Council of Deans Minutes Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2016 Time: 2:00 p.m.

Council of Deans Minutes
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Location: Administration Boardroom
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Members and Staff Representatives present:
Ronna Vanderslice, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Sylvia Burgess, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Marge Kingsley, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
John Camey, Dean, School of Business
Von Underwood, Dean, School of Liberal Arts
Terry Conley, Dean, School of Science and Technology
Susan Camp, Director, CU-Duncan
Karla Oty, Director, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accountability
Kelly McClure, Director, Information Technology Services
Sherry Young, Director, Library Services
Mandy Husak, Academic Affairs Coordinator
Vinetta Buchanan, Academic Affairs Specialist
Members and Staff Representatives absent:
Lisa Huffman, Dean, School of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Linda Phillips, Registrar
Agenda and Notes
 Approval of Council of Deans Minutes – January 6, 2016 Meeting (Handout) – The minutes
were approved as presented.
 Discussion Items:
1. CCA Corequisite at Scale Academy—Oklahoma applied for the Complete College America
Corequisite at Scale Academy and was selected for participation. The Academy will be
focusing on problems with remedial courses and what we can do to help those students who
are not ready for college-level courses to improve. The goal is to look at remediation with an
emphasis on corequisite courses. Oklahoma and six other states were selected to participate
in this initiative.
VPAA Vanderslice provided a handout and pointed out some key areas that will probably
affect Cameron. She stated that we need to figure out ways to get more students enrolled in
corequisite courses instead of just remedial courses. English and Math have already been
offering corequisite courses and Reading and Psychology also ran a corequisite section.
This item has been discussed at Council of Presidents and Council on Instruction. In addition,
a statewide conference will be held on March 24th at UCO where the focus will be on
corequisite courses. A group of ten will attend the conference. The goal is to implement this
in Fall 2017.
2. Mathematics-Pathways to Completion project—This project came about as a result of
ongoing discussions looking at whether College Algebra is the Math course that every
student needs.
25% of institutions will implement at least 2 Math pathways. 50% of majors will be aligned
to the appropriate pathway. We must reduce the number of students failing remedial courses
as another part of the initiative.
3. Concurrent enrollment and implications for policy change—VPAA Vanderslice shared the
Regents’ policy on concurrent enrollment of high school students. She stated that this policy
is under review and changes might be made to it.
The revised policy may have significant implications for Cameron. Some challenges with the
revised policy might be staffing faculty at the high school, faculty expertise, and ensuring we
meet the expectations for a collegiate experience.
We need to look at the courses that concurrent students are currently taking and ensure they
are appropriate for both concurrent students and beginning freshman students. Some courses
may need prerequisites and chairs should consider this when examining their curriculum.
4. Policy revision-AP—VPAA Vanderslice shared an addition to policy which deals with AP
scores. Score required cannot be higher than 3 unless we get an exception to policy. This will
be announced at the Council of Chairs meeting.
Vinetta will place the Regents’ inventory of AP scores for Oklahoma universities in the
Council of Deans and Chairs folders on the W drive for your review.
5. HLC Criterion 4.C.1—Dr. Oty
The institution demonstrates a commitment to educational improvement through ongoing
attention to retention, persistence, and completion rates in its degree and certificate programs.
1. The institution has defined goals for student retention, persistence, and completion that are
ambitious but attainable and appropriate to its mission, student populations, and educational
There was discussion about how we are meeting this goal and how we can improve. Dr. Oty
made reference to Cameron’s Strategic Plan and how it aligns with this criterion.
6. Update on Retention and Graduation rates—Dr. Oty provided an update on Retention and
Graduation rates. She shared data on Cameron’s 4 year and 6 year graduation rates which
have improved. This information is federally required to be placed on our webpage.
Dr. Oty shared that the Advising Center and Margaret Coffee have been doing a great job of
identifying military students who do not need to be included in our cohort. The group
discussed how taking attendance and removing students who never attend prior to census day
would remove them from the cohort and potentially help our graduation rates. Once a student
is in the cohort they are not removed unless for military appointment or death.
7. Assignment of advisors—In preparation for self-enrollment, Dr. Vanderslice and Linda
Phillips have been meeting regularly with students, faculty, and advisors to discuss issues
that may arise and how to prevent them once self-enrollment (Aggie Registration) is rolled
out to students in March.
One issue they discovered is that 25% of students do not have an advisor assigned to them.
We will need to get this corrected before we roll out self-enrollment as pin numbers will be
provided to the advisors only for their advisees. Advisor lists are released to the
Deans/Directors each week. VPAA Vanderslice strongly encouraged the Deans to check the
lists for students in their school that do not have an advisor assigned to them and to have one
assigned right away.
Students who receive advisement in the Advising Center will not be able to self-enroll.
Others excluded from using Aggie Registration include concurrent students and those who
receive advisement directly from Student Support Services. Students will use Aggie
Registration in March for summer and fall enrollment.
8. Follow-up on Chair discussions—IDEA summaries—VPAA Vanderslice re-shared the
results of a survey provided to the participants of the IDEA mobile pilot that was conducted
in Fall 2014. Volunteers were requested to participate in the pilot and we had 50 sections that
were a part of it. Dr. Vanderslice encouraged the Deans to put this item on one of their
meeting agendas for discussion of things we can address when we move to the mobile
platform campus-wide in the Fall semester.
9. IDEA Mobile implementation for Fall 2016—We are transitioning to the IDEA mobile app
in Fall 2016. Dr. Oty shared that students will receive one link (instead of multiple links)
that can be placed on Blackboard and shared other ways. VPAA Vanderslice shared that we
will have options in place for students who do not have a mobile device in class.
She encouraged the Deans to discuss this with their Chairs and faculty again and bring any
concerns they receive to Council of Chairs for discussion. Dr. Oty is willing to give a
presentation about IDEA scores and their interpretation to any department that requests it.
10. Reappointment/non-reappointment expectations due February 12—VPAA Vanderslice
shared that due to the current budget situation she will need an individual form for each nontenured faculty member this year rather than just a memo with the names as has been done in
the past. A form has been created and can be found in the Council of Deans and Council of
Chairs folders on the W drive.
11. Syllabi—Deans should conduct random check in your school with the checklist—VPAA
Vanderslice requested that the Deans/Directors do a random check in their departments/areas
to ensure that their faculty are including all the required components on their syllabi. It is
important to ensure feedback gets to the faculty member so improvements can be made.
12. Early Alert Update—Dr. Oty provided an update on early alert. Early alert usage was up to
68.9% as of January 31. Early alert usage for Top 30 was up to 80%.
 The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.