6/14/2011 How To Generate and Use a Degree Evaluation Steps to Generate a Degree Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Log in to PipelineMT. Select the RaiderNet tab. Select the Faculty Services tab. Select the Advisor Menu link. Select the Degree Evaluation link. If no term has already been selected, then you will be prompted to select the current term or a term in which the student has priority registered. If a student is graduating, be sure the term entered is no later than the graduation term. Click on „Submit.‟ 7. If no advisee has already been selected, then enter the Student or Advisee ID or search for your advisee. Click on „Submit.‟ 8. The student‟s curriculum information will display for the term selected. 9. You can generate an evaluation using one of the following three methods: Previous Evaluations - Shows every evaluation that has been generated for this student by the Graduation Coordinator, advisor, or student. You may delete any evaluation you generated, but not any that others have generated. Click the box(es) next to each audit that you want to delete and click on „Delete Request.‟ Each previous evaluation shows the program, submission date, and request number. A previous evaluation is almost a “frozen in time” snapshot just like a printed copy. No additional credits earned or registered for will change or be reflected in a previous evaluation, but any text changes will be reflected on previous evaluations. For example, if new text is added for clarification, then this will be appear on previous evaluations. Generate New Evaluation – Allows you to run a new evaluation using the student‟s current program (major, concentration, and minors) that is listed. If selecting Generate New Evaluation, then you will select the radio button next to the curriculum. You also have the option to select “Use In-Progress Courses” if you want to include a student‟s current and priority registration. Click on „Generate Request.‟ Please note that students do not have the „Use InProgress Courses‟ option. What-If Analysis – Allows you to request a new evaluation using what-if scenarios by selecting any active catalog, major, concentration, and minor. You also have the option to select “Use In-Progress Courses” if you want to include a student‟s current and priority registration. Click on „Generate Request.‟ 6/14/2011 How to Use a Degree Evaluation At the top of the request is the Explanation for Degree Evaluation. The evaluation set-up and codes are defined. A link is provided at the end of the explanation in case any discrepancies need to be reported. EXPLANATION FOR DEGREE EVALUATION: The first section shows the program information such as major and minors, the catalog being used, the evaluation term, and the expected graduation date. Any informational text about the program will also display in this section. The next section displays a Total Required summary box. The requirements show as Yes for Met or No for Not Met. Since requirements can be built using credits or courses, two columns display for each requirements. MTSU’s requirements are based on credit hours. Under the Credits heading, you will see Required and Used columns. The next sections list Area requirements. The evaluation will typically display requirements in the order of major (MJR), minor (MNR), any major and minor auxiliary (AUX), and residency (RES). Additional Area requirements, such as admission to candidacy, admission to teacher education, hours required outside or inside a specific college, etc., may vary depending on each program. Each Area displays MET (if all requirements are met in that Area) or NOT MET which will display in red. Then, every individual requirement under the Area will display as MET or NOT MET. Requirements are built with specific course numbers, ranges of course numbers, rules, and/or attributes. Attributes are codes used on specific courses to link them to requirements. The general education requirements are built using attributes to assist with honoring the TBR general education program. The Upper-division hours requirement is built with a UD attribute and the senior college hours requirement is built with a SRCR attribute. The key for the Source column is H=MTSU Academic History, T=Transfer Work, R=Registered Course, E=Extra (such as program candidacy, admission to teacher education, etc.), P=Permanent Waiver. The Coursework (AUX) section lists all coursework that may or may not be applicable to the degree. This is for informational purposes only and the “Not Met” statement should be disregarded in this section only. If you see discrepancies with your evaluation, please report the issue by clicking here . The first example is for a BBA-Accounting major who is finishing requirements and includes in-progress courses. The first section shows the program information such as majors, concentrations, and minors, the catalog being used, the evaluation term, and the expected graduation date. Any informational text about the program will also display here. Student Details ID : M00000000 Program Description The Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Accounting requires a Business Administration minor. Program : BBA -Accounting Catalog Term : Fall 2007 Campus: - Evaluation Term : Spring 2011 College : Business Expected Graduation Date : May 07, 2011 Degree: Bachelor of Business Admin. Request Number : 41 Level : Undergraduate Results as of : Feb 24, 2011 Majors : Accounting Minors : Business Administration Departments : Accounting Concentrations : The next section displays a summary total box. The requirements show as Yes for Met and No for Not Met. Since requirements can be built with number or credits or number of courses, two sections display for each requirement. MTSU‟s requirements are based on credit hours. Under the Credits heading, you will see Required and Used sections. Disregard the Program GPA section, as this is something not used at MTSU. 6/14/2011 Program Evaluation Met Credits Courses Required Used Required Used Total Required : Yes 120.00 147.00 50 Required Institutional: Yes 30.00 87.00 30 Last Number Institutional Required : Yes 12.00 19.00 8 Out of Last Earned : Yes 18.00 19.00 8 Overall GPA : Yes 2.000 2.840 The evaluation displays in the order of major, minor(s), major auxiliary requirements, minor auxiliary requirements, major residency, minor residency, general education, upper-division hours, and senior college hours. Other requirements display as appropriate depending on the major and/or minor selected. The evaluation is built in this order to ensure the appropriate courses are used in the major first and then the minor to honor the rule that no course used in a major or minor can be used in another major or minor. The final area is Coursework, which shows all college-level coursework that could be used toward requirements, if appropriate. Each area will display if MET or NOT MET and every individual requirement under the area will display as MET or NOT MET. Some requirements are built with specific course numbers, some use ranges of course numbers, some use rules, and some use attributes. Attributes are codes used on specific courses to link them to requirements. The General Education requirements are built using attributes to assist with honoring the TBR General Education program. Upper-division courses are built with a UD attribute, and the senior college hours are built with a SRCR attribute. Every area will provide a summary of the hours and the GPA for the area, even if a minimum GPA is not required for that area. Candidacy requirement for Business majors: Area Requirements Met Area : AUX: Admission to Candidacy Met Condition Rule Yes Subject Credits Courses Required Used Required Used Attribute Low High Required Required Term Subject Course Title Credits Courses CANDIDACY for College of Business Attribute Credits Grade Source CBUS Total Credits and GPA : Major: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Area : MJR: BBA-Accounting Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : Yes 24.00 24.00 Area GPA : Yes 2.000 3.239 Required Accounting majors require the grade of "C" (2.000) or better in all Accounting courses. Used 8 Y 0 0.000 E 6/14/2011 Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes ACTG 3110 3.00 Yes AND ACTG 3120 3.00 Yes AND ACTG 3310 3.00 Yes AND ACTG 4510 3.00 Yes AND ACTG 4550 3.00 Yes AND ACTG 4650 3.00 Yes AND ( ACTG4620 3 HOURS FROM ACTG 4620 OR 4640 Yes )AND( 3 HOURS Upper division ACTG course Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Sourc e 200780 ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 B- T 200810 ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II 3.00 B T 201010 ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting 3.00 B H 201110 ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems 3.00 200980 ACTG 4550 Intro to Federal Income Tax 3.00 B H 200910 ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards 3.00 B H 201010 ACTG 4620 External Auditing I 3.00 A H 201080 ACTG 4680 Forensic Actg & Fraud Auditing 3.00 A H R ) Total Credits and GPA : 24.00 3.239 Minor: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Credits Area : MNR: Bus Admin-Accounting maj Courses Required Used Total Required : Yes 21.00 21.00 Area GPA : Yes 2.000 2.723 Required Used 7 The Business Administration minor for Business majors requires 21 hours with a 2.000 GPA. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Subject Course Title Credits Courses Yes ACTG Yes AND ( ACTG212 5 (or ACTG 2120) 2110 3.00 Attribute Credits Grade Source 2006 ACTG 80 2110 Principl es of Account ing I 3.00 B- T 2007 ACTG 10 2120 Principl es of Account ing II 3.00 B- T 6/14/2011 Yes )AND( BLAW 3400 3.00 Yes )AND( FIN 3010 3.00 Yes )AND( INFS 3100 3.00 Yes )AND( MGMT 3610 3.00 Yes )AND( MKT 3820 3.00 2007 BLAW 80 ELLD LD:Busi ness Law I 3.00 B T 2007 FIN 80 3000 Principl es of Financia l Mgmt 3.00 D T 2010 INFS 10 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info System s 3.00 B H 2011 MGMT 10 3610 Principl es of Manage ment 3.00 2008 MKT 10 ELUD UD: Marketi ng and Promoti ons 3.00 R A T ) Total Credits and GPA : 21.00 2.723 Major core for Business majors: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Credits Area : MJR: Coll of Bus Core Req. 07 Required Courses Used Total Required : Yes 45.00 45.00 Area GPA : Yes 2.000 2.906 Required Used 15 The College of Business core requires 45 hours with a 2.000 GPA. ECON 2410 is included in the core and will also satisfy 3 hours from the Social/Behavioral General Education requirement. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes ACTG 2110 3.00 Yes AND ( ACTG2125 (or ACTG 2120) Yes )AND( BCEN 3510 3.00 Yes )AND( BLAW 3400 3.00 Yes )AND( BUAD 4980 3.00 Yes )AND( ECON 2410 3.00 Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Sour 200680 ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I 3.00 B- T 200710 ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II 3.00 B- T 200910 BCEN 3510 Business Communication 3.00 B- H 200780 BLAW ELLD LD: Bus Law I 3.00 B T 201080 BUAD 4980 Business Policy 3.00 B H 200880 ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 B H 6/14/2011 Yes )AND( ECON 3210 3.00 Yes )AND( FIN 3010 3.00 Yes )AND( INFS 3100 3.00 Yes )AND( MGMT 3610 3.00 Yes )AND( MGMT 3620 3.00 Yes )AND( MKT 3820 3.00 Yes )AND( QM2610 Yes )AND( 3 HOURS QM 3620 3.00 200810 ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 B T 200980 ECON 3210 Financial Sys & The Economy 3.00 A H 200780 FIN 3000 Principles of Financial Mgmt 3.00 D T 201010 INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems 3.00 B H 201110 MGMT 3610 Principles of Management 3.00 201080 MGMT 3620 Operations Management 3.00 B H 200810 MKT ELUD UD: Marketing and Promotions 3.00 A T 200710 MATH 1530 Applied Statistics 3.00 B- T 200950 QM 3620 Statistical Methods II 3.00 B H R ) Total Credits and GPA : 45.00 2.906 College of Business residency: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Credits Area : RES: ACTG - 50% Bus MTSU Total Required : Yes Max Transfer : Courses Required Used Required Used 30.00 30.00 10 0 0 0 30 hours (50%) of the required Business courses must be taken at MTSU. Met Condition Rule Yes Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses 30 Business HOURS courses at MTSU Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201010 ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting 3.00 B H 201110 ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems 3.00 200980 ACTG 4550 Intro to Federal Income Tax 3.00 B H 201010 ACTG 4620 External Auditing I 3.00 A H 200910 ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards 3.00 B H 201080 ACTG 4680 Forensic Actg & Fraud Auditing 3.00 A H 200910 BCEN 3510 Business 3.00 B- H R 6/14/2011 Communication 201080 BLAW 3430 Commercial Law 3.00 A H 201080 BUAD 4980 Business Policy 3.00 B H 201010 INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems 3.00 B H Total Credits and GPA : 30.00 3.297 Major auxiliary: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Area : AUX: Accounting Total Required : Credits Required Yes Courses Used Required Used 21.00 7 7 MATH 1630 is a prerequisite for Q M 2610. This course will satisfy the MATH requirement for General Education also. ECON 2410 is required for Business majors and will also satisfy 3 hours from the Social/Behavioral Sciences area of Gen Ed. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes BLAW 3430 1 Yes AND ECON 2410 1 Yes AND ( ACT Grade G of C or 2110 better Yes )AND( ACT ACTG G21 2120or2 20 125 - C or better Yes )AND( CO COMM MM2 2200 200 Yes )AND( INF INFS S22 2200 00 Yes )AND( MAT MATH H16 1630 30 Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201080 BLAW 3430 Comm ercial Law 3.00 A H 200880 ECON 2410 Principl es of Macroe conomi cs 3.00 B H 200680 ACTG 2110 Principl es of Accoun ting I 3.00 B- T 200710 ACTG 2120 Principl es of Accoun ting II 3.00 B- T 200980 COMM 2200 Funda mental s of Comm unicati on 3.00 A H 200910 INFS 2200 Introdu ction to Microc omputi ng 3.00 C H 200880 MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci 3.00 B H 6/14/2011 ) Total Credits and GPA : 21.00 3.049 Major residency: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Area : RES: Accounting Credits Courses Required Used Required Used Total Required : Yes 12.00 12.00 4 Required Institutional: Yes 12.00 12.00 4 At least 12 semester hours (50%) of upper-division level courses in the Accounting major must be completed at MTSU. Met Condition Rule Yes Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses 12 Upper HOURS Division at MTSU Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201010 ACTG 3310 Cost UD Accounting 3.00 201110 ACTG 4510 Accounting UD Systems 3.00 200980 ACTG 4550 Intro to Federal Income Tax UD 3.00 B H 201010 ACTG 4620 External Auditing I UD 3.00 A H Total Credits and GPA : B H R 12.00 3.333 Minor residency: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Area : RES MNR: Business Admin Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : Yes 3.00 3.00 Required Used 1 Required Institutional: Yes 3.00 3.00 1 At least 3 semester hours of upper-division level courses in the Business Administration minor must be completed at MTSU. Met Condition Rule Yes Subject 3 Upper HOURS Division at MTSU Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Subject Course Title 201080 BLAW 3430 Attribute Credits Grade Source Commercial UD Law Total Credits and GPA : 3.00 A 3.00 4.000 H 6/14/2011 General Education: This sections shows the General Education requirements and what has met them. These requirements were built using attributes, allowing for the incorporation of the TBR specific general education courses so the evaluation will automatically select them and reducing the need for substitutions. Area Requirements Met Credits Area : General Education Requirements Total Required : Courses Required Used Yes 41.00 Required Used 41.00 14 Met Description General Requirements Met Detail Requirements Met Yes Communication Yes Yes Yes History Yes Yes Yes Humanities/Fine Arts Yes Yes Yes Mathematics Yes Yes Yes Natural Science Yes Yes Yes Social/Behavioral Science Yes Yes Group Requirements Met Group : Communication Total Required : Credits Required Yes Courses Used Required Used 9.00 3 3 Must complete the following courses: ENGL 1010, 1020; and COMM 2200. ENGL 1010 and 1020 require a C- or better effective Fall 1995. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Subject Course Title Credits Courses Yes A: ENGL 1010 Yes AND B: ENGL 1020 Yes AND C: COMM 2200 Attribute Credits Grade Source 20068 ENGL 0 1010 Exposito GE1T ry Writing 3.00 C T 20088 ENGL 0 1020 Researc GE21 h and Arg Writing 3.00 C+ H 20098 COMM 0 2200 Fundam GCC1 entals of Commu nication 3.00 A H 6/14/2011 Group Requirements Met Group : History Credits Required Total Required : Yes Courses Used Required Used 6.00 2 2 Choose 6 hours from: HIST 2010, 2020, or 2030. Met Condition Rule Subject Yes A: Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Gen Ed: American History Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200910 HIST 2010 Survey GHH1 United States History I 3.00 B H 201050 HIST 2020 Survey GHH1 United States Hist II 3.00 B- H Group Requirements Met Group : Humanities/Fine Arts Total Required : Credits Required Yes Courses Used Required Used 9.00 3 3 Complete 9 hours from the following (must be different prefixes): Literature (3 hours): ENGL 2020, 2030; or HUM 2610 Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours): ANTH 2210; ART 1030, 1910, 1920; DANC 1000; HIST 1010, 1020, 1110, 1120; MUS 1030; PHIL 1030; OR THEA 1030. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes A: Gen Ed: Literatur e Yes AND ( B: Gen Ed: Humanit ies ) Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200910 ENGL 2030 The GFL1 Experi ence of Literatu re 3.00 B H 200710 HIST ELLD LD:Wo GFHT rld Views: History 3.00 C T 200880 THEA 1030 Theatr GFH1 e Apprec iation 3.00 A H 6/14/2011 Group Requirements Met Group : Mathematics Total Required : Credits Courses Required Yes Used Required Used 3.00 1 1 Choose 1 course from: MATH 1010, 1530, 1630, 1710, 1720, 1730, 1810, 1910 Met Condition Rule Subject Yes A: Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Gen Ed: Mathematics Subject Course Title 200880 MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci Attribute Credits Grade Source GMM1 3.00 B H Group Requirements Met Group : Natural Science Credits Required Courses Used Required Used Choose 2 different non-sequential courses: ASTR 1030/1031; BIOL 1030/1031, 1110/1111, 2010/2011, 2020/2021; CHEM 1010/1011, 1030/1031, 1110/1111; 1130/1131; GEOL 1030/1031, 1040/1041; PHYS 1110, 1130/1131, 2010/2011, 2110/2111; or PSCI 1030/1031. Met Condition Rule Subject Yes A: Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Gen Ed: Natural Sciences Subject Course Title 200980 GEOL 1030 Introduction GNS1 to Earth Science 3.00 D+ H 200980 GEOL 1031 Intro to Earth Science Lab GNS1 1.00 A H 201050 PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science GNS1 4.00 B H Group Requirements Met Group : Social/Behavioral Science Total Required : Credits Required Yes Attribute Credits Grade Source Courses Used Required Used 6.00 2 2 Choose 2 courses with different prefixes: AAS 2100; ANTH 2010; ECON 2410; GEOG 2000; GS 2010; HLTH 1530/1531; JOUR/EMC/RIM 1020; PS 1010, 2010; PSY 1410; SOC 1010, 2010; or WMST 2100. 6/14/2011 Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Subject Course Title Credits Courses Yes A: Gen Ed: Social/B ehavior al Sci Attribute Credits 2008 80 ECON 2410 Principles GSB1 of Macroecon omics 3.00 2011 10 HLTH 1530 Health and GSB1 Wellness 3.00 Grade Source B H R 42 hours upper-division: what is required and what has satisfied the requirement Area Requirements Met Area : HRS: 42 Upper Division Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : Yes 42.00 42.00 Area GPA : Yes 2.000 3.500 Required Used 14 At least 42 hours of junior and senior (3000-4000 level) courses must be completed with a 2.000 GPA or better. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes 42 42 UD Upper HRS Division Hours Req. Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200810 ACTG 3120 Intermediate UD Accounting II 3.00 B T 201110 ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems UD 3.00 201010 ACTG 4620 External Auditing I UD 3.00 A H 200910 ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards UD 3.00 B H 201080 ACTG 4680 Forensic UD Actg & Fraud Auditing 3.00 A H 201080 BLAW 3430 Commercial Law UD 3.00 A H 200810 BLAW ELUD UD: Bus Law UD II Bus Ethics 3.00 B T 200980 ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy UD 3.00 A H 201010 INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt UD Info Systems 3.00 B H 201110 MGMT 3610 Principles of UD Management 3.00 200780 MGMT 4710 International UD Business 3.00 B T 200810 MKT ELUD UD: Marketing and Promotions UD 3.00 A T 201080 PHED 3300 First Aid and UD 3.00 A H R R 6/14/2011 Safety Education 200950 QM 3620 Statistical Methods II UD Total Credits and GPA : 3.00 B H 42.00 3.500 30 hours upper-division at MTSU: what is required and what has satisfied the requirement Area Requirements Met Credits Area : HRS: 30 MTSU Upper Division Required Courses Used Required Used Total Required : Yes 30.00 30.00 10 Required Institutional: Yes 30.00 30.00 10 A minimum of 30 semester hours of junior and senior (3000-4000 level) courses must be completed at MTSU. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes 30 30 UD MTSU HRS Upper Division Hours Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201110 ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems UD 3.00 201010 ACTG 4620 External Auditing I UD 3.00 A H 200910 ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards UD 3.00 B H 201080 ACTG 4680 Forensic UD Actg & Fraud Auditing 3.00 A H 201080 BLAW 3430 Commercial Law UD 3.00 A H 201080 BUAD 4980 Business Policy UD 3.00 B H 200980 ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy UD 3.00 A H 201110 MGMT 3610 Principles of UD Management 3.00 201080 MGMT 3620 Operations UD Management 3.00 B H 201080 PHED First Aid and UD Safety Education 3.00 A H 3300 Total Credits and GPA : 60 hours senior college credit: what is required and what has satisfied the requirement Area Requirements R R 30.00 3.625 6/14/2011 Met Credits Area : HRS: 60 Senior College Credit Total Required : Required Yes 60.00 Courses Used Required 61.00 Used 21 Senior college hours are hours earned from a four-year institution. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes A: Senior College Credit Hours Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200810 ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II SRCR 3.00 B T 201010 ACTG 4620 External Auditing SRCR I 3.00 A H 200910 ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards SRCR 3.00 B H 201080 ACTG 4680 Forensic Actg & Fraud Auditing SRCR 3.00 A H 201080 BLAW 3430 Commercial Law SRCR 3.00 A H 200780 BLAW ELLD LD:Business Law I SRCR 3.00 B T 200810 BLAW ELUD UD: Bus Law II Bus Ethics SRCR 3.00 B T 200980 COMM 2200 Fundamentals of SRCR Communication 3.00 A H 200880 ECON 2410 Principles of SRCR Macroeconomics 3.00 B H 200810 ECON 2420 Principles of SRCR Microeconomics 3.00 B T 200980 ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy SRCR 3.00 A H 200910 ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature SRCR 3.00 B H 200980 GEOL 1031 Intro to Earth Science Lab SRCR 1.00 A H 200910 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I SRCR 3.00 B H 200810 HIST ELLD LD: The Ancient SRCR World 3.00 A T 200880 MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci SRCR 3.00 B H 200780 MGMT 4710 International Business SRCR 3.00 B T 200710 MKT ELLD LD:Principles of Marketing SRCR 3.00 A T 200810 MKT ELUD UD: Marketing and Promotions SRCR 3.00 A T 201080 PHED 3300 First Aid and SRCR Safety Education 3.00 A H 200880 THEA 1030 Theatre Appreciation 3.00 A H Total Credits and GPA : SRCR 61.00 3.508 6/14/2011 57 hours outside the College of Business: what is required and what has satisfied the requirements Area Requirements Met Credits Area : HRS: Outside College of Bus Total Required : Required Yes 57.00 Courses Used Required 57.00 20 Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes 100 ZZZZ 57.00 Used Subject Course Title 201110 ABAS 2500 Attribute Credits Grade Source Wine Appreciation 3.00 200980 COMM 2200 Fundamentals of Communication 3.00 A H 200880 ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 B H 200810 ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 B T 200980 ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy 3.00 A H 200680 ELEC ELLD LD:Higher Ed A New Experience 3.00 C T 200880 ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing 3.00 C+ H 200910 ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature 3.00 B H 200980 GEOL 1031 Intro to Earth Science Lab 1.00 A H 200910 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I 3.00 B H 201050 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II 3.00 B- H 200810 HIST ELLD LD: The Ancient World 3.00 A T 200710 MATH 1530 Applied Statistics 3.00 B- T 200880 MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci 3.00 B H 201110 PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling 1.00 201080 PHED 3300 First Aid and Safety Education 3.00 A H 201050 PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science 4.00 B H 200710 PSY 1410 General Psychology 3.00 C T 200950 QM 3620 Statistical Methods II 3.00 B H 200880 THEA 1030 Theatre Appreciation 3.00 A H Total Credits and GPA : R R 57.00 3.113 6/14/2011 Coursework: This area lists all courses that could be used to fulfill degree requirements and is for informational purposes only. Area Requirements Met Area : AUX: Coursework Total Required : No Credits Courses Required Used 400.00 147.00 Required Used 50 This section includes all coursework that can be used toward degree requirements. This is NOT a requirement that must be Met and is for informational purposes only. Disregard the GPA in this area as this may not be accurate if you have excessive repeats or failing grades. The Overall GPA under the Program Evaluation block displays your accurate cumulative/Overall GPA required for graduation Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Yes Required Required Term Credits Courses 100 ZZZZZ 0 Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201110 ABAS 2500 Wine Appreciation 3.00 R 200680 ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I 3.00 B- T 200710 ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II 3.00 B- T 200780 ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 B- T 200810 ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II 3.00 B T 201010 ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting 3.00 B H 201110 ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems 3.00 200980 ACTG 4550 Intro to Federal Income Tax 3.00 B H 201010 ACTG 4620 External Auditing I 3.00 A H 200910 ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards 3.00 B H 201080 ACTG 4680 Forensic Actg & Fraud Auditing 3.00 A H 200780 ACTG ELLD LD:Managerial/Cost Accounting 3.00 B- T 200910 BCEN 3510 Business Communication 3.00 B- H 201080 BLAW 3430 Commercial Law 3.00 A H 200780 BLAW ELLD LD:Business Law I 3.00 B T 200810 BLAW ELUD UD: Bus Law II Bus Ethics 3.00 B T 201080 BUAD 4980 R Business Policy 3.00 B H 200980 COMM 2200 Fundamentals of Communication 3.00 A H 200880 ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 B H 200810 ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 B T 200980 ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy 3.00 A H 6/14/2011 200680 ELEC ELLD LD:Higher Ed A New Experience 3.00 C T 200680 ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3.00 C T 200880 ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing 3.00 C+ H 200910 ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature 3.00 B H 200780 FIN 3000 Principles of Financial Mgmt 3.00 D T 200810 FIN ELUD UD: Basic Investing 3.00 C- T 200980 GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science 3.00 D+ H 200980 GEOL 1031 Intro to Earth Science Lab 1.00 A H 200910 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I 3.00 B H 201050 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II 3.00 B- H 200710 HIST ELLD LD:World Views:History 3.00 C T 200810 HIST ELLD LD: The Ancient World 3.00 A T 201110 HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness 3.00 200910 INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing 3.00 C H 201010 INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems 3.00 B H 200710 MATH 1530 Applied Statistics 3.00 B- T 200880 MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci 3.00 B H 201110 MGMT 3610 Principles of Management 3.00 201080 MGMT 3620 Operations Management 3.00 B H 200780 MGMT 4710 International Business 3.00 B T 200680 MGMT ELLD LD:Principles of Management 3.00 D+ T 200710 MKT ELLD LD:Principles of Marketing 3.00 A T 200810 MKT ELUD UD: Marketing and Promotions 3.00 A T 201110 PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling 1.00 201080 PHED 3300 First Aid and Safety Education 3.00 A H 201050 PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science 4.00 B H 200710 PSY 1410 General Psychology 3.00 C T 200950 QM 3620 Statistical Methods II 3.00 B H R R R 6/14/2011 200880 THEA 1030 Theatre Appreciation 3.00 A H 200880 THEA 1030 Theatre Appreciation 3.00 A H At the bottom of the evaluation, you will see links that will take you to the transcript and to the transfer evaluation. [ Previous Evaluations | Generate New Evaluation | What-If Analysis | Transcript(Advisor) | Transfer Evaluation(Advisor) | ID Selection ] What-if Analysis allows you to request a new evaluation for what-if scenarios by selecting a catalog, major, concentration, and/or minors. If selecting What-if Analysis, then follow the steps listed to select a catalog, major, concentration, and minors. You will also have the option to select the “Use In-Progress Courses” if you want to use a student‟s current and priority registration. Select the student‟s catalog term and click „Continue.‟ 6/14/2011 Select a program from the drop down menu and click „Continue.‟ Use the drop down menu by First major and click on the major. If there are no concentrations or minors, click on „Submit;‟ otherwise, click on „Add More.‟ 6/14/2011 If there is a concentration, click on the drop down menu and click on the highlighted concentration. If there are no minors, click on „Submit;‟ otherwise, click on „Add More.‟ If there are one or more minors, select from the drop down menu, then click on „Submit.‟ 6/14/2011 The curriculum for the What-If Analysis will come up. Click on „Use In-Progress Courses,‟ if desired, and click on „Generate Request.‟ Please note that the „Use In–Progress Courses‟ option is not available for students. The second sample is for a BS-Psychology major that still lacks requirements and does not display inprogress courses. Student Details ID : M00000001 Program Description A common set of core courses is required of all Psychology majors. The specific interests and career goals of each student determine the remainder of the program. The curriculum is arranged to provide familiarity with scientific bases of psychology for students preparing for careers in a variety of professions; the knowledge and skills necessary for graduate work in psychology; and the academic preparation and technical skills for students who plan to work in health-related, business and/or research settings after completing their undergraduate work. Program : BS -Psychology Catalog Term : Fall 2007 Campus: - Evaluation Term : Spring 2011 College : Behavioral and Health Sciences Expected Graduation Date : Aug 13, 2011 Degree: Bachelor of Science Request Number : 10 Level : Undergraduate Results as of : Mar 03, 2011 Majors : Psychology Minors : Mental Health Services Sociology Departments : Psychology Concentrations : 6/14/2011 Program Evaluation Met Credits Courses Required Used Required Used Total Required : No 120.00 98.00 32 Required Institutional: Yes 30.00 36.00 12 Last Number Institutional Required : Yes 12.00 20.00 8 Out of Last Earned : Yes 18.00 20.00 8 Overall GPA : Yes 2.000 3.133 Area Requirements Met Area : MJR: Psychology Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : No 38.00 30.00 Area GPA : Yes 2.000 2.667 Required Used 10 The major in Psychology requires a minimum of 38 semester hours, including 12 hours of psychology electives. The requirement to complete ENGL 3500 or 3520 if a B- or better is not received in ENGL 1010 and 1020 is no longer required. Complete the following: PSY 1410, 2210, 2300, 3020, 3070/3071 A: Complete 1 of the following: PSY 3230 or 3590 B: Complete 1 of the following: PSY 4030 or 4240 C: Complete 1 of the following: PSY 4040 or 4480 D: Complete 9 hours upper division PSY electives E: Complete 3 hours PSY electives Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes ( PSY 1410 No )AND( PSY 2000 Yes )AND( PSY 2210 Yes )AND( PSY 2300 Yes )AND( PSY 3020 No )AND( Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Sourc e 200680 PSY 1410 General Psychology 3.00 A T 200980 PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior 3.00 B H 200910 PSY 2300 Developmental Psy 3.00 B T 201010 PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science 3.00 C H 200980 PSY 3230 Abnormal Psychology 3.00 B- H 201080 PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception 3.00 C H PSY PSY 3070 3070 or PSY 3070/3071 Yes )AND( A: PSY 3230 or PSY 3590 Yes )AND( B: PSY 4030 or PSY 4240 6/14/2011 Yes )AND( C: PSY 4040 or PSY 4480 No D: 9 hrs Upper Division PSY Elect )AND( Yes )AND( E: 3 hours PSY elective 201080 PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology 3.00 B H 201010 PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy 3.00 C H 201010 PSY 4190 Child Psychology 3.00 C H 200710 PSY ELLD LD: General Psychology 3.00 B T ) Total Credits and GPA : 30.00 2.667 Area Requirements Met Credits Area : MNR: Mental Health Services Courses Required Used Total Required : No 15.00 0 Area GPA : No 2.000 0.000 Required Used 0 The Mental Health Services minor required 15 hours of coursework and prepares students for entry-level positions in mental health settings. It is designed for students planning to work in mental health, health care, social services, and other settings where they would deal with mental health issues, including careers such as social work, counseling, medicine, gerontology, health education, and child and family services. Complete PSY 3230 A: Complete 1 from the following: PSY 4110 or 4655 B: Complete 1 from the following Developmental/Diversity group: PSY 3250, 4210, 4600, 4610, 4620, 4190 or CDFS 2350 AND CDFS 3310, PSY 4720 or SOC 4240 C: Complete 1 from the following Skills group: PSY 4400, 4470, 4650 D: Complete 1 from the following Theory and Application group: PSY 3240, 3590, 4250, 4260, 4460, 4630, 4655 Recommended but not required: PSY 4740, 4750, 4760 Met Condition Rule Subject No ( PSY No )AND( A: PSY 4110 or 4655 No )AND( B: 3 hours Development/Diversity No )AND( C: 3 hours Skills No )AND( D: 3 hours Theory & Application Attribute Low High Required Required Term Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source Credits Courses 3230 ) Total Credits and GPA 0 0.000 : 6/14/2011 Area Requirements Met Area : MNR: Sociology Total Required : No Credits Courses Required Used 18.00 15.00 Required Used 5 The minor in Sociology requires 18 semester hours of sociology including SOC 1010 and 15 hours of SOC electives. Students choosing a minor are encouraged to select a sequence of courses that enhances a career path. Met Condition Rule Subject Yes SOC No AND Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses 1010 3.00 15 SOCIOLOGY HOURS ELECTIVES Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201010 SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology 3.00 A H 200780 SOC 2500 Marriage & Family 3.00 A T 200980 SOC 4010 Social Inequality 3.00 C- H 201080 SOC 4150 Topics in Sociology 3.00 B H 201080 SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency 3.00 A H Total Credits and GPA : 15.00 3.334 Area Requirements Met Area : AUX: Psychology Math Req Total Required : Yes Credits Courses Required Used 3.00 3.00 Required Used 1 The Psychology and Industrial/Organizational Psychology majors require the completion of MATH 1710 or MATH 1730. This will also satisfy the Math General Education requirement. Met Condition Rule Yes Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses MATH MATH 1710 or 1730 Subject Course Title 200980 MATH 1710 Attribute Credits Grade Source College Algebra Total Credits and GPA : Area Requirements Met Area : RES: Psychology Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : Yes 9.00 9.00 Required Used 3 Required Institutional: Yes 9.00 9.00 3 At least 9 semester hours of upper-division level courses in the Psychology major must be completed at MTSU. 3.00 B 3.00 3.000 H 6/14/2011 Met Condition Rule Yes Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses 9 Upper HOURS Division at MTSU Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201010 PSY 3020 Basic Stats UD Behavior Science 3.00 C H 200980 PSY 3230 Abnormal UD Psychology 3.00 B- H 201080 PSY 4040 Intro to UD Cognitive Psychology 3.00 B H Total Credits and GPA : 9.00 2.557 Area Requirements Met Area : RES MNR: Mental Health Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : Yes 3.00 3.00 Required Used 1 Required Institutional: Yes 3.00 3.00 1 At least 3 semester hours of upper-division level courses in the Mental Health minor must be completed at MTSU. Met Condition Rule Yes Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses 3 Upper HOURS Division at MTSU Subject Course Title 200980 PSY 3230 Attribute Credits Grade Source Abnormal UD Psychology Total Credits and GPA : 3.00 B- H 3.00 2.670 Area Requirements Met Area : RES MNR: Sociology Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : Yes 3.00 3.00 Required Used 1 Required Institutional: Yes 3.00 3.00 1 At least 3 semester hours of upper-division level courses in the Sociology minor must be completed at MTSU. Met Condition Rule Yes Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses 3 Upper HOURS Division at MTSU Subject Course Title 201080 SOC 4540 Attribute Credits Grade Source Juvenile UD Delinquency Total Credits and GPA : 3.00 A 3.00 4.000 H 6/14/2011 Area Requirements Met Credits Area : General Education Requirements Total Required : Courses Required Used 41.00 38.00 No Required Used 12 Met Description General Requirements Met Detail Requirements Met No No No Yes History Communication Yes Yes Yes Humanities/Fine Arts Yes Yes Yes Mathematics Yes Yes Yes Natural Science Yes Yes Yes Social/Behavioral Science Yes Yes Group Requirements Met Group : Communication Credits Courses Required Total Required : No Used Required Used 6.00 3 2 Must complete the following courses: ENGL 1010, 1020; and COMM 2200. ENGL 1010 and 1020 require a C- or better effective Fall 1995. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source Yes A: ENGL 1010 200810 ENGL 1010 Expository GE11 Writing 3.00 C T Yes AND B: ENGL 1020 200880 ENGL 1020 Res & Arg GE21 Writing 3.00 B T No C: COMM 2200 AND Group Requirements Met Group : History Credits Required Total Required : Yes Courses Used Required Used 6.00 2 2 Choose 6 hours from: HIST 2010, 2020, or 2030. Met Condition Rule Subject Yes A: Gen Ed: American History Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200880 HIST 2010 Survey GHHT of US History I 3.00 A T 200810 HIST 2020 Survey GHHT of US History II 3.00 A T 6/14/2011 Group Requirements Met Group : Humanities/Fine Arts Credits Courses Required Total Required : Yes Used Required Used 9.00 3 3 Complete 9 hours from the following (must be different prefixes): Literature (3 hours): ENGL 2020, 2030; or HUM 2610 Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours): ANTH 2210; ART 1030, 1910, 1920; DANC 1000; HIST 1010, 1020, 1110, 1120; MUS 1030; PHIL 1030; OR THEA 1030. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source Yes A: Gen Ed: Literature 200910 ENGL 2030 Experience GFL1 of Lit 3.00 C T Yes AND ( B: Gen Ed: Humanities 200810 ART 1030 Orientation GFHT to Art 3.00 B T 200780 MUS 1030 Introduction GFHT to Music 3.00 A T ) Group Requirements Met Group : Mathematics Credits Required Total Required : Yes Courses Used Required Used 3.00 1 1 Choose 1 course from: MATH 1010, 1530, 1630, 1710, 1720, 1730, 1810, 1910 Met Condition Rule Subject Yes A: Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Gen Ed: Mathematics Subject Course Title 200910 MATH 1530 Attribute Credits Grade Source Applied GMM1 Stat 3.00 B T Group Requirements Met Group : Natural Science Credits Required Courses Used Required Used Choose 2 different non-sequential courses: ASTR 1030/1031; BIOL 1030/1031, 1110/1111, 2010/2011, 2020/2021; CHEM 1010/1011, 1030/1031, 1110/1111; 1130/1131; GEOL 1030/1031, 1040/1041; PHYS 1110, 1130/1131, 2010/2011, 2110/2111; or PSCI 1030/1031. Met Condition Rule Subject Yes A: Gen Ed: Natural Sciences Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200880 BIOL 1030 Topics GNS1 In Biology 4.00 B T 200810 PSCI 1030 Topics GNST In 4.00 B T 6/14/2011 Phys Sci Group Requirements Met Group : Social/Behavioral Science Credits Required Total Required : Yes Courses Used Required Used 6.00 2 2 Choose 2 courses with different prefixes: AAS 2100; ANTH 2010; ECON 2410; GEOG 2000; GS 2010; HLTH 1530/1531; JOUR/EMC/RIM 1020; PS 1010, 2010; PSY 1410; SOC 1010, 2010; or WMST 2100. Met Condition Rule Subject Yes A: Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Gen Ed: Social/Behavioral Sci Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200680 PSY 1410 General GSBT Psychology 3.00 A T 201010 SOC 1010 Introductory GSB1 Sociology 3.00 A H Area Requirements Met Area : HRS: 42 Upper Division Credits Courses Required Used Total Required : No 42.00 27.00 Area GPA : Yes 2.000 2.482 Required Used 9 At least 42 hours of junior and senior (3000-4000 level) courses must be completed with a 2.000 GPA or better. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses No 42 42 UD Upper HRS Division Hours Req. Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201010 PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science UD 3.00 C H 200980 PSY 3230 Abnormal Psychology UD 3.00 B- H 201010 PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy UD 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception UD 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology UD 3.00 B H 201010 PSY 4190 Child Psychology UD 3.00 C H 200980 SOC 4010 Social Inequality UD 3.00 C- H 201080 SOC 4150 Topics in Sociology UD 3.00 B H 6/14/2011 201080 SOC 4540 Juvenile UD Delinquency Total Credits and GPA : 3.00 A H 27.00 2.482 Area Requirements Met Credits Area : HRS: 30 MTSU Upper Division Courses Required Used Total Required : No 30.00 27.00 Required Used 9 Required Institutional: No 30.00 27.00 9 A minimum of 30 semester hours of junior and senior (3000-4000 level) courses must be completed at MTSU. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses No 30 30 UD MTSU HRS Upper Division Hours Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 201010 PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science UD 3.00 C H 200980 PSY 3230 Abnormal Psychology UD 3.00 B- H 201010 PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy UD 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception UD 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology UD 3.00 B H 201010 PSY 4190 Child Psychology UD 3.00 C H 200980 SOC 4010 Social Inequality UD 3.00 C- H 201080 SOC 4150 Topics in Sociology UD 3.00 B H 201080 SOC 4540 Juvenile UD Delinquency 3.00 A H Total Credits and GPA : Area Requirements Met Credits Area : HRS: 60 Senior College Credit Total Required : No Courses Required Used 60.00 48.00 Senior college hours are hours earned from a four-year institution. Required Used 16 27.00 2.482 6/14/2011 Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses No A: Senior College Credit Hours Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200780 MATH 1010 Math For General Studies SRCR 3.00 A T 200980 MATH 1710 College Algebra SRCR 3.00 B H 200780 MUS 1030 Introduction SRCR to Music 3.00 A T 200980 PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior SRCR 3.00 B H 201010 PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science SRCR 3.00 C H 200980 PSY 3230 Abnormal Psychology SRCR 3.00 B- H 201010 PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy SRCR 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception SRCR 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology SRCR 3.00 B H 201010 PSY 4190 Child Psychology SRCR 3.00 C H 201010 SOC 1010 Introductory SRCR Sociology 3.00 A H 200780 SOC 2500 Marriage & Family SRCR 3.00 A T 200980 SOC 4010 Social Inequality SRCR 3.00 C- H 201080 SOC 4150 Topics in Sociology SRCR 3.00 B H 201080 SOC 4540 Juvenile SRCR Delinquency 3.00 A H 200780 UNIV 1010 University Seminar 3.00 A T SRCR Total Credits and GPA : 48.00 3.021 Area Requirements Met Area : HRS: 90 Non-Business Total Required : Yes Credits Courses Required Used 90.00 92.00 Required Used 30 Students must complete, at minimum, 90 hours outside of the College of Business. Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Required Required Term Credits Courses Yes 100 ZZZZ 90.00 Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200810 ART 1030 Orientation to Art 3.00 B T 200880 BIOL 1030 Topics In 4.00 B T 6/14/2011 Biology 200880 COMM ELLD LD:Intro to Communication 3.00 A T 200910 CSCI 1150 Computer Science Orientation 3.00 A T 200810 ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3.00 C T 200880 ENGL 1020 Res & Arg Writing 3.00 B T 200910 ENGL 2030 Experience of Lit 3.00 C T 200910 GEOG 1030 Physical Geography 3.00 A T 200880 HIST 2010 Survey of US History I 3.00 A T 200810 HIST 2020 Survey of US History II 3.00 A T 200780 MATH 1010 Math For General Studies 3.00 A T 200910 MATH 1530 Applied Stat 3.00 B T 200980 MATH 1710 College Algebra 3.00 B H 200780 MUS 1030 Introduction to Music 3.00 A T 200810 PSCI 1030 Topics In Phys Sci 4.00 B T 200680 PSY 1410 General Psychology 3.00 A T 200880 PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment 3.00 B T 200980 PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior 3.00 B H 200910 PSY 2300 Developmental Psy 3.00 B T 201010 PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science 3.00 C H 200980 PSY 3230 Abnormal Psychology 3.00 B- H 201010 PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology 3.00 B H 201010 PSY 4190 Child Psychology 3.00 C H 200710 PSY ELLD LD: General Psychology 3.00 B T 201010 SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology 3.00 A H 200780 SOC 2500 Marriage & Family 3.00 A T 201080 SOC 4150 Topics in Sociology 3.00 B H 201080 SOC 4540 Juvenile 3.00 A H 6/14/2011 Delinquency 200780 UNIV 1010 University Seminar Total Credits and GPA : 3.00 A T 92.00 3.218 Area Requirements Met Area : AUX: Coursework Total Required : No Credits Courses Required Used 400.00 98.00 Required Used 32 This section includes all coursework that can be used toward degree requirements. This is NOT a requirement that must be Met and is for informational purposes only. Disregard the GPA in this area as this may not be accurate if you have excessive repeats or failing grades. The Overall GPA under the Program Evaluation block displays your accurate cumulative/Overall GPA required for graduation Met Condition Rule Subject Attribute Low High Yes Required Required Term Credits Courses 100 ZZZZZ 0 Subject Course Title Attribute Credits Grade Source 200810 ART 1030 Orientation to Art 3.00 B T 200880 BIOL 1030 Topics In Biology 4.00 B T 200880 COMM ELLD LD:Intro to Communication 3.00 A T 200910 CSCI 1150 Computer Science Orientation 3.00 A T 200810 ENGL 1010 Expository Writing 3.00 C T 200880 ENGL 1020 Res & Arg Writing 3.00 B T 200910 ENGL 2030 Experience of Lit 3.00 C T 200910 GEOG 1030 Physical Geography 3.00 A T 200880 HIST 2010 Survey of US History I 3.00 A T 200810 HIST 2020 Survey of US History II 3.00 A T 200780 MATH 1010 Math For General Studies 3.00 A T 200910 MATH 1530 Applied Stat 3.00 B T 200980 MATH 1710 College Algebra 3.00 B H 200780 MUS 1030 Introduction to Music 3.00 A T 200810 PSCI 1030 Topics In Phys Sci 4.00 B T 200680 PSY 1410 General Psychology 3.00 A T 200880 PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment 3.00 B T 6/14/2011 200980 PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior 3.00 B H 200910 PSY 2300 Developmental Psy 3.00 B T 201010 PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science 3.00 C H 200980 PSY 3230 Abnormal Psychology 3.00 B- H 201010 PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception 3.00 C H 201080 PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology 3.00 B H 201010 PSY 4190 Child Psychology 3.00 C H 200710 PSY ELLD LD: General Psychology 3.00 B T 201010 SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology 3.00 A H 200780 SOC 2500 Marriage & Family 3.00 A T 200980 SOC 4010 Social Inequality 3.00 C- H 201080 SOC 4150 Topics in Sociology 3.00 B H 201080 SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency 3.00 A H 200780 UNIV 1010 University Seminar 3.00 A T Total Credits and GPA : 98.00 3.133