SHACRSE – Student Course Summary Use this form to view a list of all the courses the student has completed for a specific term or for all terms. To view all terms, leave the Term field blank in the Key Block and Next Block. To view courses for a specific term, enter the specific term in the Term field in the Key Block and Next Block. The grade a student earned, the grading mode of each course, and course repeat indicators are displayed here. You can use the Select button of a desired course to access the Course Maintenance Form (SHATCKN) and view course details for a record. To use the Select button, you must highlight the course before clicking on the Select button. Repeat values in Banner: SIS+ Value RX – exclude from GPA RI – include in GPA but not earned hours RE – include in GPA and earned hours FR – repeat program will ignore course; include in GPA and earned hours = = = = Banner Value E – exclude from GPA A – include in GPA, exclude from earned I – include in GPA Banner Wording Exclude Include GPA F – repeat program will ignore course; include in GPA Freeze Include Grading Modes in Banner: SHATCKN – Student Course Maintenance Form Use this form to view course details including grade changes. The latest grade a student has earned will display on SHACRSE and the student’s transcript. Use the scroll bar on the right hand side to scroll through courses. SHATCKN also displays pre-Banner work. In the Key Block, enter the pre-Banner term and select Pre-Banner in the Validation Check box. SHAINST – Student Term Course Maintenance Form Use this form to view the institutional course work on a term-by-term basis. You can Next Block multiple times on this form to view additional information. End of Term Academic Standing is shown as well as Dean’s List Status. Next Block of SHAINST: Next Block of SHAINST: This block displays the term GPA by level. Next Block of SHATCKN: You are taken to SHATCKN, the student course maintenance screen. SHAPCMT – Student Pre-Banner Summary Hours and GPA Form Use this form to view summary GPA information in lieu of the actual converted term’s coursework. Under Type, I = Institution, C = Institution Combined, T = Transfer, W = Transfer Combined, O = Overall, A = Overall Combined, Y (DS), X (DS). SHATCMT – Student Transcript Event and Comments Form Use this form to view comments pertaining to a student’s tenure at the institution. Optionally, these entries may be printed on the student’s official transcript. Level-specific comments are associated with a specific student level and are printed at the top of the transcript. Term-specific comments (which are also associated with a specific level) are printed along with the specific term’s summary and detail information. Here is an example of an academic event. This notes the term the student was first suspended. The Decision Field is being used to store the date of the first suspended term. This field in SIS+ was referred to the Ever Suspended Code and was located on the 118 and 206 Screens. Here is an example of a transcript comment by level for Academic Fresh Start: Here is an example of a transcript comment by level for a student readmitted by academic appeal: Next Block for SHATCMT Here is an example of a transcript comment by term for academic fresh start: SHATERM – Student Term Sequence Course History Form Use this form to view a student’s progress on a term-by-term basis. This form is query only and displays the student’s current status and GPA information. This form permits the entry of a specific beginning term which is other than the first term the student attended. Next Block on SHATERM: In the Term GPA section, use the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen to scroll to the next term. Institutional courses are displayed below the Term GPA block. WITHDRAWALS SHACRSE will display courses withdrawn with the grade of W (or F) and the grading mode of W. The grading mode will always be a W for a course withdrawal. SHATCKN also shows withdrawal information by course. SHAINST will show withdrawal information for a student who withdraws before the penalty date and receives no grades. SHADEGR – Student Degrees and Other Formal Awards Form Use this form to view all information pertaining to degrees or other types of awards that the student is seeking or has been awarded. Degrees are captured by sequence number (1, 2, 3, etc.) to prevent the occurrence of duplicate degree records for a student. Multiple degrees may be sought by a student. SHADGMQ – Student Degree Summary Form Use this form to view summary information about all the degrees which the student is seeking or has been awarded. This is a stand alone query form. SHANCRS – Academic Non-Course Form Use this form to tie papers, committees, or events together (individually or in combination) as non-courses associated with a degree in academic history. Papers, committees, and events are non-courses in academic history and may be associated with degree audit using the CAPP NonCourse Requirement field. SHASUBJ – Subject Sequence History Form Use this form to track the student’s progress in specific subject areas. This form provides information pertinent to the student’s current status as well as GPA information on a subject-bysubject basis. Scrolling totals on a subject-by-subject basis are kept for institutional, transfer, and overall GPA’s. The form allows entry of a specific beginning subject area to avoid having to scroll through multiple subject areas if only one is required. This form is query only. Next Block of SHASUBJ: Use the scroll bar on the right hand side to scroll through subjects and courses.