Promotion Tenure

Promotion & Tenure
New Faculty Workshop
April 8, 2016
Purpose of Today’s Workshop
Reduce stress
 Understand the process
 Plot-out your strategy
Having a great faculty is the key to having
a great university
 We try to develop that great faculty
 Retention of faculty through promotion
and tenure is the pathway
The Investment
You were hired to be successful.
MTSU has a big investment in you.
◦ Time, money and energy recruiting
◦ Start up funds
◦ Mentoring
P & T Policies
◦ Policy: 5:02:03:60 (Tenure)
◦ Policy: 5:02:02:20 (Promotion)
◦ II:01:05B (Tenure)
◦ II:01:05A (Promotion)
Departmental Policies
 All TBR and MTSU P & T policies are in
the Faculty Handbook
Probationary Review
Annual evaluations
 Third Year:
◦ Midpoint corrections
◦ Critical juncture
You should know where you stand in all
three areas
When Can I Be a Candidate?
To Associate Professor:
◦ At beginning of your 6th year (fulfill five
complete years in rank).
To Professor:
◦ After completion of 10 years in combined
ranks, 4 years as an associate professor (i.e.,
at beginning of your 5th year)
Application of past service credit upon
being hired toward tenure
To Associate
Promotion to the rank of Associate
Professor is based upon both
demonstrated performance and potential
 What have you accomplished since being
To Professor
Promotion to the rank of Professor is
based upon having achieved professional
and scholarly distinction.
◦ Evidence of outstanding teaching,
significant scholarship and professional
growth, service
◦ What have you accomplished since last
◦ Concept of identity as a scholar
Threshold Concept
Review Process
Spring announcement of upcoming calendar
 In the Fall:
◦ Preparation of Candidate Information
◦ Review by Dept., Chair, College, Dean
◦ Review by Vice Provost
Review by Provost
Review by President
Submission to TBR
Approval by TBR
TBR Approval to Switch to MTSU Board of Trustees
Primary variable
 Narrative statement
by candidate on
teaching philosophy
 Student evaluations
 Optional peer
Exceptional teachers will:
Show command of their subject,
Be creative and imaginative,
Be enthusiastic,
Promote critical thinking,
Stimulate their students to improved
◦ Engage in and use research, and
◦ Be outstanding communicators
Scholarship/Creative Activity
Focused approach to scholarship identity
Continuous growth through time
Trends from local to regional to national and
Articles, Monographs, Paper Presentations,
Creative Works, Funded Research
Narrative statement by candidate on
research/creative activity philosophy
No magic numbers
Continuous service
 Departmental, College, University,
Professional Organizations
 Your role in student success initiatives
(e.g., advising, course redesign)
Some departments assign mentors
 Seek one out-does not need to be from
your department
 Consult your Chair and Dean
Promotion Exception Rule
Rarely granted
 Often hinges on exceptional scholarship
Appeals for Denial
Related to any alleged error in the review
process leading to a negative
 Violation of academic freedom
 Violation of TBR or University policies
 Violation of EEO
To be eligible for tenure, must hold rank
 Five years in rank minimal probationary
 Credit for prior service (max. 3 years)
 Stopping tenure clock (1 year)
 Consideration of teaching, scholarship,
 Termination of Tenure Policy
Myth 1
Tenure is a right. I will receive tenure
if I do a reasonable job.
◦ Tenure is a long-term commitment for the
◦ The University expects better than average
Myth 2
Getting tenure is tough. Most faculty
will not receive tenure.
◦ Faculty are hired on the assumption that they
will receive tenure.
◦ Approximately 85% of those who come up
for tenure and/or promotion @ MTSU
receive it.
 Some faculty members leave the University before
standing for tenure.
Myth 3
Only research and grant funding
◦ Performance in teaching, scholarship, and
service all count.
◦ The exact factors and their weights vary by
 Learn about your department.
Myth 4
I’ll get tenure/promotion if I have x
Teaching and service count
Quality counts
Level of contribution counts
Other factors contribute to scholarship (e.g.,
grant funding)
◦ No magic numbers!
Myth 5
If Professor X got tenure/promotion,
I’ll get tenure/promotion.
◦ Cases are judged on their merits relative to
standards, not in comparison to others.
◦ You may not know everything about
Professor X.
◦ Standards change over time.
Possible Future Policy Changes
Required peer teaching evaluation
 External analysis of scholarship
 Linkage of Tenure and Promotion
Stay focused: craft an identity for yourself
Demonstrate continuous growth
Take to heart annual evaluations
What have you accomplished since being
hired or last promotion?
Seek advice
Request peer teaching evaluation
Know the guidelines/policies
Approximately 85%-90% of candidates
successful annually for promotion