEN, A. LAWRENCE KOLBE, MICHAEL J. VILBERT INTERROGÉS PAR Me VINCENT REGNAULT . . . . . . CONTRE-INTERROGÉS PAR Me HÉLÈNE SICARD . . . . CONTRE-INTERROGÉS PAR Me GUY SARAULT . . . . . 8 10 17 ____________ R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 5 LISTE DES ENGAGEMENTS U # 3 : Provide the English version of the question 19.1 provided to the witnesses . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ 141 R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 6 LISTE DES PIÈCES PAGE EXHIBIT C 1 13: An article published on August 31st on Gaz Métro's website. 100 EXHIBIT C 1 14: Copy of the relevant the decision dealing with the proposal on principles OF ATWAC. EXHIBIT C 1 15: Décision du Public Service Commission of Wisconsin du 17 Janvier 2008. . . . . . . . 160 Decision before the Tennessee Regulatory Authority, and it seems to be dated January 13, 2009. . . . . . . . . . . . 160 EXHIBIT C 1 16: portion of specifically the . . . . 148 EXHIBIT C 1 17: A decision of January 21st, 2009, of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. . . . . 162 EXHIBIT C 1 18: A decision dated May 7, 2009, of the California, of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. . . . . . . . 167 EXHIBIT C 1 19: A document entitled "Dr. Booth's calculation of the impact on Gas Metro's implied return on equity of the adjustments proposed by Vilbert and Kolbe between TQM's decision and Gas Metro's proposal." . . . . . . . . . 176 EXHIBIT C 1 20: Excerpt from Dr. Roger Morin's book, New Regulatory Finance, the 2006 edition. . . . . . . . 206 ____________ R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 7 L'AN DEUX MILLE NEUF, ce troisième (3e) jour du mois de septembre : PRÉLIMINAIRES LE PRÉSIDENT : Madame la Greffière. LA GREFFIÈRE : Protocole d'ouverture. Audience du trois (3) septembre deux mille neuf (2009), dossier R-36902009. Demande de modifier les tarifs de Société en commandite Gaz Métro à compter du premier (1er) octobre deux mille neuf (2009). Poursuite de l'audience. LE PRÉSIDENT : Maître Regnault, on vous écoute. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Simplement très rapidement. Bonjour, Monsieur le Président; bonjour, Messieurs les Régisseurs. Nous avons constaté une petite erreur de frappe dans la présentation qui a été produite sous la cote B-66. C'est la B-66, oui, Gaz Métro-7, Document 25. Si vous le permettez, je vais simplement poser deux courtes questions à monsieur... au docteur Kolbe afin de lui permettre de corriger sa présentation. LE PRÉSIDENT : Très bien. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 8 - PANEL 2 - GM Interrogatoire Me Vincent Regnault L'AN DEUX MILLE NEUF (2009), le troisième (e) jour de septembre, ONT COMPARU : PAUL R. CARPENTER, PIERRE DESPARS, AARON M. ENGEN, A. LAWRENCE KOLBE, MICHAEL J. VILBERT, LESQUELS témoignent sous la affirmation solennelle, INTERROGÉS PAR Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Q. [1] So Dr. Kolbe, do you have any corrections to bring to your presentation that was filed as Exhibit B 66? Dr. A. LAWRENCE KOLBE : A. Yes, I do. Q. [2] Where? A. Yes, I do. On page 9, I think we could I don't know if we could flash that up, but page 9. I don't know if we could flash that up, flash that up on the screen? Q. [3] The second one A. The second. Q. [4] Mr. Carpenter. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 PANEL 2 - GM Interrogatoire Me Vincent Regnault - 9 A. At page 9. On the last full line, the next last line, there are two that I used for the imbedded interest rates, and they both start with 7 and they should both actually start with 6. I'm sorry, they've gotten mistyped; it's 6.866 and 6.767. The numbers were right in all the tables, it was just that in typing in the line, for some unknown reason, the 7 got substituted for the 6. Q. [5] So am I to understand that it does not change the result of your calculations? A. No, it has no effect on the tables or anything else. It just was a typing error as the line was put in. ME VINCENT REGNAULT: Thank you, Dr. Kolbe. Donc, il y aura, hier, à la demande du procureur de la Régie, nous allons transmettre au greffe de la Régie les présentations en format électronique « travaillable », entre guillemets. Et dans la version électronique qui sera transmise donc à la Régie, la correction aura été apportée. LE PRÉSIDENT : Très bien. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 10 - PANEL 2 - GM Interrogatoire Me Vincent Regnault Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Donc, c'est tout pour moi. Les témoins sont disponibles pour le contre-interrogatoire. LE PRÉSIDENT : Merci. Donc, nous en sommes à l'étape des contreinterrogatoires. Maître Sicard, pour l'Union des consommateurs. CONTRE-INTERROGÉS PAR Me HÉLÈNE SICARD : Bonjour, Monsieur le Président; bonjour, Messieurs. Hélène Sicard pour l'Union des consommateurs. Bonjour aux membres du panel. Q. [6] Bonjour, Monsieur Despars. Mes questions s'adressent principalement à vous. Et ce sont quelques questions très générales. Je comprends de la présentation de vos experts et de la vôtre, et ce que vous nous avez dit en fin de journée hier, que vous demandez une modification de méthode pour calculer votre taux de rendement et que vous demandez donc un taux de rendement de douze point trente-neuf (12,39) pour l'année qui vient? M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. En fait, à la dernière page de la présentation lorsqu'on transpose le ATWACC de sept point soixante-quinze (7,75) et qu'on l'applique sur la structure de capital présumée de Gaz Métro avec R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 11 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Hélène Sicard trente-huit pour cent (38 %) d'équité, c'est douze point trente-neuf pour cent (12,39 %). Q. [7] Et je comprends que Gaz Métro admet que l'année dernière a été une année économique très difficile. D'ailleurs, vos témoins ont mentionné un peu ce que tout le monde sait, il y a des gens qui ont perdu leur emploi, il y a des gens qui ont perdu une grosse partie de leurs épargnes et qui essaient de se retrouver des emplois, qui doivent retourner travailler. Les fonds de pension ont baissé de presque trente-trois pour cent (33 %). Vous admettez tout ça? R. En fait, j'admets que la situation économique a été difficile l'an dernier, qu'on a passé à travers une crise économique, effectivement, et que, comme le présentait monsieur Engen, entre autres, il y a eu une reprise, mais reprise qui n'est pas confirmée. Et les coûts de financement sont quand même supérieurs à ce qu'ils étaient avant la crise. Q. [8] Mais ces coûts sont encore bas? R. Pardon? Q. [9] Est-ce que ces coûts sont encore bas, par exemple, par rapport aux années deux mille trois (2003), deux mille quatre (2004) et deux mille cinq (2005)? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 12 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Hélène Sicard R. Ils sont plus hauts que ce qu'ils étaient avant la crise. Q. [10] Est-ce que vous pouvez me dire si les années deux mille trois (2003), deux mille quatre (2004), deux mille cinq (2005) étaient des années où l'économie allait bien? R. Oui. Q. [11] Maintenant, est-ce que vous vous souvenez du taux de rendement que la Régie a accordé à Gaz Métro et que vous avez réalisé dans ces années deux mille trois (2003), deux mille quatre (2004) et deux mille cinq (2005)? R. On a, à une demande d'information, on a soumis la réponse sur les taux de rendement historiques autorisés. Il faudrait voir... Q. [12] Si je vous réfère, là, et que ce sont les décisions pour deux mille quatre (2004), D-2004-196 où le taux de rendement après bonification qui avait été accordé était de onze point soixantequatre (11,64) pour les actionnaires ordinaires, pour deux mille trois (2003).. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Vous avez dit « après bonification »? Me HÉLÈNE SICARD : Oui. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 13 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Hélène Sicard Q. [13] Et pour deux mille trois (2003), avant bonification, c'était neuf point quarante-cinq (9,45). La bonification étant autour de un point quatre-vingt-quinze (1,95). Et pour deux mille cinq (2005), la décision D-2005-173, la bonification était de point trente-huit (,38). Et votre taux avec bonification donnait neuf point trente-trois (9,33). Est-ce que ces chiffres-là vous apparaissent... je ne dis pas exacts, exacts, mais c'était dans ces mesures-là ce que vous avez eu comme bonification? R. Par coeur, je ne peux pas confirmer. Il faudrait que je revois les tables et, entre autres, les tableaux qu'on a présentés en réponse qui reprenaient les décisions de la Régie et qui statuaient sur chacun des éléments. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : À quelle réponse aux demandes de renseignements vous faites référence? Me HÉLÈNE SICARD : Moi, je faisais référence aux anciennes décisions de la Régie pour ces années-là. Mais mon confrère, maître Sarault, me dit que... Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Vous avez le numéro de la pièce? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 14 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Hélène Sicard Me HÉLÈNE SICARD : Gaz Métro-7, Document 13.3. Les taux pour deux mille trois (2003), deux mille quatre (2004) et deux mille cinq (2005) réalisés, autorisés étaient de? Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Vous avez dit 11.3? Me HÉLÈNE SICARD : Gaz Métro-7, Document 13.2 à la page 5 de 6. 9 h 10 M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Là, je reconnais les chiffres. Me HÉLÈNE SICARD : Q. [14] Alors, si vous regardez ces chiffres pour ces années deux mille trois (2003), deux mille quatre (2004) et deux mille cinq (2005), êtes-vous d'accord avec moi que les taux qui ont été autorisés par la Régie comme étant justes et raisonnables sont bien en dessous de ce que vous demandez? R. Effectivement. Q. [15] Dans le contexte économique actuel... R. Mais on demande... Excusez. Q. [16] ... considérant que vous demandez cette année un taux plus élevé que pour ces bonnes années au R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 15 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Hélène Sicard niveau économique, comment est-ce que vous justifiez ça face à vos clients et les consommateurs de gaz qui vont devoir, à travers leur tarif, assumer, dans le contexte économique actuel là, une augmentation de votre taux de rendement? R. En fait, quand on prépare notre demande tarifaire et ce n'est pas la première fois qu'on demande une révision du taux de rendement - on regarde quel est le coût pour les capitaux de Gaz Métro et on regarde les attentes du marché par rapport aux capitaux qui sont investis dans l'entreprise. Et à cet égard-là, il est clair que, au cours des dernières années, on a vu une appréciation du coût en capital, et notre demande reflète cette appréciation du coût en capital. Il est clair que l'impact - et il y a un impact sur le coût de service de l'entreprise mais on doit aussi balancer l'intérêt des investisseurs et se préoccuper de l'intérêt des investisseurs lorsqu'on regarde le coût des capitaux et notre capacité à attirer des capitaux. Donc, dans ce contexte-là, oui, notre demande est supérieure à ce que les... les taux qui ont été autorisés dans les années précédentes, mais R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 16 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Hélène Sicard je réitère qu'on est à la troisième demande et on n'était pas nécessairement satisfait du taux de rendement autorisé. Q. [17] O.K. Monsieur Despars, encore une fois, vous me parlez de vos investisseurs. Je vous parle, moi, de vos clients et des consommateurs qui doivent aussi être pris en considération. De quelle façon, eux, sont-ils pris en considération pour avoir des tarifs justes et équitables dans une demande où vous demandez douze point trente-neuf (12.39 %) de taux de rendement, dans une situation économique comme celle qu'on connaît? R. Mais, je viens de vous répondre. Quand on prépare les tarifs, quand on prépare les conditions de service, on pense à l'ensemble de notre clientèle et on fait tous les efforts pour augmenter le niveau des ventes. On fait tous les efforts pour minimiser nos coûts d'opération. Et malheureusement, cette année, on observe une baisse des livraisons aux petits et moyens débits, une baisse des livraisons à la grande entreprise, une pression à la hausse sur nos coûts d'exploitation et le coût des capitaux fait partie aussi des facteurs qui viennent affecter notre coût de service. Donc, la réponse, c'est on se préoccupe de R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 17 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Hélène Sicard nos clients, oui. On fait tous les efforts pour contrôler nos coûts, mais il faut aussi respecter les contraintes de marchés. Et c'est ce qu'on intègre à l'intérieur de notre dossier tarifaire. Q. [18] Je vous remercie. LE PRÉSIDENT : Merci, Maître Sicard. Maître Sarault. 9 h 15 CONTRE-INTERROGÉS PAR Me GUY SARAULT : Je vais m'assurer que mon cellulaire est bien fermé. LE PRÉSIDENT : C'est la règle. Me GUY SARAULT : C'est toujours bien plate, en plein milieu d'un contre-interrogatoire, d'entendre le téléphone sonner. M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. J'ajouterais, chez Gaz Métro, quand ça se produit dans une réunion, ça coûte cinq dollars (5 $) à celui qui est le propriétaire du téléphone, qu'on donne à une oeuvre de charité. Q. [19] Ah! Oui. C'est une excellente règle, je vous félicite parce que c'est excessivement ennuyant. R. Oui. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 18 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [20] Mes premières questions vont être pour monsieur Despars. LE PRÉSIDENT : Peut-être, Maître Sarault, identifier le... vous interrogez au nom de l'ACIG, mais je crois aussi au nom d'un regroupement. Peut-être préciser le.... Me GUY SARAULT : Q. [21] Oui. Excellente remarque, Monsieur le Président. Alors, évidemment, comme vous le savez... Maybe I should repeat this in English as a matter of courtesy to our American friends. I will cross examine you on rate of return, cost of capital on behalf of IGUA, the Industrial Gas Users Association, which is my regular client. But in addition to that, we act on behalf of all consumer associations represented in this case. They've entrusted me to act on their behalf on cost of capital issues, so the residential users and the small commercial users, inter alia, are part of this coalition, so to speak. All right. Mes premières questions vont être dirigées à vous, Monsieur Despars, un peu dans la foulée des questions de maître Sicard. Vous avez effectivement, en réponse à une question adressée au docteur Carpenter, produit, comme pièce Gaz R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 19 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Métro-7, Document 13.2, page 5, l'historique des rendements autorisés et des rendements réalisés de mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix (1990) à deux mille neuf (2009) inclusivement. Au moment de la confection de cette pièce qui est datée du trente (30) juin deux mille neuf (2009), on rapportait, pour l'année deux mille huit (2008), un taux de rendement autorisé, incluant la bonification, de l'ordre de neuf virgule cinquantedeux pour cent (9,52 %). Mais, pour ce qui est de la colonne, la dernière colonne intitulée « Taux de rendement réalisé », on a les lettres « ND » présumément pour « non disponible ». M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Oui. À ce moment-là, de mémoire, la décision de la Régie dans le dossier de fermeture deux mille huit (2008) n'était pas rendue. Q. [22] Exact. Alors, vous parlez évidemment du dossier du rapport annuel au trente (30) septembre deux mille huit (2008), R-3680-2008, hum? R. Oui. Q. [23] Oui. R. En fait, c'est le dossier de fermeture deux mille huit (2008). Q. [24] Exact. On appelait ça « fermeture », R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 20 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault maintenant, on appelle ça « rapport annuel ». R. Pas de problème avec le rapport annuel. Pour moi, le rapport annuel, c'est un autre document là, mais... Q. [25] Mais, la cause est effectivement intitulée « rapport annuel ». R. Oui, oui. Q. [26] Alors, si je vous suggérais que le taux effectivement réalisé pour l'exercice se terminant le trente (30) septembre deux mille huit (2008) serait de dix virgule quatre quatre cinq pour cent (10,445 %), est-ce que c'est exact? Et je vais vous donner le numéro de pièce précis parce que ça pourrait être validé par la Régie. Un petit instant. C'est une Gaz Métro-8. Excusez-moi là, je l'avais photocopiée spécialement. Effectivement, Gaz Métro-7, Document 1, page 3 de 3, colonne 5. Alors, on a « Calcul du taux moyen du coût en capital réalisé pour l'exercice terminé le 30 septembre 2008 », c'est le titre de la pièce. À la ligne 10, on a « Avoir des actionnaires ordinaires » et on a « Taux annuel » en colonne 5, dix virgule quatre quatre cinq pour cent (10,445 %). R. En fait, vous faites référence, ce numéro de pièce- R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 21 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault là, c'est la référence dans le dossier de... Q. [27] Exact, oui. R. ... dans le rapport annuel deux mille huit (2008). Q. [28] Dans le dossier R3680-2008. R. Je vais prendre votre parole, je n'ai pas la pièce en avant de moi là, mais je n'ai aucune... je n'ai aucune indication que ce ne serait pas ça là. Q. [29] O.K. R. Il n'y a pas eu de révision de cette pièce, à ma connaissance. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Si vous me permettez, Maître Sarault, je peux confirmer que c'était effectivement le... pour le témoin, que c'était effectivement le taux de rendement à ce moment-là. Me GUY SARAULT : Le chiffre. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Oui. Me GUY SARAULT : Q. [30] C'est parce qu'il y a eu une pièce toute récente qui a été déposée dans le présent dossier, dans la série Gaz Métro-1, donc qui vient compléter la présentation générale du dossier, notamment là, je pense, le témoignage de madame Brochu. Je ne R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 22 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault sais pas si c'est un témoignage écrit qui a été préparé par ou pour elle. Et dans cette pièce additionnelle qui serait la pièce Document 1.1, on faisait allusion à un taux de dix virgule trentesept (10,37 %). Et c'est ce qu'on avait retrouvé aussi dans certains rapports d'agence de notation de crédit, et caetera. Alors que, dans le dossier officiel, de fermeture de livre deux mille huit (2008), on parle plutôt de dix virgule quatre quatre cinq (10,445 %). M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Sans être certain, je pense et je suis pas mal convaincu que le premier taux fait référence à ce qui a été déposé par Gaz Métro. Et compte tenu qu'il y a eu une dépense qui a été désallouée, on a complété les pièces, on a refait les pièces en fonction d'une dépense de deux point neuf millions (2.9 M$) qui a été désallouée par la Régie, qui a amené... et c'est la... on en parlait hier là, c'est le deux point neuf millions (2.9 M$) reliés au fonds de pension, donc qui a amené à revoir le calcul de l'excédent de rendement. De ce deux point neuf millions-là (2.9 M$), soixante-quinze pour cent (75 %) va être remis aux clients dans la présente cause tarifaire ou la subséquente et donc, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 23 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault ça a mené à une modification du trop-perçu à la hausse de deux point neuf millions (2.9 M$), vingtcinq pour cent (25 %) en rendement additionnel qui représente environ huit cent mille dollars (800 000 $) et donc qui venait augmenter le taux de rendement réalisé par Gaz Métro... Q. [31] Par rapport... R. ... pour l'exercice deux mille huit (2008). Donc, c'est... Q. [32] Donc, le bon chiffre, c'est dix virgule quatre quatre cinq (10.445 %). R. C'est suite à la décision de la Régie, c'est le taux de rendement réalisé qui a été déposé au dossier. Q. [33] O.K. Simplement pour les fins du dossier, je voudrais rappeler les causes de cet excédent de rendement pour l'exercice deux mille huit (2008), et je cite à partir de la pièce Gaz Métro-1, Document 1 de la R3680-2008 : Une augmentation de la marge bénéficiaire brute de 15,5 M$, par rapport aux prévisions du dossier tarifaire 2008. Cette hausse est répartie de la façon suivante entre les différents services : R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 24 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault En ce qui a trait à la distribution, il y a eu une hausse des revenus essentiellement attribuable à l'augmentation, au service interruptible, des ventes régulières et à court terme, partiellement réduite par la baisse des consommations des clients petit et moyen débits. Donc, quand on parle de service interruptible, on parle majoritairement de clients industriels, n'est-ce pas? R. Oui, tout à fait. Q. [34] Donc, la consommation pour deux mille huit (2008) de la clientèle industrielle a été plus élevée que prévue pour cette année-là. R. Oui. Q. [35] Deuxièmement : - Par ailleurs, afin de combler la hausse des volumes transportés, des achats additionnels à Dawn ont été contractés à des prix inférieurs au tarif en vigueur de TCPL, générant ainsi des R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 25 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault économies au niveau des coûts de transport. Toujours dans le but de combler la hausse des volumes transportées, Gaz Métro a été en mesure de réduire les cessions de transport à perte. Vous vous souvenez de cet élément-là? R. Tout à fait, et ça dénote les efforts qui sont réalisés par les gens aux approvisionnements gaziers lorsqu'ils voient une opportunité pour réduire les coûts. Ça ne tombe pas du ciel ces choses-là là. Q. [36] Non, non, non. R. C'est beau. Q. [37] Troisièmement : - Au niveau du service d'équilibrage, la diminution des coûts s'explique principalement par la hausse des transactions d'optimisation, laquelle a été partiellement réduite par la baisse des revenus d'équilibrage associée au crédit octroyé aux clients du service interruptible en raison de leur consommation R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 26 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault supérieure à celle anticipée. Vous vous souvenez de cet élément-là? R. Oui, oui. Q. [38] Oui. Donc, pour résumer l'année deux mille huit (2008), est-ce qu'on pourrait dire que le contexte économique était quand même assez difficile à l'époque? Parce que vous aviez anticipé, au début du dossier tarifaire, si je me souviens bien, une baisse substantielle des volumes? R. Vous faites référence à l'année deux mille huit (2008) ou à l'année deux mille neuf (2009)? Q. [39] Deux mille sept (2007), deux mille huit (2008). R. Deux mille sept (2007), deux mille huit (2008). Q. [40] Cette année-là qui s'est terminée... R. Deux mille sept (2007), deux mille huit (2008) est l'année qui est probablement la dernière année complète de Gaz Métro dans la période avant la crise. On avait commencé à voir une appréciation des coûts de financement. Donc, le marché avait anticipé une augmentation des coûts reliés aux capitaux. Cependant, l'effet sur les volumes ne s'était pas fait sentir aussi de manière aussi importante qu'il l'a été pour les années deux mille R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 27 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault neuf (2009), donc on était... Compte tenu de la date de fin d'année de Gaz Métro qui est un trente (30) septembre, on ne peut pas dire que l'année deux mille huit (2008) a été affectée par les facteurs économiques ou la crise économique. 9 h 25 Q. [41] Est-ce qu'il n'est pas exact que lors de la cause tarifaire 2007-2008, vous aviez néanmoins anticipé des baisses de volume dans le secteur industriel? M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Oui, c'est possible. Q. [42] Je reviens maintenant à la pièce Gaz Métro-7, Document 13.2 dans le présent dossier, à l'année deux mille neuf (2009) où on anticipe un taux de rendement, incluant bonification de rendement, je suis au niveau du temps autorisé de huit virgule quatre-vingt-quatorze pour cent (8,94 %). Et au chapitre du taux de rendement réalisé, on marque « non disponible ». Cependant, sachant que cette année financière va se terminer le trente (30) septembre deux mille neuf (2009), donc dans un mois maximum, et que nous sommes dans le onzième mois de l'année, quelle serait votre meilleure prévision à ce stade-ci au niveau du taux de rendement réalisé R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 28 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault par rapport au taux de rendement autorisé? R. On est confiant à ce moment-ci, on est confiant de réaliser le taux de rendement autorisé. Contrairement à ce qui a été déposé dans la cause lors, où on faisait une mise à jour d'un cinq sept, la baisse soudaine où à l'intérieur duquel on anticipait un déficit, donc de ne pas réaliser la bonification de rendement et avoir un déficit, la diminution importante du prix de la molécule au cours des derniers mois et l'amélioration de la position concurrentielle par rapport à très court terme par rapport au mazout a permis aux gens des ventes Grandes entreprises chez nous d'aller voir les entreprises qui étaient encore en opération et de contracter les ventes à très court terme, qui va nous permettre cette année d'augmenter nos revenus, améliorer nos marges brutes et de réaliser le rendement autorisé. Q. [43] Quand vous dites « de réaliser le rendement autorisé », vous parlez du taux de rendement incluant la bonification de rendement? R. Incluant le point dix-huit pour cent (,18 %) qui avait été anticipé en début d'année. Q. [44] Et est-ce que vous anticipez aller au-delà de ce rendement autorisé? Anticipez-vous un excédent R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 29 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault si léger soit-il? R. À ce moment-ci, on anticipe un excédent causé justement par ces ventes qu'on a été en mesure de réaliser à très court terme. Et, ça ici, on parle de ventes qu'on réalise sur un horizon d'un mois et qui est fonction de la position concurrentielle et qui montre la volatilité associée à ces revenus-là qu'on ne peut projeter en début d'année. Q. [45] Et cette situation concurrentielle du gaz naturel dont le prix a baissé de façon assez remarquable au cours des derniers mois, est-ce que vous anticipez qu'elle devrait se maintenir au cours des prochaines semaines, des prochains mois pour le début de l'année témoin deux mille neuf, deux mille dix (2009-2010)? R. Si on regarde les « forward price » pour la molécule, les prix sont bas pour les prochains mois. Mais quand on regarde sur un horizon d'un an, deux ans, trois ans, quatre ans, on voit que les prix sont beaucoup plus élevés que les prix court terme. Donc, pour moi, aujourd'hui, c'est extrêmement difficile de vous dire que les prix sont bas et vont rester bas. Si je le savais, je serais pas mal plus riche que, point. Donc, ça serait de la spéculation de ma part. Ça fait qu'il R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 30 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault faut regarder vraiment les « forward » du marché financier. Puis les « forward » indiquent que sur un horizon de moyen..., un peu plus qu'un an, les prix sont beaucoup plus élevés. Q. [46] Mais on s'entend que, à tout le moins, les premiers mois de l'année témoin deux mille neuf, deux mille dix (2009-2010), cette situation concurrentielle avantageuse va se maintenir? R. En fait, ce que j'ai dit, c'est que si on regarde le prochain mois et le mois suivant, oui. Mais estce que ça va se maintenir? Est-ce qu'il va y avoir une flambée de prix comme on a déjà observée? Estce qu'il va y avoir d'autres ouragans? Est-ce qu'il va y avoir des « spikes » de prix à l'hiver? Ça, je n'ai aucune idée. Q. [47] Si je vous demandais, Monsieur Despars, dans quelle période vous situeriez la crise économique que nous avons connue, qui a commencé avec une crise financière majeure aux États-Unis et qui s'est répandue dans les pays industrialisés, incluant le Canada, mais peut-être avec un effet moins marqué au Canada, seriez-vous d'accord si je vous suggérais que ça a commencé, les effets graves, au troisième quart de deux mille huit (2008) et que ça a connu un sommet, un « peak » R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 31 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault comme on dit en anglais, à la fin de l'année deux mille huit (2008), au mois de décembre deux mille huit (2008), et que, avec l'arrivée de deux mille neuf (2009), on a commencé à constater une atténuation des effets de la crise, et on a connu un creux des marchés boursiers au mois de mars deux mille neuf (2009), mais que depuis on voit une certaine remontée des marchés puis on commence à anticiper une reprise économique notamment au chapitre d'un retour à un produit intérieur brut dans le positif? R. Le premier élément de la réponse, je vous dirais que par rapport à ce qu'on a observé dans les marchés financiers, effectivement, on a probablement un creux autour de la fin du mois de mars deux mille neuf (2009). Il y a eu reprise. Il y a eu amélioration au niveau des marchés financiers. Et c'est ce que monsieur Engen a présenté hier. Donc, les graphiques montraient effectivement qu'il y avait eu diminution des coûts de crédit. Mais de là à dire que la crise est terminée et qu'il y a reprise, et que cette reprise est soutenable dans le temps et sera soutenue, je ne suis pas en mesure de répondre à cette question. Q. [48] Mais on est d'accord tous les deux que l'année R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 32 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault témoin deux mille huit, deux mille neuf (2008-2009) qui a commencé le premier (1er) octobre deux mille huit (2008) et qui va se terminer le trente (30) septembre deux mille neuf (2009), ça se trouve vraiment être dans l'oeil de la tornade, comme on dit, par rapport à l'année précédente ou à l'année qui va suivre? R. Pour nous, effectivement, l'année deux mille neuf (2009), l'année témoin deux mille neuf (2009) a été une année qui était, on peut dire, dans l'oeil de la tornade, qui nous a amené à avoir des diminutions de livraison dans tous les marchés, et qui va... en fait, qui va être sauvée, on va le dire comme ça, qui va être sauvée par le fait que, dans les derniers mois de l'année, on a été en mesure de réaliser des ventes court terme à cause de l'amélioration de la position concurrentielle du gaz naturel. N'eût été de cet élément-là, on aurait été en situation de perte, de déficit sans réalisation du rendement autorisé. Et donc, oui, il y a un élément particulier qui permet cette année, question contextuelle, de sauver l'année de Gaz Métro. Q. [49] C'est donc à dire pour résumer que, dans ce qu'on a qualifié peut-être de pire crise économique R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 33 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault depuis la grande dépression, Gaz Métro encore une fois est parvenue à réaliser, à même excéder légèrement son rendement autorisé après bonification, vous ne trouvez pas ça remarquable? R. J'aimerais féliciter les gens chez nous qui se sont retroussés les manches, qui ont réduit, qui ont travaillé très fort pour réduire les coûts, qui ont saisi toutes les opportunités pour aller maximiser les ventes court terme. 9 h 35 Me GUY SARAULT : Q. [50] Je regardais le « Consensus Forecast » qui a été déposé avec le nouveau calcul de ce que produirait la formule de calcul du taux de rendement automatique avec le « Consensus Forecast » du mois d'août deux mille neuf (2009). Il s'agit de la pièce Gaz Métro-7, Document 11.9, où vous nous dites que, en date du mois d'août, la formule automatique produirait non pas le taux de huit virgule dix-sept (8,17 %) qui état calculé au moment du dépôt du dossier, mais bien plutôt un taux de huit virgule soixante-quatre pour cent (8,64 %). Et dans ce « Consensus Forecast », on retrouve, à la page 3 de 5 de la pièce, les données du Consensus Forecast pour le Canada au niveau du R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 34 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault produit intérieur brut. Pour deux mille neuf (2009), on dit que c'était une prévision, selon le Consensus, de moins deux virgule trois pour cent (-2,3 %), donc une récession, une croissance négative. Alors que pour deux mille dix (2010), on anticipe une croissance de deux virgule deux pour cent (2,2 %), ce qui donne un différentiel de quatre virgule cinq pour cent (4,5 %) par rapport à deux mille neuf (2009). Dans ce contexte-là, seriez-vous d'accord avec moi si je vous suggérais que pour l'année témoin, deux mille neuf (2009), deux mille dix (2010), on peut raisonnablement anticiper une reprise économique au Canada, une reprise d'activités industrielles qui pourrait influer sur vos livraisons de gaz? Surtout sur le contexte concurrentiel du gaz naturel, comme on a parlé tantôt, s'avère favorable. R. Si on regarde le Consensus Forecast, en fait, on anticipe une croissance économique, notre dossier tarifaire à la base - puis il faudrait que je revoie les hypothèses - anticipait une croissance économique. La croissance économique, de mémoire, était inférieure à deux pour cent (2 %), mais anticipait, cependant, une croissance économique. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 35 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Il faut bien comprendre ici que ce sont les prévisions d'un groupe de banques que je ne mets pas en cause. Je ne suis pas un économiste. Mais, le point ici, c'est que notre dossier de base, lorsqu'on a présenté notre requête tarifaire, incluait une croissance économique et on verra ce qui va se produire là. Q. [51] Mais, toute chose étant égale par ailleurs, sachant que l'année deux mille huit (2008), deux mille neuf (2009) a été le pire, l'oeil de la tornade, comme on a dit tantôt, on est d'accord tous les deux que l'année deux mille neuf (2009), deux mille dix (2010) ne peut qu'être mieux. R. Et si elle est mieux, le premier dix-sept millions de dollars (17 M$) va être remis entièrement à nos clients. Et ça va nous faire plaisir de le faire. Q. [52] Et ça va nous faire plaisir aussi de le recevoir. Vous avez parlé beaucoup dans votre preuve, évidemment, du besoin d'augmenter votre taux de rendement pour rencontrer le coût plus élevé du capital sur les marchés financiers depuis quelques années. Ma question est la suivante : au cours des deux, trois dernières années, est-ce que Gaz Métro a connu des difficultés réelles concrètes, avec exemple à l'appui, à lever du R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 36 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault capital pour financer des projets d'infrastructure ou autres? R. En fait, au cours des dernières années, on a été au marché de la dette, on a été capable de lever de la dette. Le coût a été supérieur à ce qu'on avait observé dans le passé, principalement à l'automne dernier, nettement supérieur. Au niveau de l'équité, Gaz Métro a indiqué au marché depuis deux ans qu'il devait aller au marché, en fait, même depuis deux mille... c'est ça, depuis plus de deux ans, aller au marché pour lever cent millions de dollars (100 M$). Et depuis ce temps, on retarde l'émission compte tenu de la valeur du titre et de l'effet dilutif qu'elle aurait sur Gaz Métro, donc ce qui crée ce qu'on appelle un « over hang » sur la distribution. Et quand on pense aller au marché, on peut aller au marché, il y a un coût à aller au marché et on doit faire attention à ce coût-là. Donc, oui, depuis deux ans, on retarde une émission d'équité pour avoir un contexte plus favorable. Q. [53] Oui. Ce n'est pas dû à une incapacité, c'est une question d'aller chercher stratégiquement les circonstances financières les plus favorables pour lever des capitaux. R. En fait, tout le monde a accès au marché des R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 37 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault capitaux, puis il y a un coût à aller au marché... un coût à aller au marché des capitaux. De dire qu'on ne peut pas aller au marché des capitaux, c'est faire un faux débat sur le principe même d'un coût raisonnable pour accéder au marché. Q. [54] On a vu, en deux mille huit (2008), deux mille neuf (2009), sur les marchés boursiers, des histoires d'horreur, de stocks de compagnies qui avaient bien performés pendant de nombreuses années, notamment au niveau des institutions financières, péricliter de façon grave. Pourriezvous nous parler de la performance réelle des unités de Gaz Métro sur le marché boursier? R. Gaz Métro a perdu - et je vais y aller de mémoire là - le marché a perdu à peu près trente pour cent (30 %). Gaz Métro a perdu à peu près la moitié de ce que le marché a perdu dans le pire des scénarios, ce qui reflète bien le fait qu'on a un bêta de cinquante pour cent (50 %). Donc, Gaz Métro étant un service public, un risque associé au marché qui est moindre, donc on a perdu moins que le marché et ce qui est reflété dans les analyses lorsqu'on prépare les analyses de taux de rendement. Q. [55] Et est-ce qu'on pourrait dire la même chose de R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 38 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault la plupart des autres utilités publiques, comme on dit en anglais, les entreprises monopolistiques de distribution... R. Je n'ai pas le détail... Q. [56] ... d'énergie au Canada? R. Je n'ai pas le détail de toutes les autres entreprises de service public, mais si on présume que, par définition, ils sont moins risqués que le marché et qu'ils ont un bêta moindre que le marché, leur performance devrait avoir moins souffert que l'ensemble du marché. Q. [57] O.K. Donc, quand je parle de Canadian Utilities, Fortis et compagnies, ce serait dans les mêmes zones? R. Je ne le sais pas. Q. [58] Vous ne le savez pas. I would now like to turn to you, Dr. Carpenter, and most of my questions will be on the basis of your written evidence filed as Exhibit Gaz Métro 7, document 13. And for purposes, because it's not the first time we meet, n'est ce pas? I believe that you testified before the Régie in May well, in 2007, for in the context of the cost of capital issues. And at the time there was another expert by the name of Stéphane Chrétien, who had proposed a new R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 39 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault methodology called the FAMA French approach, and you have provided testimony on business risk, which dealt with issues similar to those that are addressed in your current testimony A. That's correct. Q. [59] correct? I have brought a copy of your testimony at the time because I will refer to it as we go along. What exhibit number shall we give? It, C 1 11. It's going to be filed as Exhibit C 1 11 in the current proceeding. EXHIBIT C 1 11: A copy of Dr. Carpenter's prior testimony. Moi, j'en ai préparé quinze copies après consultation avec la Régie et on m'avait dit que ça devrait s'avérer suffisant. Q. [60] And as we are in the process of filing exhibits, I will also refer to the English version of the Régie's decision D-2007-116 of October 15th, 2007. And the Régie was kind enough to provide an English version of the section dealing with rate of return, so this R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 40 is what I'm filing. PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault I suppose this will become C 1 12 in the current proceeding. EXHIBIT C 1 12: The English version of the Régie's decision D-2007-116 of October 15th, 2007. BY ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [61] All right? We have all of our tools? At page 2 of your testimony in this case, answer number 3, in lines 19 to 22, you state, and I quote, "I've also been asked to provide evidence on the comparability of business risk and allowed returns on capital for Canadian and U.S. local distribution companies, and to compare Gaz Métro's business risk with the business risk of the LDCs that make up Dr. Vilbert's strictly U.S. LDC sample." Can you tell us and I think I ran in these, in a similar difficulty 2 years ago, in answer number 3 to your 2007 testimony, where you basically stated the same thing about being asked to make a comparison between the business risk and allowed returns on capital with Canadian LDCs. Where in your testimony exactly can we find R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 41 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault that comparison with Canadian LDCs as opposed to U.S. LDCs? Quite frankly, I read through it and I haven't found it. MR. CARPENTER: A. Well, I think what I'm referring to there is the evidence that I provided on the comparability of the regulatory régimes between Canada and the U.S. that would factor into your view as to the relevance of the LDC sample that Dr. Vilbert is using. The problem is, as you mentioned yesterday, we do not have a pure play sample of Canadian LDCs that can be relied on. Q. [62] So what you're telling us, in essence, there's you have not identified the local distribution company in Canada to which Gaz Métro's return or business risk could be compared to? A. That is publicly traded as a pure play utility to the same extent as we have for the U.S. LDCs. Q. [63] So, if I would mention LDCs such as, for example, Enbridge and Union in Ontario, Centre Gas, Manitoba, or Carison in BC, you're telling us today that those would not be adequate comparisons? A. Yes. In the sense that their publicly traded stock R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 42 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault is not pure play local distribution company business. Enbridge is, for example, heavily weighted towards oil pipeline operations gas pipeline operations, that's the link of its natural gas distribution business. Q. [64] And are you telling us that by digging a little more you would not have been able to obtain information, either directly from those companies or from their regulators, which would have enabled you to isolate the financial results associated with their monopolistic distribution activities as opposed to the balance of their activities? A. Well, you can find information about the subsidiaries that are distribution companies, but you will not find market valuation information which would be necessary to perform the tests such as Dr. Vilbert performs under the capitalizing asset pricing model. Q. [65] All right. I will now go to page 3 of your testimony, answer to question 4, you say, "I evaluate changes in Gaz Métro's business risk since 1999 and 2004." Isn't this exactly what you did two years ago, as well A. Not exactly, because we have 2 more years of R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 43 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault information, so this is updated to reflect the additional information. I would say, as I said yesterday in my opening presentation that, in my view, understanding and what's happened to business risk since the formula is in place is important for the Régie in making its determination as to whether the formula of approach needs to be replaced. So that's what, when I referred to a de novo review, business risk, that's what I'm talking about. Just like capital markets change, gas markets and business risk changes, and it's important to evaluate those changes over the entire period the formula has been in use. Q. [66] H'mm, h'mm. Do you remember, then, following your evidence, and that of Dr. Chrétien, that in 2007, the Régie, in its decision, granted an upward adjustment of 25 to 35 basis points in Gaz Métro's risk premium, versus the reference distributor, to take into account its slightly higher business risk, based upon the Régie's assessment of your evidence? A. Yes, I recall. Q. [67] You remember that. That was at item 4.1.6 of R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 44 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault the section of the decision dealing with rate of return. And you find that in the English version filed as Exhibit C 1 12 in this case. Knowing that the Régie has already taken into account, in that decision has taken into account the evolution in Gaz Métro's business risk from 1999 to the date of the decision, what is the relevant the relevance, excuse me, rather, in the context of this testimony to go back once again to 1999 A. Well, as I said, I think the relevance, becasuse as I understand this adjustment that was made before, it was on top of the reference distributor in the context of an adjustment to the formula. The formula is still in place, as I understand it. The relevance of this testimony is for the Régie to have a full appreciation of how business risk has evolved over the tenure of the formula such that if it replaces the formula, it has evidence on which it can base a proper adjustment for business risk. It's the same purpose as existed before, if the Régie decides to deviate from the formula approach, in my opinion the Régie still needs to make an adjustment for business risk just as it did R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 45 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault before. Q. [68] We will read together exactly what the Régie wrote, and I believe it does make reference to the evolution of the risk starting in 1999, and I quote from Section 4.1.6 of the decision: "The Régie finds the company's risk has increased since 1999 and is higher than that of a reference company," so it was both. "Based on the evidence in the record, the Régie has determined that the higher risk warrants an upward adjustment in comparison with the risk fo premium of a reference distributor in the amount of 25 to 35 basis points." Assuming that that decision was sound and reasonable, and was a proper assessment of the evolution in Gaz Métro's business risk from 1999 to the date of the decision, why not, for purposes of your testimony in this case, use 2007 as the starting point of your analysis? A. First of all, in business risk evaluations such as this, which are inherently subjective Q. [69] We both agree with that. A. qualitative, making these kinds of year to year judgements about how the world has changed is very difficult, particularly when we're talking about R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 46 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault volatility. And as you just discussed with Mr. Despars a moment ago, volatility in gas prices over the last 9 months has resulted in a situation now in which gas is, the price of gas commodity is very low, there are some very unusual circumstances which explain this kind of boom/bust relationship. What I'm suggesting here is that the Régie take into account in the same way that it did the last time that Gaz Métro's business risk is higher than a reference distributor, and to the extent it decides to deviate from the formula, whether it uses ATWACC or some other methodology, will still need to make an adjustment upward from the sample companies in which that assessment is based, and the change from 1999 is one indicated earlier. Q. [70] But you have not attempted, in the context of your evidence in this proceeding, to respect this quantification that was made in 2007 and to bring it up to date in 2009, you haven't tried that? A. Well, I say within the precision of the kind of analysis you can do in business risk, that would be very difficult. Q. [71] Okay. A. And it's not necessary, in my opinion. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 47 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [72] I will turn to page 6, answer number 7. You talk about the determinants of business risk and the standards to establish a fair return, I read that answer, and I would suggest to you that it is identical, word for word, to answer number 6, lines 5 to 16 of your 2007 testimony, including the foot notes number 4, 5 and 6, is that correct? A. That's correct. Q. [73] Thank you. A. To a certain extent the evidence I'm providing there is an up date to prior evidence. The principles haven't changed, so I've repeated the principles. Q. [74] And as to lines 12 to 17, they are identical to your answer number 6 of the 2007 testimony, except that the reference to Dr. Chrétien's FAMA French approach is now replaced by a reference to Dr. Kolbe and Vilbert's methodology, is that correct? A. That's correct, yes. Q. [75] You come to the same conclusion; you say at lines 12 to 14, "Both business and financial risks are accounted for in the methodology employed by doctors Kolbe and Vilbert to estimate the cost of capital for Gaz Métro." You said the same thing R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 48 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault about the FAMA French approach two years ago. Do you prefer one or the other? I mean, why do we have the exact same conclusion about two different methodologies A. Well, a couple of things. First of all, the FAMA French approach that Dr. Chrétien employed is an alternative to the capital asset pricing model approach that Dr. Vilbert is using. It's a different way of estimating the cost of equity. And, as such, it accounts for business and financial risks if the financial leverage is properly taken into account. Dr. Kolbe and Dr. Vilbert used the ATWACC methodology to appropriately account for financial leverage. As I recall, Dr. Chrétien also made a leverage adjustment, though he just didn't do it in the context of ATWACC. Q. [76] H'mm, h'mm. I'd like to turn now to your answer number 9, at page 7, which is identical, word for word, to your answer number 18 of your 2007 testimony. You say, as outline 12, and I quote, "On the one hand, rate regulation reduces a company's business risk if it provides equity investors some R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 49 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault assurance that a fair return on, and of capital, will be earned over the lifetime of the firm's assets." Based upon the record of Gaz Métro, as witnessed in the evidence I've covered with Mr. Despars, since 1990, do you feel that based on that record that investors may have some assurance that the fair return authorized by the Régie will actually be earned by the company? It's a 20 year record. A. Well Q. [77] Quite impressive, I may add. A. This topic is raised in every cost of capital case that I've been involved in, which is the question: What is the relevance of the accounting returns that a company has earned historically to the business risk going forward of the company? And I would suggest to you, and I suggested in the past, that the accounting returns, year to year, are a very poor measure of business risk. They do not reflect market valuation in the same way that an equity investor will be considering on a forward looking basis, whether his investment in companies like Gaz Métro would be R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 50 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault subject to future risk of under performance or under recovery. Having said that, it is clear that on an accounting basis, and given the incentive mechanisms structure, Gaz Métro has been able to earn its authorized returns during that period. That doesn't mean, again, that that authorized return has necessarily been a fair return, it just means that Gaz Métro has been able to perform year to year on an accounting basis to earn its authorized returns. It's the kind of evidence that I've put forward that I believe tells me more about what a forward looking business risk is to an equity investor who's concerned about the future market performance of the stock of the company. Q. [78] When in your presentation yesterday. Exhibit Gaz Métro 7, document 24, also quoted as Régie's Exhibit B 61, you defined business risk in two, with two sub definitions, if I may. You say, and I quote, "For equity investor, it is the uncertainty, uncertainty that his or her full return on and of invested capital will be achieved over the lifetime of the investment." Looking at the record I just told you R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 51 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault about, just at that, don't you think the investor would find some form of re assurance that under the Québec regulatory environment, Gaz Métro has been able to achieve year after year, after year, its authorized return, and even exceed it, thanks to the incentive mechanism? Isn't that so? For over 20 years, we're not talking five years here. A. And we're not also talking about 20 years in the same economic conditions. As I discussed, the last 10 years were a lot different than the first 10 years of that record. Now, I will admit that the accounting returns provide some indication that utilities are lower risk than other business entities, and an equity investor will take that into account. Q. [79] He would. A. And, indeed, the beta of on utilities is typically much lower than the beta of an unregulated company. On having said that, you still have to evaluate on a forward looking basis whether or not Gaz Métro is positioned similar to other utilities or whether it's a more risky utility when you evaluate its cost of capital, and that's what I'm doing, and I'm looking on a forward looking basis. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 52 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Again, historical accounting returns aren't going to tell you much about forward looking risk, particularly when the market environment is changing. Q. [80] Well, on a forward looking basis I'm still talking about the regulatory environment isn't it correct that investors may anticipate that, all else being equal, Gaz Métro will continue to come back to the Régie every year for a rate application during which all the parameters of the financial performance of the company will be analyzed and adjusted, if need be, to prevent disastrous situations such as has been the case over the last 20 years? Isn't that some form of reassurance on the forward looking basis? A. Again, I would agree that there is some assurance, reassurance because the company's regulated that its risk will be lower than an unregulated enterprise. But I think equity investors would be prudent to consider whether or not there are future uncertainties with which the regulator can't fully protect the utility, and we've seen examples of that historically. It can't be predicted necessarily but there R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 53 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault are uncertainties which the regulator can may not always be able to protect the utility, and an equity investor would be prudent to evaluate that. Q. [81] Well, would you agree with me that this would be a serious uncertainty, for example, if Gaz Métro came to the Régie every five years for reassessment of its rates, then there would be a period during which, you know, it would have to manage itself, by itself, all of those uncertainties. But in Québec, isn't it true and it's been true for the last 20 years, and in the foreseeable future it's going to continue to be like that, isn't it a reassurance for the investor that those uncertainties can and will be managed on a yearly basis by the Régie? A. There are a couple of questions there, I'm not sure exactly which one you want me to answer, but Q. [82] The frequency of coming back every year for the yearly rate change where all of the financial parameters, the company's performance, its risk exposure, everything is analyzed, and the regulatory environment can be adjusted through deferral accounts, adjustments to the incentive mechanism, what have you, rates, the volumes decline, you can adjust rates upward, the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 54 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault individual rates can be adjusted, all of that can be done if you do it on a yearly basis, and if the investor knows that the system calls for that yearly review, isn't that a huge reassurance? A. The yearly review does smooth year to year performance. Q. [83] So you agree? A. But relative to a five year review, if you think about the five year review typically that would occur in the United States, during that period, U.S. utilities tend to over perform because, essentially, they have an option to come back. If their costs go up and they need to go back to the regulator, they can do that. If their costs go down, they don't need to go back to the regulator to get their rates adjusted down, and they would profit in the interim. Actually, that scheme, I think, is probably more favourable from an investor point of view than the year to year peer cost of service approach. Q. [84] Doesn't this contradict your statements about regulatory lag in the United States being an inconvenience? A. No. In fact, I brought this up yesterday. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 55 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [85] Yes, you did. A. One of the effects of regulatory lag, because it has this option feature, is actually to increase the expected return, earned return for utilities in the United States that operate under that kind of an incentive scheme, and you see that in the beta. What I was saying about business risk yesterday is that, in my opinion, the difference between regulatory lag and year to year review under a performance mechanisms doesn't I don't attach great weight to that when considering whether or not a particular utility is relatively more risky than another utility. Q. [86] I would go to page 9, answer number 12. Question was, "How were changes in business risk under a formula approach to return on equity traditionally accounted for by Canadian regulators?" Answer by the way, this answer is identical to your answer number 8 of your 2007 testimony, which was in response to the same question. Answer, and I quote, "Ever since various Canadian regulators began to employ formulas for the determination of allowed ROEs, the practice has R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 56 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault been to adjust the deemed equity thickness for perceived changes in business risk. Higher business risk would imply that greater equity thickness would be required." In 2007, you add a second sentence, after what I just read. Answer, number 8 at page 5 of your 2007 testimony as of line 22, and I quote, "This procedure was fine as long as the resulting total return on assets continued to be fair and reasonable." But because the evaluation of business risk is largely subjective, this procedure is not a substitute for the more rigorous determination as to whether the return on equity produced by the formula in combination with the deemed equity thickness is fair and reasonable. This determination requires the kind of analysis performed by Professor Chrétien in his evidence." Why did you remove that sentence in your answer number 12 to the same question in this proceeding? A. I actually didn't remove it. You'll notice it in the answer to the next question, question 13. Q. [87] Okay. A. What I did was, I inserted a question to clarify, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 57 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault perhaps make the exposition a bit better of what I was referring to previously in answer 8. Q. [88] Okay. So the A. You will see it in answer 13, it's there. Q. [89] Okay. A. Again, these principles hadn't changed, so, frankly, it would be surprising if I would consider changing my testimony with respect to these issues. Q. [90] But one thing that you do not mention here is that contrary to this regular practise of adjusting the capital structure or equity thickness, if you prefer, to account in changes, to account changes in business risk, what the Régie did in 2007 was to grant an upward adjustment in the risk premium, it did not touch the capital structure, correct? A. That's correct. Q. [91] And would you agree with me that in 2007, as is still the case today, Gaz Métro's equity thickness and its capital structure in relative terms is higher to its equivalence in Canada, and I mention here, Union, Enbridge as proxies in Ontario, for example, who are deemed to have a lower business risk for a number of reasons but who have a lower equity thickness, higher financial risk? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 58 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault A. Well, my recollection of Enbridge and Union is that they're roughly around 36 percent sales. Q. [92] 35. A. 35 or 36. So they're, they're in the ball park of being 38.6. Q. [93] But they're lower? A. Slightly lower. Q. [94] Is it your opinion that the upward risk being an adjustment authorized by the Régie in 2007 did not produce a reasonable answer to the increase in Gaz Métro's risk between 1999 and 2007? A. Well, as I recall, in my prior testimony, I had recommended a 50 basis point upward adjustment for business risk. I think that's at the upper end of Dr. Kolbe's recommendation here, he's using something less. But having said that, I acknowledge that the Régie did recognize that Gaz Métro was in a higher business risk position than the bench mark distributors, and what I'm recommending here is that that philosophy be carried forward if the Régie decides to change from the formula approach to a return. Q. [95] Now, turning to page 10, answer 14, lines 9 this is line 17 to, 22 and I quote, "The market R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 59 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault environment in which gas utilities operate in North America has changed significantly since 1999, reflecting a greater uncertainty in the supply of the gas commodity, a greater uncertainty in the extent and timing of growth in demand This uncertainty is partly reflecting in significantly higher gas commodity price levels and volatility. These changes have significant implications for the need for an investment risk of the gas, the utility infrastructure." Isn't it correct that this is identical to answer 12, lines 9 to 12 of your 2007 testimony? A. Yes. Again, that observation, that principle wouldn't have changed in the two, in the subsequent two years. Q. [96] Isn't it correct that in a decision, D 2007 116, that this factor, the volatility was specifically taken into account by the Régie? A. Yes. And I recommended it continue to be taken in. Q. [97] And I quote, "The Régie also notes the increased volatility of supply prices, which, however, is partially offset by the use of by products under a strategy of which the outlines were previously approved by the regulators." So this was taken into account. So this R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 60 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault testimony here, in terms of this issue in particular, doesn't bring anything new to what was already considered by the Régie two years ago, correct? A. Well, it's the same evidence, and recommending that the Régie continue to take it into account going forward. Q. [98] At page 11 you talk, and you have a figure for that of declining energy intensity of the Canadian and Québec economies, and as of lines 5 to 13 at page 11 and lines 1 to 3 of the following page 12, you say, "These changes have been recognized in Canada by the NEB in its summary of the feedback it received in 2006 during its energy future projects consultation sessions." In this report on these sessions under "key messages," the NEB writes "The new energy paradigm" and so on. This is, again, identical, word for word to your answer number 12, page 9, lines 3 to 14 of your 2007 testimony. So, once again, for this issue, in particular, there is actually nothing new that's brought by your current testimony over and above what was already considered by the Régie two years R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 61 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault ago? A. And, as I said, it's important to continue to consider when evaluating the performance of the formula as to whether these conditions have changed. Q. [99] Page 12, answer 15, "What is the evidence for changes in natural gas commodity prices and price volatility since 1999? " Again, this answer number 15, is identical, word for word, to answer number 13 of your 2007 testimony, including the tables at figure 2, with the exception of the addition of the latest beta for the year 2008 and 2009 which, by the way, show a substantial reduction in future prices. Figure number 2, page 13. A. Yes. Q. [100] But this is identical. I mean, the conclusion is exactly the same. All you have, perhaps, is the latest beta which would show that the situation has actually improved, that's all it shows, apart from two years ago. A. Sorry, is there a question? Q. [101] Yes. Well, I'm suggesting to you that once again this testimony here, pages 12 and 13, doesn't add anything whatsoever that is new compared to R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 62 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault what was considered 2 years ago, with the exception of the latest beta which would, on the contrary, show an improvement in the situation? A. Well, the table has been updated. I would not suggest that it shows an improvement in the situation. If anything, it shows the volatility of the situation. And as I was discussing earlier, we've had this boom and bust cycle going on with gas commodity prices; I don't see any reason to believe that that boom and bust cycle may not continue. What's been happening is, we had a at the height of the financial crisis and the crash in gas demand that coincided simultaneously with a boom in production, particularly in the shale gas in the United States, that produced an oversupply of the commodity; every storage field in North America is now pretty much full, and going into the winter there's no place to put the gas. The price is declining rather rapidly. But that sit but drilling is now being cut back. We could be in another situation 6, 12 months from now in which shortages start to reappear and you start to see the price hiking again. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 63 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault So I think the story from these figures is, in part, increased level of prices and, in part, and a significant part is the volatility of these presses that's affecting the uncertainty in the market. Q. [102] Well, page 14, once again, at figure 3, you show the NYMEX, Natural Gas, 36 months, average future prices, which, by the way, is identical to figure number 5 of your 2007 testimony, with the exception of the latest beta, which, once again, shows that the 36 months, three years ahead of us, average future prices had declined significantly over the last year, or so? A. Actually, it would be interesting to look at the comparison between those figures because in 2007 we didn't, we didn't see the spike till we experienced at the to $12 that beginning of 2008 from which the decline you're talking about occurred. So the 36 month forward prices are still in the 5 to 6 dollar range which, again, is significantly higher. Q. [103] At the time you wrote? A. At the time we wrote. Even today. Q. [104] It's lower? A. It's lower but not in the range of 2 to 3 dollars R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 64 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault that we saw prior to 1999, prior to 2001. Q. [105] What is your assessment of this situation as of today for 36 month average future prices? A. I haven't looked at today's strip but, again, my longer run assessment is that this volatility is going to continue for the reasons that I discussed. We seem to be in a boom/bust cycle with respect to the interactions of supply and demand for the commodity. Q. [106] But you would agree with me if I were to suggest to you that vis à vis what's shown on your figure 3, those future prices have continued to decline between the time you wrote your testimony and today? A. Well, first they spiked and then they declined. Q. [107] H'mm, h'mm. But they're continuing to decline, that's what I'm suggesting to you? A. They have declined since I wrote the testimony. Q. [108] Thank you. A. But, again, they are still higher than they were in the prior era? Q. [109] Knowing that these are 36 month future prices, isn't it correct that companies like Gaz Métro may use financial derivatives to stabilize their commodity costs over the future and take R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 65 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault advantage of this decline in future prices? A. Companies like Gaz Métro can hedge. Q. [110] They can hedge? A. They can hedge. Q. [111] So they could take advantage of the situation, correct? A. Well, when you say, "take advantage" Q. [112] Yes. A. they could take a position. Whether or not after the fact it ended up being a wise move or not would depend on the movement of the prices. But parties can hedge, companies like Gaz Métro can hedge. Q. [113] But it's not a move that you would make when its in a peak, right? A. Well, in this market it's very difficult to know what a peak is. After the fact we can look and say, "Well, it would have been great to hedge during that period." Q. [114] H'mm, h'mm. A. But looking forward, it's more difficult. If I could predict that, I would be a rich man. Q. [115] Looking at your chart, we both agree that you know there's been a significant decline, you know. They say, "Buy on bad news and sell on good R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 66 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault news," you agree with that? A. As a philosophy. My portfolio, stock portfolio has never reflected that for some reason. Q. [116] Page 17 now. LE PRÉSIDENT : Est-ce que ça serait un bon temps pour prendre la pause? Me GUY SARAULT : Oui, certainement. LE PRÉSIDENT : Donc, nous allons prendre une pause de vingt (20) minutes et revenir à moins quart. PAUSE LE PRÉSIDENT : Reprise de l'audience. Maître Sarault. ME GUY SARAULT: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, board members. Q. [117] When we left off, Dr. Carpenter, I was going to page 17 of your evidence in this case, answer number 19, which I read carefully. it is identical to answer 20 of your 2007 testimony with the exception of the adjustments to the numbers that you have introduced in order to reflect the 2009 forecast, but my question is as follows: Is there the wording of the answer is the same, so R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 67 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault can I take for granted that your overall conclusions are identical, that there is no change vis à vis two years ago? A. Well, this question and answer describes my understanding of Gaz Métro's distribution business, so it updates the figures, that's what it does. There's no conclusions in this question/answer, it's an updated review. Q. [118] Don't you see a slight improvement in the fact that commercial customers make up 34 percent of customers vis à vis 28 percent two years ago? Would that be on the positive side or on the negative side? A. Well, I think you have to look at the overall make up Q. [119] Yes? A. of the customers before you render a conclusion about what's positive or negative. These are percentages, so Q. [120] Yes? A. the percentage of commercial customer throughput could go up in part because the percentage of industrial throughput went down. Q. [121] Okay. Well, if we look at throughput as well for commercial customers, it's now 34 percent R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 68 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault versus 28 percent in terms of number of customers, and 44 percent vis à vis 33 percent for throughput by commercial customers, therefore 11 more percent; is that a positive sign or a negative sign? A. Again, I don't think you can judge this without looking at the entire customer mix, so Q. [122] Okay. A. percentage of throughput made up of commercial throughput is up, but that's in part because the percentage of throughput devoted to industrial customers is down. Q. [123] By four percent? A. Four percent on a very large volume. Q. [124] H'mm, h'mm. Very large revenues? A. Large revenues, as well. Q. [125] Let's talk about revenues from the industrial sector. You talk a lot about volumes but virtually nowhere in your evidence do we see a reference to the revenues associated with volume fluctuations, plus or minus. Are you aware of the fact that a lot of industrial customers do sign long term contracts with a sizeable demand charge? A. I'm aware that all Gaz Métro industrial customers sign 3 to 5 year deals. Q. [126] Yes? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 69 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault A. They're staggered, so every year some are reaching the end of their contracts. Q. [127] H'mm, h'mm. A. And I'm aware that there are demand charges associated with them. Q. [128] So, if we take, for example, customer A, industrial customer A, who has a five year contract, and who no longer needs as much gas in year two, isn't it correct that through the demand charge, the revenues from that customer will be secured for at least that portion for four more years? A. Yes. As long as that customer is still around and able to perform under his contract, and that some other factor doesn't affect Q. [129] All else being equal. A. Rarely is all else equal, but all else equal in your statement. Q. [130] That is the assumption of my question, all else being equal, isn't it correct that the revenues from that user are secured? A. They're contractually secured, yes. Q. [131] And would you agree with me that in terms of, through influence on business risk, it is more correct to look at revenue fluctuations rather than R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 70 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault just volume fluctuations, which per se may not be indicative of the true impact on revenues A. Well Q. [132] all depending on the lengths of the contracts, the demand charge, the rate structures and so forth? A. I think we need to be clear about this because gas distribution companies are not like gas pipelines, where pipeline capacity is underpinned by 15 to 20 year contracts. So what we're talking about here is how stable is the earning stream, the utility earning stream that matters from a business risk point of view, how stable is the earning stream year to year? Now, when I've done these comparisons, I've considered, and in looking at the USL distributor as a bench mark, I've looked to see whether or not their revenues have been encoupled from their volumes. One of the things I talked about yesterday was that pretty much all of the LDCs in North America have been experiencing this decline in volume per customer situation, and the way the regulators have been dealing with that have been R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 71 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault through the encoupling mechanisms which attempt to just separate recovery of costs of revenues from volumes to some extent. To the extent the utility has got more of its revenues associated with take or pay commitments or fixed charges, the less of a need for encoupling mechanism, right? So I've viewed this issue as to whether there is fixed costs recovery, whether there are take or pay demand charges, all associated with whether or not the regulatory scheme is attempting to mitigate the risk of volume declines by the coupling rates from volumes. That's been happening to all of the bench marked utilities. And to the extent that Gas Met has some protection on its industrial side for short periods of time with long term contracts, it would apply to Gas Met, as well. But just to finish the point, I would also point out that it's not 100 percent protection. As I understand it, the demand charges are roughly 80 percent under those contracts. M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Et en fait, ça dépend de l'obligation minimale annuelle qui est enregistrée aux contrats. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 72 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Dr. PAUL R. CARPENTER : A. Of course. M. PIERRE DEPARS : R. Et donc, en fait, le point est important. Ce sont des contrats qui ont été signés. De la façon que ça fonctionne, c'est des contrats de cinq ans. Et à la fin du terme, à la fin de la troisième année, le client a l'opportunité de rallonger une année de contrat. Donc, effectivement, on a une période en vertu des obligations minimales qui donnent un escompte au client, un escompte qui est significatif. On peut... Il y a une diminution de la volatilité des revenus à court terme. Il reste cependant, un, est-ce que le client est en opération? Est-ce qu'il est solvable? Et, troisièmement, après cette période contractuellelà, et on va le voir très bientôt, est-ce que ces clients-là vont resigner pour une année additionnelle ou vont resigner pour du cinq ans? Il n'y a rien de moins sûr que ça à ce moment-ci. Q. [133] But my question was, I would say, simplistic. All I was asking is whether revenues are a better indicator of risk than just volumes? Dr. CARPENTER: A. I think, I think they're both important but they're R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 73 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault not the whole story. Its earnings that Q. [134] Earnings are in dollars? A. Earnings and Q. [135] Earnings are in dollars, not cubic metres, correct? M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Oui, mais s'il n'y a pas de mètre cube, il n'y a pas de revenu à long terme. Q. [136] But we agree that earnings are in dollars, and that fluctuations in certain volumes, all depending on the contractual arrangements, the rate structure, minimum annual obligation, demand charge, all of that, may well be that on a short term basis, three years, two years, those revenues are largely secured, that's the answer to my question? Dr. CARPENTER: A. Yes. And with respect to short term variability, it's not just revenues that matter, right? Costs matter as well. Q. [137] H'mm, h'mm. A. That's why I've said earnings. But from a long term fundamental point of view, I think volumes are hugely important for a company whose assets are sunk, as I was talking R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 74 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault about earlier. Q. [138] H'mm, h'mm? A. Because that's the base on which you will recover your costs in the future. So if there's some uncertainty as to the utilization of those sunk assets, that's a huge signal as to your forward looking business risk. Q. [139] In the particular case of Gaz Métro, okay, so volume fluctuations, do we agree that there are at least two protections? A, there is the new volume fluctuation protection integrated in the latest modification, the incentive mechanism back in 2007? A, for fluctu which protects partially for fluctuations in small to medium sized client volumes? And B, the ultimate protection, which can be addressed on a yearly basis at the Régie, if volumes in a given category, or revenues in a given category decline, it can increase unit rates to cover the revenue deficiency, isn't that correct A. That's correct. This question presumes that in the future, in the long run, you will always be able to collect those revenues from customers and that there won't be constraints on them, whether they're regulatory constraints, market constraints, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 75 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault competitive constraints, that's what long run risk is all about. So your question presumes that the regulator can always provide, by virtue of a rate increase, protection for the utility. And, again, I don't think it would be prudent for equity investors to assume that that's always going to be the case. And, in fact, they don't, because we observe utility betas to be something greater than zero, right? If equity investors assume that this was a riskless enterprise, which your question implies, beta's would be zero. Q. [140] But we both agree that in Gaz Métro's case, if we look at their record over the last 20 years, despite declines in industrial volumes, for example, in the recent years, the company has managed to achieve and even exceed its authorized rate of return, so somewhere, somehow, there must have been some mechanism to offset that phenomenon, we both agree? A. I agree that the company has earned its authorized returns historically. But, again, the question presumes that that authorized return is adequate to compensate equity R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 76 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault investors for the risk that they're bearing, and our evidence is that that is not the case. So merely to say that you earned returns greater than an inadequate amount is not necessarily comfort to equity investors. It may be comfort to debt investor because, then you can recover your debt obligations, but not but the equity market, however, comes from the market, not from accounting based returns. Q. [141] Coming back to this answer, that's how our discussion started, we were at answer 19, all I'm suggesting to you is that overall in the customer mix, as we like to call it, that the overall mix vis à vis two years ago is slightly improved in that we have more residential users, more commercial users and less industrial users? There is, in relative terms, relative terms, less reliance than there was on industrial users, both in terms of number or customers and throughput? A. Yes. Or another way of putting that is, some of the risk associated with the effects of economic contraction by industrial demand has been visited on Gaz Métro in the last two years. That does not mean that its over or that that risk doesn't R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 77 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault continue to exist to the future. Q. [142] Assuming, for purposes of my question, that the consensus forecast for 2010 that I was discussing with Mr. Despars earlier today is correct, that instead of having a negative gross domestic growth, you will have a positive GDP, all else being equal, should that help to stimulate consumption by industrial users? A. Well, of course it depends on the sector in which that growth is occurring. So, if the growth is occurring everywhere but in pulp and paper, I'm not sure that's going to help Gaz Métro's industrial load. Q. [143] What about other industries, smelters, whatever? I mean I mean, the GDP has to be somewhere, and industries are a big contribution, shouldn't they? A. Well, as I said, it depends on the, on what the composition of the GDP growth is. So just to say that we have a consensus forecast, there may be some growth but that's good for Gaz Met, I don't think that's that tells you enough. Q. [144] Are you telling me that its possible to go from minus 2 in GDP to plus 2 in GDP without an R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 78 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault improvement in industrial production, is that your testimony? A. I think it depends heavily on, on the industrial sector, right? It's manufacturing. My understanding is that a lot of the remaining load associated with Gaz Met's industrial customers is in the pulp and paper area. If there's no recovery in housing, you know, that could be a problem for the lumber industry. I think you need to be more specific. Q. [145] All right. Duly noted. I'm going to page 18, lines 15 to 17. I think you deal with, here with certain modifications brought the incentive mechanism in 2007, correct? A. Yes. Q. [146] Globally speaking, do you feel that the adjustments that were introduced, including, for example, the volume fluctuation, exogenous factor, do you think that those are better protection or lesser protection than the preceding mechanism? A. I think directionlly they are increased protection, again, in terms of the short term volume fluctuation issue. Q. [147] At page 19, lines 15 and 16, you state, and I R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 79 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault quote, "If the revenue cap is less than Gaz Métro's projected cost of service, then rates are set to recover Gaz Métro's projected cost of service." We both agree that this has been a feature of Gaz Métro's incentive mechanism all along since the beginning in the year 2000? A. I believe it is true. Q. [148] And would you agree with me that it is this feature in particular that leads observers, such as credit notation agencies, to qualify Gaz Métro's particular incentive mechanism as being not a true pure revenue cap but rather a hybrid between traditional cost of service and the revenue cap? A. Well, I think I actually may have used those terms at some point, that business is not a pure CPI minus X type scheme. Q. [149] Correct. A. But then few of them are, you know. Many of them that you've seen, whether it's Enbridge's or Union's or other countries, they have exogenous factors, sometimes they're called Z factors, that are taken into account, deal with the specific circumstances of the utility. Many of them have sunsets, so they'll be terminated after five years, and you will R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 80 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault automatically go back to cost of service at that point if the program isn't renewed. So they have their sharing mechanism. They all have many of them have sharing mechanisms. Q. [150] I agree. I'm talking about this particular feature that is described at lines 15 and 16 of page 19 of your evidence. I'm asking you if this feature, in particular, is such that it makes Gaz Métro's incentive mechanism the hybrid and not a pure revenue cap, and that this is additional protection because when times are bad, as is anticipated according to the projections we heard yesterday, if times are the forecast is not as, is not sufficient, if the revenue cap is not sufficient to cover cost of service, then we revert back to cost of service, isn't that a huge protection? A. It does have the effect of moderating the year to year fluctuations that you might get on your, quote, unquote, "Pure incentive mechanism," so it tends to smooth things out. I'd point out, though, that another feature of this is that if there's a deficit going in, Gaz Métro would have to pay back the deficit before it would be allowed in future to accrue productivity, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 81 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault so that goes in the other direction, and I will admit that Q. [151] You consider that to be fair and A. Sorry? Q. [152] Do you consider that to be fair and reasonable? A. I don't render a judgement about the fairness or reasonableness of the incentive mechanism. It's it is what it is. From my point of view, it's one that was obviously negotiated between Gaz Métro and it's and it's been under Régie. Q. [153] Overall, I mean, you're I think, a major statement contained in your testimony is to the effect that the incentive mechanism for Gaz Métro is riskier than traditional cost of service regulation has prevailed in the years preceding the year 2000, is that a proper understanding of what you said? MR. CARPENTER: A. Yes. It introduces short run variability in Gaz Métro's earnings. And, in fact, it makes it look a lot more like traditional U.S. LDCs with regulatory lag. Q. [154] If the incentive mechanism is so detrimental to Gaz Métro's risk profile, how can you explain R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 82 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault that they not only signed it at the very beginning in the year 2000, but accepted to re negotiate the mechanism twice and again signed on it? I mean, if it's detrimental to their risk profile, why sign it? A. Well, as I said yesterday, risk is about uncertainty, not about expectations. So, they would sign such a deal, take on additional risk if there was a prospect of higher returns. An incentive mechanism provides that. So you'd have to divorce the question of uncertainty, and risk as reflected in volatility or in future capital cost recovery from the question of expected returns under the incentive mechanism. So there is the prospect here of an increment in return relative to the authorized return, that's the deal that the incentive mechanism provides Gaz Mét if it performs in certain ways. But the mechanism also introduces uncertainty in that performance, which is the other side of the trade off. Q. [155] Have you had a chance to read the credit notation reports of DBRS and Standard & Poor's that were filed as part of the evidence? A. Yes, I have. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 83 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [156] The latest ones, I mean going back to the spring of this year? A. At one time I read all of those, yes. Q. [157] Okay. Would you agree with me that they generally describe Gaz Métro's regulatory environment as supported, that they seem to be very complimentary about the opportunity afforded by the incentive mechanism for Gaz Métro to earn additional earnings, surplus earnings over and above its allowed return with no downside as, because Gaz Métro can revert back to cost of service if the revenue cap is not sufficient to cover its cost of service? They're very complimentary about that; is that because they disagree with you? A. Maybe your memory of them is different than mine but that, your characterization sounds a lot more elaborate than I recall them saying in those reports. I do recall the language about the support of regulatory environment. You see that across Canada, not just in Québec but elsewhere; you see that in the U.S., so I'm sure that's a differentiating factor. Q. [158] Now, let's take Standard Poor's, page 5. Can R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault - 84 I ME VINCENT REGNEAULT: Quelle pièce. S'il vous plait? ME GUY SARAULT: The exhibit number is Gaz Métro 7, document 10, page 5. Q. [159] You've got that in front of you? A. The exhibits? Q. [160] Or you're just about to have it in front of you? A. I'll get help. Q. [161] "Strong business risk profile," middle of the page. "Canadian regulatory framework had unique features. The Régie De L'Énergie in Québec and the National Energy Board regulates J. Mise Canadian operations. The regulation for the Québec distribution assets is similar compared with regulation in other provinces. Performance based regulation limits any downside risk to a cost of service and rate of return method." Is that positive or negative? A. That's positive, but it's again, it's, the trade off is at the expense of some volatility, some variabilities. Q. [162] Next paragraph, "Unique to the regulatory R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 85 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault environment in Québec, the distribution operations have a formal over earnings sharing mechanism that supports Gaz Métro's ability to generate incentive earnings greater than the regulated base ROE." Positive or negative? A. Again, it's positive within the construct of an incentive mechanism that, at the same time, introduces volatility and variability. Q. [163] Thank you. A. This is the same sort of positive arrangement that, in my opinion, regulatory lag in the United States provides to U.S. M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. J'aimerais ajouter un élément. Je constate qu'au paragraphe précédent où vous faisiez référence - je vais le dire en français, oui - où vous faisiez référence, ils ne font aucunement mention de la possibilité, dans la situation, dans le contexte où l'entreprise est en déficit, qu'elle se crée une... appellera ça une dette ou on trouvera le terme là, qu'elle se crée une dette envers les employés... envers les employés... envers les clients qui autrement, si on était en coût de service, n'existerait pas. O.K. Il est clair qu'aujourd'hui, Gaz Métro a à R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 86 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault rembourser dix-sept millions de dollars (17 M$) à ses clients avant de faire tout autre gain de productivité et que, si on va au terme du mécanisme incitatif, cinquante pour cent (50 %) de ce montant-là va être absorber par les actionnaires de Gaz Métro. Cette provision-là est limitée à un point cinq pour cent (1,5 %) de la base de tarification et que si on était en coût de service pur, on n'aurait pas cet élément de risque additionnel-là. Me GUY SARAULT : Q. [164] Mais on est d'accord, Monsieur Despars, lorsqu'on lit Standard & Poor's qui donne la perception d'une agence de notation de crédit qui est réputée, je pense. R. Tout à fait. Q. [165] Que la perception, globalement parlant, sans aller dans le fine print ou dans les détails, est généralement très positive. R. Je n'irai pas dans le fine print et dans tous les détails, je veux juste vous ramener à la... à Gaz Métro-7, Document 11, page 11 de 17 de mon témoignage où on cite Standard & Poor's qui dit : GMLP's high degree of exposure to lower margin industrial customers and R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 87 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault lower authorized rates of return compared with that of several U.S. peers hinders its financial performance. We consider GMLP's market position to be weaker than that of other gas distribution companies in Canada due to a relatively higher concentration of industrial based customers. Bon. Ce n'est pas nous qui le disons là. Q. [166] Hum, hum. R. Consequently, operating results tend to be more vulnerable to throughput changes because of price volatility of natural gas and economic cycles. Effectivement, ils peuvent mentionner qu'il y a des éléments dans l'encadrement réglementaire qui nous sont favorables, mais de là à dire que tout est parfait chez Gaz Métro, il y a une limite là qu'il ne faut pas franchir. Q. [167] Est-ce qu'on ne pourrait pas faire le raisonne-ment inverse? Que tout n'est pas nécessairement négatif? R. Quand on dit que Gaz Métro fluctue moins que le marché et que c'est reflété dans son bêta, c'est R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 88 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault que ça tient compte des éléments qui couvrent l'ensemble de ses risques et incluant son risque réglementaire. Q. [168] Page 21, answer 21, the question is, "Is Gaz Métro continuing to make capital investments in its distribution business?" Your answer is essentially the same, word for word, as your answer 23 of the 2007 testimony, except for the change in numbers in order to reflect the 2009 forecast, but do you agree with me that, once again, there is no change in your overall conclusions in this respect vis à vis two years ago? MR. VILBERT: A. It is definitely an update to that information from two years ago. Again, this information, is what I'm doing is I'm updating the evidence. Q. [169] That's right. But if the conclusions were to be different, if the overall picture was to change, not only would you have changed the numbers but you would have also have changed the wording of your answers, do you agree with me? A. Not if the question and answer is providing an informational background and update for the evidence. My conclusions are contained elsewhere. They haven't the conclusions are the same R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 89 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault fundamentally, this question and answer is just an update of information. Q. [170] At page 21, still in answer number 22, lines 23 to 27, "Gaz Métro is also exposed to regulatory risk related to its performance and mechanism. Incentive regulation creates greater expected short term variations in earnings than does traditional cost of service regulation, particularly where deferral accounts are used to adjust for cost under or overrecovery." Would you agree with me that Gaz Métro has several deferral accounts, a great number? A. Yes. I understand that they have some deferral accounts, yes. Q. [171] Weather normalization, interest rates, over/underrecovery, stuff like that? A. Well, there are exogenous factors in incentive mechanisms that we've discussed. Q. [172] Yes. Would you agree with me that some of their peers in Canada such as, for example, Union Gas and Enbridge in Ontario, who, to a large extent, rely on large residential volumes of customers, do not have weather normalization defferal caps? I think you had said yes to the same R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 90 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault question two years ago, according to my notes A. I'm happy to agree with it. My memory of Enbridge and Union's situation now is, well, it's a bit less hazy than it was then because I've just been involved in the Enbridge incentive regulation matter, but I'll agree with you. M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Est-ce que je pourrais, je voudrais rajouter un point sur cet élément-là. Quand on regarde la normalisation de la température, on regarde un élément spécifique, O.K., dire comment les variations par rapport à la température sont prises en considération. La normalisation de la température utilisant une moyenne trente (30) ans est une façon de neutraliser le risque de température. Il y a une multitude d'autres façons qui est utilisée dont la méthode de prévision de la demande. Donc, la méthode de prévision de la demande, et je serais curieux d'entendre monsieur Sarault parler de la méthode de prévision de la demande chez Union et chez Consumers, si elle tient compte des années plus récentes ou de la volatilité qui a été observée amène une révision des degrésjour pour établir la prévision de la demande. Donc, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 91 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault une température plus chaude qui serait normalisée dans le cas de Gaz Métro si on utilise une température, une moyenne de trente (30) ans, serait directement prise en considération dans le mode de prévision de la demande dans les entreprises du type Union and Consumers Gas. Donc, il faut faire extrêmement attention. Quand on amène le débat sur le sujet de certains comptes de frais reportés, il faut regarder l'encadrement réglementaire complet qui va du mode de prévision de la demande à la fréquence des révisions. Q. [173] Si c'est comme ça chez Union, comme vous dites, seriez-vous prêt séance tenante à nous dire que Gaz Métro serait disposée à échanger son système de compte de frais reportés pour la normalisation de la température avec le système qui prévaut chez Union, faire un « swap »? R. Il faudrait réviser l'ensemble du mode réglementaire. Est-ce que Union and Consumers ont des dossiers de fin d'année? À l'époque, ils n'en avaient pas. Et donc, est-ce que les clients seraient prêts à ce que Gaz Métro conserve cent pour cent du « up side »? Q. [174] Si je comprends bien, on n'est pas en mesure R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 92 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault de répondre oui aujourd'hui séance tenante? R. J'attends votre réponse. Q. [175] Ce n'est pas moi qui vais choisir, c'est à vous de le proposer. C'est un vieux compte à ce que je sache. Depuis que je suis ici à la Régie, même quand s'appelait la Régie du gaz naturel, le compte de normalisation de la température existait. Page 23, question 26, talking about the effect of changes in the level and volatility of gas commodity prior to the Gaz Métro's business risk, would you agree that your answer here is almost identical, work for word, to answer number 30 of your 2007 testimony on the same subject, except for minor adjustments to numbers reflecting the evolution between 2007 and 2009, but the wording of your answer in the conclusions are essentially the same? A. Again, these are updated figures and numbers that reflect the current situation. Q. [176] Yes, but we agree that your update in the figures and in the numbers, talking about figure 5, figure 6 and figure 7, which for all intents and purposes are identical to the similar figures we find in your testimony two years ago, lead to identical conclusions on this aspect in particular, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 93 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault and that you have nothing new to report in terms of conclusions? A. Updated information does not change the underlying story and conclusions. Again, it's important to take this into account, this is updated evidence. Q. [177] Speaking again of the effect of changes in the level and volatility of gas commodity prices on Gaz Métro's business risk, would you agree with me that this is far from being unique to Gaz Métro and that all companies engaged in a similar business face the same risk? A. Broadly speaking, I think I agree with you, and that's exactly what I'm trying to suggest to you, is that this, this environment is affecting business risks of all utilities in North America for the reasons that I've described, and that Gaz Métro has some unusual circumstances that, in my opinion, put it at the upper end of the range of business risk. So part of what we're doing here is positioning Gaz Métro with respect to the benchmark sample. Q. [178] That's, hence, my question. We both agree that this aspect, in particular, not being unique to Gaz Métro, does not, in itself, justify R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 94 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault differentiation of treatment between Gaz Métro and its peers? A. No. But it may directly influence whether or not you believe that beyond that adjustment the formula mechanism is appropriate to continue in a world that has changed dramatically from the time that the formula was put in place. As I said, some of this evidence goes to the question of whether the formula is adequate to track these changes. Q. [179] All right. Page 29, question 30, which is new, "Has Gaz Métro continued to invest in its distribution business since 1999?" The answer is yes, and you provide a chart. Would you agree with me that if Gaz Métro would have significant difficulty in raising capital in order to finance these investments, the result might not be the same? A. I'm sorry, you're asking me if Gaz Métro chose not to make the investments? Q. [180] If it was not it didn't have access to capital in order to finance these investments, it just wouldn't be made. So you're reporting here it is continuing to invest in its distribution system, so it has to find the money somewhere, do we agree? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 95 A. Yes. PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault And I think, as Mr. Despars mentioned earlier, Gaz Métro has gone to the debt market for that purpose. Q. [181] H'mm, h'mm. A. Which tells you something about access to the debt market. But the issue there is whether the terms and conditions are reasonable, and that doesn't tell you whether the cost of equity has increased or decreased. Q. [182] H'mm, h'mm? A. Having said all that, this information is relevant to business risk because what it says is that in the face of declining utilization and declining volumes, in the prospect of those uncertainties, Gaz Métro is not in a position where it can just let its assets depreciate and let its investors simply ride out the remaining life of those assets. It has to continue to put new assets at risk. Q. [183] All right. All I wanted to underscore was that in order to make those investments, Gaz Métro must continue to have access to capital, you know, its investments strategy doesn't seem, according to your own evidence, to have changed significantly since 1999? A. And the evidence is that Gaz Métro has had access R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 96 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault to the debt market. And the question at hand, however, is access to capital at reasonable terms and conditions, and what the appropriate cost of equity is. Q. [184] H'mm, h'mm. As of page 30, you talked about the effects of increased competition with electricity and fuel oil on Gaz Métro's business risk. First of all, with fuel oil here, again, would you agree with me that competition between natural gas and fuel oil is not unique to Gaz Métro, that virtually all companies involved in this business face the same problem? A. Not with the same intensity. So a company who has a larger share of industrial load that has the capability of switching fuels or of adopting one fuel using equipment versus another, and that will differ across the industry, Gaz Métro has a relatively high industrial load with relative to the benchmark utilities that are in Dr. Vilbert's sample. Q. [185] Were you aware of the fact that Gaz Métro has in its rate structure a that there is a special tariff called "gaz d'appoint concurance" in French? A. Short term. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 97 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [186] If we try to translate, you know, it would be like A. Short term interruptable sales. Q. [187] Exactly, short term interruptable to meet competing fuels. And then, you know the rate is calculated, you know, in order to match competing fuels. Doesn't this offset this risk, in particular, if offered to industrial users who are interruptable? And this is what allows, according to Mr. Despars' testimony, this is what allowed, partly, Gaz Métro to take advantage of the improvement in natural gase's competitiveness in the year 2007 and 2008 and generate more sales, and which allowed it to realize and even exceed its return for that year in particular, isn't that a great feature A. To me it's direct evidence of the fact that we have competition between alternative fuels. The fact you have to introduce such a mechanism in order to be to compete is a signal of the competition. Now, the question is, ultimately, in the long run, who's going to win that competition? In the short run, these things fluctuate, so right now gas is in a relatively preferred position to fuel oil because of just the dynamics of the way that R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 98 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault the oil market and the gas market has de coupled, and so, yes, great, Gaz Métro, in the short run can try to take advantage of this and get some of those customers back that its lost since 1994, but in the long run that competition is going to play out where other utilities, without big industrial bases like Gaz Métro, don't face that risk at all. Q. [188] But would you agree with me that when we talked about Gaz Métro's relative risk in relation to this aspect in particular, that we have to take this particular feature into account which contributes to offset risk? A. It's a mechanism, a feature to compete, but it does not eliminate the competition. Q. [189] Does it offset the risk, that's my question? A. It helps mitigate the risk. Q. [190] Thank you. A. But in the short run, not in the long run. Q. [191] Now, at page 31, as of question 32 by the way, I would just like to underscore the fact that answer 31 at page 30 is almost identical, save for a few minor adjustments, to answer 33 of your 2007 testimony. Same goes for figure 12, which is identical as figure 13 two years ago. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 99 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Now, turning to page 31, question 32, "How competitive is natural gas with electricity and oil heating in Québec?" Here, again, these answers are identical to answers 44 and 45, as well as the figure at page 32 as what we had two years ago, however, on the subject of how competitive natural gas is competitive as electricity, I have an article published on August 31st on Gaz Métro's website, you might want to take a look at it. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 100 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Me GUY SARAULT : Moi, je vais m'en garder une. Maître Legault, on va lui en donner une au moins. Excusez-moi, Maître Legault. Me PIERRE LEGAULT : Ce n'est pas grave. Me GUY SARAULT : Ça, ça va être C-1.11... C-1.13, excusez-moi. ( So I'll translate it) EXHIBIT C 1 13: An article published on August 31st on Gaz Métro's website. Q. [192] So I'll translate it to you because it's in French. The title by the way, this is published on Gaz Métro's own website, so this is a it's recent and it comes from the horse's mouth, as we say. "Depuis 10 ans, le gaz naturel est moins cher que l'électricité." Since 10 years natural gas has been cheaper than electricity. Any comment? A. I agree that, with respect to the current situation, gas prices have declined such that in particular sectors gas may be cheaper than electricity. Again, it's a function of this boom and R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 101 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault bust cycle that I've been talking about. Now Q. [193] But you understand the words "Depuis 10 ans"? That's for 10 years, it's not short term. A. You have me at a competitive disadvantage in the language. Q. [194] But you have someone next to you who can A. Mr. Despars. Q. [195] certainly explain what this is all about. He's a francophone, speaks very good French and English, and he's with Gaz Métro, and he certainly knows about this paper. A. And he informs me that this refers to the commercial market. Q. [196] Well, that's at least one of them. A. Okay. M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Je vais répondre. C'est le marché... c'est la campagne de publicité qu'on a lancée la semaine dernière. Me GUY SARAULT : Q. [197] Ce n'est pas de la fausse publicité. R. Ce n'est pas du tout de la fausse publicité. Q. [198] Bon. R. Et je vais continuer. Cette publicité-là vise spécifiquement le marché commercial, le marché R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 102 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault commercial où on a un avantage compétitif par rapport à l'électricité depuis les dix (10) dernières années compte tenu du niveau d'interfinancement qu'on a dans chacun des tarifs, que ce soit chez Gaz Métro ou chez Hydro-Québec. Cette comparaison-là est faite avec les tarifs d'électricité chez Hydro-Québec au tarif régulier, O.K., exclut spécifiquement le tarif hors point dont on vous a parlé au cours des dernières années. Donc, quelqu'un qui a une option sur le tarif hors point vient changer complètement ces graphiques-là. Les graphiques sont présentés ici, en fait, ils sont présentés ici sur un horizon dix (10) ans sur le marché commercial à tarif régulier. On ne s'est jamais caché pour dire que c'est que le marché dans lequel on est le plus compétitif. O.K. Et on ne s'est pas caché non plus pour faire cette campagne de publicité-là au moment où les décideurs dans les commerces prennent leurs décisions. Ce n'est pas parce qu'il y avait une audience sur le taux de rendement qu'on ne fera pas les meilleures choses qu'on a à faire pour aller chercher le maximum de clients et qui est la période du mois de septembre. C'est au mois de septembre que ces gens-là décident majoritairement R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 103 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault de leurs installations pour le chauffage. Donc, dans ce créneau de marché-là, effectivement, on a un avantage par rapport à l'électricité. Et on le dit dans toutes nos présentations depuis les dix (10) dernières années. Et, ça, ça n'a pas changé. LE PRÉSIDENT : Q. [199] Et c'est une campagne... Monsieur Despars, c'est une campagne en deux mille neuf (2009) ou deux mille huit (2008)? R. C'est deux mille neuf (2009). En fait, elle est sortie la semaine dernière. Me GUY SARAULT : Q. [200] Le trente et un (31) août deux mille huit (2008). LE PRÉSIDENT : C'est juste que la... Il y a peut-être une coquille dans le... Me GUY SARAULT : Montréal, le trente et un (31) août deux mille huit (2008). M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Et ça va être la publicité qu'on a sorti où vous avez vu les encarts où Gaz Métro est 10/0 versus l'électricité dans le secteur commercial, et ça R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 104 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault vise spécifiquement ce marché. Et c'est le marché le plus payant pour Gaz Métro. Si on est capable d'aller chercher des clients additionnels, bien, ça va avoir un impact favorable sur tout le monde. MR. CARPENTER: A. So, if I could just add one thing on this, if you put this to me, I think it's a bit remarkable that a local gas distribution company actually has to enter into an advertising campaign to compete with electricity. That is a very unusual circumstance, that; and in my mind it's an indication, again, of the competition between these fuels that you just don't see in other LDC environments. ME GUY SARAULT: Duly noted. Q. [201] Page 33, answer 36, you talk about the fact that the Heritage Pool of electricity filled 80 98 percent of the energy needs in 2005, and that's this is now reducing, and we have a forecast of about 90 percent in the year 2014. Would you agree with me that the relative decline of Heritage Pool Resources was contributing to increase the price of electricity in Québec because the price of new supplies will be much more expensive than the very low price of 279 cents per R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 105 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault kilowatt hour that we have for historical supplies included in the pool? Actually, I think in your following answer you talk about incremental supplies being priced as high as 10 cents per kilowatt hour. So, would you agree with me that that factor, in itself, will contribute to make electricity more expensive in relative terms? A. Well, if you read through the Q. [202] I did. A. answer of 37, I present the table to demonstrate the impact of those incremental supplies at those prices would be marginal. Q. [203] I made a calculation of my own based upon your figure 15 at page 35, the increase from 2004 to 2014 in supply prices is 279 to 349, which is a 7 cents hike, .7 cent hike. According to my calculation, if I divide .7 cents by 279, that represents 25 percent over 10 years; do you agree with my calculation? A. I don't disagree with the calculation, but Q. [204] You don't? A. I don't disagree with that calculation, but you have to take into account the fact that there's is a simple inflation going on, as well. These are R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault - 106 nominal terms. Q. [205] In addition, if I may, do you agree with me that we're talking here only about the price for the supply of electricity generation? We're not talking about transport and distribution, which are also part of the bill of electricity users? Are you aware of in what direction those rates are going to go as far as Hydro Québec's strategic plan is concerned for the next few years? A. Yes. I've read Hydro Québec's strategic plan. Q. [206] Are they going to go up or down? A. Well, they would go up, but the based on this effect. But the real issue is, what is the extent of the surplus going forward? And one of the things that has changed significantly since I was here in 2007, is the size of the Hydro Québec surplus. And so you would expect that with a higher surplus, that that would reduce the need for the incremental supplies, would put a downward pressure on prices. So, you know, on balance, in my judgement, electricity is still going to be extremely competitive relative to natural gas in Québec. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 107 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [207] But what I'm suggesting to you is that in relative terms, over the medium term horizon, supply, transportation and distribution rates for electricity will increase in Québec, and it will increase significantly vis à vis what they were some years ago. So, what I'm telling you is that the competitive advantage of electricity in certain sectors will decline rather than increase, that's what I'm suggesting to you A. Well Q. [208] over the foreseable future; do you agree or disagree? A. I disagree to the extent that there will be a continuing surplus of electricity if the economy does not recover. Distribution costs may go up. If we have increased inflation, distribution costs for electricity as well as gas may go up. It's the relative price that's important. And your question doesn't tell me, you know, what the movements in the relative price is going to be. Q. [209] All right. Moving to page 36. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 108 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Juste un instant, on va juste laisser les témoins finir de se consulter. Il y avait, je pense, un complément de réponse. ME GUY SARAULT: I'm sorry, I thought you were through, sorry. A. I quess what I, in addition what I point you to is figure 14 where we have the apples to apples, gas versus electricty rate. And in this figure you do see the increases that are beginning to occur in the Hydro Québec electricity rate. Q. [210] H'mm, h'mm? A. They have been sufficient to make up insufficient to make up the gap, and that gap is significantly higher than what we're talking about with respect to this incremental supply. Q. [211] Page 36, we go Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Maître Sarault, encore une fois, les témoins sont en train de finaliser une consultation pour probablement donner un complément de réponse. Me GUY SARAULT : Excusez-moi! Je pensais que, après le dernier complément, on avait complémenter. Q. [212] Go ahead. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 109 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault A. And Mr. Despars reminds me, as well, that in the presentation yesterday I showed you the I don't remember exactly which figure it is, I showed you the comparison of electricity rates in Montreal relative to other LDCs in that, even in spite of this, any increases that might occur with respect to Hydro Québec, it's still at the very low end of the spectrum with respect to other LDCs in other regions. ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [213] Well, we know for a fact, according to Gaz Métro's own promotional material, that this may be true for the residential sector where electricity and natural gas are used for home heating purposes, but in, at least in the commercial sector, natural gas seems to have a competitive edge. A. Yes. The I'm instructed that the advertising campaign does indicate that for the commercial sector, and, as I said, it's a sign that Gaz Métro's attempting to compete for that load. Q. [214] H'mm, h'mm. Page 36, you talk about the effect of Gaz Métro's performance performance incentive mechanism on its business risk, we've talked about that extensively already. Just to remind you, though, of a passage at R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 110 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault answer 36, page 28, lines 8 to 16 of your 2007 testimony, and I quote, that you stated that "The new exogenous factor," I'm talking about an adjustment, this factor that was introduced in 2007, "for declining averages used by SML customers would be expected to reduce Gaz Métro's business risk, all else being equal, because they are likely to reduce Gaz Métro's exposure to short term earnings volatility." You haven't changed your opinion on this? A. No. And I agreed with that when you asked me that about an hour ago. Q. [215] Okay. Page 38, line 6 and 7, talking about the exogenous volume factor introduced in 2007, you say that "This factor only partially de couples revenues from volumes. Gaz Métro is still exposed to 10 percent of the volume risk." Is it fair to assume that it is not exposed to 90 percent of the volume risk A. Yes, for this customer class. And they also have to account for costs, as well, as I point out, approximately 96 percent of the costs are fixed, so there is some room for volume variability as a result of this 10 percent. Of course, this only applies to the, the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 111 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault small customer class. There is no volume protection for the industrial class. Q. [216] Thank you. Page 39, answer 42, "Gaz Métro's business risk compared to other Canadian, other gas utilities in Canada and the United States," we know already that there is no specific comparison between Gaz Métro and other Canadian utilities, correct? A. That's correct. For the reasons that I stated earlier, that there are no pure play LDCs. However, I do provide evidence as to how one should think about differences in business risk between Canadian and U.S. LDCs as a result of the market and regulatory environments on each side of the border. Q. [217] At page 40 you compare Gaz Métro's allowed return compared to allowed return for U.S. LDCs. We already have in the record not only Gaz Métro's historical allowed returns since 1990, do we have the we also have their realized returns of Gaz Métro, as we have seen. Do we have the realized returns of those U.S. proxies somewhere in your evidence? So much paper, I couldn't find it. A. I don't believe I provided realized returns. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 112 Q. [218] You don't? PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault So A. Because it, A, that data, I'm not aware of as being readily available. But B, it's not, to me, again, accounting returns are not as relevant as market based, so this is providing an indication of the comparison between what the regulatory litigated results provide on both sides of the border. Q. [219] Well, take the following assumption for purposes of our discussion: If one or more of your U.S. proxies has an allowed return, let's say, of 17 percent vis à vis the returns that have been allowed for Gaz Métro, but that in reality year after year doesn't realize 17 percent, it realizes only 9 percent. It's great to have an allowed returned of 17 percent but if in reality you end up with 9, does that tell you something about the risk of that proxy A. One data point like that wouldn't tell you anything about a risk. There will be volatility in earned returns under the U.S. model because of regulatory lag; some will earn above their allowed returned, some will earn below their allowed return. My experience, by the way, is that they R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 113 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault tend to earn, on average, more than their allowed returns because of this optionality feature of the regulatory lag that I was talking about. Q. [220] But we have no evidence of that? A. I'm just giving you my opinion as to that data. As I said, in my opinion that data is not very relevant for evaluating business risk. Q. [221] But assuming, for purposes of my question, that a portion of it do under earn, what does that tell you vis à vis your definition of business risk? "For equity investors it is the uncertainty that his, her full return and of invested capital will be achieved." "Be achieved," do we agree that this is not to "be allowed"? It will be, in fact, realized, isn't that important A. What you've left out is, over the lifetime of the investment, so historical data concerning over or under earnings is ret you have to evaluate that in the context of the regulatory system that you have. And what I'm suggesting, is that under the U.S. system, you see a lot more year to year variability because of regulatory lag. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 114 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [222] It's volatile? A. It's a short run volatility, and I fully acknowledge that, and I discussed it in my presentation yesterday. But that does not give an issue of long term fundamental structure risk, which is what equity investors are concerned about. Over the lifetime of their investment, are they likely to earn a return on and of their capital? And part of that is, is the return that they're earning fair relative to the cost of capital? And by looking at allowed returns in a jurisdiction in which the regulatory scheme is, from a long term basis, fundamentally the same, where the business is identical, nearly identical, and you see consistent patterns of allowed returns greater than what the formula produces; it's evidence, to me, that the formula is broken. Q. [223] But, Dr. Carpenter, if you have short term volatility with your U.S. proxies year after year after year for 10 years, doesn't it becomes long term? A. Again, in some years it's going to be greater. Some R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 115 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault years there'll be over earning, some years they'll be under earning. My impression, when you look at that data, to the extent that it exists, my recollection is that, on average, U.S. utilities tend to earn more than their allowed returns. Q. [224] But that data is not here? A. It's not in this evidence but that's my impression from that, from that data. Q. [225] At page 42 ME VINCENT REGNEAULT: Juste un instant. ME GUY SARAULT: I'm sorry. Are we through? A. H'mm, h'mm. Q. [226] Page 42, question 45, "Given the differences in the regulation of local distribution companies between Canada and the U.S., why should the Régie consider comparisons of allowed returns across the two jurisdictions?" And then you, you provide an answer justifying the use of U.S. beta. I would like to go back to the decision rendered two years ago by the Régie, Exhibit C 1 12, Section 4.1.10 of the decision. Comparison of the ROEs authorized for R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 116 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault regulated Canadian companies and their U.S. counterparts was discussed at length at the hearing. Gaz Métro executives and IGUA, Industrial Gas Users Association, officials alike informed the Régie on the related issues for the industry as a whole." Third paragraph, "The Régie believes that while it is clear that the ROEs as authorized in the U.S. are higher, on average, than those granted in Canada. The evidence does not support the conclusion that the distributor is suffering any harm or unfair treatment. The applicant has not demonstrated that the opportunities available on the U.S. market are comparable, particularly in terms of risk. Dr. Chrétien's evidence shows that the risk premium has been higher in the past for U.S. portfolios than for Canadian portfolios. At the same time, Dr. Carpenter's evidence failed to establish conclusively that the company's specific level of risk was comparable to that of the U.S. firms used for comparative purposes. Finally, the evidence does not allow to compare overall differences between the two countries' institutional economic and financial environments and their impact on the resulting investment R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 117 opportunities." PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault End of quotation. What's so different in your evidence this year A. Well, I hope I've provided additional perspectives as to why these are comparable. I think I've tried to explain better the distinction between fundamental risk and the variability risk, and so Q. [227] But we don't have information about the realized return. We don't have detailed information about incentive mechanisms that those U.S. proxies may be subjected to. We don't have information about their rate structures, which may over or under compensate for volume fluctuations. We don't have specific information about the detail of their regulatory environment in terms of deferral accounts. There's many, many things that we don't have, would you agree, about those U.S. proxies? A. Have you looked at appendix B? Q. [228] Yes, I looked at appendix B. And the information, I'm suggesting to you, perhaps with the exception of a weather normalization account in R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 118 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault certain cases, that would be the one exception, doesn't add very much, respectfully submitted, to what we had in 2007. Yes, I did read it. A. Is there a question? Q. [229] Yes. I'm suggesting to you that it doesn't add much? A. Well, I disagree. I respectfully disagree. Q. [230] Thank you. Answer 49 at page 44, 45, "How does Gaz Métro's business environment compare to other LDCs in Canada and the U.S.?" And in your last sentence, "Gaz Métro has the largest industrial customer load and industrial customer that is larger than the LDCs in Dr. Vilbert's U.S. LDC samples." This is the same answer as you gave in 2007. It was answer 39, page 29 of your testimony two years ago. The only exception being that you replaced Dr. Chrétien by Dr. Vilbert's samples. Are you aware of the fact that Dr. Vilbert's sample is almost identical to the sub sample we have with Dr. Chrétien two years ago, that they're the same companies A. I'm not sure if they're identical for many of the same companies. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 119 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault And if you recall, I was the one that recommended the sample to Dr. Chrétien. Q. [231] H'mm, h'mm? A. So, in a sense, it was my sample, so it's not surprising that my sample would have some overlap with the sample that Dr. Vilbert has chosen in consultation with me for this matter. Q. [232] Well, are you the one to have recommended, once again, these companies to Dr. Vilbert in this case? A. We the companies were developed together in consultation. Dr. Vilbert provided the list of pure plays, and I evaluated them along the lines described in appendix B, and we agreed on the sample on that basis. Q. [233] I had a note on this, if I may, one second. Yes, we have a list of Dr. Vilbert's sub sample at page 54 of your evidence in this proceeding. This answer is 56 and figure 25 are almost identical to answer 49 at page 38 of your 2007 evidence. The wording is the same, and the sub sample in your figure 25 is almost identical to Dr. Chrétien's sub sample in figure 20 of your 2007 evidence. Chrétien had 9 U.S. LDCs, Dr. Vilbert R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 120 has 8. PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Seven of those LDCs found on your sub sample are exactly the same; those are WGL Holdings; LacLady how do you pronounce it? LacLady Group? A. LacLady Group. Q. [234] LacLady Group; South Jersey Industries; AGL Resources; Northwest Natural Gas; Southwest Gas Corporation; Piedmont Natural Gas. All of those were included in Dr. Chrétien's sub sample of 9 U.S. LDCs, so we're talking about virtually the same sub samples from two years ago, we agree? A. We agree. And we shouldn't be surprised. The pure plays are the pure plays. They haven't changed that much. They are still good benchmarks. Q. [235] Going back to page 46, talking about natural gas penetration in Québec, answer number 50. This is identical, word for word, to your answer 40 at page 30 of your 2007 evidence, with exception of the use of the 2006 data which was, which replaces 2004 date; it's the same conclusions, no change in the wording. A. Facts have been updated, yes. Q. [236] At figure 19, page 47 is identical to figure 15 of your 2007 testimony, with the exception of the updates on the data;, conclusions are the same; R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 121 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault wording of your testimony on page 48 is the same as two years ago, correct? A. Its an update to the data. Q. [237] But the conclusions, this is the thrust of your testimony of your opinion is identical, do we agree? A. Yes. Ultimately, we agree. This is updated, it's updated testimony with respect to business risk and comparison. Q. [238] The same goes for Section 3 of page 53, Gaz Métro's industrial customer load is the same as answer 48 of your 2007 testimony with more recent data with those conclusions, and the wording of the testimony is identical, is that correct? A. The data has been updated, yes. Q. [239] The same for page 54, answer 56, 57, identical, word for word, what we had two years ago? A. The conclusion has not changed. ME GUY SARAULT: Thank you. This will conclude my questions to Dr. Carpenter. I know that it is 10 minutes past 12, this might be an appropriate moment to break for lunch and come back? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 122 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault I will be briefer with the other experts. I had met Dr. Carpenter before. There were some comparative issues to be discussed but I expect to be briefer with the others. LE PRÉSIDENT : Nous allons, oui, prendre la pause lunch. Combien de temps vous estimez pour les autres témoins? Me GUY SARAULT : J'avais annoncé six heures au total. Je suis encore dans mon temps. J'ai commencé à neuf heures et demie (9 h 30). Il est midi et dix (12 h 10). LE PRÉSIDENT : Pas de problème. Mais pour planifier le reste de la journée. Me GUY SARAULT : Je dirais minimum une couple d'heures disons, mais ça devrait être pas mal complété après ça. LE PRÉSIDENT : Donc, nous allons prendre une pause jusqu'à treize heures trente (13 h 30). Me GUY SARAULT : Treize heures trente (13 h 30). C'est bon. SUSPENSION DE L'AUDIENCE _________________ R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 123 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault REPRISE DE L'AUDIENCE 13 h 30 LE PRÉSIDENT : Reprise de l'audience. Maître Sarault. Me GUY SARAULT : Merci, Monsieur le Président. Bonjour, Messieurs les Régisseurs. BY ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [240] I would now like to turn my questioning to Mr. Engen. And I do not have that many questions; it will be on your written evidence filed as GM 7, document 12; and also on your presentation yesterday, this GM 7, document 21, also Régie's exhibit number B 60. So you have that material in front of you, Mr. Engen? A. I do. ME VINCENT REGNAULT: Thank you. ME GUY SARAULT: Thank you. BY ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [241] At page 7 of your testimony, you provide an outline of qualifications, and as of line 6 you state, and I quote, "BMO Capital Markets and its R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 124 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault predecessors have been providing financial and capital market advice to Gaz Metro limited partnership since the early 1980s." Could you expand on the nature of the financial and capital market advice that you provided to Gaz Metro since the early eighties? That's, by God, 29 years ago. A. I can give you some general ideas on that, in the context of what an investment banker would ordinarily do for his client. I can't be specific because I, on the other hand, have no relationship with Gaz Metro. The first time I met them was sometime ago when I was involved in TQM. Q. [242] A general description will suffice? A. I went on line, first of all, so that I have no involvement itself. And my first involvement with them is when I met them. It didn't seem that particular. So generically, what I would expect down through the years is advising them on access to access to capital, advise them on occasion when they're interested in doing mergers and acquisition transactions, but I'm not familiar with the specifics because I've not been involved with the company. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 125 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [243] But BMO Finance Capital Market would be involved at public offerings, for example, stuff like that, as an investment banker? A. That's correct. Q. [244] So who would be your main competitors for that kind of services? A. Well, again, as I've already said, it's because I don't have specific contact or relationship or coverage of the account, I can only tell you generically who those people would be. It would be the other, bold bracket, Canadian firms. Q. [245] And CIBC, WOOD GUNDY, RBC, Capital A. Well, you can put those bold brackets, yes, those five bank owned firms. Q. [246] The five bank owned firms? A. Yes. Q. [247] They're in competition with BMO Financial Market, Capital Markets, rather, to provide investment banking services to companies such as Gas Metro? A. All companies across the country and U.S., yes. Q. [248] H'mm, h'mm. And investment banking, is that BMO Capital Markets main line of business? A. That's a combination of investment banking, loan products, other capital markets, hedging, foreign R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 126 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault exchange, interest rates; it's a whole, a whole grouping of investment products. Q. [249] H'mm, h'mm. And does BMO Capital Market consider Gas Metro to be an important client? A. Yes. Q. [250] I'm now turning to your résumé that we find as appendix A to your evidence. You have that? A. I don't but I'm sure I can remember what's there. Q. [251] All right. The third bullet "Recent capital market transaction experience where BMO Capital Markets played a sole or co bookrunner role, includes Transcanada Corporation three equity offerings between 2007 and 2008 totalling 4.15 billions, major transaction, you would agree? A. That's what's written there, correct. Q. [252] Canadian Western Bank, 105 millions innovative tier 1 capital offerings, and 200 million subordinated debt offerings. Duke Energy income fund, 108 million follow up offering. 200 million Enbridge Income Fund IPO. And have other transactions involving the ATCO Group and Transcanada Pipelines. Is it fair to assume that major clients of BMO Capital Markets are actually companies related R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 127 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault to the utility industry? A. No. We have Q. [253] These are related to utilities? A. They are, but these are companies I work with. We also have major relationships with oil and gas companies; we have major relationships with chemical producers; we have major relationships that would be in the financial sector; we have major relationships in all sectors of the economy. These are some of the ones that I worked with in the energy sector. Q. [254] And Transcanada Pipelines, which is mentioned here, we both agree that Transcanada Pipeline and Gaz Metro are co shareholder of TQM, which was the subject of the precedent referred to yesterday by the company's witnesses? A. They are co owners of TQM, yes. Q. [255] And TQM is the hearing during which you did testify on behalf of the utility for an assessment of the procession by financial markets, as you do in this case? A. Correct. Q. [256] You're a lawyer by background, Mr. Engen? A. I practiced law for eight years at McCarthy Tétrault, yes. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 128 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [257] And do you consider yourself totally neutral and impartial when it comes to talking about Gaz Métro? ME VINCENT REGNAULT: You know, I suspect your question A. You know, I'm just like an attorney. ME VINCENT REGNAULT: Just a second Mr. Engen. Je vais y aller en français, ça va être plus facile, je pense. Je pense que cette question-là n'a pas à être dirigée à monsieur Engen. Si maître Sarault souhaite argumenter quant à la neutralité ou l'impartialité de monsieur Engen quant à son témoignage à titre d'expert, il le fera et vous en serez les décideurs. Je ne pense pas que la question a à être posée à monsieur Engen, donc je m'objecte à cette question-là. ME GUY SARAULT: Maybe I will rephrase. BY ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [258] We both agree that Gaz Metro, in your case in particular, the utility industry is a major client in which you had been involved in transactions, and they were clients of yours? A. The work that I do focuses on the energy R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 129 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault infrastructure sector, correct. Q. [259] Apart from the TQMK A. It would be difficult, of course, to be here and testify in front of you if I was an oil and gas expert; it would be very difficult for me to give you views about pipelines and returns. Q. [260] H'mm, h'mm? A. It would be very difficult equally for me to call on my colleague Brad Hardy who works in our financial institution sector and come and speak here, so necessarily I think you have to have someone with some background in the sector, so that's the reason why they called on me to be here. Q. [261] In your testimony, as of page 123, you talk about the investment community views of the Régie formula, in that portion of your testimony, which covers a number of pages, you quote extensively a Mrs. Karen Taylor, correct? At least five, six quotes from Karen Taylor? A. I do. Q. [262] Who is Karen Taylor? A. Karen Taylor was a research analyst with with BMO Capital Markets until a little over a year ago. Q. [263] And those comments that you reproduce in your testimony were made when she was an employee of BMO R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 130 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Capital Markets, correct? A. That's correct. Q. [264] I would now like to turn to your presentation yesterday; that's exhibit Gaz Metro 7, document 21, also B 60. At page I'm looking for number 4, if I may. page 4, file You have a graph showing the bond spread wider generic A. And you say 30 year spread now at roughly 245 points, basis points; you see that? A. I do. Q. [265] Can you tell us what the word "now" refers to in terms of date? A. Well, I updated this last on Monday or Tuesday, so it would be Monday or Tuesday's date, I have to check when the final update was. Q. [266] It would be August of this year? A. This week. Q. [267] This week? A. Yes. Q. [268] Okay. Or at the very beginning of September, so it could be end of August? A. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's right. Time passes very quickly here, sorry. The last day of August or the first day of R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 131 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault September. Q. [269] Okay. Good. And since you're with a major financial institution, what is your best outlook for future months as to the evolution of these spreads A. I'm interested that you ask me that question. I had a conversation with the head of our debt capital markets group not an hour and a half ago, actually, just before the hearing started this morning to talk about a couple things, and this point came up as well. And as you can see, the spread has not returned to the averages that we saw for the 10 years leading up to the runup at the end at the end of the year or end of 2007. Our view in our conversations with institutional investors in particular is that these spreads are going to stay higher than the long term average for quite some time to come. In discussing the issue with investors, our understanding is that they are and have been repricing risk. We came through what we would characterize for a period there of very low spreads through what we called a credit bubble during that period of R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 132 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault time in which investors largely either ignored, didn't understand or just outright failed to do the kind of risk analysis. Our view is its a repricing the risk. It's going to say this way for some time. Investors' view is feel the same way and our view, we is that we're not back to what normal is, and I couldn't even tell you what normal is these days. Investors aren't going to forget the crash that we've been through anytime soon. This is going to continue to affect them for sometime to come. Once burned, twice shy kind of thing. For me, its reminiscent of when Transcanada cut its dividend earlier this decade; I think it was in 2000, 2001. And even today, the company has a weaker valuations relative to some of its competitors, and when asked why the reasons are, we're often told by institutional investors "We remember the dividend cut" and weren't happy about it. And that affects what they're willing to pay. We're looking at the same thing now, not a dividend cut but massive wealth was lost in the marketplace through this last year, both in the bond market and in the equity market, investors R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 133 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault aren't going to forget soon. Q. [270] Does BMO Capital Markets publish an official forecast for these kindss of spreads? A. I know our economist publishes I have to pull it out. Our economist publishes outlooks but I can't remember if the 10 year rate is on there or not, I would have to have a look. Q. [271] Would that information be available to you on your website, if I looked? A. I believe I believe there is publicly available, some material put together by economists that speak to rates. Q. [272] They do provide forcasts? A. Yes, the economists do. Q. [273] H'mm, h'mm. And that's you know, if it's on your website, is that considered to be an official publication of BMO Capital Markets? A. It's a well, it's a publication of our economist, yes. Q. [274] So, if I look on your website, I should normally find it? A. Well, I'm assuming because of the line of questions you have, so maybe you might want to produce it, we can then have a comment on it. Q. [275] Perhaps I don't. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 134 A. I doubt that but PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault I doubt you'd venture those kinds of questions without knowing the answers. That use to be what I understood the practice. Q. [276] What about the bond spreads on the utilities at page 5? A. What about them? Q. [277] Yes. I suppose if I asked you the same question about what "now" means, it's again the same A. Yes, these were all made at the same point in time. Q. [278] Okay. A. I might add as well that the Régie asked a number of questions with respect to updating various of these charts which appear here. Q. [279] Yes, I saw that. A. Yes. And it's replicating the same thing over again, yes. Q. [280] Okay. Same question about page 7, preferred share spread higher, 400 basis points to over 700 basis points; is that as recent as August as well? A. Yes. Q. [281] Yes? A. Well, again, it's more recent than just August; this was updated earlier this week. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 135 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [282] So, for all these charts I'm talking about, page 7, page 8, if I were to ask the same questions, you'd come up with the same answers? A. Yes. Q. [283] So we're saving time here. A. Yes. We wanted to, in light of coming here, I was very concerned as we prepared these materials to make sure that they were as current as they can possibly be. Now obviously I could update them through to today after close business, but at some point we have to cut it off. Q. [284] Sure. A. I was concerned about having the Commission seeing dated information. Q. [285] Does your did the publications available on your website provide also a forecast on general economic indicators such as GDD, et cetera? A. Yes. Most of that's available on the same document I'm thinking of, and it's the I can find it fairly quickly but it's available on a public website, and on that web on that, it's a single page publication for both U.S. and Canadian outlooks. It illustrates historical information over the past numbers of years. It would include overnight rates, five, ten year bond rates, GDP, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 136 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault CCPI. Q. [286] And your most current forecast? A. Yes, it gets updated regularly. Q. [287] Thank you. M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Maître Sarault, avez-vous terminé avec monsieur Engen? Me GUY SARAULT : Oui. M. PIERRE DESPARS : R. Est-ce que je pourrais juste ajouter sur la relation que Gaz Métro a avec BMO? Je voudrais juste dire au banc que Gaz Métro fait affaire avec toutes les banques canadiennes. O.K. Donc, pour avoir un expert du marché financier, toutes les banques canadiennes ont une relation d'affaires avec Gaz Métro, que ce soit la TD, la CIBC, la RBC, la Nationale, Desjardins, la Banque Laurentienne et la Scotia, ce sont toutes des banques qui font soit partie de notre syndicat bancaire ou qui participent aux émissions d'équité et de dette de Gaz Métro. Me GUY SARAULT : Q. [288] Je vous remercie d'apporter la précision. Donc, lorsque l'on lit des commentaires émanant du R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 137 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault milieu de l'investissement bancaire « banking investment » de banques canadiennes, on doit tenir pour acquis que ces institutions-là ont des relations d'affaires clients avec Gaz Métro. C'est ça? R. En fait, toutes les banques canadiennes ont des relations d'affaires avec Gaz Métro et même certaines banques internationales. Il faut bien comprendre que les règles de l'Autorité des marchés financiers sont très précises sur le rôle des analystes versus les institutions et les gens avec lesquels on travaille. Donc, je ne peux pas commenter sur la relation qu'il y a à l'intérieur des institutions, mais je sais qu'il y a des règles très précises qui doivent être tenues pour maintenir l'indépendance de l'analyste par rapport à la relation d'affaires qui est entretenue avec le client. Q. [289] Par ailleurs, puisqu'on en parle, nous avons au dossier également non seulement des commentaires des milieux financiers qui sont largement contenus au témoignage de monsieur Engen, mais nous avons également des rapports d'agences de notation de crédit, comme Standard & Poor's et DBRS. D'ailleurs qui ont été déposés au dossier comme partie R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 138 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault intégrante de la preuve au tout début. Est-ce qu'il n'est pas exact que, dans le cas de ces agences de notation de crédit, il n'y a aucune relation d'affaires entre elles et Gaz Métro? R. C'est totalement faux. Parce que dans le cas des agences de notation de crédit, ce sont nous qui payons les agences de notation de crédit pour qu'elles fassent l'évaluation du crédit de Gaz Métro, alors que les rapports d'analystes qui sont produits par les institutions financières sont produits de leur propre chef, et on n'a aucun pouvoir d'influence sur ces rapports qui sont produits. Q. [290] Est-ce que vous suggérez que les rapports des agences de notation de crédit comme Standard & Poor's et DBRS pourraient être biaisées en raison du fait que vous payez pour le service d'évaluation qui est fait de votre notation de crédit? R. Ce n'est pas du tout ce que j'ai mentionné. Ce que j'ai mentionné, c'est qu'on a une relation d'affaires. La question était sur la relation d'affaires. Quand je paie une entreprise pour recevoir un service, ça s'appelle une relation d'affaires. Je ne porte pas de jugement sur la qualité du travail qui est fait. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 139 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [291] Mais ce n'est pas du « investment banking », c'est seulement un service d'évaluation? On s'entend là-dessus? R. Je n'ai jamais dit que c'était un service d'« investment banking » qu'on allait chercher. Q. [292] O.K. Contrairement à ce que vous allez chercher de votre syndicat de banques, et caetera, exact? R. De toutes les banques canadiennes. Q. [293] Merci. LE PRÉSIDENT : Q. [294] Et, Monsieur Despars, quand vous mentionnez « syndicat bancaire », pouvez-vous expliquer davantage en quoi cela consiste? R. En fait, Gaz Métro a une facilité de crédit sur lequel elle peut emprunter à court terme de quatre cents millions de dollars (400 M$). Donc, ce n'est pas une seule institution qui prête, qui avance ce quatre cents millions-là (400 M$), c'est un regroupement de banques. Et à l'intérieur du syndicat bancaire, de mémoire, il y a sept banques dont les principales canadiennes plus deux banques étrangères. Q. [295] Merci. ME GUY SARAULT: R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault - 140 - Q. [296] I would now like to turn to Dr. Vilbert. Dr. Vilbert, my first question is an answer that was provided by Gaz Metro that we find at Gaz Metro 7, document 11.4 in response to question 19.1 of the Régie. MR. VILBERT: I have 19.1 in my response in English but I don't have the question in English. The question I have is in French. Q. [297] The question is in French. Do you have an English version of the question? A. I have an English version of the response but I don't have English version of the question. Q. [298] Okay. Well, can you your lawyer tells me that there is no English version of the question. ME VINCENT REGNAULT: No, I told you that we don't have the English version with us. ME GUY SARAULT: Oh, you don't have it with you? ME VINCENT REGNAULT: There is an English version but we don't have it with us. U # 3 : Provide the English version of the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 141 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault question 19.1 provided to the witnesses ME VINCENT REGNAULT: I guess so. ME GUY SARAULT: Yes? ME VINCENT REGNAULT: I will have ME GUY SARAULT: The undertaking I don't know les engagements de Gaz Metro? Où serait-on dans les engagements de Gaz Métro. LA GREFFIÈRE : Numéro 3. ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [299] And no one here MR. KOLBE: I will ME GUY SARAULT: Oh, yes, I will read the question in French. We have simultaneous translation. MR. KOLBE: And I can understand the question perhaps well enough to read French well enough to understand the answer perhaps. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 142 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault ME GUY SARAULT: But I'll read it for the record if you don't mind. MR. KOLBE: Okay. Q. [300] Alors, the question 19.1, from the Régie to Gaz Métropolitain reads as follows, and I quote: Veuillez fournir la liste des entreprises de service public (distributeur de gaz, d'électricité et pipelinière) pour lesquelles The Brattle Group, agissant comme témoin expert, a suggéré à l'organisme régulateur d'opter pour la méthode du - on va l'appeler ATWACC aux fins de fixation du taux de rendement au cours des cinq dernières années. Cette liste devra fournir le nom de l'entreprise de service public demandeur, le nom de l'organisme régulateur, son lieu de juridiction, la date de la décision, ainsi qu'un hyper texte menant à la version électronique de la décision. Veuillez indiquer quels organismes régulateurs ont retenu le ATWACC comme R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 143 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault méthodologie principale et lesquels ne l'ont pas retenue. All right? I think I was slow enough to allow an adequate simultaneous translation. MR. VILBERT: Yes. Q. [301] And in response to this, you say "While testimony by Dr. Kolbe and Dr. Vilbert always reflects the capital structure principles described in Dr. Kolbe's evidence, clients only sometimes sponsor requests to use the ATWACC itself as the primary rate of return standard." Can you tell us exactly what you mean here to say what the purpose this nuance? MR. VILBERT: A. Sure. This distinction that I'm drawing in the response to this question is whether or not the ATWACC as is specifically proposed to be the methodology by which the rate of return is set and the company is regulated, and that proposal goes to the regulator to adopt the ATWACC. The alternative, when I estimate the cause of capital using the principles that I used in this proceeding, I estimate the ATWACC every time I do it for my sample companies, but frequently, and in R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 144 case PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault most cases, particularly in the United States, you are the company has a specific capital structure that they will file. And they want to know, the question that I'm asked is: "Given our capital structure, our relatives risk compared to your samples, your estimate to the overall cost to capital, the ATWACC, what is the appropriate rate of return on equity that's consistent with your sample company and the regulatory capital structure that they're filing in your case." Now, the ATWACC is always underlying my recommendations, but it never becomes my recommendation. My recommendation to the regulator becomes "You should allow an ROE of whatever on the capital structure which has so much percent in equity." That is the difference, the distinction I'm drawing here. So that in most of the cases, we don't go forward and say, "Mr. Regulator or Ms Regulator, you should adopt the ATWACC as the primary method," which has the effect, then, of allowing the regulator to say "Capital structure can be quite different," and the overall rate of return required R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 145 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault doesn't change. Customers pay no diffrent rates but the regulation is based on the ATWACC as opposed to ROE in equity thickness. Q. [302] Then you go on and state, "Within the last five years, Dr. Kolbe and Dr. Vilbert have recommended a document, the ATWACC as the direct rate of return standard to the National Energy Board on behalf of TransQuebec and Maritime," and we know about that decision, obviously, "to the Alberta Utilities Commission on behalf of Nova Gas Transmission Limited, NGTL, in the 2009, January, cost of capital proceeding, and to the Régie on behalf of Gaz Métro in the current proceeding." So those three instances, according to your answer, would be the only forums in which ATWACC would have been proposed as the direct rate of return standard, am I to understand that? MR. VILBERT: Yes. To my, to my memory, that's the only times we've done it in the last five years. MR. KOLBE: A. In the last five years. But it was also in 2001 to the National Energy Board on behalf of the Transcanada Mainline, and in 1998, I believe, to R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 146 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board and Transoil Utilities. ME GUY SARAULT: Okay. Q. [303] Let's start with the National Energy Board in 2001. What was the what's proposed as the direct rate of return standard MR. KOLBE: Yes. Q. [304] if I follow you? And the what was the decision? A. The decision was, the words I remember most frequently are, I believe, "The board is not persuaded." The decision was that the board was not persuaded. We used the same principles again in 2004, although I think we formally recommended an equity thickness or an ROE at 40 percent equity, which was Tans Canada's choice for the Mainline. And at that time, the board, as I discussed in my appendix E, accepted the principles of the ATWACC but had questions about the evidence. So that the TQM decision, which we attempted to answer in the TQM decision, the TQM decision was really the third time that the NEB had all these principles' support and on the first one we R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 147 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault recommended a direct ATWACC. On the second one, we recommended the principles but not a direct ATWACC. On the third one we, we were sort of open ended for TQM. We sent 11 on 40, as I recall, 40 percent on and equity or an ATWACC of this, however you want to do it. Q. [305] Okay. So there were three instances for the NEB, once in 2001 that was not successful. You say in 2004 that you proposed the principles but not the ATWACC itself. What distinction do you draw between proposing the principles and not proposing the ATWACC? A. The same one that Dr. Vilbert just drew. We Q. [306] Okay. A. We did an analysis entirely on the ATWACC, but the company chose not to request the ATWACC as the rate of return standard but instead to let it structure in a traditional format, not the same underlying principles. It's the company that decides what form to request for the rate of return. What we do is answer the question that's given in this forum, what is the number? Q. [307] The decision of the NEB in this second R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 148 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault instance is RH 2004, rendered on April 2005, is it? A. Yes, I believe so does. It has phase 2 at the end. Q. [308] Yes. A. Yes that's the one. Q. [309] That's what it is. Okay. I have a copy of the relevant portion of the decision dealing specifically with the proposal on the principles OF ATWAC. Je pense qu'on est rendu à C.1.14. EXHIBIT C 1 14: Copy of the relevant portion of the decision dealing specifically with the proposal on the principles OF ATWAC. Q. [310] So this is the decision doctors Vilbert and Kolbe? A. Yes. Q. [311] Thank you. And this is the same decision as the one you are referring to in appendix E of your evidence, Dr. Kolbe. You said, you know, in which you explained at the end of the last time that this was a draft, the NEB raised a number concerns and R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 149 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault here is how we dealt with them for purposes of TQM and ultimately in this case? A. Yes, it's the front part of appendix E of my evidence. Q. [312] Okay. That's the one? A. Yes, that is. Q. [313] Okay. So, at that point time we see that the NEB did not seem to agree to the ATWACC principles and for the concerns that are referred to in your appendix E? A. I don't think that's accurate. I think the NEB accepted the principles but did not agree that we had met the evidentiary standard to permit not to use those principles in that hearing. Q. [314] And the reason as to why this decision in particular is not mentioned in your answer to question 19.1 is because in your opinion they had not in that instance in particular recommended the adoption of ATWACC as a direct rate of return standard, is that it? A. Yes, that's how we read the question. Perhaps the translation led to some confusion or something, but that's what we understood the question to want. Q. [315] That okay, just trying to understand. A. Yes. That's the reason, yes. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 150 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [316] Thank you. You referred earlier to a 1998 application before the Alberta Utilities Board, and I believe that was a generic cost of capital hearing, would that be accurate? A. No. It was for Transoil Utilities. Q. [317] It was a rate application? A. It was a guideline. It was for rate of return at least, I don't know. Q. [318] Okay. A. I don't know technically what it was for. Q. [319] And Is that the one that led to the 1999 decision that's referred to in Dr. Booth's evidence A. Yes. Q. [320] in which they said that the board would be derelict itself? A. He loves that quotation. At least he uses it very often. Q. [321] That's the decision. A. That is the decision, yes. Q. [322] And it's not in your answer because obviously it goes back to 1999, it was not within the file year period A. That's correct. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 151 Q. [323] PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault covered by the question. Okay. I have a number of other decisions which I would like you perhaps to clarify for me as to what could have been your role and what was proposed in and decided by the regulator. And most of these decisions are listed in the evidence provided by Mr. Mike Gorman on behalf of EG A. The first one is a decision which seems to have been rendered on January 17, 2008 no, actually the oldest one, I'm sorry, is in Dr. Goreman's evidence that's been attached physically to the binder of material; it's an Arizona decision going back to 2006, so within the five year period. I think dated bear with me. Its seems tou be it is exhibit ACIG 7, document 4.1, attachment 1.1. And it seems to be a decision dated July the 11th, 2006. Can you go to that decision? A. I don't have it. Q. [324] It's part of Michael Gorman evidence. A. I don't have his evidence here. If someone could get it for me, I'd be happy to look at it. LE PRÉSIDENT : Maître Sarault, pourriez-vous répéter la référence R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 152 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault exacte? Me GUY SARAULT : ACIG-7, Document 4.1, Attachment 1.1. It's my only copy. I can lend it to you as long as you ME VINCENT REGNAULT: We have it. I'm sorry, you have it on the computer okay good. A. (SHOWN TO WITNESS) We have it here on screen. we have it here on the We can scroll through it, I think. ME GUY SARAULT: All right. Q. [325] So do you remember this decision? A. Yes. This is, I think this one where we both testified. Q. [326] Okay. And what do you remember about the specific context in light of the Régie question 19.1? MR. VILBERT: A. I think that this a perfect illustration of the source of what appears to be the confusion between what you thought you were asking and what we thought we were answering. In this case, as I said, I used the ATWACC method to estimate the overall cost of capital for R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 153 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault the sample companies, and recommended the ROE based upon the capital structure of I think this was for Arizona American water. Underlying my calculations is the ATWACC method, and that ATWACC method was investigated by counsel for the consumer advocate and the staff. And a lot of the questions were centered on how I got to the ROE. I got given the estimates that I used to capitalized pricing model in the DCF method. And so the question centered on when I would answer them through the ATWACC approach, they investigated the ATWACC approach, because I think they decided not to accept my recommendation for the ROE, they commented on the methodology. Q. [327] At page 27 of the decision under the heading "discussion", there sems to be the Board's rationale in support of its decision. At lines 13 to 19 it is said, and I quote, "Both the "rukel" (phonetic) and staff used long standing methodologies approvth by the Commission to reach their estimates, the resulting recommendations for ten percent and 10.4 percent respectively, while the company is using a novel and not widely recognized methodology to attain its R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 154 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault 12 percent cost of equity recommendation." Is it accurate to suggest that the novel methodology referred to here would be the ATWACC A. Yes, but the novel aspect of it is not the ATWACC methodology, the novel aspect of it is the fact that it had not been presented to the Arizona corporation it's a corporation Commission, previously. And in my experience also Dr. Kolbe's experience and I think its that when you present something new to a regulatory body the first time, there's a certain amount of skepticism that comes with that. And in Arizona, the whole proceedings, I think, lasted a total of three days, and I just don't think that we were able to explain it adequately enough to make them comfortable in the time that was available to us to do so. Something they were not familiar with, it was not the standard methodology used by previous witnesses that appeared before them. And that's reason they, in my opinion that they characterized it as novel. Q. [328] Okay. MR. KOLBE: A. I just to need to add to that. The NEB is another R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 155 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault case in point in which the first two times they saw it they said no; first, because they weren't persuaded; second, because of evidentiary problems; and the third time they accepted it. My the whole purpose my appendix E in this proceeding is to try to provide the Régie with that history so that hopefully they can take advantage of the questions that have been raised and dealt with in previous Commissions, and perhaps short circuit the time it takes to adopt a new idea. MR. VILBERT: A. And one more point, if you're reading the response to my testimony and to Dr. Kolbe's testimony in these various proceedings, if your, the first time seeing this, you would be worried, I think, by the allegations about all the things that the ATWACC will do that we have tried to explain are not valid, and given the time to explain it, carefully and clearly, and respond to all the questions, we have largely had a chance to eliminate all these concerns. Q. [329] Okay, but I, you know, I was just trying to understand why this decision was not mentioned in your response to question 19.1, and my R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 156 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault understanding is that you did not consider it, and in that case in particular you were actually proposing ATWACC as the method? MR. KOLBE: A. Yes, that's what we understood the question to ask for. No, we didn't say that we always used principles in response to a question of which we always do. Q. [330] H'mm, h'mm. Okay. The next decision I would like to refer you to is a decision dated January 17th, 2008, this time by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. You have the again, I just took the excerpts of the decision dealing with cost of capital and ATWACC; you recognize this decision?MR. VILBERT: A. Yes. Q. [331] Did you testify in the proceedings leading to this decision? A. Yes, this particular one was made without Dr. Kolbe. Q. [332] It was just you? A. Yes. Q. [333] Okay. At page 71, in the middle of the page, R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 157 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault because we don't have line numbers it states, and I quote, "The Applicant's financial witness applied an after tax weighted average cost of capital methodology in developing the Applicant's recommended return." Was that were you the financial witness? A. I was. Q. [334] Okay. And later on it states at the end of the same paragraph "The Commission is not persuaded that the ATWACC methodology should be used in setting and authorized return for a regulated utility." A. And my comments with regard to the Arizona decision, or similar to what happened here, this was the first time that the Wisconsin Public Service Commission had been introduced to the ATWACC method; the same sort of response from various intervener witnesses laying out the terrors inherent to the ATWACC approach without the adequate, I think, time to really explain it fully. And I regret that I'm not articulate enough to explain it in a quickly, in a half hour whatever cross examination period I had. So the result turns out to be the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 158 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault same: Most regulators, the first time they see it, have language similar to this; the Commission is not persuaded. I was just not able to be articulate enough to explain it to them to get them to adopt it. Q. [335] But I'll be candid with you, and I read the two excerpts that I have just read to you. I was under the impression that at least the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin was under the impression that you were, in fact, proposing ATWACC as the method for setting the authorized returns, which is what they seem to say in the second sentence that I read. A. In this particular case I recommended a return on equity, and based upon their capital structure, as I said, the underlying Q. [336] So they misunderstood you? A. Excuse me? Q. [337] They misunderstood you? MR. KOLBE: A. I think you're misinterpreting what they're saying. Q. [338] What, not convinced that the methodology should be used in setting an authorized return for a regulated utility. A. No, I R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 159 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [339] It does leave that impression, don't you think? MR. VILBERT: A. No. MR. KOLBE: A. Well, I can't say what impression it leaves in your eyes, but I can try I don't think there's inconsistency with the way we answered the question. And the reason is we have been in proceedings where we've recommended a switch to the ATVACC rate of return standard. This is one of them. We have been in proceedings where, as we say in the response, we use all the same principles but arrive at a different form of recommendation. This was one of the latter. And the fact that the principles are used, I hope was clear from the response. Had the goal been to say "Please provide every decision where you have used ATWACC principles to form your rate of return recommendation," our response would have been different. Q. [340] I understood that. MR. VILBERT: R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 160 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault A. And then, if you look at my testimony in this case, you while find that I recommend a return on equity. And if you read that sentence, it says "The applicant's financial witness applied an after tax weighted cost of capital in developing the applicant's recommended return." And I recommended a return on equity, not an ATWACC. Q. [341] Okay. So Madame la Greffiere, that will be C 1 15, donc, décision du Public Service Commission of Wisconsin du 17 Janvier 2008. EXHIBIT C 1 15: Décision du Public Service Commission of Wisconsin du 17 Janvier 2008. Q. [342] The next decision I would like to bring to your attention is before the Tennessee Regulatory Authority, and it seems to be dated January 13, 2009. Ça va être C 1 16. EXHIBIT C 1 16: Decision before the Tennessee Regulatory Authority, and it seems to be dated January 13, 2009. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault - 161 - Q. [343] Do you remember this decision in particular? A. I testified in this proceeding. Q. [344] Yes. A. But I don't remember this part, I'm not sure I read this particular decision lately. Q. [345] Was ATWACC discussed in this proceeding in particular? A. Yes. The scenario plays out pretty much the same each time I do this. Again, it was a proceeding in which the capital structure was specify by the company, that you can see in the decision, and I return on equity, and the approach I used to get there was the ATWACC approach. Q. [346] Okay. And again, it was not accepted by the Commission? A. Well, it wasn't accepted but the ROE recommended by the staff was less than 7 ultimately less than 7 percent when you really calculated what they were doing. And the Commission, the regulatory authority rejected that and was much closer to my recommendation than the staff's recommendation. Q. [347] All right. The next decision I would like to bring to your attention is a decision of January 21st, 2009, of the Public Utilities Commission of R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 162 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Ohio, which I would propose to file as exhibit C 1 17. EXHIBIT C 1 17: A decision of January 21st, 2009, of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. Q. [348] You have the decision in front of you? A. Yes, I do. Q. [349] Do you recognize this decision? A. Yes. Q. [350] Did you testify in these proceedings? A. Yes, I did. Q. [351] At page 21, it is stated under heading "return on equity" in the middle of the paragraph, "Furthermore, First Energy Applicant, I believe which was the recommended the after tax weighted average cost of capital approach that is unproven and admittedly never used by a state Utility Commission," do you recall that? A. I do. Q. [352] H'mm, h'mm. And once again, it is correct that this approach was not retained by the Commission? A. Yes. This particular decision was a major R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 163 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault disappointment to me because I was invited by the staff of the Public Service Commission of Ohio, Public Utility Commission of Ohio, to give a seminar on the ATWACC method. And I know at the end of that proceeding, the seminar, that I had convinced the two witnesses, the staff witnesses. I am frustrated that they were unable to convince the decision makers of the efficacy of it. And that's, that particular seminar lasted a full day, and I was able to answer the staff's questions I think completely. And I will point out one last thing that came positive out of that whole process: The Ohio a this was for First Energy which is a has three distribution companies, electric distribution companies, and they had different capital structures, and they had relatively thin amount of equity, and the Commission decided, consistent with the ATWACC approach, to set, to give them a deemed capital structure, and because of that, they could give them all the same return on equity, which is some of the principles underlying the ATWACC approach. I couldn't and it had the effect of R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 164 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault increasing the ROE for them. It could not get them to go the whole way to get the ATWACC as an approach, although I didn't recommend it as the way to regulate, it came up in the proceeding, they asked me about it extensively, and I described it, but it was not part of the company's case to put forward ATWACC. Q. [353] Here again, you know, it may be me, but reading the excerpts that I just read to you, I was under the impression that you had in fact proposed ATWACC as the methodology to be followed? A. I proposed Q. [354] That was perhaps a misunderstanding on my part? A. I proposed it to the staff. ME VINCENT REGNAULT: I'm sorry, Mr. Vilbert. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Vous voyez, c'est le problème qu'on a lorsqu'on lit des décisions. C'est qu'on ne voit pas ce qui a été proposé exactement par les témoins qui témoignent devant vous. Alors, c'est un exercice... Je me questionne beaucoup depuis une dizaine de minutes quant à l'utilité de l'exercice qui est fait puisque, évidemment, de la même façon que vous R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 165 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault écoutez les témoins experts ici, vous allez en arriver à vos propres conclusions. Et parfois, les conclusions qu'on peut lire, par exemple, dans les décisions des divers régulateurs, bien, ne reflètent pas exactement ce qui a été dit. Je pense que la meilleure façon de refléter ce qui a été dit par les témoins ou proposé par les témoins, c'est de leur montrer la preuve qu'ils ont déposée. Et je ne sais pas si l'ACIG a cette preuve-là, mais ce n'est pas ça qu'on leur montre. Alors, j'ai beaucoup d'interrogation sur l'utilité de la démarche qui est faite à l'heure par mon collègue. Me GUY SARAULT : Écoutez, c'est simplement à la lumière de la réponse qui a été donnée à la demande de renseignements 19.1 de la Régie de permettre au témoin de nous éclairer à l'égard de décisions où il semble avoir témoigné et qui mentionne l'ATWACC et ça lui permet justement, ça lui donne le bénéfice de fournir des explications quant au contexte et ce qu'il avait recommandé. Il s'en souvient très bien. C'est tout récent. Ça remonte au vingt et un (21) janvier deux mille neuf (2009). Et je pense que le témoin répond très bien, nous rappelle les circonstances, puis il explique ce qui R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 166 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault est arrivé. Et je pense que ça nous éclaire tous et chacun. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : C'est une belle façon de présenter les choses de la part de mon collègue. Je ne pense pas que ce soit le but qu'il poursuive, c'est-à-dire de permettre à docteurs Vilbert et Kolbe de rectifier la situation. Je pense qu'il essaie plus de les contredire ou de contredire, de les mettre en contradiction avec la réponse qu'ils ont donnée à la Régie, qui, soit dit en passant, pour moi, est tout à fait claire et limpide et a été répondue de façon tout à fait claire et limpide de la part des témoins. Parce que lorsqu'on la lit, on leur demande... la liste des entreprises de services publics pour lesquelles elles ont suggérées à l'organisme régulateur d'opter pour la méthode du ATWACC aux fins de fixation du taux de rendement au cours des cinq dernières années. Et je pense que les docteurs Vilbert et Kolbe vous ont clairement expliqué, et je pense que ça répondait à la demande que, pour eux, cette question-là, ce que ça voulait dire, c'est un dossier où ils recommandaient un pourcentage d'ATWACC sans spécifier nécessairement une R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 167 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault structure de capital. Et ils ont répondu dans ce sens-là. La question a été... Me GUY SARAULT : De toute façon, il m'en reste seulement une à couvrir. LE PRÉSIDENT : Donc, la Régie permet les questions et les réponses qui ont été données jusqu'à maintenant, je crois, elles satisfont la Régie. Et si le témoin avait besoin d'un complément de réponse pour vérifier ses documents ou ses... la Régie n'aura pas d'objection à ce que ce soit déposé par la suite. On peut continuer. ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [355] So the last decision I would like to bring to your attention, that I would propose to file as C 1 18, I believe? C 1 18 is a decision dated May 7, 2009, of the California, of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. EXHIBIT C 1 18: A decision dated May 7, 2009, of the California, of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 168 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [356] So you have the decision in front of you? MR. VILBERT: A. Yes. Q. [357] I would like to you remember having testified in the proceedings leading to this decision? A. Yes. Q. [358] Did Dr. Kolbe testify as well? A. No. Q. [359] At page 23, we have an item 6.1.5 entitled "After tax weighted average cost of capital." And the first sentence reads as follows, and I quote, "California American introduced a new model into the cost of capital discussion, the ATWACC, which is a model used overseas in other regulatory agencies but not within the United States." You remember that? A. I do. Q. [360] Is that a correct statement by the Commission? A. To my knowledge, the ATWACC, as Dr. Kolbe and I proposed, has not been adopted in the states, but it is used widely around the rest of the world: Austrilia, New Zealand, England, most of the EU countries, Brazil. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 169 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [361] Later in page 23, after the description of the formula, it is stated, and I quote, "California American admits the formula and its use is not a common practice in California, or anywhere else," or anywhere else, "where it it's witnessed Dr. Vilbert has presented the model." Is that a correct statement? A. Yes. And I the decisions that you have put before me are indication of the ATWACC acceptance, the first time it's presented. And to give you some context, in this particular proceeding, this proceeding was unusual in my experience in that there were three water utilities coming for the California Public Utility Commission. Simultaneously, they had very different capital structures, American Water I think was, if my memory serves, 42 percent or something like that, where the other two were well over 50 percent. And the other two were actually asking for a higher rate of return on equity. And so what I did with the ATWACC method was to simply show them that for a thousand dollars invested in these three different utilities, if you don't consider the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 170 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault overall weighted average cost of capital, it becomes much more expensive to get water service in one of the districts than other districts, because of the differences in capital structure. And what I was trying to get them to understand is that they need to consider financial risk and so forth when they make these kind of judgements, because otherwise you have that result where if you're in this district, for the same service, everything identical, you're pay a quite different rate than you would pay in California American Water's district, and that was the purpose using ATWACC in that illustration. Q. [362] At page 24 of the same decision, it is stated, and I quote, "The Commission has never adopted a single preferred cost of capital model, because no one model is perfect, and the results produced by all models are highly susceptible to various input assumptions. Like the others, the result of the ATWACC are also subject to the effect of the comparison group or proxy group of companies, so we will not adopt it as a preferred model either. Moreover, we have no current record on the ATWACC's validity. And party is focused primarily on the fact that it has not yet been R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 171 acceptedsheath elsewhere. PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault For example, there is no discussion of why overseas jurisdictions allegedly rely on it and no thorough citations to their decisions." Remember that? A. I'm reading it with you, yes. Q. [363] And in this case here, in this proceeding before the Régie, could we have more detail about the precedents in other jurisdictions overseas? A. I think Dr. Kolbe responded to information request, if I recall correctly, that had quite a bit of detail about things overseas, or was that in MR. KOLBE: A. That might have been in TQM. We weren't asked for more detail than we gave. We have, there are information requests, responses, other records in Canada, including TK most recently, where that detail was requested and we provided it. And if you want, we could dig that out, I'm sure, if it's still permitted, the company would be happy to file that information request response here or maybe the Régie could take note of it since it was filed in another Canadian regulatory proceeding. Q. [364] At page 24 of the same decision here, i's stated, and I quote, "The Commission did consider R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 172 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault and declined to adopt ATWACC in a prior cost of capital proceeding when PG and E proposed its use." And it does provide the docket number, and the an excerpt from the decision. Were you a witness in that prior proceeding before the California Public Utilities Commission? MR. KOLBE: A. I was a witness in that proceeding. Q. [365] Was Dr. Vilbert? A. I don't think so, no. MR. VILBERT: A. I was an associate at the time. I worked on the case but I wasn't the witness. Q. [366] At page 25, after quoting from that prior decision dating back to 1999, the Commission says, and I quote, "We know that in 1999 the Commission found the same problem that we find here. ATWACC tends tou result in a higher recommendation when compared to the traditional models." MR. KOLBE: A. That's what they said. We discussed the reason yesterday, of course. The question is: Do you adjust properly for financial risk or not?" Q. [367] Just a side question, Dr. Kolbe, while we're R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault - 173 - talking about this. I would like to go to page 36 of your testimony. A. Yes, I'm there. Q. [368] Which is Gaz Metro 7, document 15. At answer 43 to the question, "Before you leave this section, please state whether the ATWACC as you define it here has been used as the rate of return standard in other regulatory applications?" Answer 43: "Yes, of course. It has just be adopted by the NEB for TQM. More generally it is widely used outside North America in countries that privatized state owned utilities and instituted rate regulation much later than we did here for the advantage of access to the modern financial literature. To the best of my knowledge, it is used at least in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden and the United Kingdom." And then you have a footnote 44, stating, "My understanding, for many of these countries, does not come from direct review of regulatory documents due to language barriers." I have a question for you: Do you feel there's a language barrier between you and Australia? United Kingdom? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 174 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault A. No. Q. [369] Thank you. A. Those were not the countries I had in mind in writing the footnote. Q. [370] I suppose not. So this is the level of information we have in this case about the overseas precedents A. Well, there are other documents in which decisions, there are other documents in which questions have been asked about this, in which quotations from deisions, citations and other things have been been provided. All of that stuff is on the record in Canadian regulatory proceedings. If it is permissible, I'm sure the company would be happy to dig it out and file it here. Q. [371] Okay. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : J'ai une suggestion, Maître Sarault, en fait, et pour la Régie, soit tout simplement, maître Sarault demande au docteur Kolbe de s'engager à déposer l'annexe à laquelle le docteur Kolbe a référé lorsqu'il s'est fait questionner à ce sujet-là ou j'aurai l'occasion de réinterroger le docteur Kolbe sur les sujets dont maître Sarault a traité dans le cadre de son contre-interrogatoire et je le ferai à R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 175 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault ce moment-là. Alors, c'est, évidemment, à la discrétion de la Régie, une ou l'autre des façons. Me GUY SARAULT : Je pense que maître Regnault est maître de sa preuve. S'il croit que des éléments supplémentaires doivent être apportés pour étayer la position de son client à la lumière du contre-interrogatoire, c'est pour ça que la contre-preuve existe. LE PRÉSIDENT : Donc, Maître Regnault, vous aurez l'opportunité plus tard d'y revenir, au besoin. ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [372] I would now like to turn to the calculation of the equivalent return on equity based upon the more traditional methods corresponding to the ATWACC ordered in by the NEB and the TQM case leading up to what's being proposed in this case. For this purpose, I have asked one of my experts, Dr. Booth, to make a calculation and propose it to you, which I am about to do right now. And that will be C 1 19; it's a document entitled "Dr. Booth's calculation of the impact on Gaz Metro's implied return on equity of the adjustments proposed by Vilbert and Kolbe between R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 176 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault TQM's decision and Gaz Metro's proposal." EXHIBIT C 1 19: Okay? A document entitled "Dr. Booth's calculation of the impact on Gas Metro's implied return on equity of the adjustments proposed by Vilbert and Kolbe between TQM's decision and Gas Metro's proposal." J'ai oublié de dire C.1.19. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : J'ai une suggestion à faire aux membres de la Régie. Évidemment, on va prendre connaissance de ce document-là qui a été préparé par le docteur Booth, et ce que je propose, en fait, c'est qu'on prenne une pause pour permettre durant la pause au témoin d'en prendre connaissance et peut-être d'être un peu mieux préparé pour répondre aux questions. LE PRÉSIDENT : Donc, nous pouvons prendre une pause de vingt (20) minutes jusqu'à trois heures quinze (15 h 15). Me GUY SARAULT : Je n'ai pas d'objection. PAUSE R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 177 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault 15 h 20 LE PRÉSIDENT : Reprise de l'audience. Maître Regnault, vous avez... Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Quelques petits commentaires à l'égard du document. Évidemment, on a profité de la pause pour l'examiner. Ce que je comprends à l'heure actuelle de la part de mes gens, c'est qu'il y a certaines choses qu'on ne comprend pas, certains calculs qui ont été faits. Je comprends que ce document-là a été préparé par le docteur Booth. Et ce que je soumettrais bien respectueusement à la Régie, c'est que si le docteur Booth, ou l'ACIG par l'intermédiaire du docteur Booth avait souhaité faire une quelconque démonstration quant à un réajustement de l'ATWACC calculé par le docteur Vilbert, cet ajustement-là aurait dû être fait dans le cadre de sa preuve principale et déposé en temps utile pour nous permettre de formuler des demandes de renseignements au besoin et d'obtenir les informations suffisantes pour pouvoir juger de l'exactitude des calculs qui ont été faits. Tout ça pour dire que je vous soumets que ce document-là, en fait, qu'on tente d'introduire R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 178 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault en preuve à l'heure actuelle, n'est ni plus ni moins qu'une tentative de faire indirectement ce qu'on ne peut faire directement, c'est-à-dire déposer des nouveaux documents au dossier de la cour dans le cadre de la preuve, de sa preuve principale. Je suis certain que mon collègue, maître Sarault, si mes témoins avaient souhaité introduire une nouvelle preuve dans le cadre de leur témoignage en chef, il aurait soulevé certainement un enjeu à cet égard-là. Donc, je vais m'objecter formellement à ce que ce document-là soit utilisé pour poser des questions à mes témoins, les docteurs Kolbe et Vilbert. Merci. Me GUY SARAULT : Premièrement, comme vous pouvez le voir, le point de départ de ce document-là est un tableau qui a été produit par Gaz Métro en réponse à une demande de renseignements qui avait été adressée par le docteur Booth à monsieur Engen, et on retrouve ça à la pièce Gaz Métro-7, Document 12.3. Alors, la première partie du document que vous avez, la partie du haut explique la méthodologie qui a été suivie par Gaz Métro et ses experts pour transposer le ATWACC de six point quarante pour cent (6,40 %) qui a été autorisé pour R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 179 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault TQM dans la décision en question pour expliquer que, basé sur les paramètres financiers de Gaz Métro, ça représenterait un taux de rendement selon les méthodes traditionnelles de l'ordre de huit point quatre-vingt-huit pour cent (8,88 %). Alors, dans la deuxième partie du tableau, vous voyez que ces mêmes données constituent le point de départ de l'analyse et que l'on part du six point quarante (6,40 %), du ATWACC de TQM, pour aboutir au sept point soixante-seize (7,76) lorsque arrondi, sept point soixante-quinze (7,75), qui est recommandé pour Gaz Métro dans le présent dossier. Et pour faire ces calculs-là, le docteur Booth, il pourra l'expliquer davantage en preuve demain, a suivi exactement la même logique mathématique et financière que celle qui est dans la première partie du tableau et qui émane des témoins experts de Gaz Métro. Et je pense qu'on a affaire ici à des experts aguerris qui sont parfaitement en mesure de valider si, oui ou non, les calculs que l'on propose font du sens ou s'ils n'en font pas. Et je pense que c'est quelque chose qui est tout à fait logique et pertinent, parce qu'on demande à la Régie de passer d'une méthode R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 180 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault traditionnelle de fixation du taux de rendement à une méthode ATWACC sans nécessairement avoir devant nous les étapes qui mènent à l'équivalent de douze point trente-neuf pour cent (12,39 %) qui est proposé comme ultime résultat du dossier. Ça, c'est la première des choses. La deuxième des choses... Donc, c'est une interprétation, si vous voulez, qui nous mène de la décision de l'Office national de l'énergie qui est cruciale, qui est très importante, jusqu'à la proposition qui est présentée au nom de Gaz Métro dans le présent dossier. La deuxième chose, écoutez, j'étais dans la salle hier lorsque, entre autres, le docteur Kolbe a présenté sa preuve, notamment la pièce Gaz Métro-7, Document 25 (la B-66) dans laquelle on retrouve plusieurs tableaux, calculs, et caetera qui n'étaient pas au dossier dans la preuve principale de Gaz Métro. Ça a été fait pour compléter, expliquer et commenter les enjeux pertinents au dossier. Et je n'ai pas formulé d'objections. On a même changé la recommandation de sept virgule soixante-quinze pour cent (7,75 %) qu'elle était à sept virgule cinquante pour cent (7,50 %) R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 181 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault pour ensuite apprendre de la bouche de monsieur Despars que, malgré cette analyse révisée de la part des experts de Gaz Métro, que Gaz Métro maintenait intégralement sa demande d'ATWACC de sept virgule soixante-quinze pour cent (7,75 %) pour des raisons que monsieur Despars a expliquées. Tout ceci aurait pu être interprété comme de la nouvelle preuve, je suppose. Je ne m'y suis pas objecté. Pourquoi? Parce que ces preuves-là sont pertinentes. Et c'est la première règle à analyser aux enjeux qui sont discutés dans le présent dossier. Et j'ajouterai dans le cas de ce calcul en particulier qui peut facilement être réfuté, contesté, complété, admis par les experts de Gaz Métro, qui est très pertinent pour permettre à la Régie de bien saisir les composantes qui nous mènent vers ce fameux équivalent de douze virgule trente-neuf pour cent (12,39 %) en termes de taux de rendement sur l'équité. Et d'ailleurs, si vous allez à la présentation d'hier du docteur Kolbe, il dit bien à l'acétate numéro 4 : Can easily translate ATWACC approach to traditional framework. « Easily » à part ça, puis il nous propose un R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 182 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault calcul dans l'acétate numéro 4. Et vous reconnaîtrez là-dedans les mêmes paramètres financiers que ceux qui sont contenus dans la partie supérieure du calcul que nous proposons, c'est-à-dire un « debt after-tax » un coût de dette « after-tax » de quatre virgule quatre-vingts (4,80), ce qui est exactement ce qui avait été fourni dans la réponse à la demande de renseignements qui fait l'objet du tableau dans la partie supérieur de la page, et de cinq virgule vingt-deux pour cent (5,22 %) pour le coût des actions privilégiées. Et les autres proportions que vous avez dans notre partie supérieure du tableau, ce sont les ratios de capitalisation de Gaz Métro qui sont exactement les mêmes que ceux qu'on retrouve sous la rubrique « Shell of Capital » dans le calcul du docteur Kolbe qui nous dit que c'est facile à faire. Alors, on le propose le calcul, il peut y avoir un débat entre experts. De dire que c'est inadmissible en preuve alors que la pertinence est on ne peut plus patente et importante, j'ajouterais, pour les fins de la délibération de la Régie et je pense que ce serait une lacune grave R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 183 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault à notre droit de présenter une preuve pleine et entière pour répondre notamment à ce qui a été présenté hier par les témoins de Gaz Métro. 15 h 29 Alors, pour toutes ces raisons-là, je pense que c'est tout à fait admissible en preuve et je n'ai aucun doute quant à la capacité et l'expertise des témoins experts de Gaz Métro pour nous produire des commentaires là-dessus. Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Très rapidement. Je maintiens effectivement, je maintiens, en fait, ce que j'ai dit, évidemment, précédemment que quant au fait que ce que tente de faire, ni plus ni moins, l'ACIG ici, c'est d'introduire en preuve quelque chose de nouveau et que ça n'a pas été fait correctement. Et je ne veux pas être trop procédural là, mais je pense que c'est important. Maître Sarault fait un lien avec ce qui a été présenté dans les tableaux des présentations qui, entre vous et moi, ne sont absolument rien de nouveau. Ce sont des explications quant aux chiffres qui auraient très bien pu être fournies dans le cadre des demandes de renseignements qui ont été formulées, des nombreuses demandes de R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 184 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault renseignements qui ont été formulées par l'ACIG. Ceci étant dit, si, pour toutes sortes de raisons, la Régie décidait d'accepter que les témoins soient questionnés sur ce document-là, je voudrais, à tout le moins, qu'il soit bien clair que ces chiffres-là n'ont pas été d'aucune façon vérifiés, qu'ils sont hypothétiques. On peut peutêtre poser l'hypothèse ou suggérer l'hypothèse aux témoins de ces chiffres-là. Ils pourront répondre au meilleur de leurs connaissances, mais c'est évident que le docteur Booth devra, d'une façon ou d'une autre, fournir l'ensemble des détails des calculs qu'il a faits parce que quoi qu'en dise mon collègue, pendant les vingt (20) minutes de la pause, j'ai des gens dans la salle, qui sont pas mal plus ferrés que moi en finances, qui ont tenté de calculer la façon dont les ajustements ont pu être faits sans être capable d'y arriver. Donc, il faudra à ce moment-là qu'on ait les détails. Et, évidemment, je n'ai pas besoin de le dire, on aura la possibilité de contre-interroger le docteur Booth à ce sujet-là après un délai raisonnable pour en prendre connaissance et de faire une contre-preuve au sujet de ce qu'il aura donné comme explication. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 185 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault LE PRÉSIDENT : Un instant, s'il vous plaît. Donc, ici, la Régie constate qu'il s'agit de calculs du docteur Booth sur des éléments qui sont déjà en preuve. Il n'y a pas d'éléments nouveaux, ce n'est pas un nouveau sujet abordé dans la preuve comme telle. Mais, comme le docteur Booth est l'auteur de ces calculslà, il pourra très bien les présenter dans sa preuve lorsqu'il sera entendu par la Régie. Et, à ce moment-là, si Gaz Métro veut faire une contrepreuve sur le sujet, bien, il aura l'opportunité là au moment de la contre-preuve. Donc, ce sera au docteur Booth à présenter le tableau dans sa preuve d'audience sur des éléments qui sont déjà en discussion devant la Régie. Me GUY SARAULT : Alors, Monsieur le Président, effectivement, docteur Booth sera ici pour expliquer les calculs qui ont été effectués, tels qu'expliqués au document. J'ose espérer que notre preuve pourra être entendue demain. Dans l'intérim, cependant, je demanderais - et c'est la raison pour laquelle je l'ai divulgué en contre-interrogatoire - c'est précisément pour permettre aux témoins de Gaz Métro de se pencher sur les calculs et de procurer leur R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 186 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault propre validation. Alors, moi, je m'attends à ce qu'en contrepreuve j'aurai des commentaires là-dessus parce que c'est mon droit de contre-interroger aussi les témoins de Gaz Métro là-dessus. Alors, je tiens pour acquis que ça va être considéré comme admissible en preuve à la condition d'être produit par le docteur Booth et que j'aurai l'occasion de transquestionner les témoins de Gaz Métro quant à la validité de ces calculs-là. LE PRÉSIDENT : Évidemment, comme je l'ai mentionné, le docteur Booth aura l'opportunité de le présenter. S'il y a une contre-preuve de Gaz Métro sur ce document-là, vous pourrez le questionner. Et si Gaz Métro veut questionner docteur Booth, il pourra le faire également s'ils veulent contester les chiffres qui sont présentés là. Et je crois qu'avec ça, ça devrait permettre de clarifier les données devant la Régie. Me GUY SARAULT : Oui, ça devrait parce que, effectivement, s'il n'y a pas de contre-preuve là-dessus, ça va devenir une preuve non contredite. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 187 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault LE PRÉSIDENT : Sur ce... Me VINCENT REGNAULT : À moins que je contredise le docteur Booth en contre-interrogatoire. LE PRÉSIDENT : Donc, sur ce, nous allons... Me GUY SARAULT : On verra. LE PRÉSIDENT : S'il vous plaît! Sur ce, nous allons reprendre maintenant la suite du contre-interrogatoire. Maître Sarault. La pièce sera cotée lorsqu'elle sera déposée au nom de... comme preuve de l'ACIG à ce moment-là. Me GUY SARAULT : Est-ce qu'on peut lui donner une cote. LE PRÉSIDENT : On pourrait coter tout de suite, oui. Me GUY SARAULT : ... dans la transcription sténographique. LE PRÉSIDENT : Cotons-la puis le docteur Booth pourra la présenter. Excellent. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 188 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Me GUY SARAULT : Alors, nous la cotons comme pièce C.1.19 pour identification, sujet à sa production formelle demain par le docteur Booth. Je voudrais maintenant aller à la pièce Gaz Métro-7, Document 11.2, qui a été produite en réponse à la demande de renseignements 17.1 adressée par la Régie à Gaz Métro. Il y avait deux volets à la question, à la question 17.1, on demandait et je cite : Veuillez préciser si Gaz Métro souhaite se soustraire de l'application de la formule d'ajustement de façon permanente ou seulement pour le présent dossier tarifaire. Réponse : on voulait s'en soustraire de façon permanente. Et 17.2 : Dans le cas où vous demandez l'abolition de la formule d'ajustement, veuillez préciser un ou des modes de traitement réglementaire du processus d'établissement du taux de rendement qui pourrait être adopté lors des dossiers tarifaires R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 189 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault subséquents. Veuillez élaborer votre réponse. Et je cite la réponse : Dans le dossier tarifaire deux mille dix (2010), Gaz Métro et les experts sont d'avis que l'ATWACC est le meilleur indicateur financier pour établir un taux de rendement juste et raisonnable. Gaz Métro croit qu'il est prématuré de fixer dès maintenant une méthode d'ajustement du taux de rendement pour les années futures. Gaz Métro entend donc présenter, dans le prochain dossier tarifaire, un taux de rendement juste et raisonnable pour approbation de la Régie. ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [373] You've heard the question and answer 17.2, gentlemen? MR. KOLBE:: A. With the translation, yes. Q. [374] Thank you, Can you elaborate, expand as to the nature and extent of the evidence that would be required next year and in subsequent years, assuming that R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 190 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault the Régie would go along in principle with the ATWACC approach, what would be the debate over the continuation of this approach into subsequent years? Would we need to have, for example, new evidence on the market value of the components of the capital structure? Would we need evidence as to the evolution of the risk profile or rate of return awarded to Dr. Vilbert's subsample of U.S. proxies? Would we need evidence as to possible changes in the tax rates of either the proxies or of Gaz Metro? Would we need further evidence to enlighten us as to whether the adjustments proposed by Dr. Kolbe in his evidence are still required? And so forth. MR. KOLBE: There are lot of questions. ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [375] Yes, there are a lot questions but I want to be enlightened as to what, you know, would assuming, let's have the assumption that we go along with the ATWACC model, what claim of tax would be awaiting us, in each rate case based upon R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 191 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault this assumption? Me VINCENT REGNAULT : Je vais, je veux faire un commentaire à ce stade-ci parce que je comprends, évidemment, là où désire ou souhaite aller le procureur de l'ACIG, et je voudrais simplement pour peut-être tenter de sauver un peu de temps vous dire que, quant à moi, c'est totalement, il y a une absence totale de pertinence quant à cette ligne de questions. Et la raison pour laquelle c'est, quant à moi, totalement non pertinent, pas que les questions de mon collègue soient impertinentes, loin de là, c'est que la Régie dans la Loi, dans l'article 49 de la Loi sur la Régie de l'énergie, doit permettre un rendement raisonnable sur la base de tarification. Et ce rendement-là raisonnable en mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (1999), pour toutes sortes de raisons, la Régie a décidé d'adopter une formule qui permettait un ajustement automatique. Mais cela n'a pas privé Gaz Métro de son droit de demander à tous les ans, si elle le jugeait nécessaire, d'obtenir ou de demander à la Régie par une autre méthode qu'elle fixe un taux de rendement raisonnable. Et dans ce contexte-là, la lourdeur, quelle R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 192 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault qu'elle soit, si lourdeur il y a, de la méthode proposée par Gaz Métro pour fixer son taux de rendement raisonnable, n'a quant à moi aucune pertinence puisqu'elle permet de fixer le rendement raisonnable. Je ne vois pas en quoi la lourdeur de la chose ou de la méthode puisse empêcher la Régie d'entendre ce genre de preuve par Gaz Métro. Me GUY SARAULT : Écoutez, Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les Régisseurs, je pense que mon confrère est en train de vous dire indirectement, mais poliment, que votre demande de renseignements 17.2 n'était pas pertinente. Je pense que l'allégement réglementaire, que le processus réglementaire a été une préoccupation au centre de l'action réglementaire de la Régie pour plusieurs années. Ce n'est pas un hasard si cette formule automatique d'ajustement du taux de rendement a été adoptée en mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf (1999). Je pense que si vous relisez les décisions de l'époque que l'allégement réglementaire était considéré comme un avantage. Alors, évidemment, ça peut devenir une considération aux fins de vos délibérations quant à la question des conséquences que pourrait comporter l'adoption de cette R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 193 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault méthodologie sur non seulement la cause tarifaire de cette année, mais sur le processus qui devra être suivi au cours des années prochaines, savoir un peu, comme on dit en Québécois, dans quoi on s'embarque pour cette année et les prochaines années. Alors, à toutes fins pratiques ce que j'ai demandé aux témoins de Gaz Métro est d'élaborer un peu pour nous permettre d'en savoir plus long au sujet de la réponse un peu laconique qui a été donnée à votre demande de renseignements 17.2. LE PRÉSIDENT : Un instant s'il vous plaît. Donc, bien certainement même dans le cadre où la Régie avait une formule en place, le Distributeur a le droit en vertu de la Loi de demander à la Régie, de justifier à la Régie de faire un examen pour fixer un taux de rendement raisonnable. C'est ce qu'on fait dans la présente cause. Il y a diverses méthodes de proposées, l'ATWACC ou une autre méthode basée sur le MÉAF. Par contre, Gaz Métro demande également l'abandon de la formule ou le rejet de la formule et ça a des implications au niveau de l'allégement réglementaire qui est en place depuis certaines années. Et la question posée par maître Sarault est R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 194 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault pertinente quant à certains volets d'une décision qu'aura à prendre la Régie après avoir pris en compte tous les points de vue qui seront présentés devant elle et après avoir délibéré évidemment sur la question. Ça ne préjuge en rien de la position que pourrait prendre la Régie. Mais la Régie va permettre la question de maître Sarault. ME GUY SARAULT: Q. [376] So I guess you are requested to answer the question? ME VINCENT REGNAULT: Can you repeat it? MR. KOLBE: Yes, I'm tempted to ask to repeat it, but I won't. The question actually is very similar to what I got from the NEB and the TQ hearing, the TQM hearing Q. [377] Was there an objection? A. There was not. And I suspect had the Régie argued and asked that there wouldn't have been an objection either, but that's speculation on my part. I will say the following: I think everyone is in danger of fooling themselves if they think this is really a question about ATWACC versus R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 195 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault return on equity. Estimating the cost capital is hard; business risk does change; financial market conditions do change. And we've seen them change dramatically in the very recent past. It is my view stated to the Regie, and it's stated to you again today, that while for a period of convenience you may choose to index any rate of return measure, return on equity, ATWACC, any system you want, that should be done for a limited period of time. And it should be done in recognition of the longer the period of time it happens, the greater the danger you will drift off what the market has done in the meantime. And, of course, when you index only one thing, then you only pick up changes in that one thing. And the problems that have been talked about with the formula where because of the fight to quality, the formula went down just when the cost of equity plainly were going through the roof and reaching unprecedented levels, is an indication of what can happen; in extreme one but nonetheless an indication of what happens when you index to anyone thing. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 196 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault So my recommendation for such matters is that if you adopt a formula, you should do so for a specified period of time, and at the end of taht period of time you should plan to have a generic full out look at your procedures without any presumption that the formula you used up till now, it's a starting point; just start over every so often. If you do that, once you establish a procedure, you could adopt an ATWACC and say "We are going to index an ATWACC in the following way for the next two years, and then we're going to do it again and decide if we want to keep the ATWACC, if we want to keep the index, if you want to change something. I think you can save legitimately regulatory resources absent a crisis right. In the case of this crisis we just had, obviously all bets are off. But absent a crisis, I can save regulatory resource reasonably with an indexing method. Now, I have not been asked to develop an indexing method for ATWACC. It is conceivable that if the NEB goes ahead and comes out with some generic proceeding which I don't R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 197 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault know what the status is, I know they called for one, but I haven't been updated on that, but I know that right after the TQM hearing, they called for a review of their procedures. It's conceivable I will be asked to help think about how to index an ATWACC. That's not a question anyone has asked me, and I'm very busy answering the questions I have been asked. But my recommendation would be to hold a generic proceeding on the question of how to index the ATWACC you adopted, as the NEB may be preparing to do, and decide what procedures make sense, have people simulate different procedures, see how they work, have people debate back and forth the merits of what the procedures are. In the generic cost of capital hearing in 2003, I think, in Alberta, for example, I recommended indexing to a corporate rather than a government bond rate because, precisely because I worried there would be times when the cost of capital corporations would not be well represented by the cost of capital to the government. That would have presented, had that been done with your formula, in these hearings, it would have prevented some of the worst of the disconnect R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 198 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault where the formula went down just as the cost of equity was obviously going up. So, that would be a proposal to consider in such a in such a matter. I wouldn't I think it is possible to develop indexing systems and save resources, I think there's a trade off between accuracy duration of those indexing systems, and there has to be a balancing of saving of resources between hearings with misallocation of resources due to getting the rat of return off the mark as time passes. But whatever you do out of this hearing, be it ATWACC or some variation of your existing formula, I would recommend that you consider strongly putting a sunset on it so that you would know for sure that you'd take a fresh look at what's going on periodically. I don't know if that's responsive or not but I think it does address the question of burden. Q. [378] I think it's responsive to certainly a portion of my question. What I had in mind more specifically is that assuming that the principles of the ATWACC approach are approved in this system, and Gas Metro R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 199 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault having announced its intention to come back next year, assuming that you want to continue with the same basic principles, the same basic approach, what I'd like to know, what elements included in the application of the ATWACC would have to be revisited to make sure that we have a sound decision year after year? A. Sure. The short answer at the moment is most of them, because these are, this number is estimated in the midst of this crisis, right? And it doesn't matter what method you use. If you use a formula return on equity, and you want to get number right, it has to take prices in account. The existing formula plainly does not. The ATWACC had to take it in to account. Whatever you do, right now, is special because right now is a special economic time. So, the next time back, of course you will want to take into account to see how far back we are, hopefully, towards a normal period, and hopefully we won't be back in the middle of a crisis, and things won't have cycled back down again. Once you reach a point where you think you have some level of stability in the financial R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 200 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault markets, I would submit that doing an ATWACC is actually simpler than doing cost of equity correctly, because to do a cost of equity correctly, you have to do all the things we do for the ATWACC, that is we have to look at the market value capital structures of the sample companies in order to understand what level of financial risk you're seeing when you measure their cost of equity. And if you do the cost equity, you then have to take the extra step of translating it into a cost of equity at the regulatory capital structure. Whereas, if you do the ATWACC, you can stop once you've calculated the ATWACCes and just look at the relative risk. So the ATWACC is simpler in principle than the traditional method, if you do the traditional method in a way that correctly recognizes the implications of the financial risk you measure in the market when you measure the cost of equity. Q. [379] Okay. Thank you. Dr.Vilbert, I would like to now turn to page 2 of your testimony, answer A 5 outlining the steps in your ATWACC analysis, all right?MR. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 201 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault VILBERT: A. Yes. Q. [380] You say "To estimate Gaz Metro's cost of capital I analyzed two samples: Canadian regulated utilities and U.S. gas local distribution companies, gas LDC, the sub sample we were talking about with Dr. Carpenter A. Yes. Q. [381] correct? Then you have for each of the benchmark samples, I estimate the market value Capital Structures, and market costs of debt, and preferred stock of the sample companies, correct? A. Yes. Q. [382] So I understand that pursuant to your approach, the components of the capital structure are determined on the basis of market value versus book value? A. Yes. That's correct. Q. [383] Is it correct that traditionally for regulated utilities such as Gaz Métro, the capital structure is traditionally estimated at book value? A. The regulatory capital structure is a book value capital structure, and that's the same capital structure that the ATWACC would be applied to, so R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 202 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault there is no difference between the ATWACC approach and the traditional approach with regard to that topic. Q. [384] Then what is the purpose of your estimation of the market value capital structures and market costs of the debt and preferred stock of your sample companies? A. The purpose is to put the cost of equity estimates that come from sample companies with different capital structures on a common basis. And in order to get to that point, I calculate the overall cost of capital, which is a weighted average of the cost of debt and the cost of equity. So two sample companies, one with the capital structure of 55 percent equity and another one with a capital structure of 40 percent equity would cool it, and would likely have very different estimates of the cost of equity. And so if you simply average those two things, you're getting a misrepresentation of the overall cost of equity for these sample companies. And so in order to compare them across the sample, you need to get the overall weighted average cost of capital, which is what the market value capital R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 203 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault structures give me. Once I have the ATWACC, that allows me to compare every sample company on a consistent basis and to calculate the average for the sample. Q. [385] But if you'd compare them all on book value, wouldn't it be equally consistent, but with the exception being that it would be on book value rather than market value? A. But the principles of finance, every textbook I'm aware of says that financial risk is a function of the market value capital structures. As Dr. Kolbe was explaining in his presentation yesterday, the betas that are inherent in the analysis of the capitalizing model, the risk positioning model, the betas are a function of the market value capital structures, the market rates of return and you, doing it on a book value basis is meaningless because the book values never change, or hardly ever. MR. KOLBE: A. Could I just add a comment? You can think of it this way: Every, every time you may get the cost of equity, you measure something that has two kinds of risk in it: The business risk of the enterprise and the financial risk of the equity. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 204 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault And for reasons I explain, the financial risk depends on the market value capital structure, you know, remember the condo example, where your condo changes in value and how hard your equity is hit depends on how big your mortgage is. So that if you are averaging cost of equity directly, you're averaging perhaps, we hope, homogeneous business risk, that's the goal of trying to get a pure play sample. The same business risk but widely differing levels of financial risk. So you're you have a nice set of apples over here but then you have fruit salad in the level of financial risk, many different levels. Estimating the WACC takes the weight average cost of capital after tax, it takes it to a just business risk. And then you can adjust to the book level of financial risk, to market level of financial risk, whatever it is, but you're averaging just over the business risk levels, not over the business risk plus financial risk. Q. [386] But don't we agree that your samples that are used as proxies for the analysis of Gaz Metro's ATWACC, those proxies are regulated utilities, correct? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 205 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault MR. VILBERT: A. Yes. Yes, they're all, they're selected to be, as the Gaz LDC sample in particular, was selected to be as pure play Gaz LDC companies as is possible to arrive at, but their capital structures would differ. Q. [387] So despite the fact that those samples are regulated utilities as opposed to private companies in a free market, you nevertheless use market value rather than the book value, which would be used by their respective regulators to determine their capital structure, correct? A. Yes. And as Dr. Kolbe explained, that's because the equity estimates you get from the models, whether it's dividend valuation models or the cap M, the E cap M is always a function of the market value capital structures underlying the estimates. That's just a fact. Q. [388] And you say that financial literature is in favour using market value capital structures? A. It has an estimate of the financial risk, yes. Q. [389] Do you know Dr. Roger Morin? A. Dr. Morin, yes. Roger Morin. Q. [390] The other of this book that I'm holding in my hand? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 206 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault A. I do. Q. [391] New Regulatory Finance, 2006. Do you realize that Dr. Morin has been a witness before this board for numerous years on behalf of Gaz Métro on top of capital issues? A. I didn't know that, no. Q. [392] Now you know it. talk about this. I read his book, he does So I would propose to file this as Exhibit C 1 20, excerpt from Dr. Roger Morin's book, New Regulatory Finance, the 2006 edition. EXHIBIT C 1 20: Excerpt from Dr. Roger Morin's book, New Regulatory Finance, the 2006 edition. Q. [393] And the excerpts are essentially the chapter 16.1 dealing with book or market value, and this is in the chapter 16 that starts at page 449 under the heading "Weighted Average Cost Of Capital." And in the same chapter, Dr. Morin's analysis goes on to comment, the ATWACC, of what it is, to describe what it is in relation to the before tax weighted average cost of capital. A. Exhibit C-1-20. Q. [394] You have the you're are you familiar R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 207 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault with this book by Dr. Morin? I mean, I understand that he testifies extensively in the United States and he's well known for usually representing utilities or acting on behalf of utilities and cost of capital evidence, is that something that you're familiar with? MR. VILBERT:? A. Yes, I know Dr. Morin. And this chapter has come up several times and, ultimately, if you read this carefully, when you get to the end you'll understand that he's recommending exactly the same thing that we recommend. He does talk about book capital structure weights but that's in the context of the regulatory proceedings, which is exactly what we're doing. But when you're measuring the cost of capital and the markets and trying to figure out financial risk, that's where you use market valuations. Q. [395] Could you tell us, you've said that you've heard several times about this chapter in particular, could you expand as to the circumstances in which you were called upon to discuss this chapter? A. Sure. Whenever testifying on the ATWACC as a method of estimating the cost of capital, this chapter is R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 208 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault usually, people know this book and they use this as a reference and discuss it. And, as I say, this chapter, if you read it all the way through, he gets to exactly where we are in our estimated cost of capital, there's no difference. We say just say the exact same thing he does on terms of adjusting for financial risk for the book value capital structure for the regulatory, regulating companies, that's exactly what we're saying. And in terms of talking about financial risk, ultimately he talks about market values and Modigliani theories and that sort of stuff, and that's all based on market value capital structures. Q. [396] Well, let's take it slowly. In the first paragraph at page 451, second sentence, "The traditional practice uses current market returns and market values of the company's outstanding securities to compute WACC," which is for weighted average cost of capital by contract in the context of rate making for regulated utilities. It is almost universal practice to employ the hybrid computation consisting of embedded cost of that and a market base cost of equity, such as R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 209 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault cap M, with costs of debt and equity both weighted at their respective book values in the determination of the WACC." Do you agree that this is standard practice of regulated utilities? A. I'm sorry, I can't find the quote where you're reading. Q. [397] I'm reading page 451 under the heading 15.1 of "Book Versus Market Value." A. Okay, sorry. Yes, this is just the distinction between the regulatory WACC and the textbook WACC that we addressed Q. [398] Correct. A. to use the term ATWACC to distinguish the two. Q. [399] And what I'm suggesting to you, given the fact that the sample of a proxy is by Dr. Vilbert for purposes of his analysis, are all regulated utilities, what I'm submitting to you that it is contary to the standard practice to provide an estimation of the respective capital structures based upon market value as opposed to book value, as described here by Dr. Morin. Q. [400] That's what I'm dewscribing to you. He says here, the traditional the standard practice for R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 210 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault regulated entities is to use book value? MR. VILBERT: A. We don't I don't think there's anything Dr. Kolbe or I have said that suggests that we do not believe that the rate base ought to be set on book value rate base. Q. [401] I'm not talking about the rate base, I'm talking about the capital stucture of your samples. That's what you say in your evidence, that we're talking about that. I am not talking about the rate base. MR. KOLBE: A. It is, as a description of traditional practice, what he says is correct. The key question, for present purposes, is how do you get the cost of equity that you use with that in that formula when you use book value weights, use book WACC. What we do in the derivations you've seen, is tell you how to get the cost of equity that goes with the actual implications of the sample evidence you're analyzing, that takes into account the differences in financial risk between the beta you measure, the cost of capital you measure, and what that would have been at the book capital structure. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 211 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault So there's no barrier, you know. I think the title of my chart was something like "There's no problems translating the ATWACC into a traditional approach," which, by which I meant traditional book weights, that's what I calculated the 12.29 Q. [402] You're ahead of me. A. is exactly that. Q. [403] You're ahead of me, but before you get there, the samples used by Dr. Vilbert, who is upstream from you in his analysis, his samples, Capital Structures, are determined based on market values? A. Yes. Q. [404] This is my line of questioning. I'm not into your further analysis or adjustments for Gaz Metro's particular case, I'm upstream of that. Do you follow me? A. Well, I think so, but I don't understand how that how that affects what I just said, so I guess maybe I don't follow you. Q. [405] Well, I will just leave you on the conclusion you can read this section 16.1 of Dr. Morin's book, as well as I can, but at the end at page 453, after putting forward the pros and cons of book value versus market value for regulated utilities, he R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 212 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault states, and I quote, "In summary, the use of book quantities instead of the more economically correct market quantities is not une reasonable for purposes of setting fair and reasonable utility rates." And I suggest to you that the determination of the capital structure is part of that exercise. MR. VILBERT: A. I will tell you that I've had conversations with Dr. Morin about this chapter, and I asked him what he had in mind, and he has in mind exactly what we are recommending. If you read the rest of it, he talks about the Miller Modigliani proposals, and those are all based upon market value Capital Structure information. He is describing what we are describing for application to a book value rate base, you take the average weight average cost of capital, apply it to the book value rate base; and as you change the capital structure, you have to change the ROE in recognition of differences in financial risk. That is exactly what we're talking about. MR. KOLBE: A. Yes, you can read well. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 213 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [406] It speaks for itself.? A. It does speak four itself. Q. [407] Excuse me for a second. Look, this could be a long and technical debate; what I will suggest, I will ask my experts to provide their own interpretation as to what they believe should be standard practice in this respect, and the Régie will have this great piece of reading as a reference material and we'll see what happens, is that okay? MR. KOLBE: A. Of course, you get to ask the question, we only answer them. ME GUY SARAULT: Thank you. Q. [408] In your analysis, Dr. Vilbert, you seem to use the same tax rate, Gaz Metro's tax rate for all of your samples, is that a correct assumption? I'm referring you more particularly to table MJV 21, page 85 of 95 of the tables attached to your evidence where we have the list of your sub samples, and the tax rate that you use for all of them is a tax rate of 30.2 percent, which corresponds to your assessment of Gaz Métro's own tax rate. MR. VILBERT: A. Yes, that's correct. Q. [409] Is it correct that all, depending on the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 214 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault actual tax rate of all those companies in the sub sample that the ultimate value of their ATWACC could fluctuate up or down? A. If your question is: Do all of the companies in my sample have that same tax rate? The answer is no, they do not. The purpose of using the same tax rate for all of the sample companies is because Dr. Kolbe and I are estimating cost to capital for Gaz Metro, and to make everything comparable for the sample we need to use the after tax rate that would be applicable to Gaz Metro to get its a appropriate cost of capital. Q. [410] But my question is the following: Isn't it correct, all depending on the actual tax rate of each of these companies, in reality, their individual ATWACC could not be, would not be at the same value, it could be more or it could be less? A. If I were estimating the cost of capital for any of the companies in my sample Q. [411] On ATWACC basis? A. on ATWACC basis, that was I was then proceeding for my source or some other company, I would use my source's tax rate. Because I'm in a proceeding for Gaz Métro, the appropriate thing to R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 215 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault do to make all of the sample evidence comparable, is to use Gaz Metro's tax rate. Q. [412] H'mm, h'mm. But doesn't this pollute the validity of your sample, because their respective ATWACCs are used as the reference to which you compare Gaz Metro for purposes of arriving at your recommendation, so if it's not representative of their true actual situation on account of differences in the tax rate, isn't it your comparison isn't your comparison polluted or, for lack of a better word, at the very outset? A. I don't think so because the again, the comparability is to Gaz Metro. And if you think about how a regulated utility actually sets its rates, it has an ROE, that's after tax, to which it adds an allowance for taxes, and that allowance for taxes is different for every utility their estimating Q. [413] Correct, hence my question. A. But I'm estimating the after tax cost of equity, so the tax rate that you get when you do the DCF or the cap M is and after tax cost of equity. The taxes are already gone when you get to that point. So the only thing that I'm doing is to ensure that the deductibility of interest expense is R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 216 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault represented by the ATWACC is comparable to what it would be for Gas Metro. MR. KOLBE: A. The pollution, if that was your word, if I recall it correctly, would come if you used half a dozen different tax rates for half a dozen group of companies, so an unregulated company estimates the weighted average cost of capital to do ad investment decision, it doesn't go out and get the tax rate for 15 different companies in its sample and use that, it uses its tax rate. This the way it's done, so you're sure that you're looking at your own situation correctly, based on the market data. Q. [414] In closing on this issue, isn't it correct that in the United States the Federal income tax rate for a corporation is more around 35 percent? A. Yes, that's correct. Q. [415] And in addition to that Federal tax rate, isn't it correct that there's also state tax which may vary to anywhere between zero to 10 percent, which could bring the global or overall taxation from 30 to 40 percent? A. It could, yes, it could raise it overall. does. Q. [416] Thank you. And R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 217 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Now, Dr. Vilbert, you use a market risk premium; we're talking about the risk premium at the market as a whole of 5.75 percent which corresponds to the estimate you had when you appeared before the NEB for TQM, correct? MR. VILBERT: A. Yes, in this that's correct. In this proceeding that's my base level MRP. Q. [417] So it's the same thing as what you had done for TQM, so based on historical data, on the market risk premium of the market as a whole, correct? A. No. Not, not correct. It is partly informed by the realized historical rates of return but it's also informed by other factors, including theory work done by academics; also surveys of professors; also there's a series owe work done by Ibidson and Chan in the U.S., and they do the supply side. And finally I consider the fact that the MRP in the United States is generally considered to be higher than Canada. And all those things together give me the 5.75. Q. [418] It's a mix of a lot of data A. That's correct. Q. [419] right? And which can, you know, cover a fairly long period in certain cases, I mean you R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 218 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault know, there are compilations of historical market risk which may go back some of them to the early 20th century, correct? A. Yes. In fact, I mentioned yesterday a publication by the Professors Dinston March and Staunton; it is the Global Investment Return Source Book or something like that. And they have a 109 years of data in that book as of 2008 2009. Q. [420] And I remember when I, you know, had the pleasure of cross examining Dr. Morin when he appeared before the Régie on the subject to the market risk premium, and he would always remind me "Oh, Mr. Sarault." He has to realize that market risk premium is, you know, a market phenomenon and we cannot use an individual figure in a given year to come to a hasty conclusion, we have to look at the overall picture, hence why we have these this data and the references going back to very far in history. A. Yes. The problem with the MRP, of course, is that it's unobservable, variable, and we have to estimate it somehow. Q. [421] Now, in this case in particular, that result of 5.75 percent that you had on the basis of that data, you further add an adjustment of 2 percent to R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 219 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault cp,e to 7.75 percent because of the particularly difficult economic turmoil that we have known in 2008, 2009, correct? A. Yes. It was an effort to deal with the financial crisis and the effect on the cost of capital of that financial crisis. Q. [422] So, this would mean that a crisis that took place in one year alone in itself justifies 2 percent out of a figure which was initially 5.75, so we're close to your original estimate. If I put 2 percent on 5.75, I'm close to one third, and you add one third on account of an event that took place in one year. If I may use a parallel, would it be equally logical to base our assessment of the market risk premium by taking 1929 alone and seeking "Oh, we're going to make an adjustment because it was a grade depression in 1929" how can you justify giving so much important to one year A. Keep in mind that the market risk premium is a forward looking] estimate of the cost of capital by investors. I think it's universally acknowledged that the cost of capital is higher as a result of the financial crisis than it was before the financial R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 220 crisis. PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault The question is: How much higher? You have to have some way of estimating that. And I estimated and I used by the way, I did sensitivities with 100 basis point, 200 basis points, and 300 basis points for the increase in MRP because the events in the most recent year were quite extraordinary. We had at one point in the United States Treasury bill yealds that were negative. People were fleeing to any kind of safe security they could find. That tells me that they're investor risk aversion , their taste for being invested in anything risky had gone down such that or gone up rather, such that in order to acquire equity investments you would have to offer a much higher expected rate of return going forward than you had in the past. That's the fact of the situation we were in at the time I was estimating my cost to capital. Interest rates on A rated utility debts were up almost 7 percent and higher for a while. And if you don't do something to the cap M, you end up with rates of returns on equity that are less than the cost of debt, which is nonsense. Q. [423] But my question was: You agree with me that you're giving importance to one factor in one year R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 221 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault which may already be behind us, isn't that correct, Dr. Vilbert, that according to the consensus forecast that we referred to during my cross examination of Mr. Despars this morning, according to them a lot of institutions, we go between 2009 to 2007 from minus 2 GDP to plus 2 GDP, a difference of four percent. A. Well, if you're asking me do I think and hope that the worst of this crisis is behind us, I would agree that I think that's true. I think things are better today than they were when I did my evidence. I don't believe that it's completely behind us. And I believe personally that the increase in investor risk aversion that came about because of this crisis is not going to go away in a hurry. And the reference I have for that is, as I mentioned yesterday, I have friends who told me that they were close to retirement at one point and they no longer can retire because they don't believe they have adequate funds in their accounts. They're not going to forget that anytime soon, and they're not going to be investing in stocks righe away. We have data on money market funds. Money R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 222 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault market funds have more money in them today than they have had in a long time. People still have not moved out of money market funds. Give you another example: My parents and others like them were afffected by the Great Depression ; they still don't invest in stocks, because they have never gotten over the Great Depression. I'm not saying it's that bad now, but I don't think we have recovered to the point where you can say that the kind of adjustment I made, although probably less going forward, the kind of adjustment I made is not necessary. Q. [424] Talking about the Great Depression, isn't it correct that today the Great Depression, if we look at the statistical data which is typically used to establish the market risk premium by the financial literature, the Great Depression is just like a couple of years in the pile of data that we have about the equity risk premium? A. I agree. I'm simply saying that the impact of an event like that lasts long after the event has passed. And the impact on people's risk aversion or willingness to invest in equity is going to last past the time when the market starts to recover. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 223 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [425] Obviously, Dr. Vilbert, you realize, as I do, that your assessment of the cost of capital is for a test year that will begin on October 1st, 2009, and end on September the 30th, 2010. That's what we're talking about. We're talking about the future year 2000 and 10ahead of us, not what took place in 2008 and 2009. A. I understand. When I did my analysis, I have to take into consideration the data in front of me at the time I do the analysis. And that's what I did. At the time I did my analysis, things looked pretty grim. The market was falling rapidly; it was down over 40 percent, both in Canada and the United States; interest rates were sky high; things looked very bad. I estimated as well as I could do at that time based upon the conditions that I saw. I think Dr. Booth, for example, as far as I can tell, he almost completely ignored the economic crisis as if it was not happening, that to me is not credible. And, in fact, his cost of equity estimation was only slightly higher than the cost of debt. I just don't see how that can possibly be an accurate estimate. Q. [426] When did you write your evidence, Dr. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 224 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Vilbert? A. I think the date was March time frame, something like that. Q. [427] March? We're now in August. April, May, June, July, August, five months. Isn't correct that the outlook now, only five months later, is significantly different A. The outlook is certainly improved. As I said and I'm glad of that, I think that's, you know, that's great, I love that, but, all I'm saying to you is that we're not out of the woods yet. In fact, if you looked at what happened in the United States market and the Canadian market in the first two days of September, we were going back the other way. And there was articles in the newspaper, anybody can read about whether or not China's growth was going to body sustainable, whether they're going to cut back on their support for their economy? If that happens, are we going go back down to where we were before? I mean these are still concerns. I hope we recover. I think things are better but to say, to stand up and say at this point that we're out of the woods completely, I think is not supportable. Q. [428] And despite all of that, the term, the two R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 225 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault percent adjustment in your market risk premium is still there? A. If I were doing it today, it wouldn't be that high. Q. [429] How high would it be? A. Well, I've done some preliminary work on that. I would still be at least 100 basis points higher than I was before. Q. [430] It's already half? A. It is. But, as you we just agreed, that you have to base your evidence at the time you do the analysis. Today things look better. They could look worse next week, next month, or they could look better. I don't know that. No one in the room knows that. Q. [431] All right. Dr. Kolbe, last but not least. MR. KOLBE: A. Yes? Q. [432] First of all, I you know, my questions are limited to essentially the three adjustments. You proposed over and above the ATWACC of 7.25 percent, which is the result of Dr. Vilbert's recommendation, in order to arrive at the final ATWACC of 7.75? A. Okay? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 226 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [433] The first of these adjustments is a quarter of a point, accounting for Gaz Metro's higher risk profile versus Dr. Vilbert's sub sample, correct? A. Yes. Q. [434] And am I correct in understanding that this adjustment in particular is linked directly to Dr. Carpenter's evidence as to the higher risk profile of Gaz Metro vis à vis the sub sample? A. Yes, certainly. And to my discussions with him about it. Q. [435] Good. So we both agree that if by any chance in its analysis of Dr. Carpenter's evidence, the Régie comes to the conclusion that it is not satisfied that Gaz Metro's risk profile is in fact higher than those U.S. proxies, then that adjustment must fall, we agree? A. Well, yes. Just to be clear, based on my own reading of Dr. Carpenter's evidence and my own knowledge on the underlying knowledge, of course I would recommend against such a conclusion, that is I'm not just passively relying on Dr. Carpenter here. I've talked to him and believe that he's right, Gaz Metro is risky. But if this, given your assumption, yes, if it's not true, then the quarter R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 227 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault percentage point goes away. Q. [436] Thank you. The second adjustment is the imbedded debt cost adjustment which was formerly 10 basis point in that ATWACC, which you now bring back to 06 basis point? A. The 6 basis, with the updated value from imbedded data. Q. [437] That's right, based upon your presentation yesterday A. Yes. Q. [438] correct? Isn't correct that a similar adjustment for imbedded costs was proposed to the NEB in the TQM case? A. Yes. And every time we've ever done ATWACC, we have followed traditional regulatory policy and done imbedded debt. Q. [439] For purposes of severity, Mr. Chairman, I refer to section 7. 3 of NEB decision on pages 77 and subsequent, in which the Board deals extensively with this approach, but in order to expedite our discussion at this late time, would it suffice to say that the NEB essentially ruled, "Look, we're going for the pure ATWACC based on R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 228 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault market value of the capital structure from the components and therefore we feel that within the purest approach to ATWACC, there shouldn't be an an allowance for imbedded costs. If this is the package deal, this is your ATWACC based on market value, deal with it as you want but that's all you get"? A. Well, I think that as a little facile, with respect. There was considerable discussion; they called members, company representatives back to the panel consisting only of Dr Vilbert and myself to talk about this. And the key feature that lay behind a decision not to do anything about an adjustment for imbedded debt was the fact that TQM's debt was all going to be refunded within two years. It was basically the imbedded debt problem and the need for a transition to imbedded debt went away almost immediately. That was said several times during the during the transcript and during the discussion, as I recall. And it certainly was important in the company's comments that it was within, say, the band of uncertainty that I think the French was the la marge de manoeuvre, is that right? R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 229 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [440] Marge de manouvre. A. Sorry. Q. [441] Margin of manoeuvre. A. Yes. Well, I apologize for my pronunciation. Q. [442] I'm pretty much bad in both languages. A. Well, that's the idea. And that point was made exclusively, also made exclusively was by company witnesses in that hearing was a point that if you had a company in different circumstances where there was a substantial amount of debt, long life debt outstanding that had been entered into under the old rules, the company would not see it as a matter of within the margin of manoeuvre, it would be something of a much more fundamental problem, and would have to be addressed with the transition mechanism. So regardless of what decision is ultimately made here for new debt, it is entirely consistent with the record in TQM to recognize the need for an adjustment of imbedded debt during the transition mechanism? Q. [443] If I may trigger your memory, at page 77 of the NEB decision, under "Submissions of TQM for adjusting the imbedded cost of that," I quote, "In R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 230 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault it's application, TQM asked that its allowed return be adjusted for the difference between the market cost of debt and the actual cost of TQM debt. TQM acknowledged that a pure ATWACC approach would be based on the market value of each component and would not adjust for the imbedded cost of debt. Dr. Kolbe indicated that a pure ATWACC methodology would be superior from an economic perspective to a hybrid methodology that uses ATWACC and the imbedded cost of that." Remember having testified to that effect before the NEB A. Yes. And to other things as well. To theabsolute requirement for an adjustment for the imbedded cost of debt. And I know in this proceeding I quote in my evidence quickly I'm using my computer to find it from part of the transcript that wasn't in the hearing. Let me just see if I can find it quickly. Q. [444] Are you telling us that they misquoted you? A. No, I'm saying that they did not, in the decision write down every word that was said in the transcript of the hearing on which they based their evidence. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 231 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Yes, I have a discussion of this. I was struggling, I guess on page 43 of my evidence, in which I give reference to the parts of the transcript where these issues were discussed. And, of course, I don't think anything I've said here is any different from what I said in the TQM hearing. Q. [445] I was about to suggest that. A. An another point of vie, it's great when regulation comes as close as it can to matching competition for existing debt. In order to avoid windfall gains and losses on in changes from the old rules, regulators should grandfather the existing debt or other policies that would otherwise create needless shifts between customers and investors that would change issue to issue and Company to company, and their opposing cons to doing what the NEB did that I would submit everybody should consider before saying that the NEB's procedure shoud be necessarily adopted everywhere with regard to market debt. Q. [446] All right. Then we come to your third adjustment, which is for issuance costs. A. Yes. Q. [447] Issue or issuing the costs, whichever you R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 232 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault prefer. A. Yes. And I'm probably responsible for the problem because I probably use both back and forth. Q. [448] They're both equally good, I suppose. Hold on a second here. Was an adjustment for issue costs requested in the TQM proceeding A. No. The NEB apparently has considered and rejected the issue or issuance costs many times. I was told early in my association with Transcanada, and the company had just given up on trying to get this. They thought it was a legitimate cost of service, they thought they should get it but they just didn't go after it anymore because they considered it a waste of resources. I don't know why the NEB does that. I think it's wrong as a matter of principle, but that was their decision and so I was not asked, nor was anyone asked, to do another adjustment for issuance costs in that proceeding. Q. [449] And do you have any ATWACC precedent to bring to our attention where such an adjustment would have been discussed or considered or allowed? A. Well, I don't think an ATWACC precedent is necessary. Issuance costs are allowed many places. I understand they're allowed in by the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 233 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Régie; they're allowed in Alberta. It's routine to allow issuance costs. Typically what happens if there's a there's some rule that's been adopted long ago, and it gets used. Here, I understand it was 30 basis points. In Alberta it was 50 basis points. And I got involved because, as I understand it, the company in previous proceeding asked for an increase and it was rejected on specific grounds, and I was asked to analyse the issue. Q. [450] Okay. Yes, actually on this one in particular, I refer you to page 6 of your main testimony, lines 3 to 5, in which you state, and I quote, "Finally in the 2009 rate case, the Régie rejected the Gaz Metro request to increase the allowance for the costs of issuing equities from 30 to 50 basis points in the allowed return on equity." Correct? A. Yes, with a footnote citation there at the bottom of the page. Q. [451] So the third adjustment comes from a specific request made to you by Gaz Metro to revisit this issue? A. Yes. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 234 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault Q. [452] And are you aware of the circumstance and context in which this had been proposed by Gaz Metro in last year's rate case? A. Well, I not all them, certainly. I looked at some of the calculations that have been done then, and I read I haven't read it recently but I read the discussion I cite here in the decision, but I haven't made any extensive study beyond that. Q. [453] And is it correct to suggest to you that this was proposed last year by Gaz Metro as a separate adjustment on a stand alone basis outside the context on and overall determination of its cost of capital? A. Oh, you mean procedurally was this some I have no idea. Q. [454] Was present you don't you were not aware of that? A. I have no idea. Q. [455] Okay. And just going back to the I'm not sure I fully understood your explanation as to the NEBs policy on this issue. A. Well, its secondhand information, and it's my memory of a conversation I had many years ago. Q. [456] H'mm, h'mm? A. But, my memory, for good or four ill, is that the R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 235 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault question of issuance costs was one where it was believed by the people I talked to, and I can't any longer remember whether it was counsel or the the company witnesses or that the NEB just didn't give issuance causeds in the allowed rate of return, and there was no point in asking for them, it would be a waste of time. Now, maybe I misunderstood, maybe my memory is faulty, but for good or for ill, that's my understanding. ME GUY SARAULT: Okay. This will complete my cross examination. And I thank you for your patience. BY THE WITNESS: Thank you. LE PRÉSIDENT : Merci, Maître Sarault. Donc, nous allons ajourner jusqu'à demain neuf heures (9 h 00) pour continuer avec les contre-interrogatoires. Est-ce qu'il y a des intervenants qui vont vouloir poser des questions - il y en avait un ou deux qui avaient réservé des temps d'interrogatoire - pour planifier la journée de demain? Me STEVE CADRIN : Alors, bonjour. Steve Cadrin pour l'Union des R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 236 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault municipalités du Québec. Nous n'aurons pas de question à poser au panel, simplement réitérer qu'il s'agissait d'une expertise commune avec le docteur Booth et que nous appuyons, évidemment, ses conclusions. Je pense que maître Sarault s'est perdu dans la quantité d'intervenants qui l'appuyaient. Il y avait trop d'intervenants qui l'appuient, je pense. Alors, voilà, nous l'appuyons donc. LE PRÉSIDENT : Merci. Me DOMINIQUE NEUMAN : Dominique Neuman pour Stratégies énergétiques et l'AQLPA. J'ai des questions, mais ce sera très bref là. C'est seulement sur deux items là que... et qui couvrent notamment ce qui avait déjà été posé à la question 39 de notre demande de renseignements. Merci. LE PRÉSIDENT : Donc, ce sera demain matin. Pour l'Union des consommateurs, Monsieur Bellemare. M. JACQUES BELLEMARE : Oui. Maître Sicard n'est pas ici, mais je pense qu'elle aura une ou deux questions. R-3690-2009 3 septembre 2009 - 237 - PANEL 2 - GM Contre-interrogatoire Me Guy Sarault LE PRÉSIDENT : Additionnelles. O.K. Donc, nous allons reprendre l'audience à neuf heures (9 h 00) demain matin. AJOURNEMENT DE L'AUDIENCE ______________________ Nous, soussignés, MARC BEEBE, JEAN LAROSE et CLAUDE MORIN, sténographes officiels dûment autorisés à pratiquer avec la méthode sténotypie et sténomasque, certifions sous notre serment d'office que les pages ci-dessus sont et contiennent la transcription exacte et fidèle de la preuve en cette cause, le tout conformément à la Loi; Et nous avons signé : ____________________ ____________________ MARC BEEBE Sténographe officiel JEAN LAROSE Sténographe officiel ____________________ CLAUDE MORIN Sténographe officiel