Council of Deans - Minutes Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Location: Administration Boardroom Time: 2:00 p.m. Members and Staff Representatives present: Ronna Vanderslice, Vice President for Academic Affairs Sylvia Burgess, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Marge Kingsley, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Lisa Huffman, Dean, School of Education and Behavioral Sciences Terry Conley, Dean, School of Science and Technology Susan Camp, Director, CU-Duncan Karla Oty, Director, Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accountability Linda Phillips, Registrar Mandy Husak, Academic Affairs Coordinator Vinetta Buchanan, Academic Affairs Specialist Members and Staff Representatives absent: John Camey, Dean, School of Business Von Underwood, Dean, School of Liberal Arts Debbie Goode, Director, Information Technology Services Sherry Young, Director, Library Services Agenda and Notes Approval of Council of Deans Minutes – September 23, 2015 Meeting (Handout) – The minutes were approved as presented. Discussion Items: 1. Keith Mitchell, Senior Director of Public Affairs—Mr. Mitchell gave a brief presentation on the services that the Office of Public Affairs provides and how requests can be submitted. Graphic design requests can be submitted at and photography requests at His office can also help with designing brochures, etc. for events and advertising events through Facebook, Twitter or other channels. Mr. Mitchell also emphasized the importance of recognizing students for their honors and for their participation in events. The Office of Public Affairs provides news coverage for events and are sometimes able to get local coverage as well. They cover stories about students or programs such as participation in competitions or works published. Submit student names and information to Public Affairs so that they can send press releases to the students’ hometown newspapers. For news coverage for your event, email or call Mr. Mitchell or Janet. If sent to Janet, copy Mr. Mitchell as well. Send requests in advance so that Public Affairs can arrange for the event to be covered in some way. Mr. Mitchell has met with the Deans and is in the process of meeting with the Chairs to talk about ways his office can assist them. 2. Thank you—vitas were nearly 100%—VPAA Vanderslice thanked the Deans for reminding their faculty to post their vitas. Updated vitas of full-time faculty have to be posted every year. There were only a few faculty who did not have theirs posted but they were up within a few days of Dr. Vanderslice contacting the Deans. Dr. Vanderslice also thanked Dr. Oty for her continuous work on the vitas. 3. Academic Calendar 2016-2017—discussion of inclement weather plan for Spring 2017— VPAA Vanderslice shared that the President has reviewed the academic calendar and has provided feedback. For several spring semesters we have cancelled classes for inclement weather. In the spring semester for some course formats, we are significantly short for class time if we have to cancel. This spring, the President has requested that we schedule two days to use as possible make up days for bad weather days. Some possible options are to finish final exams after commencement, have two days of spring break as class days, use Saturdays as make up days, etc. We will determine our inclement weather plan in advance so faculty and students know prior to the semester starting. We will also include them in the syllabus supplement. Deans and Directors were encouraged to discuss this topic in their areas to see what other ideas they receive. This topic will also be discussed at Council of Chairs. 4. Preparation for Web Registration—Cameron is finalizing details to pilot self-enrollment in the spring semester. We have some tools in Degree Works available to help students with the process and advisors will still be able to enroll students. The plan under discussion at this time is for advisors to remove a pin number (like a temporary hold) on the students’ accounts after they have met with the advisor. The student will then be allowed to enroll him/herself. Linda Phillips urged the Deans to start looking at their classes now, especially those with prerequisites, to ensure that the information is correct. The Registrar’s Office will start testing in November and will request assistance from faculty, staff, and students after that. Self-enrollment will be piloted in the spring. The administration is still deciding on which group of students to open it up to first but freshmen will not likely be included at this time. Concerns and issues to consider will be discussed and addressed at every opportunity. Deans/directors should discuss self-enrollment with faculty, staff, and students and share ideas at each upcoming meeting where this topic will have a place on the agenda. 5. Changes to course schedule—VPAA Vanderslice raised the issue of major changes being made to the class schedule after it becomes available online. Some changes that are made include class days, class time, etc., which can greatly affect students. AVP Kingsley shared that sometimes books are listed on the schedule then a major change is made after students have already purchased them. Linda Phillips mentioned that the schedule goes live on the first of the month that enrollment begins. Dr. Vanderslice stated that major changes should be made ahead of this date and asked that the Deans help to monitor the schedule more closely. 6. Convocation feedback—VPAA Vanderslice shared and requested feedback on Convocation this year. The Aggie Gym worked well as the venue this year and we received many positive comments including that there is more room in the gym for students’ families. Some faculty suggested not having the event on a Friday because most students are not on campus that day. Dr. Vanderslice requested feedback on the day and time as well as any other comments before the end of the month. 7. HLC Requirements---Posting faculty members’ academic credentials—VPAA Vanderslice mentioned that this requirement is not an issue for full-time faculty since their information is posted on the transparency page. Adjunct faculty, however, are not found on that page but some departments have them listed on their webpages. She encouraged the Deans to have their Administrative Assistants check the department webpages to ensure that they have their current faculty listed and to post credentials of their adjunct faculty there. She will also discuss this item at Council of Chairs. 8. Early Alert Update—Dr. Oty provided an early alert update. Usage was up to 78.6% as of October 5. AVPAA Kingsley also provided some feedback on changes that were made to the early alert system. 9. Retention Information by Major—Dr. Oty provided retention information for all departments. She will send the Chairs an actual list of students used to pull the information. Information will also be made available on the W drive. The meeting adjourned at 3:28 p.m.