Institutional Effectiveness Achievement Report Management and Marketing: MS Management 2014­2015 Institutional Effectiveness Achievements Report Unit Head: Jill Austin Reports to: College of Business Mission: Use of Prior Results : This is a new degree program ­­ first assessment this academic year. Student Learning Outcome: CRITICAL ANALYSIS ­ STRATEGIC DECISION MAKING SKILLS ­ Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze data and generate potential alternatives to organizational problems. Measure 1: Rubric used in MGMT 6100 Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching course Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): Proficient or better = 68.4 % Marginal = 31.6 % Not acceptable = 0 Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Provide detailed handout to students that indicates expectations for achieving these skills. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Set a benchmark of 70 % of students to score proficient or excellent. Review rubric and adjust as necessary. Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Use of Prior Results : This is a new degree program ­­ first assessment this academic year. Student Learning Outcome: MANAGERIAL SKILLS ­ PLANNING SKILLS ­ Students will demonstrate expertise in developing and using project management tools for planning, implementing, and assessing projects related to their discipline of study. Measure 1: rubric in MGMT 6200 course Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching the course Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): Proficient or excellent = 87.5 % Marginal = 12.5 % Not acceptable = 0 Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Set a benchmark of 88 % of students to score proficient or excellent. Review rubric and adjust as necessary. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Use of Prior Results : This is a new degree program ­­ first assessment this academic year. Student Learning Outcome: MANAGERIAL SKILLS ­ HRM ­ Students will demonstrate knowledge of core competencies in human resource management. Measure 1: Rubric in MGMT 6680 course Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching course Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): Knowledge about labor laws 75 % meet expectation or better Legal Knowledge 97 % meet expectation or better HR Research Ability 100 % meet expectation or better Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Develop a list of competencies to be provided to students in the class to assist them in understanding the breadth of legal and human resource management requirements that are needed. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Evaluate rubric and adjust it based on results from study in 2015 of three categories of knowledge/skills needed. Set benchmark. Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Use of Prior Results : This is a new degree program ­­ first assessment this academic year. Student Learning Outcome: COMMMUNICATIONS ­ Students will demonstrate effective written communications skills for their managerial work. Measure 1: Rubric in MGMT 6790 (capstone course) Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching the class Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): Not enough students graduating from program yet to make assessment Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Refine rubric. First use of rubric in 2015­2016 to assess results due to new program just having graduates in the program who will take the course required for this assessment Set benchmark. Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Use of Prior Results : This is a new degree program ­­ first assessment this academic year. Student Learning Outcome: CRITICAL ANALYSIS ­ ETHICAL DECISION MAKING SKILLS ­ Students will apply Measure 1: rubric in MGMT 6750 course Person(s) Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Responsible: (include strengths & weaknesses): faculty Proficient = 81.8 % Excellent 8.2 % Supporting Document(s): Future Actions :Describe relevant ethical concepts to making organizational decisions. teaching course Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Proficient or better = 100% Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Spend additional time in class on discussion and application of the decision making process. Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Set a benchmark of 95 % score proficient or excellent. Review rubric and adjust as necessary. Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Use of Prior Results : This is a new degree program ­­ first assessment this academic year. Student Learning Outcome: MANAGERIAL SKILLS ­ DISCIPLINE SKILLS ­ Students will demonstrate knowledge and apply management skills required for the discipline. Measure 1: Rubric in not­for­profit management (MGMT 6400, 6790) Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching course Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): Partial results: MGMT 6750 Meet/exceet expectations = 87.5 % Unacceptable = 12.5 % Analysis for MGMT 6790 when adequate students are in graduating semester. Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Benchmark set at 88 % for NFP class assessment. Benchmark to be set for leadership next academic year due to small number of students. Benchmark set at 80 % for Supply Chain assessment Review rubric and make adjustments. The rubric will be used in spring 2016 to assess students completing the M.S. (MGMT 6790 class). Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Measure 2: Rubric for organizational leadership (MGMT 6740, 6790) Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching class Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Measure 3: Rubric for supply chain management (MGMT 6730, 6790) Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching course Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Use of Prior Results : This is a new degree program ­­ first assessment this academic year. Analysis of Results for Measure 2: (include strengths & weaknesses): Partial Results: MGMT 6740 Marginal = 50 % Proficient = 50 % Analysis for MGMT 6790 when adequate students are in graduating semester. Analysis of Results for Measure 3: (include strengths & weaknesses) proficient = 75 % marginal = 12. 5 % not acceptable = 12. 5 % Student Learning Outcome: COMMUNICATIONS ­ Students will demonstrate effective oral communicatioan skills for their managerial work Measure 1: rubric in MGMT 6790 (capstone course) Person(s) Responsible: faculty teaching course Completion Date: 06/30/2015 Analysis of Results for Measure 1. Supporting Document(s): (include strengths & weaknesses): Now enough students graduating from program yet to make assessment Future Actions :Describe Program Changes (adding a course, assignment, project, etc.): Future Actions :Describe Assessment Changes (measures such as rubrics, exams, diagnostic instruments, etc.): Refine rubric. First use of rubric to assess results in 2015 – 2016 due to new program just having graduates in the program who will take the course required for this assessment Set benchmark. Future Actions :Describe any additional resources needed (Leave blank if no additional resources are needed.): Report Date: Wed Aug 12 2015 16:58:54 CDT Close